Feature Channels: Neuro

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Released: 24-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Formation of the spinal cord in the embryo: the role of a family of proteins elucidated
Universite de Montreal

The discovery of the role of β-arrestins in the formation of the spinal cord at the embryonic stage opens up perspectives for exploring the mechanisms that would allow its lesions to be repaired.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Daily rhythms depend on receptor density in biological clock
Washington University in St. Louis

Tweaking the numbers of receptors in a key brain area changes the daily rhythms of rest and wake in mice, according to research from WashU, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

19-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Does Your Body Composition Affect Your Risk of Dementia or Parkinson’s?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People with high levels of body fat stored in their belly or arms may be more likely to develop diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s than people with low levels of fat in these areas, according to a study published in the July 24, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
حدد علماء مايو كلينك نوع جديد من فقدان الذاكرة لدى البالغين الأكبر سنًا
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — وضع الباحثون في مايو كلينك معايير جديدة لمتلازمة فقدان الذاكرة لدى البالغين الأكبر سنًا والتي تؤثر تحديدًا على الجهاز الحوفي الدماغي، وقد يتم تشخيص هذه الحالة على سبيل الخطأ على أنها داء الزهايمر في كثير من الأحيان. الخبر السار هو أن متلازمة التنكس العصبي لفقد الذاكرة السائدة الحوفي تتفاقم بصورة أبطأ ولها تنبؤات أفضل بخصوص سَيْر المرض، كما أصبحت محددة بشكل أوضح للأطباء الذين يعملون على إيجاد إجابات لمرضى فقدان الذاكرة.

Newswise: Stroke recovery: it’s in the genes
Released: 24-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Stroke recovery: it’s in the genes
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

New research led by UCLA Health has found that specific genes may be related to the trajectory of recovery for stroke survivors, providing doctors insights useful for developing targeted therapies.

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This news release is embargoed until 31-Jul-2024 10:30 AM EDT Released to reporters: 24-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT

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Newswise: CHLA-Vidya-Rajagopalan-2.jpg?h=a1aa0b98&itok=cElfIUr_
Released: 24-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
New Research Traces Breastfeeding Benefits 10 Years Into Childhood
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

If you or someone close to you has breastfed, you’ve likely heard no shortage of advice (both solicited and unsolicited) about the many ways breastfeeding helps babies’ developing brains and bodies. Until recently, however, experts weren’t sure how long these positive effects continue to impact child development after breastfeeding ends.

Newswise: Neuroscientists Discover Brain Circuits Involved in Placebo Effect for Pain Relief
23-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Neuroscientists Discover Brain Circuits Involved in Placebo Effect for Pain Relief
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Publishing in Nature, University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers and colleagues discovered a pain control pathway that links the cingulate cortex in the front of the brain, through the pons region of the brainstem, to cerebellum in the back of the brain.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Cientistas da Mayo Clinic definem novo tipo de perda de memória em idosos
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic estabeleceram novos critérios para uma síndrome de perda de memória em idosos que afeta especificamente o sistema límbico do cérebro. Muitas vezes essa síndrome pode ser confundida com a doença de Alzheimer.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 6:00 AM EDT
Científicos de Mayo Clinic definen un nuevo tipo de pérdida de memoria en las personas mayores
Mayo Clinic

Investigadores de Mayo Clinic han establecido nuevos criterios para un síndrome de pérdida de memoria en las personas mayores que afecta específicamente al sistema límbico del cerebro. A menudo, este síndrome se puede confundir con la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

Newswise: New Research Identifies Less Invasive Method for Examining Brain Activity Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Released: 23-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
New Research Identifies Less Invasive Method for Examining Brain Activity Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have published new research that reports on a potential alternative and less-invasive approach to measure intracranial pressure (ICP) in patients.

Released: 23-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
American Heart Association Recognizes Loyola University Medical Center for Advanced Care for Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Medical Center (LUMC) has earned the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® - Stroke Gold Plus quality achievement award for its commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines, ultimately leading to more lives saved and reduced disability.

Newswise: New video test for Parkinson’s uses AI to track how the disease is progressing
Released: 23-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
New video test for Parkinson’s uses AI to track how the disease is progressing
University of Florida

An automated assessment technique that uses artificial intelligence could revolutionize the management of Parkinson's disease

Newswise: Can we predict who will develop migraine headaches?
Released: 22-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Can we predict who will develop migraine headaches?
Washington University in St. Louis

Hadas Nahman-Averbuch, PhD, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is leading two studies to help predict who is at risk of developing migraine disorder, and to identify the changes in brain connectivity and hormone levels that precede the onset of migraine headaches in adolescents.

Newswise:Video Embedded curious-by-nature-why-is-metabolomics-important-to-alzheimer-s-dr-stewart-graham
Released: 19-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Curious by Nature: Why is Metabolomics Important to Alzheimer’s? - Dr. Stewart Graham

In this episode, Dr. Stewart Graham discusses metabolomics in Alzheimer’s disease. He investigates how the disease affects the brain’s metabolism of small molecules such as lipids and amino acids.

Newswise: Good Timing: UNLV Study Unravels How Our Brains Track Time
Released: 18-Jul-2024 7:05 PM EDT
Good Timing: UNLV Study Unravels How Our Brains Track Time
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

Ever hear the old adage that time flies when you’re having fun? A new study by a team of UNLV researchers suggests that there’s a lot of truth to the trope.

Released: 18-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
U.S. News ranks 10 of University of Chicago Medical Center’s programs among nation’s best — with Cancer and ENT rated highest in Illinois
University of Chicago Medical Center

U.S. News & World Report's Best Hospitals list ranks University of Chicago Medical Center's Cancer and ENT programs highest in Illinois, with Cardiology & Heart Surgery, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Geriatrics, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pulmonology & Lung Surgery, and Urology also rated among the nation’s best. These standings position UCMC as one of only 25 hospitals nationwide to have at least 10 ranked specialties.

15-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Study: Uninsured, Hispanic People Less Likely to Be Referred to Care After Stroke
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Insurance coverage, ethnicity and location may all play a role in a person’s ability to receive care after a stroke, according to a study published in the July 17, 2024, online issue of Neurology® Clinical Practice, an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Newswise: New technique could help treat aggressive brain tumors
Released: 17-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
New technique could help treat aggressive brain tumors
Virginia Tech

Tackling brain cancer is complicated, but groundbreaking new research could help add another tool to the cancer-fighting arsenal. A team from Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech published a paper in APL Bioengineering in May that explores a new option that could one day be used to target glioblastoma, a deadly and fast-growing brain tumor.

Released: 17-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
MSU research: Patients value extended medical interventions – like EEG tests – beyond their clinical us
Michigan State University

Electroencephalograms, or EEGs, are tests used to visualize brain activity and diagnose seizures in patients with epilepsy. Research from Michigan State University shows that while practitioners value EEGs for the information they provide, patients value EEGs in ways that far outweigh the test’s clinical utility to practitioners.
