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Released: 24-Jul-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Castheon Selected as Principal for America Makes MATCHAS Project

Castheon has been selected as the principal for the Maturing AM Technology for Nb-C103 in Hypersonics and Space (MATCHAS) project, awarded $3.6 million.

Newswise: ND Expert: NASA’s cancellation of VIPER is a frustrating setback for lunar exploration
Released: 24-Jul-2024 5:05 PM EDT
ND Expert: NASA’s cancellation of VIPER is a frustrating setback for lunar exploration
University of Notre Dame

Last week, NASA announced it canceled its plans to send the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) to the Moon’s southern polar region. The rover was meant to search for water and other resources called volatiles, such as hydrogen, ammonia and carbon dioxide, which easily evaporate in warm temperatures.Nicola Fox, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, reiterated the agency’s commitment “to exploring the Moon for the benefit of humanity” through other missions.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Producing “artificial stars” to calibrate telescopes
Universite de Montreal

Astronomy professor Jonathan Gagné will be part of the Landolt space mission, which involves solving problems caused by errors in astronomical calibrations.

Newswise: image.jpg
Released: 24-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Southwest Flight 425 was about 1,000 feet closer to the ground than it should’ve been–we’ll know why soon, expert says
Virginia Tech

A Southwest Airlines flight crew is under investigation after flying dangerously close to the ocean when attempting to land at Tampa International Airport on July 14th. The plane dropped to 150 feet above the water - the height of an average water tower - before accelerating to regain altitude. This is the third time Southwest has had a low-altitude incident this year.

Newswise: NASA's Webb Images Cold Exoplanet 12 Light-Years Away
24-Jul-2024 10:55 AM EDT
NASA's Webb Images Cold Exoplanet 12 Light-Years Away
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

If alien astronomers in a nearby star system had a telescope like NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, and they pointed it toward our solar system, then Jupiter might look very much like this new Webb image of the exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab. It is one of the coldest exoplanets to be directly detected, with an estimated temperature of 35 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius).

Newswise:Video Embedded stellar-reaction-recreated-in-the-lab
Released: 18-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Stellar Reaction Recreated in the Lab
Department of Energy, Office of Science

In space, some stars are known to feed off one another. As they suck energy from their neighbors, these stars trade chemical elements. By understanding the dynamics of these stellar reactions, we can learn more about the cosmic recipes in everything from planets and particles in space to people and life on Earth.

Newswise:Video Embedded wiyn-3-5-meter-telescope-at-kitt-peak-discovers-extremely-strange-orbit-of-rare-exoplanet
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak Discovers Extremely Strange Orbit of Rare Exoplanet

Using the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope at the U.S. National Science Foundation Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF NOIRLab, astronomers have discovered the extreme orbit of an exoplanet that’s on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter.

Newswise:Video Embedded astr-nomos-descubren-inusual-exoplaneta-gigante-con-una-rbita-extremadamente-rara
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Astrónomos descubren inusual exoplaneta gigante con una órbita extremadamente rara

Con la ayuda del telescopio WIYN de 3,5 metros ubicado en Kitt Peak, Arizona, los astrónomos lograron descubrir la órbita extrema de un exoplaneta que está camino a convertirse en un Júpiter caliente. Además de seguir una de las órbitas más alargadas de todos los exoplanetas, el cuerpo celeste órbita su estrella al revés, lo que da indicios sobre el misterio de la evolución de los Júpiter calientes.

Newswise:Video Embedded astr-nomos-descubren-inusual-exoplaneta-gigante-con-una-rbita-extremadamente-rara
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Astrónomos descubren inusual exoplaneta gigante con una órbita extremadamente rara

Con la ayuda del telescopio WIYN de 3,5 metros ubicado en Kitt Peak, Arizona, los astrónomos lograron descubrir la órbita extrema de un exoplaneta que está camino a convertirse en un Júpiter caliente. Además de seguir una de las órbitas más alargadas de todos los exoplanetas, el cuerpo celeste órbita su estrella al revés, lo que da indicios sobre el misterio de la evolución de los Júpiter calientes.

Newswise:Video Embedded wiyn-3-5-meter-telescope-at-kitt-peak-discovers-extremely-strange-orbit-of-rare-exoplanet
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak Discovers Extremely Strange Orbit of Rare Exoplanet

Using the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope at the U.S. National Science Foundation Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF NOIRLab, astronomers have discovered the extreme orbit of an exoplanet that’s on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter.

Newswise: Lunar leap: GNSS-powered autonomous navigation for earth-moon spacecraft
Released: 16-Jul-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Lunar leap: GNSS-powered autonomous navigation for earth-moon spacecraft
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The research tackles navigational challenges like weak signals and poor observation conditions near the Moon, significantly improving the precision and reliability of future space exploration missions.

Released: 16-Jul-2024 5:05 PM EDT
NASA Exploration Science Forum 2024: Advancing Lunar and Planetary Exploration

The NASA Exploration Science Forum (NESF), taking place from July 23-25, 2024, at Moffett Field, CA, is a significant event for space science, bringing together experts to discuss the latest advancements in lunar and planetary exploration.

Newswise: Bennu samples unveiled
Released: 16-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Bennu samples unveiled
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists recently received and will analyze samples from the asteroid Bennu that will help explain how it formed and where it came from.

Newswise: Telescope Tag-Team Discovers Galactic Cluster’s Bizarre Secrets
Released: 16-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Telescope Tag-Team Discovers Galactic Cluster’s Bizarre Secrets
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Towards the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, in the constellation Sagittarius, astronomers have discovered  10 monstrous neutron stars. Astronomers already knew that 39 pulsars call Terzan 5 home.

Newswise: Observatorio Rubin será crucial para descubrir enanas café que revelarán los secretos de la Vía Láctea
Released: 15-Jul-2024 2:00 PM EDT
Observatorio Rubin será crucial para descubrir enanas café que revelarán los secretos de la Vía Láctea

Demasiado grandes para ser planetas, pero demasiado pequeñas para ser estrellas, las enanas café más distantes son un ingrediente clave para entender la historia de la Vía Láctea. Por tal motivo, la Investigación del Espacio-Tiempo como Legado para la posteridad del Observatorio Vera C. Rubin será clave para detectar una población de antiguas enanas café que se espera sea unas 20 veces mayor de lo que se ha visto hasta el momento, con lo que será posible revelar los procesos que dieron forma a nuestra galaxia.

Newswise: Observatorio Rubin será crucial para descubrir enanas café que revelarán los secretos de la Vía Láctea
Released: 15-Jul-2024 2:00 PM EDT
Observatorio Rubin será crucial para descubrir enanas café que revelarán los secretos de la Vía Láctea

Demasiado grandes para ser planetas, pero demasiado pequeñas para ser estrellas, las enanas café más distantes son un ingrediente clave para entender la historia de la Vía Láctea. Por tal motivo, la Investigación del Espacio-Tiempo como Legado para la posteridad del Observatorio Vera C. Rubin será clave para detectar una población de antiguas enanas café que se espera sea unas 20 veces mayor de lo que se ha visto hasta el momento, con lo que será posible revelar los procesos que dieron forma a nuestra galaxia.

Newswise: NSF–DOE Rubin Observatory Will Detect Thousands of Elusive Brown Dwarfs, Unlocking Milky Way Mysteries
Released: 15-Jul-2024 2:00 PM EDT
NSF–DOE Rubin Observatory Will Detect Thousands of Elusive Brown Dwarfs, Unlocking Milky Way Mysteries

Too big to be planets but too small to be stars, distant brown dwarfs are a key ingredient for understanding the history of the Milky Way. Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time will detect a population of ancient brown dwarfs about 20 times bigger than we’ve previously seen, revealing the processes that shaped our home galaxy.

Newswise: NSF–DOE Rubin Observatory Will Detect Thousands of Elusive Brown Dwarfs, Unlocking Milky Way Mysteries
Released: 15-Jul-2024 2:00 PM EDT
NSF–DOE Rubin Observatory Will Detect Thousands of Elusive Brown Dwarfs, Unlocking Milky Way Mysteries

Too big to be planets but too small to be stars, distant brown dwarfs are a key ingredient for understanding the history of the Milky Way. Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time will detect a population of ancient brown dwarfs about 20 times bigger than we’ve previously seen, revealing the processes that shaped our home galaxy.

Newswise: NASA’s Webb Investigates Eternal Sunrises, Sunsets on Distant World
Released: 15-Jul-2024 11:15 AM EDT
NASA’s Webb Investigates Eternal Sunrises, Sunsets on Distant World
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, thousands of planets orbiting stars outside of our solar system have been confirmed through a myriad of different methods, including direct imaging, gravitational microlensing, measuring transits, and astrometry.

Newswise: Dr. Vlad Hruby Awarded 2024 Stuhlinger Medal in Electric Propulsion
Released: 15-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Dr. Vlad Hruby Awarded 2024 Stuhlinger Medal in Electric Propulsion
Busek Co. Inc.

Highest Honor Bestowed to Busek's Founder for Contributions to the Field of Electric Propulsion in Space

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