Modern Morals: My aunt moved in with us a year ago. We love her to bits but how do I tell her it’s time to move out?

My husband is no longer happy with the arrangement and I have to respect that — but I don’t know how to say it to her

Our expert suggests that you bring your aunt out for a coffee to broach the subject if her living situation (Photo: Getty)

Katie Byrne

Question: I’ve always been very close to my aunt. She never had children and she has always treated me more as her child than her niece. Her husband died almost a year ago and not long after he died I asked her to come and stay with me and my family. She is now considering selling her house. I didn’t put a timeline on it but I didn’t expect that she’d still be with us now. She’s a great addition to our household. She helps out with the kids and she prepares dinners. I love her company and the kids adore her.

The issue is that my husband is no longer happy with the arrangement and I have to respect that. It’s his home too. He wants her to move back to her own home or find another place that suits her needs but I don’t know how to say it to her. She seems so happy here. I also feel like my late mother — her sister — would be furious with me if she was still alive. What should I do?

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