David Goebbels

Deputy Head of Mission at Embassy of Luxembourg in Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Philippines

Luxembourg Coordonnées
1 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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  • Deputy Head of Mission

    Embassy of Luxembourg in Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Philippines

    - aujourd’hui 3 ans 11 mois

    Tokyo, Japan

  • Deputy Head of Mission

    Embassy of Luxembourg in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka

    - 2 ans

    New Delhi, Delhi, India

  • Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

    Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

    3 ans 3 mois

    • Asia-Pacific Desk

      Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

      - 2 ans 1 mois


    • Inclusive Finance and Private Sector relations

      Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

      - 1 an 3 mois


  • Embassy of Luxembourg in Senegal and Mali

    Embassy of Luxembourg in Senegal and Mali

    3 ans 9 mois

    • First Secretary - Head of the Mali office

      Embassy of Luxembourg in Senegal and Mali

      - 1 an 1 mois

      Bamako, Mali

    • First Secretary

      Embassy of Luxembourg in Senegal and Mali

      - 2 ans 9 mois

      Dakar, Senegal

  • Senegal and Mali Desk

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, Department of Development Cooperation

    - 5 mois


  • Graphique European Commission

    Trade and Private Sector Development Advisor and Budget support

    European Commission

    - 2 ans 1 mois

    Freetown, Sierra Leone

  • Attaché

    Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the United Nations

    - 4 mois

    New York, US


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