Partners' capacity survey

Partners' capacity survey

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The Health Cluster Partners' Capacity Survey aims to capture information on partners' technical, operational and coordination capacities. The result of this exercise helps to more effectively identify critical gaps in the health response capacity and inform future partner engagement for the Health Cluster.

The information collected through this survey has the aim to:

  • Document partners' presence and capacity in areas affected by emergencies with public health consequences; 
  • Identify critical gaps in the health response;
  • Inform and secure surge capacity requirements from technical and operational partners and networks in response to emergencies with public health consequences;
  • Create strategic partnerships with current and potential partners/donors to support the implementation of the Global Health Cluster Strategy; and 
  • Inform the development of a Global Health Cluster partners' recruitment strategy.

Summary international and national partners' capacity survey results

The Global Health Cluster compared the results of the international and national partners' survey, conducted respectively in 2018 and 2019, and produced a summary presentation.


Strengthening global capacity for emergency health action

In 2019, the Global Health Cluster commissioned a study to clarify critical emergency health gaps and actions being taken by international and national health actors, specialized agencies and training institutes to address the current imbalance between response capacity supply and demand.

The study research questions were: 1) How can the evolving demand for humanitarian health workers be more effectively met? 2) How can organizations better meet the demand for humanitarian health delivery? 3) How can health responses be better coordinated to ensure timely, appropriate and effective addressing of emergency health needs?