Pathfinder: strengthening health systems for lasting impact

21 March 2024
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Pathfinder is a global leader in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), committed to improving health-system performance measurably and sustainably through trusted local partnerships and gender-transformative strategies. Through partnering with governments and other national actors in more than 100 countries, Pathfinder works to strengthen access to and use of quality, equitable, integrated, gender-responsive SRHR information and services, including ensuring continuity of health services during crises. 

 In 2023, Pathfinder became a member of the Global Health Cluster.

 This partner profile spotlights the work of Pathfinder's USAID Transform and how it strengthened Ethiopia's health system through primary health care activities. In five years (2017-2022), it reached 57 million people with health information and services and helped people access health care and other essential services during a conflict in the north of the country and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the full partner profile