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Hoopa Build: Guide & Moveset

Hoopa Build: Guide & Moveset | Pokemon UNITE

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Hoopa Build: Guide & Moveset | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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A Hoopa guide with build & moveset in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Includes playable character Hoopa release date, stats, event, best items, release date, skins, cost & price!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Hoopa Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Hoopa Move Changes (May 30)

Move / StatChanges
Hyperspace HoleHyperspace HoleChanges
- Damage dealt to the opposing Pokemon decreased
Rings UnboundRings UnboundChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased.
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (May 30)Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Hoopa Move Changes (April 28)

Move / StatChanges
- Area of effect decreased.
Cooldown lengthened.
- Range decreased.
- Hoopa: Trick+ HP restoration decreased.
Phantom ForcePhantom ForceChanges
- Cooldown reduced.
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Shadow BallShadow BallChanges
- Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
April 28 Updates And Patch Notes

Hoopa Move Changes (March 14)

Move / StatChanges
Hyperspace HoleHyperspace HoleChanges
- Cooldown lengthened
Shadow BallShadow BallChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
Rings UnboundRings UnboundChanges
- Basic Attack Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
- Hyperspace Fury damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (March 14)

Hoopa Release Date

Hoopa Release Date Is February 24


Supporter mains better watch out as Hoopa is getting ready to show off in the Battle Arena! Hoopa's release date is February 24, and now that day has arrived, we're excited to know what this new Supporter Pokemon has in for us! Would Hoopa be the next team healer or buffy crowd controller? Know all the details below through our detailed strategy guide!

Hoopa Overview

Attack TypeSpecial
Tier RankS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Hoopa Stats

Offense 3 Stars (6)
Endurance 2 Stars (4)
Mobility3 Stars (6)
Scoring2 Stars (4)
Support3.5 Stars (7)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Hoopa Evolution

Final Form
(Does not evolve)
HoopaHoopa (Confined) → Hoopa (Unbound)

Hoopa Best Builds

Share Your Builds

Share with us a build that you’re proud of with the form below! The build you share here may be featured on our website! (It will of course be properly attributed to you.)

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Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 4Hyperspace HoleHyperspace Hole
Hoopa creates a large ring at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. After a set amount of time, Hoopa and an ally Pokemon in the area of effect will return to their base, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time. Ally Pokemon that return to their base in this manner must wait for a short time before the HP recovery from being in their base triggers. These ally Pokemon can also warp back to where the large ring was created. An intact ally forward goal zone can also be designated as the location where the large ring is created. Creating the ring on the forwardgoal zone of thetop path will also create a ring on the forward goal zone of the bottom path, and vice versa. All ally Pokemon, including Hoopa, can use these rings to warp between the two goal zones, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time after warping. After an ally Pokemon warps, there is a set cooldown before that ally can use these rings again. If a path's forward goal zone is destroyed, the middle goal zone on the same path will take its place. This move cannot be used on base goal zones.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Lv. 6Phantom ForcePhantom Force
Hoopa creates a ring under itself and warps to a designated Pokemon's location, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon at that location and shoving them. Hoopa then shoots two sinister flames that deal damage to opposing Pokemon they hit and decrease their movement speed for a short time. This move can be used a second time within a set amount of time. If used a second time, Hoopa can return to the initial location where it warped from. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon that is linked by Trick, that ally can also warp to the initial ring's location. The ally Pokemon that warps in this way will recover some HP.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier ・Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Move Cooldown -0.3% (-4.5%)
After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by 7% for a short time.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Attack Enemies With Phantom Force

Hoopa can warp to its target's position, dealing damage and shoving enemies caught at the receiving end. Hoopa then fires two wicked flames at its opponents, inflicting damage and slowing their movement for a short time. Hoopa can return to the original location where it warped if you use this for the second time.

Time-Warp To Base With Hyperspace Hole

Hoopa, as well nearby allies, can go back and forth the base to regain full HP with Hyperspace Hole. This is very helpful as an escape tool when you or your allies are at the brink of getting knocked out. You can use this as means to extend in battle as you'll be able to get back quickly after.

Held Items For Max Performance

You'll need to equip Energy Amplifier to maximize the use of Hoopa's Unbound Ring. It will also increase Hoopa's damage for 7% for a short time. Since you'll mostly using your normal and boosted attacks to deal damage, equipping Muscle Band will greatly increase your performance in battle. The additional Atk and Basic Atk speed will let you deal more attacks to enemies along with a 1% damage increase equal the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP. Focus Band will make sure that Hoopa won't absorb much damage with the extra defense its provides along with a chance to recover 8% of the HP it may have lost during battle.

Dash Towards Targets With Eject Button

Since Hoopa has tons of survivability capabilities, it will be best to equip it with Eject Button so it can easily dash towards in any direction especially after using Hyper Hole. This way in can catch up to fleeing targets and execute them.

Lv. 4Hyperspace HoleHyperspace Hole
Hoopa creates a large ring at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. After a set amount of time, Hoopa and an ally Pokemon in the area of effect will return to their base, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time. Ally Pokemon that return to their base in this manner must wait for a short time before the HP recovery from being in their base triggers. These ally Pokemon can also warp back to where the large ring was created. An intact ally forward goal zone can also be designated as the location where the large ring is created. Creating the ring on the forwardgoal zone of thetop path will also create a ring on the forward goal zone of the bottom path, and vice versa. All ally Pokemon, including Hoopa, can use these rings to warp between the two goal zones, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time after warping. After an ally Pokemon warps, there is a set cooldown before that ally can use these rings again. If a path's forward goal zone is destroyed, the middle goal zone on the same path will take its place. This move cannot be used on base goal zones.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Lv. 6Shadow BallShadow Ball
Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed and Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location.
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
Held Items
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier ・Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Move Cooldown -0.3% (-4.5%)
After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by 7% for a short time.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Increases the Pokemon's Attack, Sp. Atk, and basic attack speeed for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Shadow Ball To Sure Hit Enemies

Shadow Ball is your go to move when your good at snipping the last hits from targets. This move is quite ranged as well, so you are able to target enemies even from a distance. Quite effective against fleeing enemies, just make sure that you aim in the right direction so you won't miss your target!

Teleport With Hyper Hole

This move might be tricky to use at first but with some practice and timing, it sure does increase Hoopa's survivability in battle! This is effective when Hoopa is faced with an Attacker or All-Rounders that has high burst damage output. When you activate this move, a hole will open up in the ground and Hoopa can use it to teleport back and forth the base when it gets pressured. This will give you enough time to regenerate all your HP and get back to fighting quickly.

Held Items For Max Performance

We highly recommend Energy Amplifier to increase Hoopa's overall cooldown rate and increase its damage up to 7% after it uses its Unite Move. Buddy Barrier will provide shields equivalent to 20% of its HP, this protection includes nearby allies as well. Focus Band further enhances Hoopa's defense and recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.

Increase Damage With Battle Item

For a limited time, X Attack can increase Hoopa's special attack, and basic attack rate. This will ensure you that Hoopa can burst down its targets when needed. Use this before engaging in team fights especially when transforming to Unbound Hoopa to amplify the damage it can deal.

Lv. 4TrickTrick
Hoopa creates a link between itself and an ally Pokemon using a ring, increasing both of their movement speeds and granting them each a shield for a short time. When Hoopa uses Shadow Ball or performs a basic attack, the ring on the linked Pokemon also unleashes the same move or attack. Hoopa can also use this move on itself, increasing Hoopa's movement speed and granting itself a shield for a short time. Additionally, it increases the damage dealt by Shadow Ball.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Lv. 6Phantom ForcePhantom Force
Hoopa creates a ring under itself and warps to a designated Pokemon's location, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon at that location and shoving them. Hoopa then shoots two sinister flames that deal damage to opposing Pokemon they hit and decrease their movement speed for a short time. This move can be used a second time within a set amount of time. If used a second time, Hoopa can return to the initial location where it warped from. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon that is linked by Trick, that ally can also warp to the initial ring's location. The ally Pokemon that warps in this way will recover some HP.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Held Items
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier ・Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Move Cooldown -0.3% (-4.5%)
After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by 7% for a short time.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Trick Your Enemies

Best way to increase Hoopa's overall movement is by using Trick. It also grants you and and nearby allies shields for a short time. When this move is activated a ring will appear and it will unleash the same attack or move Hoopa does. Thus enemies caught gets to deal twice the damage from Hoopa's attacks. Quite useful during team battles.

Warp Them With Phantom Force

Hoopa creates a small ring under itself it can use to warp to a designated location, dealing damage and shoving Pokemon in the receiving end. When you use it twice, you can teleport back Hoopa in its initial location. If there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick during the duration of this move, that ally can also warp to the ring's starting position. The allied Pokemon that warps in this manner will gain some health, enabling them to extend in battle. You might find this handy when an enemy gets too close and you want to create some safe distance.

Enhance Your Performance With These Held Items

Energy Amplifier is a great choice to reduce your Unite Move's cooldown as well as increase Hoopa's damage output by 7% for a short time after so you'll definitely be able to execute them with your next move, should they withstand Rings Unbound. Choice Specs will increase the damage output of Hoopa's move from the Sp. Atk increase it gives while also adding a minimum of 40 damage whenever they hit. Focus Band will help protect Hoopa from absorbing damage and regenerate 8% HP should it gets pressured from fighting.

Battle Item To Increase Mobility

Get in and out of team fights easily with Eject Button! This will enable Hoopa to dash through the lanes swiftly. Ideal for chasing enemies or escaping pursuers.

Lv. 4TrickTrick
Hoopa creates a link between itself and an ally Pokemon using a ring, increasing both of their movement speeds and granting them each a shield for a short time. When Hoopa uses Shadow Ball or performs a basic attack, the ring on the linked Pokemon also unleashes the same move or attack. Hoopa can also use this move on itself, increasing Hoopa's movement speed and granting itself a shield for a short time. Additionally, it increases the damage dealt by Shadow Ball.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Lv. 6Shadow BallShadow Ball
Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed and Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location.
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
Held Items
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Wise GlassesWise Glasses ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases Sp. Atk by 3%
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Trick Enemies

Hoopa can use a ring to form a link with an allied Pokemon, improving both of their movement speeds and providing them with a shield for a brief period. This buff can be useful to increase Hoopa and its allies' survivability during aggressive team battles. When Hoopa uses Shadow Ball or a basic attack, the linked Pokemon's ring activates the same move or attack. It also boosts the damage dealt by Shadow Ball.

Shadow Ball Targets

Hoopa summons a dark blob in front of itself, causing damage to opponent Pokemon and temporarily slowing their movement speed and Sp. Def. If Hoopa then attacks the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a certain length of time, the opposing Pokemon suffers additional damage and is rendered inactive for a brief period of time. If there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick when performing this move, this move will also release a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's position. This is great move when executing enemies.

Maximize Performance With Held Items

Buddy Barrier is a great alternative to increase your HP while also getting a shield effect for Hoopa and its nearby allies. To increase the damage output of Hoopa's moves, equip Wise Glass to increases Sp. Atk by 3%. Paired with Choice Specs, it will increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit.

Battle Item For Mobility

Let Hoopa dash in and out of team battles easily with Eject Button. This will enable you to change position quickly. You might also find this handy when faced with unfavorable situations.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

Hoopa - Basics & Advanced Tips

Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Hoopa.Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Unlock Hoopa's Damage Potential
Technically, Hoopa is a Supporter that can help allies heal and move around the battlefield but when utilized appropriately, can do immense damage with its incredible Unbound Form. Make sure to equip it with the right Held Items and a complementing Battle Item to maximize its damage potential. This way you'll make the most out of Hoopa according to your playstyle.
▶Best Held Items For Each Pokemon
Steal Opponent's Berries With Magician!
You can deprive your enemies their means of HP recovery from Yellow Berries by stealing them using Hoopa's passive, Magician. You can use this during team battles so your opponents won't be able to recover and resume fighting. They will also be much easier to knock out.
▶Yellow Berry - Health Restore & Location
Use Hoopa's Unbound Form in Team Battles
Its best to use Hoopa's Unbound Ring to tackle down multiple enemies at once rather than just an individual Pokemon. This is particularly useful during capturing team objectives where you can help your team wipe out your opponents and secure the Boss Pokemon to your side.
▶Teamfight Battle Tips - 3 Things To Remember

Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Hoopa. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Take Advantage Of Hoopa's Hyperspace Hole
Hoopa can teleport itself and its allies back and forth from the base. This is an excellent technique to save teammates who are about to be knocked out. By selecting the additional prompt to warp back, they can rejoin the combat with full health. When you use the move on an ally goal zone, you and your teammates can instantly warp to the opposing lane's goal zone. It's considerably faster to switch lanes this way than it is to use the jump pads. The additional travel advantage is especially beneficial when competing for objectives that are located in both lanes.
▶5 Techniques For Advanced Players To Improve
Teleport Allies With Unbound Ring
Hoopa's Unite Move, Rings Unbound, generates a portal where allies choose can warp to Hoopa's location right away. This is most efficient when used on capturing team objectives especially Zapdos. While this move is active, Hoopa can tank damage or bash down your foes on the side while allies capture the Boss Pokemon. This can turn the tables on a Close Battle.
▶Map Guide - Types & Objectives
Warp Back With Phantom Force
Hoopa's Phantom Force ability allows you and an ally to return to Hoopa's previous position. When an ally Pokemon warps back, it will regain HP. This combination of movements provides versatility and range when you are actively pushing lanes. You can use this to quickly create a safe distance between your enemies and allies.
▶5 Techniques For Advanced Players To Improve

Hoopa Strategy Guide

Hoopa Strengths & Weaknesses

Hoopa has tons of flexible moves it can use to warp itself and its allies in different location.
Can steal Berries and Aeos energy from the enemy's side using Magician
Does not need to evolve and can lockdown its complete moveset by lvl 6.
Its Unbound Form is a game changer with its incredible damage that enables you to tank enemies not to mention that it generates a portal where allies can teleport in Hoopa's location
Quite complicated with its complex moves and playing Hoopa requires expert level to master it. You'll need to practice several times to get use to its combos.
You can accidentally send back allies to the base before they can last hit targets with Hyperspace Hole rendering their efforts useless
Can be countered by using blocks in the entrance of the warp locations, preventing Hoopa and its allies from getting away, ultimately knocking them down in the process
Vulnerable to Hindrances and Crowd Controls that makes it lose its momentum in battle

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Hoopa may take this lane and help an ally Attacker on the top path with ease. With so many Aipoms nearby, farming Exp shouldn't be an issue. Because there aren't many battles here, Hoopa should be able to develop even before the first Drednaw combat.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★ ・ ・
Hoopa has considerable fighting power to battle successfully on both the Top and Bottom lanes, thus it's recommended to offer the Middle Lane to Pokemon that are better suited to it.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★★★
Hoopa has excellent skills even in the early stages of the game allows it to resist the violent team fights that can occur at the Bottom Lane.
Which Lanes To Play Guide

Hoopa (Lv 1~) Strategy

Choose Astonish To Stun Spawns

If you want to be able to use moves more often, choose Astonish for its lower cooldown rate and stun them in place. Confusion has more range and provide debuffs on movement speed. Between this two, you can use Astonish first to help your lane partner take down spawns quickly before getting Confusion to farm wild Pokemon.

Play It Safe In The Beginning

Prior to partaking in team battles, focus on farming wild Pokemon and unlocking your damage-dealing moves first. This is to ensure that you can unlock your entire move set, which you may use to withstand and counter the attacks of your opponents. Make sure to pay attention to your HP pool as well and stay behind your ally when you encounter enemies during the early stage. This way you'll be able to assist your lane partner effectively and won't be knocked out quickly.

How To Level Up Fast - EXP Farming

Use Magician To Get Berries!

On top of your Unite Move, you'll notice that there's a small button above it where you can accessHoopa's passive, Magician. When you click it, a hole under one of the Yellow Berry (Sitrus) on the opposing team's side (at random) appears and warps the Berry directly in front of Hoopa. If the other team has no Berries but has Aeos energy on the ground, some energy gets warped in front of Hoopa instead. Use this to heal Hoopa while also depriving your lane opponent means of HP recovery.

All Berry List - Types & Effects

Hoopa (Lv 4~) Strategy

Get Back To Base With Hyperspace Hole

This move is quite useful when you want to extend in battle as Hoopa can quickly get back and forth the base to recover HP. This way you can avoid getting burst down by Attackers or any Pokemon with high damage output. It also much quicker compared to the normal "back to base" teleport button.

Buff Up Allies With Trick

Hoopa can link itself to its allies using a ring in which in increases their movement speed and shields them from absorbing too much damage for a short time. This is great when you and your ally are chasing down enemies in the lane.

Hoopa (Lv 6~) Strategy

Adapt Your Build To Your Attack Style

You'll need to consider choosing Phantom Force or Shadow Ball - choose carefully as you will use this for the rest of the game. Ensure that your second move complements your other move to get the best build for Hoopa. Equip the right Held Items and Battle Item to improve your gameplay.

Phantom Force
Lv 6: Phantom ForcePhantom Force
Hoopa creates a ring under itself and warps to a designated Pokemon's location, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon at that location and shoving them. Hoopa then shoots two sinister flames that deal damage to opposing Pokemon they hit and decrease their movement speed for a short time. This move can be used a second time within a set amount of time. If used a second time, Hoopa can return to the initial location where it warped from. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon that is linked by Trick, that ally can also warp to the initial ring's location. The ally Pokemon that warps in this way will recover some HP.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
Shadow Ball
Lv 6: Shadow BallShadow Ball
Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed and Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location.
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds

Phantom Force & Hyperspace Hole

Recommended Combo
Phantom ForceHyperspace Hole

This build focuses on Hoopa's ability to teleport and time-warp abilities. Use Phantom Force to create an opening for team fights. Any opposing Pokemon in the receiving end of this move gets thrown back, while also dealing damage in the process. Hoopa then unleashes two powerful flames on its opponents, dealing damage and hindering their movement for a short time. If you do this a second time, Hoopa will return to its original spot where it warped. Use this to distance yourself from opponents or dodge any incoming attacks. Meanwhile, with Hyperspace Hole, Hoopa and nearby allies can go back and forth in the base to recover HP. Once full, you can return back and fight your opponents again, thus extending your team's time in battle. When you or your companions are on the verge of being knocked out, this is a great way to sneak away.

Shadow Ball & Hyperspace Hole

Recommended Combo
Shadow Ball Hyperspace Hole

This Hoopa build focuses on its ability to extend its battle time with its survival tools at its disposal. Hoopa can use Shadow Ball's to snipe targets and objectives from a distance, making this a great initiator move. When enemies try to counter attack, time and activate Hyperspace Hole when Hoopa and its lane partner's HP gets pressured into brink of getting knocked down. They will automatically get transported back and forth the base, this way they can outlive their target with their full HP.

Phantom Force & Trick

Recommended Combo
Phantom ForceTrick

Start off with Phantom Force to deal damage and throw back enemies. You can transport Hoopa back to its original spot if you activate it twice. During the duration of this move, any nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick can also warp to the ring's initial position and recover some HP. Quite useful in creating a safe distance against enemies and getting some healing effects. You can follow this up with Trick, where a ring appears that unleashes the same attack or move as Hoopa. As a result, enemies can take twice the damage from Hoopa's attacks. Especially handy in team confrontations.

Trick & Shadow Ball

Recommended Combo
TrickShadow Ball

Start off with Trick to link with an ally to buff them up. This can help Hoopa and its friends survive during tough team engagements. This way you'll also boost the damage output of Shadow Ball before you use it. If there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick when executing Shadow Ball, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob from the linked ally's position at the same target. Take advantage of this to knock out enemies.

Unite Move: Rings Unbound

For a brief time, this Hoopa transforms the user into a huge Hoopa Unbound form, raising the Hoopa's maximum HP and constructing a ring at the specified spot. Each allied Pokemon can only warp once to the ring's location. Its regular moves are changed to Hyperspace Fury and Psybeam as Hoopa Unbound. You won't be able to score goals or use its Ability as Hoopa Unbound. So this move is mainly use to take down enemies and objectives. Most effective when used in team battles where an Unbound Hoopa can tackle multiple enemies at once. We recommend you save this for the Zapdos fight during the Final Stages were both the teams gather at the center to capture it in the last moments. This can either make or break your team's momentum so use this advantage as your trump card.

Teamfight Battle Tips - 3 Things To Remember

Hoopa - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will teach you which specific Wild Pokemon to kill in order, as well as exactly what to do at the beginning and end of the game.


Tasks① Choose Astonish as your first move.
② KO the first Aipom
③ KO the next Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the middle

We recommend that you choose Astonish as your first move, this is to stun Aipoms in their place and prevent them from moving. This will make them easier to knock out. Make sure to give the Aipom's last hit to your allies as much as possible in the early stages to help them level up quickly.


Target Level4
Tasks① KO Audino on the upper middle.
② KO the upper left and lower left Audinos.
③ Deal and KO the Corphish located at the lower left corner of your goal zone.
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.
⑤ KO the newly spawned Audino on the upper middle.
⑥ KO newly spawned Audino on the upper middle.
⑦ Deal and KO the newly spawned Corphish located at the lower-left corner of your goal zone.
⑧ Clear the newly spawned Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.

Hoopa can take the Yellow Berries on the other side using its passive, Magician. Use it wisely to minimize your opponent's HP recovery options and take advantage in the battle. Aim to reach level 4 to unlock Hyperspace Hole.

7:00~Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level8
Tasks• Perform long-ranged attacks behind an ally
• Use Phantom Force to push opponents away from your teammates
• Return low HP allies to base using Hyperspace Hole

Make sure to watch out when your allies' HP drops low in group battles so that Hoopa can immediately send them back-and-forth the base to recover. Let's strive to reach level 6 to learn Phantom Force. Once you've unlocked this move, you may use it to push opponents away and keep them from coming close enough to your ally to do damage.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~Zapdos Fight

Target Level8
Tasks• Perform long-ranged attacks behind an ally
• Use Phantom Force to push opponents away from your teammates
• Return low HP allies to base using Hyperspace Hole
• Gather allies by teleporting them while also buffing up Hoopa with Rings Unbound

Hoopa can create a ring that all allies can warp into using its Unite Move. It is recommended to use Hoopa's Unite Move to quickly gather allies in Rotom or Drednaw's location to capture them. You must aim to reach level 12 by this time to upgrade Phantom Force.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Hoopa Counters

Pokemon Hoopa Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Hoopa

Crustle can block Hoopa and its allies from accessing its Hyperspace Hole with Rock Tomb
Use CCs or moves like Slowbro's Amnesia to hold down Hoopa while another Pokemon attacks it
You can isolate Hoopa from the battle with Charizard's Seismic Slam or Talonflame's Flame Sweep

Best Matchups For Hoopa

Pokemon Hoopa Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Hoopa

Tips When Allied With Hoopa

You can use Hoopa's Hyperspace Hole to easily get back to the base when you get pressured to avoid getting knocked down
Stick close with Hoopa to get buffs, shields and HP recovery
Hoopa can stun wild Pokemon and enemies so make sure that you burst them down before they can act again

Hoopa Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Long
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon by unleashing a beam of light.
When Hoopa is unbound, it unleashes beams of light with every basic attack, dealing damage to up to two nearby opposing Pokemon.
In battles where the map is divided into an ally team side and an opposing team side, this Ability creates a hole under one of the Berries on the opposing team's side (chosen at random) and warps it to right in fromt of Hoopa. If there are no Berries on the opposing team's side, but there is Aeos energy on the ground, then some energy is warped in front of Hoopa instead.
In the event that no Berries from the opposing team's side were warped, the cooldown until this Ability's next use is reduced.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

AstonishAstonish Hindrance
Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the designated area of effect, leaving them unable to act for a short perios of time.
Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
Damage: 7902

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

ConfusionConfusion Ranged
Has the user unleash a telekinetic force in the designated direction, dealing damage to the first opposing Pokemon it hits. The telekinetic force clings to that Pokemon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 299

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 4 Moves (Choose One)

Hyperspace HoleHyperspace HoleDash
Hoopa creates a large ring at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. After a set amount of time, Hoopa and an ally Pokemon in the area of effect will return to their base, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time. Ally Pokemon that return to their base in this manner must wait for a short time before the HP recovery from being in their base triggers. These ally Pokemon can also warp back to where the large ring was created. An intact ally forward goal zone can also be designated as the location where the large ring is created. Creating the ring on the forwardgoal zone of thetop path will also create a ring on the forward goal zone of the bottom path, and vice versa. All ally Pokemon, including Hoopa, can use these rings to warp between the two goal zones, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time after warping. After an ally Pokemon warps, there is a set cooldown before that ally can use these rings again. If a path's forward goal zone is destroyed, the middle goal zone on the same path will take its place. This move cannot be used on base goal zones.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 200

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

9 751
Hoopa creates a link between itself and an ally Pokemon using a ring, increasing both of their movement speeds and granting them each a shield for a short time. When Hoopa uses Shadow Ball or performs a basic attack, the ring on the linked Pokemon also unleashes the same move or attack. Hoopa can also use this move on itself, increasing Hoopa's movement speed and granting itself a shield for a short time. Additionally, it increases the damage dealt by Shadow Ball.
Cooldown: 9 seconds

Level 6 Moves (Choose One)

Phantom ForcePhantom ForceHindrance
Hoopa creates a ring under itself and warps to a designated Pokemon's location, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokemon at that location and shoving them. Hoopa then shoots two sinister flames that deal damage to opposing Pokemon they hit and decrease their movement speed for a short time. This move can be used a second time within a set amount of time. If used a second time, Hoopa can return to the initial location where it warped from. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon that is linked by Trick, that ally can also warp to the initial ring's location. The ally Pokemon that warps in this way will recover some HP.
Cooldown: 5.5 seconds

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Shadow BallShadow BallRanged
Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed and Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokemon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokemon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokemon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location.
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Rings UnboundRings UnboundBuff
Transforms the user into Hoopa Unbound for a short time, increasing the user's max HP and creating a ring at the designated location. Each ally Pokemon can warp to the ring's location once only. As Hoopa Unbound, the user's moves change to Hyperspace Fury and Psybeam. As Hoopa Unbound, the user cannot score goals or activate its Ability.
Cooldown: 1 seconds

Detailed Damage Of Unite Move 1: Hyperspace Fury

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Detailed Damage Of Unite Move 2: Psybeam

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves

Hoopa Skins

Hoopa - Special Style

Special Style Hoopa
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