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Cramorant Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Cramorant Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Cramorant Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Cramorant is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Cramorant's stats, best items, moveset, unite move, build, gameplay & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Cramorant Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Cramorant Move Changes (Sep 28)

Move / StatChanges
Air SlashAir SlashChanges
- HP restoration decreased.
Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Cramorant Move Changes (Sep 2)

Move / StatChanges
- General healing effects descreased
Basic AttackBasic AttackChanges
- Fixed a bug where boosted attacks can be used immediately after using a move

Cramorant Move Changes (April 28)

Move / StatChanges
Air SlashAir SlashChanges
- Move Upgrade
Gatling Gulp MissileGatling Gulp MissileChanges
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
April 28 Updates And Patch Notes

Cramorant Move Changes (March 14)

Move / StatChanges
Air SlashAir SlashChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
- Actions adjusted
- Move Upgrade
- Cooldown lengthened
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (March 14)

Cramorant Move Changes (December 9)

Move / StatChanges
Basic Attack- Bug fix on the boosted attack where it did not cause critical damage.

Cramorant received a minor adjustment on the December 9th Patch Update wherein its Enhanced Basic Attack that previously didn't deal critical damage upon a successful hit was fixed.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch (December 9)

Cramorant Move Changes (October 20th)

Move / StatChanges
DiveDive- Fixed a bug where Cramorant may not be displayed correctly after using Dive.

Cramorant will receive a bug fix on the October 20th Patch, featuring a fix a bug with the move Dive, where Cramorant's sprite may not displayed correctly.

Cramorant Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
Basic AttackEnhanced Basic AttackIncreased the amount of damage done to the opposing Pokemon.
SurfSurf Damage done to nearby opponents decreased by approximately 8%
DiveDive - Damage done to enemy Pokemon increased by roughly 25%
Gatling Gulp MissileGatling Gulp Missile - Damage deal to nearby opponents decreased by approximately 6%

Cramorant has seen several changes, many of which constitute a nerf to some of the most common builds. Surf and its unite Move were nerfed, while Dive and its Enhanced Basic Attack were buffed.

August 18th Patch Changes

HurricaneHurricane- Fixed a bug where it would sometimes not deal damage to some wild Pokemon

Cramorant has seen a minor bug fix in this patch. This is not a nerf and will likely result in an overall smoother gameplay experience.

August 4th Changes

WhirlpoolWhirlpool- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. (About -17%)
DiveDive- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. (About 20%)

Cramorant received a few minor changes this past patch. Dive damage was slightly increased, while Whirlpool has seen a slight decrease in overall effectiveness.

Cramorant Overview

Attack TypeSpecial
Tier RankB
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Cramorant Stats

Offense 4 Stars (8)
Endurance 3 Stars (6)
Mobility3 Stars (6)
Scoring1.5 Stars (3)
Support1 Stars (2)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Cramorant Evolution

Final Form
(Does not evolve)

Cramorant Best Builds

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Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 4Air SlashAir Slash
Has the user shoot out many blades of air while moving backward to create distance. Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and reduces this move's cooldown when it hits.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 6SurfSurf
Attacks with a wave that deals damage to opposing Pokemon. Once the wave has traveled its full distance, it returns the way it came, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon once again and pulling them back with the wave. The user can also catch Arrokuda or other prey by entering the wave themselves.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Wise GlassesWise Glasses ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases Sp. Atk by 3%
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Air Slash vs Hurricane

Both of these moves are excellent and will require a bit of personal judgment as to what to use. We recommend Air Slash, as the cooldown reduction element on it will provide you with more overall damage. Hurricane, however, is a potent CC ability which might work depending on your team composition.

Always Go For Surf

Although Dive's mobility aspect is good, using it offensively means putting yourself in serious danger, which isn't ideal. In general, we recommend always picking Surf, as it's the safer option.

Lv. 4HurricaneHurricane
Creates a fierce wind, throwing opposing Pokemon that get caught in it and throwing them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lv. 6SurfSurf
Attacks with a wave that deals damage to opposing Pokemon. Once the wave has traveled its full distance, it returns the way it came, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon once again and pulling them back with the wave. The user can also catch Arrokuda or other prey by entering the wave themselves.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Held Items
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 55s)

Hurricane For The Utility

Although you'll get higher overall damage by spamming Air Slash, Hurricane provides you and your team with some precious crowd control. This can be especially useful as Cramorant is rather lacking when it comes to tools that let you escape.

Note that Air Slash is much easier to land, so if you find yourself missing too often with Hurricane, you should consider swapping.

Lv. 4Air SlashAir Slash
Has the user shoot out many blades of air while moving backward to create distance. Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and reduces this move's cooldown when it hits.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Lv. 6DiveDive
Changes the designated area into a puddle and has the user dive to that area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them whenthey hit. The user also catches Arrokuda or other wild Pokemon as they emerge from the puddle. A maximum of three uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
Held Items
Wise GlassesWise Glasses ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases Sp. Atk by 3%
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Tanky Initiator

With the help of its Held Items, Eldegoss can jump into the fight to lead the team. The increased HP coupled with the additional Defense stats can greatly boost Eldegoss' chances of surviving or at least lasting longer during a scuffle. Remember that the longer Eldegoss stays in during the fight, the harder it is for the enemy to maneuver.

Lv. 4HurricaneHurricane
Creates a fierce wind, throwing opposing Pokemon that get caught in it and throwing them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lv. 6DiveDive
Changes the designated area into a puddle and has the user dive to that area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them when they hit. The user also catches Arrokuda or other wild Pokemon as they emerge from the puddle. A maximum of three uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
Held Items
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Hurricane For Crowd Control

Cramorant can push back crowds from goal zones and objectives with Hurricane. Depending on the situation, you can use this to shove away enemies attacking your allies or isolate key Pokemon from your enemy team so that your team can then burst it down.

Blink Attack With Dive

Aside from dealing damage, you can use Dive to change your placement on the map especially during team fights. Its fast cooldown rate also enables you to use it more often, making tactical positions in battle easier. You can hide in bushes before using this move to surprise unlucky targets.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

Cramorant - Basics & Advanced Tips

Cramorant Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Cramorant. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Prioritize leveling up
You won't evolve using Cramorant, but you will still need to level up as much as possible. In particular, aim for level 6 to get your second move. This is an important power spike!
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Cramorant's Enhanced Attacks
Cramorant basic attacks eventually turns to enhanced attacks: when you are at full health you'll shoot Arrokuda but if your health is low you'll shoot out Pikachu, which will paralyze targets hit. That being said, don't stay on low health for too long - head back to a goal zone and heal up frequently!
Use Whirlpool to last hit
Whirlpool is your best bet for stealing last hits in the early game.
・Aim this not at enemy Pokemon, but at Wild Pokemon - experience is usually more important!

Cramorant Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Cramorant. This is a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

Do not go in alone!
・In general, you'll want to stick with your teammates when moving around.
・You are powerful, but can be easily taken out by enemy Speedsters - you'll want to have a Defender or Supporter with you for help at all times.
Use your Unite move to zone
・Your Unite move can dissuade enemies from entering an area. Use this to your advantage during teamfights (especially Zapdos and Drednaw).
・Remember that you'll be immobilized when doing this, so watch your positioning.
Use your range wisely
・It's important to always provide back-up to your allies from behind! You are not a front-liner.
・Stun opponents with Hurricane from behind - remember that your CC also provides support to allies as well.

Cramorant - Strategy Guide

Cramorant Strengths & Weaknesses

Cramorant has a solid early game with Whirlpool. It provides increasing damage as the whirlpool gets smaller. It also slows enemies caught in it. Good CC move during team fights and clearing lanes.
Surf not only deals burst damage but can also pull back fleeing targets, while Hurricane can do the opposite.
Using any move lets you catch a prey and use it to deal damage to your enemies. With Gatling Gulp, Cramorant can continuously scoop up prey and launch it to the closest enemy Pokemon. Take advantage of its damage and wide AoE in battles.
Immobilized when using its Unite Move. Enemies can sneak up behind Cramorant and attack it during this period. Make sure that you team up with an ally Defender to protect you.
Timing is necessary for using Cramorant's ult. This Unite Move has an activation time and can be canceled by CC moves if it happens early enough. This move may also be avoided if you respond quickly and with good timing.
It can lose a fight if its opponent gets near. Speedsters and All-Arounders with high mobility can dodge Cramorant's moves and dash quickly to land a hit.

Better At Top Lane

Cramorant 1

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Cramorant can quickly KO wild Pokemon in the early stages, and it tends to be advantageous against Corphish that appear in the middle of the upper route. Since there are fewer battles here compared to the bottom lane, you can use this to start snowballing and pushing lanes before joining the clashes in the lower route.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★・・
Cramorant's damage is excellent however its mobility may not be at par with other Pokemon. Having no escape tools makes it an easy target when ambushed in the middle lane.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★★★
Cramorant possesses a powerful burst combination with Hurricane and Surf that can damage multiple Pokemon, especially gathering crowds when competing for Drednaw. Cramorant can't easily evade attacks so make sure to stay close to your Defenders and utilize them as a shield while doing damage behind them.
Which Lanes to Play - Top, Mid, Bottom Lane Roles Guide

Cramorant (Lv 1~) Strategy

Focus On Leveling Up

During the first half of the match, your main focus should be leveling up as quickly as possible. Cramorant will really hit its stride at level 6 when you can get Surf. Avoid unnecessary engagements and save Whirlpool to guarantee a list hit on Wild Pokemon!

How To Level Up Fast - EXP Farming

Choose Whirlpool First

Whirlpool can deal devastating damage if a Pokemon lingers in it. It will be essential in securing the last hits in the early phase of the match, so make sure to use it wisely!

Tip!Carefully place your Whirlpool so that it deals its full potential damage to both Aipom! This will save you and your partner time getting to top lane, and let you potentially get more exp by stealing your opponent's Pokemon.

Feather Dance Will Add Debuffs

With Feather Dance, you can decrease the Attack and movement speed of an enemy. A great setup to either finish off Pokemon that area trying to flee or have a Pokemon flee while the debuff is active.

Cramorant (Lv 4~) Strategy

Cramorant (Lv 4~) Strategy

Air Slash Is The Safer Bet

Air Slash is an incredibly powerful attack that lets you jump back after attacking. You'll find this very helpful when fighting against melee Pokemon. Its cooldown is very low, meaning it will be up almost every time you need it.

Choose Hurricane For Crowd Control

Enemies caught in Hurricane are effectively hindered from doing any action while they are caught in it. They will then be damaged when they are thrown after the move's duration. If your team is lacking in CC, consider running this! Note that it will do less damage overall than Air Slash, though.

Cramorant (Lv 6~) Strategy

Air Slash + Surf

For this build, attack first with Surf and enter the wave to get a Pokemon. Use Normal Attacks for the additional damage, then use Air Slash to reposition and damage enemies.

Recommended Combo
Surf → Normal Attack → Air Slash

Hurricane + Dive

This build lets Cramorant function as a bit of an assassin, knocking up foes and then charging in to finish them off. Note that overcommitting as an Attacker and diving right into the enemy Pokemon without a way out can be very dangerous, so only play this build if you're confident in your ability to escape.

Recommended Combo
HurricaneDive → Normal Attack

Hurricane + Surf

This combo works well as it really locks down an enemy for an extended period of time. You can use either move first, but just be careful that your Surf doesn't knock your target out of the Hurricane before it goes off.

Recommended Combo

Other Tips

Find The Right Timing For Unite Move

Cramorant's Unite Move is a double-edged sword as it does massive damage but also leaves you immobile in its duration. It's best to use Gatling Gulp Missile when you have a nearby ally to protect and defend Cramorant during its vulnerable situation. Make sure that you can confirm a KO on your targets when using this so it won't backfire on Cramorant.

Use The Surroundings To Your Advantage

Use The Surroundings To Your Advantage

Map awareness can be a huge advantage especially when you want to avoid getting ganked and ambushed by enemies. You can use this to strategically position yourself to corner your opponents - preferably on nearby grass bushes to surprise attack targets. Use Cramorant's moves to immobilize enemies while your allies can attack them aggressively while stunned - giving your team plenty of opportunities for a massive KO streak!

Grass (Bush) Guide - Effects & How To Use

Cramorant - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will teach you which specific Wild Pokemon to kill in order, as well as exactly what to do at various stages of the game.


Target Level3
Tasks① Choose Whirlpool as your first skill.
② KO the first Aipom
③ KO the second Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the middle

At the beginning of the match, we recommend choosing Whirlpool as your first skill, as this move is unbeatable in terms of getting last hits. It also lets you hit the 3rd & 4th Aipoms at once!


Target Level4
Tasks① KO Audino on the upper middle.
② KO the upper left and lower left Audinos.
③ Deal and KO the Corphish located at the lower left corner of your goal zone.
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle of the lane.
⑤ KO the newly spawned Audino on the upper middle.
⑥ KO newly spawned Audino on the upper middle.
⑦ Deal and KO the newly spawned Corphish located at the lower-left corner of your goal zone.
⑧ Clear the newly spawned Combees and Vespiquens in the middle.

Cramorant can get the last hit on wild Pokemon with ease by using Whirlpool. Target Wild Pokemon on your opponent's side and aim for Level 6 before the Drednaw fight.

7:00~Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level8
Tasks• Use Surf or Hurricane to stun your opponents and give your allies a chance to attack them.

Try to CC your enemies either with the move Surf or Hurricane - this will open up a window for allies to attack your opponents! If your ally isn't nearby, save your moves for last hitting instead.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~Zapdos Fight

Target Level9~
TasksSurf or Hurricane to stun your opponents and give your allies a chance to attack them.
• Use your Unite move approaching Zapdos and/or Drednaw

Cramorant's Unite move has a very long range. Using it in the vicinity of Drednaw or Zapdos is a must, as it will either pressure your enemies away, or actually net you the last hit.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Cramorant Counters

Pokemon Cramorant Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Cramorant

・Try to drag wild Pokemon out of its Whirlpool to prevent losing last hits
・Move unpredictably to avoid Surf
・Burst it down before it can use its ult. If it gets it off and has a barrier up, dash away
・Always assume that it could be hiding in a bush in the vicinity (especially during Zapdos fights)

Best Matchups For Cramorant

Pokemon Cramorant Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Cramorant

Tips When Allied With Cramorant

・Cramorant lacks endurance & is not good at short distance battles. If your Pokemon has a higher endurance like Snorlax, you can get upfront to block enemies from getting near and dealing damage to Cramorant while it attacks opponents at the back, sustaining damage on the enemy team.
・When Cramorant uses its Unite Move, your opponents may retreat to avoid getting their HP pool pressured from the damage output of Gatling Gulp Missile. If Cramorant uses this near objectives like boss Wild Pokemon, you can prevent the other team from stealing the last hit and secure capturing it for your team's advantage.

Cramorant Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Long
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack. This boosted attack spits Arrokuda or other Pokemon at opposing Pokemon and deals damage to opposing Pokemon near the target when it hits.
()Gulp Missile
After using an ability, you catch some form of prey in your beak. Taking damage causes you to spit this out at your enemies, dealing damage. The effect of the prey you get changes according to your remaining HP.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

WhirlpoolWhirlpool Area
Creates a whirlpool that deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect. This move's area of effect slowly shrinks, but the damage dealt slowly increases. Just before the whirlpool disappears, it decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon in the area of effect for a short time. The user can also catch Arrokuda or other prey by entering the whirlpool.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 1550

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Feather DanceFeather Dance Hindrance
Decreases the Attack and movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 0

Level 4 Moves (Choose One)

Creates a fierce wind, throwing opposing Pokemon that get caught in it and throwing them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 1455

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Air SlashAir SlashRanged
Has the user shoot out many blades of air while moving backward to create distance. Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and reduces this move's cooldown when it hits.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 984

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamage (Per Hit)HP Recovery

Level 6 Moves (Choose One)

Attacks with a wave that deals damage to opposing Pokemon. Once the wave has traveled its full distance, it returns the way it came, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon once again and pulling them back with the wave. The user can also catch Arrokuda or other prey by entering the wave themselves.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 2477

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Changes the designated area into a puddle and has the user dive to that area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them whenthey hit. The user also catches Arrokuda or other wild Pokemon as they emerge from the puddle. A maximum of three uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
Damage: 1219

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Gatling Gulp MissileGatling Gulp MissileRanged
Creates a puddle at the user's current location. The user continuosly uses its mouth to grab Arrokuda from the puddle and spits them out to attack the nearest opposing Pokemon. The user cannot move or use other moves while this move is in effect.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 12995

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves

Cramorant Skins

Cramorant - Cook Style

Cook Style

Cramorant - Frontier Style

Frontier Style
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All Attacker List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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Reader Comments
Anonymous 1

Blastoise needs to be added to the counter list. It's impossible not to die to a Blastoise when it uses rapid spin. Cramorant should avoid blastoise at all costs.

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©2020 Pokémon. ©1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc. /GAME FREAK inc.©2020 Tencent. All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks, character and/or image used in this article are the copyrighted property of their respective owners.

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