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Alolan Ninetales Build: Guide & Moveset

Alolan Ninetales Build: Guide & Moveset | Pokemon UNITE

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Alolan Ninetales is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Alolan Ninetales's stats, best items, Alolan Vulpix, movesets, builds best items & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Alolan Ninetales Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Alolan Ninetales Move Changes (March 28)

Move / StatChanges
Aurora VeilAurora VeilChanges
- Effects on the user weakened.
Bug Fixes
Patch Notes: Balance Patch
(March 28)
Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Alolan Ninetales Move Changes (March 14)

Move / StatChanges
Aurora VeilAurora VeilChanges
- Changed to “Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.”
Basic AttackBasic AttackChanges
- Boosted attack controls adjusted
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (March 14)

Alolan Ninetales Move Changes (November 10th)

Move / StatChanges
Sp. Attack:- Sp. Attack has been increased.
BlizzardBlizzard- Cooldown has been reduced. from 11 to 9 seconds.
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased by roughly 32%.

Alolan Ninetales received a buff on the November 10th patch with Blizzard's decreased cooldown and damage increase. There are some changes to the Alolan Ninetales's Sp. Attack damage can be lethal in the match.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch
(November 10)

Alolan Ninetales Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
BlizzardBlizzard - Adjusted the way Blizzard deals damage when it hits an obstacle.
Snow GlobeSnow Globe- Fixed a bug where the damage did not increase when attacking a Pokemon that was frozen by another Pokemon's move.

There have been some adjustments and bug fixes on Alolan Ninetales during the September 22nd Patch. This includes some adjustments to the way Blizzard deals damage when the move hits an obstacle & an interesting bug fix regarding Snow Globe and ally Pokemon's freeze effects. Given that no other Pokemon are able to freeze, it's possible we may have gotten a glimpse of Mamoswine's abilities!

August 18th Patch Changes

Snow WarningSnow Warning- Fixed a bug where this passive would trigger on Pokemon hidden in the grass.
Aurora VeilAurora Veil- Fixed a bug where the effect of Snow Warning would sometimes apply faster while under the effect of Aurora Veil

Alolan Ninetales saw two bug fixes in the most recent patch. These should overall result in a more pleasant gameplay experience for the Pokemon.

August 4th Changes

Snow Warning- Bug Fixes.

Alolan Ninetales received a bug fix during the patch for its Snow Warning ability.

Alolan Ninetales Overview

Alolan Ninetales
Attack TypeSpecial
Tier RankS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Alolan Ninetales Stats

Offense 4 Stars (8)
Endurance 1.5 Stars (3)
Mobility1.5 Stars (3)
Scoring2.5 Stars (5)
Support3 Stars (6)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Alolan Ninetales Evolution

Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix
(Lv. 4)
Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales

Alolan Ninetales Best Builds

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Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 4AvalancheAvalanche
Attacks with a gush of chilly ice toward the designated area. The ice forms a wall that cannot be passed through on land. After a short time, this wall melts and collapses, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Lv. 6BlizzardBlizzard
Summons a howling blizzard in two blasts in front of the user. The first blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time. The second blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and shoves them. If the second blast hits an obstacle, it also deals damage to opposing Pokémon near the point of impact.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Held Items
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Wise GlassesWise Glasses ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases Sp. Atk by 3%
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Avalanche & Blizzard For All-Out Offense

Blizzard is quite the beast in battle as it rolls 3 benefits in one: it deals damage, shoves opponents forward, and reduces their speed - making it harder for them to run away from your powerful assaults. Pairing this with Avalanche - a move that is both damage-dealing and enemy movement-hindering - gives you everything you'll need to corner enemies into a getting KO-ed.

Lv. 4Dazzling GleamDazzling Gleam
Attacks with a powerful cone of blinding light, leaving opposing Pokémon unable to act when this move hits.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Lv. 6BlizzardBlizzard
Summons a howling blizzard in two blasts in front of the user. The first blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time. The second blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and shoves them. If the second blast hits an obstacle, it also deals damage to opposing Pokémon near the point of impact.
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Held Items
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Dazzling Gleam For Damage & Hindrance

Although Avalanche is great for dealing damage in a set area, most opponents in battle know better than to stay there once the sparkles start to show. Because of this, Dazzling Gleam is the more efficient move in battle as it not only inflicts considerable damage to opponents, but it also blinds them temporarily - making them unable to move.

Blizzard For Powerful Ranged Attacks

As an Attacker, Alolan Ninetales is most effectively utilized by being on the offense - hence making Blizzard the move of choice. This move in particular is quite the beast in battle as it rolls 3 benefits in one: it deals damage, shoves opponents forward, and reduces their speed - making it harder for them to run away from your powerful assaults.

Lv. 4Dazzling GleamDazzling Gleam
Attacks with a powerful cone of blinding light, leaving opposing Pokémon unable to act when this move hits.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Lv. 6Aurora VeilAurora Veil
Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Held Items
Energy AmplifierEnergy Amplifier ・Unite Move Charge Rate +0.4% (+6%)
・Move Cooldown -0.3% (-4.5%)
After the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, the damage the Pokemon deals is increased by 7% for a short time.
Wise GlassesWise Glasses ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases Sp. Atk by 3%
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Disable Foes

This build will let you both deal good damage and disable foes frequently. You can do so both using Dazzling Gleam's stun, and with Ninetales' auto attacks & passive, which slow and eventually freeze enemies.

Muscle Band To Boost Auto Attacks

The Muscle Band may seem out of place on Ninetales here, but rest assured - it fulfills an important role. Namely, it synergizes with Aurora Veil by increasing your attack speed. This will let you get off more enhanced basic attacks during your Aurora Veil window!

A Highly Supportive Build

Though Ninetales is an attacker, this build is also excellent at helping out your allies. Aurora Veil will provide a defensive buff to allies, so make sure to use it to help them out!

Lv. 4AvalancheAvalanche
Attacks with a gush of chilly ice toward the designated area. The ice forms a wall that cannot be passed through on land. After a short time, this wall melts and collapses, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Lv. 6Aurora VeilAurora Veil
Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Held Items
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Choice SpecsChoice Specs ・Sp. Atk +10 (+39)
Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of 40 when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's Sp. Atk, the more the damage is increased.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
X AttackX Attack ・Raises your Pokemon's Atk & Sp. Atk. for a short time.
(Cooldown: 40s)

Avalanche For Damage & Crowd Control

Avalanche is a great area-based attack that not only deals damage to the Pokemon in the surrounding area but also forms a wall that prevents enemies from passing through. It's a unique move for an Attacker and can be quite useful for keeping enemies in control.

Aurora Veil For Power Buffs

Aurora Veil grants great buffs that give Alolan Ninetales more leeway to jump right into a raging battle: basic attacks get boosted, speed is upped, and the damage received is reduced.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

Alolan Ninetales - Basics & Advanced Tips

Alolan Ninetales Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Alolan Ninetales. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Concentrate on farming
・You'll need to do your best to level to 4 to evolve into Alolan Ninetales ASAP. Don't needlessly spar in the beginning - focus on last hitting Pokemon!
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Mind your passive
・Alolan Ninetales' passive will freeze enemies hit multiple times with it. It triggers off enhanced basic attacks as well as moves.
・Knowing how many stacks an enemy has is crucial - try to focus all your damage on one enemy when possible.
It's dangerous to go alone
・Alolan Ninetales can be KO'd rather easily if caught off alone, as it has very poor overall mobility.
・In teamfights, stay in the back and focus on dealing damage and crowd controlling key targets via Dazzling Gleam and your passive.

Alolan Ninetales Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Alolan Ninetales. This is a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

Prevent enemy last hits
・Alolan Ninetales is excellent at getting in the way of its foes. With various stuns and freezes, you can easily prevent your enemy from last hitting.
・You might not be able to get the last hit either, so ensure that your lanemate prioritizes doing so!
Use your Unite Move on multiple opponents!
・Alolan Ninetales' Unite move deals damage in a huge area and also freezes opponents. Resist the temptation to jump into the enemy team and use this move offensively (unless you're sure you'll finish them off). Ninetales is very fragile and lacks a way to disengage (aside from the Eject Button).
・Stay at range and use this as a defensive measure against assassins that might try to jump you!
Support allies
・This mostly applies if you're running Aurora Veil, but always keep in mind where your allies are and ensure that they're getting benefits from your abilities too.
・Ninetales has a good amount of crowd control, making it surprisingly effective as a "supporter". Play as if you're a slightly more offensive support and you'll see great results.

Alolan Ninetales Strategy Guide

Alolan Ninetales Strengths & Weaknesses

Alolan Ninetales' special ranged attacks have a combination of freezing enemies in their tracks while dealing damage.
Aurora Veil reduces damage taken by Alolan Ninetales and allies nearby. It also increases movement and boosts basic attacks. Use this to your advantage during team clashes.
Its Unite Move has a wide coverage that can affect multiple Pokemon with extra damage to those frozen. Stop enemies from last hitting objectives or scoring in goal zones with this.
With its passive ability Snow Warning, Alolan Ninetales can more easily find enemies hiding in the grass which can be advantageous in plenty of scenarios, including avoiding unnecessary enemy ambushes.
Alolan Ninetales has low endurance; it relies on attacking at a safe distance and using its Aurora Veil to avoid getting damaged. Use grass to sneak close to it and burst it down with attacks to knock it out.
Pokemon with high defense capabilities like Blastoise can stand up to Alolan Ninetales with its ranged attacks and disabling moves. Speedsters like Zeraora can dodge its freezing attack and close the gap with its dash.
Pokemon with disables or stuns can prevent Alolan Ninetales from using its moves beforehand and hit first with burst attacks.
Alolan Ninetales has low mobility with no dash-type moves which means it can get cornered or ambushed by opponents easily if not careful.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Alolan Vulpix is an attacker that has the potential to carry, so you'll want to make sure level up as quickly as possible. For this reason, we recommend going Top to benefit from the many Aipom and Corphish along the way and gain tons of EXP.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★・・
As an attacker, Alolan Vulpix is better of fending enemies in the upper or lower area rather than jungling. It has a strong early game performance that should be used for the team's advantage during initial stages.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★★★
Alolan Vulpix's has both offensive and hindering moves that it can utilize on frequent occuring team fights in the bottom lane especially those involving Drednaw. Its high-damage moves are also great for stealing last hits on team objectives.

Alolan Vulpix (Lv 1~) Strategy

Start Off With Powder Snow

While leveling up, you get one move at level 1 and another at level 3. Starting at level 1 we recommend Powder Snow You can pick up Icy Wind at level 3.

Defeat Wild Pokemon To Level Up

You'll need to defeat Wild Pokemon to level up. You can start off with the 2-point Aipoms that pop up early on the path, then work up to the 5-point ones at the center of the Top Lane. Try to target all wild Pokemon you encounter, and if you're with a support partner, ask them to yield last hits to you so you can level up faster.

List Of Wild Pokemon

Alolan Ninetales (Lv 4~) Strategy

Interfere Opponent's Actions From A Long Distance

Alolan Ninetales can throw snow to slow down the target's movement speed or make it unable to move. There are also a lot of moves to slow down the movement speed of the target and freeze them in place. In addition, since it has a long range, it can interfere with the opponent's actions from a long distance and support allies.

Choosing Dazzling Gleam Or Avalanche

At level 4 you can choose either Dazzling Gleam, which can stun an enemy for a short time, or Avalanche, which can deal great damage to your opponent and create a wall.

Level 4 Move Choices

Dazzling Gleam
Lv 4: Dazzling GleamDazzling Gleam
Attacks with a powerful cone of blinding light, leaving opposing Pokémon unable to act when this move hits.
Lv 4: AvalancheAvalanche
Attacks with a gush of chilly ice toward the designated area. The ice forms a wall that cannot be passed through on land. After a short time, this wall melts and collapses, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect.

Alolan Ninetales (Lv 6~) Strategy

Blizzard + Avalanche Build

Recommended Combos

Start with Blizzard to push your opponents away from you as you deal damage & decrease their movement speed in the process. Quickly follow up with Avalanche to continue the onslaught and prevent them from running away.

Blizzard + Dazzling Gleam Build

Recommended Combos
Dazzling GleamBlizzard

Remember to keep your distance against your opponents. If your opponent gets near or tries to corner you, use Dazzling Gleam to stun them and follow up with Blizzard to push them back, decrease their movement speed, and deal damage. Quickly deal with consecutive basic attacks and watch the tables turn on your opponent.

Aurora Veil + Avalanche Build

Recommended Combos
Aurora VeilAvalanche

If you are fighting a melee attacker, the combo listed above works quite well. You should be able to defeat your opponent with relative ease since it reduces damage received, increases movement speed, and boosts basic attacks.

Note Aurora Veil can reduce the damage received by allies within range. It should be used near an opposing Pokemon that causes high damage to allies.

Unite Move: Snow Globe

Alolan Ninetales' Unite Move is great for when you need to go through a large group of enemies in a concentrated area. Not only does it hit all unlucky Pokemon in the way, but it also deals extra damage to those that got frozen in the process.

Other Tips & Guides

Keep Your Distance


When choosing Alolan Ninetales, always keep your distance since this Pokemon is a ranged attacker. If you find yourself struggling against aggressive melee Pokemon, consider running an Eject Button as your battle item instead.

All Battle Items List

Alolan Ninetales - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game

This section will guide you on which specific Wild Pokemon to target in order, as well as what to do at various stages of the game. This guide is based on the Aurora Veil/Dazzling Gleam build.


Target Level3
Tasks① Choose Icy Wind as your first skill
② KO the 1st Aipom
③ KO the 2nds Aipom
④ KO the 3rd and 4th line of Aipoms
⑤ Head towards the middle

We recommend choosing Icy Wind first as your first skill, since it does twice the damage of Powder Snow. This will let you get last hits easier.


Target Level6
Tasks① KO the Corphish located at the lower side of the lane.
② Clear the Aipom spawns located at the upper and lower left side
③ Deal with the Corphish located at the upper left side of your goal zone
④ Clear the Combees and Vespiquens in the middle
⑤ Clear the newly spawned Corphish at the lower side of the lane
⑥ Clear the newly spawned Aipoms at the upper and lower left side
⑦ Deal with the respawned Corphish located at the upper left side of your goal zone
⑧ KO the 4 Corphishes in the central lane and then head towards the bottom lane

At level 4 you'll evolve into Alolan Ninetales. After learning Dazzling Gleam, you'll become significantly more powerful. Aim for at least level 6-7 before going to battle the first Drednaw by actively KOing your opponents or scoring goals.

7:00~Until Defeating Drednaw's 1st Appearance

Target Level8
Tasks• Use Aurora Veil to attack from a distance.
• Counter opponents with enhanced attacks and Dazzling Gleam.
• Aim for the last hit with your Unite move

Alolan Ninetales has particularly long-ranged attacks . Make sure to use the eventual freeze from its basic attacks or Dazzling Gleam to block opponents who are attacking, fleeing, or attempting to get last hits.

Drednaw Guide - Spawn Time & Location

After Defeating 1st Drednaw~Zapdos Fight

Target Level9~
Tasks• Use Aurora Veil to attack from a distance.
• Counter opponents with enhanced attacks and Dazzling Gleam.
• Aim to get the last hit with your Unite move.

Alolan Ninetales' Unite move has a short wind-up time, making it perfect for sniping the last hit on Drednaw and Zapdos! Make sure it's up for the final battle.

Zapdos Guide - Spawn Location & Strategy

Alolan Ninetales Counters

Pokemon Alolan Ninetales Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Alolan Ninetales

・Avoid engaging while Aurora Veil is activated as not only does Ninetales take less damage, but its basic attacks also become enhanced for the duration of this move
・Try to keep a safe distance from your allies when hunting Ninetales down as moves like Dazzling Gleam can affect all Pokemon in the nearby vicinity.
・Avoid running away in a straight line, especially when it uses Avalanche because it could block your escape and cause you to get KO-ed

Best Matchups For Alolan Ninetales

Pokemon Alolan Ninetales Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Alolan Ninetales

Tips When Allied With Alolan Ninetales

・Alolan Ninetales has lower endurance and is a Ranged-Type Pokemon which is not good in melee fights. If you are using Defender-Type Pokemon, try to stick close and protect Alolan Ninetales.
・Alolan Ninetales' Aurora Veil decrease the damage of the allies inside the area of effect. Try to fight around the area if Aurora Veilis used.
・Alolan Ninetales snow may inflict a frozen status that immobilizes enemies when the snow icon reaches 3/4. Keep an eye on the mark and attack them once they are frozen.

Alolan Ninetales Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Long
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack. When this boosted attack hits, it deals damage to nearby opposing Pokémon and decreases their movement speed for a short time.
()Snow Warning
Causes snow to fall on an opposing Pokémon, dealing damage to it and decreasing its movement speed for a short time. Boosted attacks and moves (except Aurora Veil) sling snow, and hitting the same target with snow multiple times will freeze it for a short time.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

Powder SnowPowder Snow Area
Attacks with a chilly gust of powdery snow, decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokémon for a short time when it hits.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 339

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Icy WindIcy Wind Ranged
Attacks with a gust of freezing air, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when it hits.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Damage: 622

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 4 Moves (Choose One)

Attacks with a gush of chilly ice toward the designated area. The ice forms a wall that cannot be passed through on land. After a short time, this wall melts and collapses, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage: 1290

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Dazzling GleamDazzling GleamHindrance
Attacks with a powerful cone of blinding light, leaving opposing Pokémon unable to act when this move hits.
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Damage: 1102

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 6 Moves (Choose One)

Summons a howling blizzard in two blasts in front of the user. The first blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time. The second blast deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and shoves them. If the second blast hits an obstacle, it also deals damage to opposing Pokémon near the point of impact.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 2293

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Aurora VeilAurora VeilBuff
Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Damage: 0

Detailed Move Recovery

These are the actual recovery rate of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Snow GlobeSnow GlobeArea
Attacks with chilly snow and ice, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect when it hits. Deals increased damage to opposing Pokemon that are frozen.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 2981

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamageIce Damage
91986 2750
132614 3604
List Of All Moves

Alolan Ninetales Skins

Alolan Ninetales - Sacred Style

Sacred Style Alolan Ninetales
How To GetPurchase for 2,499 Gems

Alolan Ninetales - Checkered Style

Sacred Style Alolan Ninetales
How To GetPurchase for 400 Gems

Alolan Ninetales - Theather Style

Alolan Ninetales Theater Style
How To GetPurchase for 1050 Gems
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All Attacker List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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