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Lucario Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide

Lucario Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE

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Lucario Build: Best Items & Moveset Guide | Pokemon UNITE - GameWith

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Lucario is a playable character in Pokemon Unite (Pokemon MOBA). Guide features Lucario's stats, best items, moveset, unite move, best build, gameplay & more!

Table of Contents

Ranked Meta Report

Lucario Buffs, Nerfs, & Changes

Lucario Move Changes (Sep 2)

Move / StatChanges
Power-Up PunchPower-Up PunchChanges
- Fixed a bug where distance moved is shortened when fully charged
Click To See Previous Balance Changes

Lucario Move Changes (May 30)

Move / StatChanges
Extreme SpeedExtreme SpeedChanges
- The amount of additional damage done to the opponent's Pokemon has been reduced.
Power-Up PunchPower-Up PunchChanges
- Fixed a bug that caused the Power-Up Punch damage to increase immediately after the unite move.
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (May 30)

Lucario Move Changes (April 28)

Move / StatChanges
Extreme SpeedExtreme SpeedChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
April 28 Updates And Patch Notes

Lucario Move Changes (March 14)

Move / StatChanges
Close CombatClose CombatChanges
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokemon decreased
- Effects on the user weakened
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (March 14)

Lucario Move Changes (January 26)

Move / StatChanges
Close CombatClose CombatChanges
- No longer triggers multiple healing effects when hitting multiple Pokemon
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (January 26)

Lucario Move Changes (January 20)

Move / StatChanges
Meteor MashMeteor MashChanges
- Damage has been decreased from 602 to 585 (about 3%)
- Effects on enemy Pokemon have been decreased.
Extreme SpeedExtreme SpeedChanges
- Decreased HP restoration
Power-Up PunchPower-Up PunchChanges
- Bux fix wherein Power-Up Punch would not get activated when used immediately after Meteor Mash
Close CombatClose CombatChanges
- Move was strengthened
Patch Notes: Balance Patch (January 20)

Lucario Move Changes (December 9)

Move / StatChanges
Power-up PunchPower-up Punch- Damage has been decreased from 2710 to 2054 (About 24%)
()Steadfast- Stats have been decreased!

Lucario received some nerfs on the Dec 9th Patch: Power-Up Punch's damage and the time wherein the move can be charged decreased, while the Steadfast effect was also decreased.

Patch Notes: Balance Patch (December 9)

Lucario Move Changes (October 20th)

Move / StatChanges
Basic AttackBasic Attack- The attack stat has been lowered.
()Steadfast- The activation rate of the move's special effects has been decreased.
Aura CannonAura Cannon- Fixed a bug which increased the damage of Aura Cannon after using a move and then using Power-Up Punch.

Lucario is set to receive some adjustments on the Oct 20th Patch, with its Basic attack & passive ability Steadfast getting nerfs. In addition, an Aura Cannon' bug has been addressed, though this will effectively be a nerf to Lucario overall.

Lucario Move Changes (September 22nd)

Move / StatChanges
Power-Up PunchPower-Up Punch - Damage done when near opponents decreased by approximately 6%
Close CombatClose Combat- Damage done to enemy Pokemon increased by roughly 73%
Close CombatClose Combat +- Fixed a bug where damage didn't increase properly.

Lucario has had some adjustments made to his moves. His Power-Up Punch was nerfed (though it still deals great damage). Additionally, Lucario's Close Combat was buffed substantially, both in terms of raw damage and in terms of a bug that was fixed.

Changes In August Update

Power-up PunchPower-up PunchFixed a bug where Power-Up Punch's attack boost would sometimes carry over to basic attacks after using the move.
Bone RushBone RushFixed a bug where you sometimes wouldn't do damage to enemies in the area after using the move a second time.

Lucario received two bug fixes in this patch. One was a bug where Power-up Punch would sometimes also boost its next basic attack (this fix is effectively a slight nerf for Lucario).

Lucario Overview

Attack TypePhysical
Tier RankSS
(Full Tier List)
List Of Playable Pokemon

Lucario Stats

Offense 3 Stars (6)
Endurance 2.5 Stars (5)
Mobility3.5 Stars (7)
Scoring3 Stars (6)
Support0.5 Stars (1)

HP, Defense, & Sp. Defense

※ Listed stat values are at level 15

Stats Per Level For Each Pokemon

Lucario Evolution

Final Form
(Does not evolve)

Lucario Best Builds

Overview Of Builds

※ Click or tap to swap between different builds

Lv. 5Power-Up PunchPower-Up Punch
Charges power before unleashing a powerful attack. While the user is charging power, its movement speed is decreased but its Attack slowly increases and the damage it receives is reduced. The user then charges in the designated direction and releases this move, dealing more damage the lower the opposing Pokémon's remaining HP is and making its own next basic attack a boosted attack if the move hits. This move's cooldown is reduced every time one of the user's moves hits.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Lv. 7Bone RushBone Rush
Performs a combo attack with a bone, dealing multiple damaging blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them. The final attack sends the bone flying. If this move is used again while the bone is traveling, the user rushes to the location of the bone, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Power-Up Punch For Powerful Attacks

This move rolls 3 great benefits into one: it inflicts a lot of damage, shoves opponents forward, and boosts your next attack. All of these packed together make this move quite lethal in the battlefield and sends opponents running.

Bone Rush To Stun & Send Opponents Flying

Although Close Combat is a powerful contender, Bone Rush won us over with its multiple damaging blows to all opponents and stunning them in the process. On top of all that, Lucario gets the opportunity to evade backlash by being able to rush to the location of the bone thrown

Lv. 5Extreme SpeedExtreme Speed
Has the user charge forward with breathtaking speed. If this move hits an opposing Pokémon from point-blank range, its cooldown is reset and it restores the user's HP. However, the cooldown cannot be continually reset by using this move on the same opponent multiple times in succession.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lv. 7Close CombatClose Combat
Unleashes a combo attack, dealing multiple blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Focus BandFocus Band ・Def +2 (+30)
・Sp. Def 0 (+30)
When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then each second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the HP it had lost.
Score ShieldScore Shield ・HP +15 (+450)
While Pokemon is attempting to score a goal, it is granted a shield equal to 5% of its max HP and its goals cannot be interrupted while it is shielded.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Extreme Speed For Quick Hits

This move is great as it gives an opportunity for a quick second hit using the same move thanks to the cooldown reset. Your HP is also restored in the process, so being able to use this twice in a row can be quite useful in battle.

Close Combat For Extra Blows

A multiple-blow combo making it quite lethal in the battlefield! This move also ends with shoving your opponent away, so it's great whenever you're in a pinch.

Lv. 5Extreme SpeedExtreme Speed
Has the user charge forward with breathtaking speed. If this move hits an opposing Pokémon from point-blank range, its cooldown is reset and it restores the user's HP. However, the cooldown cannot be continually reset by using this move on the same opponent multiple times in succession.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lv. 7Bone RushBone Rush
Performs a combo attack with a bone, dealing multiple damaging blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them. The final attack sends the bone flying. If this move is used again while the bone is traveling, the user rushes to the location of the bone, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Muscle BandMuscle Band ・Atk +1 (+15)
・Basic Atk Speed +0% (+7.5%)
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.
Score ShieldScore Shield ・HP +15 (+450)
While Pokemon is attempting to score a goal, it is granted a shield equal to 5% of its max HP and its goals cannot be interrupted while it is shielded.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Extreme Speed For Double Hits & HP Restore

Extreme Speed is a convenient move as it gives an opportunity for a quick second hit with the cooldown reset. Your HP is also restored in the process, so being able to use this twice in a row can be quite useful in battle.

Bone Rush For Multiple Hits & Chances To Escape

Bone Rush is great as it deals multiple damaging blows to all opponents and stuns them in the process. In addition, Lucario can quickly escape a heated battle if necessary by being able to rush to the location of the bone thrown in this move.

Lv. 5Power-Up PunchPower-Up Punch
Charges power before unleashing a powerful attack. While the user is charging power, its movement speed is decreased but its Attack slowly increases and the damage it receives is reduced. The user then charges in the designated direction and releases this move, dealing more damage the lower the opposing Pokémon's remaining HP is and making its own next basic attack a boosted attack if the move hits. This move's cooldown is reduced every time one of the user's moves hits.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Lv. 7Close CombatClose Combat
Unleashes a combo attack, dealing multiple blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Held Items
Attack WeightAttack Weight ・Attack +0.6 (+18)
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Attack increases by 6.
Buddy BarrierBuddy Barrier ・HP +20 (+600)
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to 20% of their max HP.
Score ShieldScore Shield ・HP +15 (+450)
While Pokemon is attempting to score a goal, it is granted a shield equal to 5% of its max HP and its goals cannot be interrupted while it is shielded.
Battle Item
Eject ButtonEject Button ・Quickly moves your Pokemon in the designated location.
(Cooldown: 70s)

Close Combat For Extra Blows

A multiple-blow combo making it quite lethal in the battlefield! This move also ends with shoving your opponent away, so it's great whenever you're in a pinch.

Power-Up Punch For Powerful Attacks

This move rolls 3 great benefits into one: it inflicts a lot of damage, shoves opponents forward, and boosts your next attack. All of these packed together make this move quite lethal in the battlefield and sends opponents running.

Which Moveset Do You Recommend?

Best Builds For Each Pokemon

User-Submitted Builds

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Share with us a build that you’re proud of with the form below! The build you share here may be featured on our website! (It will of course be properly attributed to you.)

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Attacking Scorer (aGenTLeMan) Build

Author's Notes
- The more times you score, the more Powerful attacks you land
See More User Submitted Builds Here

kshitiz0069's Build

Author's Notes
- The best strategy is to score 6 goals it will be easier with attack weight, this will boast attack and can level you up faster, this is great for solo que.
- You can replace score shield with buddy barrier while playing with friends.

Extreme Combat (KlintA's Build)

Author's Notes
- Great for crowd control

Power-Up Healing (Mykael Villanueva's Build)

Author's Notes
- Using the sustain from Focus Band when low in HP, pair it with Close Combat to get extra sustain. If you're not into Focus Band, you can replace it with Muscle Band. Slow Smoke is used to properly position Power Up Punch or Close Combat

Lucario - Basics & Advanced Tips

Lucario Basic Mechanics

This section has basic tips and tricks that you must know to effectively control Lucario. Treat this as a supplement to the Beginner's Guide.

Prioritize leveling up
・Even though Lucario does not evolve, leveling up is still the primary way to gain power in a match. During the start of the match choose Meteor Mash as your first move as it can deal damage and clear the bottom path.
▶ How To Level Up Fast
Master Lucario's Enhanced Attack
・Lucario's Enhanced Attack sends opponent up in the air and leaves them stunned for a short time.
・Timing this is extremely important - not just with your own moves, but with your allies. Make sure you have the enhanced basic attack setting turned on!
▶ Best Settings Guide
Use Quick Attack to escape or chase opponents
・After you've reached level 3 you'll unlock Quick Attack, which can be very useful for chasing opponents with low HP or simply escaping from dangerous situations.

Lucario Advanced Mechanics

This section is for those looking to up their play with Lucario. This is a supplement to the Advanced Players Guide.

Steal last hits with Power Up Punch
・One of Lucario's key strengths is its ability to steal last hits. Don't worry about defeating enemy Pokemon in lane - prioritize getting last hits instead! Charge up Power Up Punch to get major targets, such as Vespiquen, Drednaw, and of course, Zapdos.
・Pay attention to your team comp - if you're lacking a very strong last hit stealer, consider running Power Up Punch instead of Extreme Speed!
Save Unite Move for Zapdos
・Though obvious, it's important that you save your Unite Move for Zapdos. This is in part psychological as much as it is practical - opponents will be wary of Lucario's presence and always be on the lookout for its Aura Cannon.
・Don't forget that after using Aura Cannon, your next Power Up Punch will do more damage. Use this to secure the last hit if Aura Cannon doesn't finish off your objective target.
Master Power Up Punch / Bone Rush Combos
・Use Bone Rush behind you, then use Power Up Punch to initiate on your enemies. Then, reactivate Bone Rush to teleport backward, effectively disengaging.
・This allows you to poke and retreat very quickly.

Lucario Strategy Guide

Lucario Strengths & Weaknesses

Can take any Pokemon in a 1v1 with its combined speed and enhanced attacks that can deal burst damage.
Snipe important targets with increased damage output from Power-Up Punch after using Aura Cannon.
Because of Lucario's excellent mobility, you may steal final hits and flee from pursuers, enhancing Lucario's resilience in battle.
Despite having dash and other speed skills, it lacks any moves that may disable other Pokemon.
It is restricted by its very narrow area of effect when faced with ranged and mobile Pokemon like Alolan Ninetales.
Lucario must hit his combinations in order to be effective. Dodging it can counter his attacks and prevent it from getting buffs from hits.

Recommended Lanes

The number of ★ shows the level on a particular route area.

LaneRoute Details
TopTop Recommendation level: ★★★
Lucario has a high combination of mobility and offensive power that lets it win battles with opponents and KO spawns quickly compared to other Pokemon during the early stages. In addition, the upper path is recommended because it contains less team battles, making it easier to level up and score goals.
MiddleMiddleRecommendation level: ★・・
Lucario can swiftly reach level 5 and unlock its second move from jungling. However, it is preferable to assign this area to low-performing ally Pokemon and employ Lucario's skills in the higher or lower lanes.
BottomBottomRecommendation level: ★★★
Lucario is a Pokemon that benefits from heading to the bottom lane early on, due to the plentiful experience found there in the form of Audino. You can take advantage of its extremely high performance early in teamfights and competition for Drednaw. However, because team battles occur often here, it is more difficult to aim for the goal than in the higher path.

Early Game (Lv 1~) Strategy

Start Off With Quick Attack

While leveling up, you get one move at level 1 and another at level 3. Starting at level 1 we recommend Quick Attack for the lower cooldown and movement option. Then at Level 3, unlock Meteor Mash to deal more damage.

Defeat Wild Pokemon To Level Up

Lucario has a lot of potential to carry a team, which means that it benefits a lot from leveling up early. Try to prioritize getting all Audino in your area, and if you're playing with a Supporter bottom, ask them to let you have every last hit.

Mid Game (Lv 5~) Strategy

Extreme Speed Or Power-Up Punch

Once you've hit level 5 you'll get to choose your next move. If you choose Extreme Speed, you'll get a burst of mobility, while Power-Up Punch will see an overall increase to your damage.

Level 5 Move Choices

Extreme Speed
Lv 5: Extreme SpeedExtreme SpeedDash
Has the user charge forward with breathtaking speed. If this move hits an opposing Pokémon from point-blank range, its cooldown is reset and it restores the user's HP. However, the cooldown cannot be continually reset by using this move on the same opponent multiple times in succession
Power-Up Punch
Lv 5: Power-Up PunchPower-Up Punch
Charges power before unleashing a powerful attack. While the user is charging power, its movement speed is decreased but its Attack slowly increases and the damage it receives is reduced. The user then charges in the designated direction and releases this move, dealing more damage the lower the opposing Pokémon's remaining HP is and making its own next basic attack a boosted attack if the move hits. This move's cooldown is reduced every time one of the user's moves hits.

Late Game (Lv 7~) Strategy

Power-Up Punch + Bone Rush

Recommended Combos
Bone RushPower-Up Punch

Start with Bone Rush to weaken your enemy with multiple blows and evade their counterattacks. Follow up with Power-Up Punch to inflict even more damage and also boost your next basic attack. These multiple hits will cause major damage - enough to possibly KO your opponent, or send them running otherwise!

Extreme Speed + Close Combat Build

Recommended Combos
Extreme SpeedClose Combat

As Lucario is a melee attacker, you will need to close the distance to your foe to damage them. Start with an auto attack and then follow up with Extreme Speed if they run away. This will also get you behind the opponent. After, use Close Combat and link it with other regular attacks.

Extreme Speed + Bone Rush Build

Recommended Combos
Extreme SpeedBone Rush

Start with Extreme Speed to close in on an enemy prior to a fight. Then follow with Bone Rush to weaken your enemy with multiple blows and evade their counterattacks. Quickly use Extreme Speed again - its cooldown should have been reset if you hit the enemy successfully the first time.

Close Combat + Power-Up Punch Build

Recommended Combos
Close CombatPower-Up Punch

Start with Close Combat to weaken your opponent with this move's multiple blows, then follow up with Power-Up Punch. This combo works best in this order because Power-Up Punch deals more damage the lower the enemy's HP & makes the next basic attack a boosted attack - enabling an extra swift KO.

Unite Move: Aura Cannon

A Unite Move that not only deals damage to the surrounding enemy Pokemon but also gives a buff for your next Power-Up Punch! We recommend utilizing this move when you're targeting a large group of opponents as it can be difficult to aim and may miss if you're only targeting one.

TipAura Cannon is one of the best moves in the game for stealing Zapdos and Drednaw. It can be used to snipe important objectives, and as such you'll want to consider saving it for crucial teamfight moments.

Other Tips & Guides

Always Press Forward


Lucario is a very powerful duelist, so you'll want to actively look for engagements on the field. Although ranged attackers will be more difficult to deal with, you should be able to hold your own against most others. Seek to close the distance while playing assertively and aggressively.

Lucario - Timing Specific Guide

What To Do At Every Stage Of The Game (Bot Lane)

This section will teach you specific Wild Pokemon kill orders, as well as exactly what to do at various stages of the game. This guide only covers the bottom lane. While you can employ the same tactics for the top lane, there might be several differences in terms of positioning and spawn points.


Target Level3
Tasks① Learn Quick Attack
② KO the 1st Aipom
③ Defeat the 2nd Aipom
④ Defeat the 3rd and 4th Aipoms
⑤ Go to the center of the lane

Quick Attack launches Lucario forward allowing it to cover distance in an instant. It can also be used to strike the 3rd and 4th Aipoms at the same time. Use it as much as you can until you reach the center of your lane.


Target Level5
Tasks① Defeat the Audino found on the upper part of the bottom lane
② Defeat the upper left and lower left Audinos
③ KO the Corphish found on the lower left side of your team's goal
④ Clear the 3 Combees and the Vespiquen at the middle of your lane
⑤ KO the respawned Audino found on the upper part of the bottom lane
⑥ Clear the upper left and lower left Audinos again
⑦ KO the respawned Corphish found on the lower left side of your team's goal
⑧ Clear the 3 Combees and the Vespiquen again

The early stages of the game favor Lucario due to its innately high offensive power. Meteor Mash allows Lucario to pierce targets while immobilizing and displacing them. This makes it easy for Lucario to land last hits or chase down enemies. Use this to pressure your lane so you can KO or make goals.

7:00~Before Defeating Drednaw

Target Level7
Tasks・ Use Extreme Speed to greatly damage groups of enemy Pokemon
・Use Bone Rush to reactivate Extreme Speed's blue circle status

Lucario's Extreme Speed build can be quite difficult to use if you're aiming to land last hits. If you plan on using this build, capitalize on its speed to defeat and win the first Drednaw team fight. After winning this fight, proceed to defeat and get Drednaw with your team.

Drednaw Guide

After Defeating Drednaw~End Of The Battle

Target Level9~
Tasks・ Use Extreme Speed to greatly damage groups of enemy Pokemon
・ Use Bone Rush to reactivate Extreme Speed's blue circle status
・ Use your Unite Move to land last hits from afar

Lucario's Unite Move, Aura Cannon has an incredible range. This can be extremely useful during the fight for Zapdos or the 2nd Drednaw. During team fights, carefully aim and try to land this skill to damage most, if not all, members of the enemy team.

Zapdos Guide

Lucario Counters

Pokemon Lucario Is Weak Against

How To Play Against Lucario

・ Lucario's strength lies in its capabilities as a melee fighter. Keep distance and attack it from afar. Use damaging nukes from the likes of Pokemon like Pikachu to dissuade or disable Lucario from closing in.
・ Although it has moves that can close distance, Lucario has no moves that can disable Pokemon. Take note of this and try to lead Lucario to a trap whenever it tries to chase you down.
・ Lucario can be pretty tricky to snipe down given its mobility. Use moves like Electro Ball that home in on its target to effectively erase it from a fight.
・ Despite being mobile itself, Lucario has trouble fighting incredibly mobile foes like Zeraora due to its moves having a very narrow area of effect.

Best Matchups For Lucario

Pokemon Lucario Is Strong Against

Best Teammates For Lucario

Tips When Allied With Lucario

・Create opportunities and openings for Lucario to have the upper hand on team battles
・Dish out stuns and disables so it can knock down its targets easily
・You can provide hindering moves to trap and prevent enemies from escaping Lucario

Lucario Moves & Unite Move

Basic Attack & Passive

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRange: Short
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, performing a combo attack with a bone. Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throws them.
When athe Pokemon is at low HP, it is granted a shield and its movement speed is increased.

Level 1 or 3 Moves (Choose Order)

Quick AttackQuick Attack Dash
Has the user lunge forward at a speed that makes them almost invisible, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon they come in contact with
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 673

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Meteor MashMeteor Mash Melee
Blasts forward with a punch like a comet, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Damage: 602

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Level 5 Moves (Choose One)

Extreme SpeedExtreme SpeedDash
Has the user charge forward with breathtaking speed. If this move hits an opposing Pokémon from point-blank range, its cooldown is reset and it restores the user's HP. However, the cooldown cannot be continually reset by using this move on the same opponent multiple times in succession.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 1502

Detailed Move Damage & HP Recovered

These are the actual damages & recovery rate of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Lv1st HitRecoveryAdditional Damage
6733159 164
7769167 175
8808175 188
121158242 291

Hit Multiple Opponents For Additional Turn

Lucario's "Extreme Speed" grants another turn once hit an enemy as long as it doesn't hit them twice. This move can be used many times by attacking multiple opponents.

Power-Up PunchPower-Up PunchDash
Charges power before unleashing a powerful attack. While the user is charging power, its movement speed is decreased but its Attack slowly increases and the damage it receives is reduced. The user then charges in the designated direction and releases this move, dealing more damage the lower the opposing Pokémon's remaining HP is and making its own next basic attack a boosted attack if the move hits. This move's cooldown is reduced every time one of the user's moves hits.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Damage: 2054

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damage of this move without any Held Items equipped.

LvDamage (Not Charged)Damage (Fully Charged)
5684 1248
6726 1323
7770 1403
8819 1493
9874 1593
10935 1703
111001 1823
121072 1953
131149 2093
141234 2247
151327 2416

Level 7 Moves (Choose One)

Bone RushBone RushMelee
Performs a combo attack with a bone, dealing multiple damaging blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them. The final attack sends the bone flying. If this move is used again while the bone is traveling, the user rushes to the location of the bone, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 732

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damage of this move without any Held Items equipped.

Lv1st Hit2nd Hit
Close CombatClose CombatMelee
Unleashes a combo attack, dealing multiple blows to opposing Pokémon and shoving them.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Damage: 4180

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.


Unite Move (Level 9)

Aura CannonAura CannonRanged
Deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect. Increases the damage dealt by the user's next Power-Up Punch after using this Unite Move.
Cooldown: 1 seconds
Damage: 4124

Detailed Move Damage

These are the actual damages of this move without any Held Items equipped.

List Of All Moves

Lucario Skins

Lucario - Space Style Lucario

Space Style Lucario

Lucario - Costume Party Style

Costume Party Lucario

Lucario - Ruins Style

Ruins Style

Lucario - Martial Arts Style

Martial Arts Style
All Pokemon Skins & Holowear List

Other Pokemon Of The Same Role

All All-Rounder List

Pokemon Related Articles

All Playable Pokemon


List Of All Battle Items

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