Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)

Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)

Internationale Angelegenheiten

DTM tracks and monitors displaced populations’ movements and evolving needs. Part of IOM’s Global Data Institute.


Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) at the Global Data Institute at International Organization for Migration (IOM) monitors and tracks displaced populations’ mobility and evolving needs in over ninety-nine countries. Connect with us on all of our platforms http://bit.ly/DTM-SocialNetwork

Internationale Angelegenheiten
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
internally displaced people (IDPs), forced migration, conflict IDPs, and climate-induced displacement


Beschäftigte von Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)


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    On May 2nd and 3rd, 2024, Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team members gathered in London for a Global DTM Retreat. For two days, we developed, exchanged, and launched ideas about internal displacement and other migration issues. Our collective efforts reconfigured DTM's data collection and consolidation systems. An evolution that strengthens the use of actionable, comparable, and insightful data and continues to align with our purpose of better supporting our humanitarian partners and response. https://dtm.iom.int

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    IOM - UN Migration’s Global Data Institute and the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University have released a series of Focus Group Discussion Reports as part of the PROGRESS initiative. The third is from Yemen. Navigating the Effects of Displacement: Yemen Insights from Host Community, Internally Displaced and Returnee Populations Following the publication of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023, Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted focus group discussions to better understand the effects of displacement and progress towards durable solutions from the perspectives of displaced individuals. This report from the Yemen country team presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of 25 focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023, mainly in Ma’rib City and Harib, with 281 representatives of IDPs, host communities, and returnees. Just under one-third (32%) of the respondents were female. Regarding support, the top-mentioned needs include jobs and training—housing and repair. According to one participant, ‘The majority of us want the conflict to end and peace, security and safety prevail in the homeland, and for us to live a decent life in our homeland and among our families and loved ones, and for livelihoods, job opportunities and all services to be available in all fields.’- Male Returnee, Focus Group Participant, Yemen, August 2023. The PROGRESS initiative, including the upcoming 2024 edition, supports the urgent need to accelerate coordinated action to find solutions to prolonged internal displacement. PROGRESS amplifies the experiences of the internally displaced, returnees, and host communities through analyses and posing new questions, facilitating data for action. https://lnkd.in/gSv9XPJt #Data4Action #PROGRESS #VoicesOfCommunities IOM Yemen

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    📣 Data is vital for educators, students, and youth activists. As a data actor, Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) engages with youth to encourage critical reflection on public narratives around displacement and migration. We aim to increase the capacity to interpret and use displacement and migration data to support innovation from young leaders. Through a multifaceted approach, DTM looks to increase the impact and use of IOM’s data and empower youth. This engagement has three pillars: academic partnerships, data events and workshops, and student research projects. In line with these modalities, we have set up a youth engagement webpage that serves as a repository to document the outputs produced through these collaborations. The results showcase insightful and powerful pieces that keep you connected and informed. ➡ Take a look https://lnkd.in/g6qN9yDK IOM Regional Data Hub (EHoA), Snowflake, SOAS University of London, UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction (RDR) #Data4Action #Data4Insight #Data4Foresight

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    IOM - UN Migration’s Global Data Institute and the Institute for the Study of International Migration have released a series of Focus Group Discussion Reports as part of the PROGRESS initiative. The second in this series is from Central African Republic and provides a better understanding the effects of displacement and progress towards durable solutions from the perspectives of displaced individuals. Navigating the Effects of Displacement: Central African Republic Insights From Internally Displaced, Host Community and Returnee Populations This report by the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) country team presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of six focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 in Kaga-Bandoro, with 69 representatives of the internally displaced host community, and returnee populations. Half of the respondents were female. Regarding support, the top-mentioned needs include health—jobs and training. According to one participant, 'If the humanitarian community supports us in income-generating activities, we will be able to improve our financial situation and find definitive solutions to end our displacement.' - Internally Displaced Male, Focus Group Participant, Central African Republic, August 2023. The PROGRESS initiative, including the upcoming 2024 edition, supports the urgent need to accelerate coordinated action to find solutions to prolonged internal displacement. PROGRESS amplifies the experiences of the internally displaced, returnees, and host communities through analyses and posing new questions, facilitating data for action. ➡ https://lnkd.in/gTTDk5Rq #Data4Action #PROGRESS #VoicesOfCommunities

    • A cover page of a report titled “Navigating the Effects of Displacement: Central African Republic” with a subtitle reading, “Insights From Internally Displaced, Host Community and Returnee Populations”, dated July 2024. The bottom features logos of IOM, Georgetown University, and other organizations. The background shows three people sitting and talking outdoors in front of a building with a painted message.
    • Bar graph illustrating the types of support needed for solutions in the Central African Republic. Categories include Infrastructure (blue), Housing and repair (yellow), Education (green), Jobs and training (red), Economic resources (orange), Health (red), and Other (grey).
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    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recently released its Migration Situation Report for Kyrgyzstan in coordination with IOM Kyrgyzstan. This quarterly report aims to present migration dynamics, drawing upon data from 2022 and 2023 from national and international datasets on migration movements. It covers recent significant global and regional developments that continue to impact internal and international migration in the country. IOM Kyrgyzstan established a Mobility Tracking Matrix team (MTM) in 2022 to support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in contributing to evidence-based migration management and a mandate to develop a national collection system of migration-related data. The MTM is adapted to the context of Kyrgyzstan from the global DTM methodology—a system that monitors and tracks displacement and population mobility. A key takeaway in this report is that the top two primary drivers of migration out of the country remain dissatisfaction with wages (26%) and lack of job opportunities (17%). The government of Kyrgyzstan is actively working to diversify destination countries for migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan. Exploring opportunities in countries such as Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the UK through bilateral agreements paves the way for a more balanced and sustainable migration pattern. For example, under an approved 2023 quota in the UK, there are 2,000 places for workers from Kyrgyzstan. ➡ https://lnkd.in/gfChHTUb Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Follow IOMKyrgyztan on X.

    • Cover page of the 'Migration Situation Report' for Kyrgyzstan, dated December 2023. The background features a rural landscape with mountains and a tractor. Logos of various organizations, including the International Organization for Migration (IOM), are visible at the top.
    • A bar chart titled 'Figure 4 - Primary drivers for re-migration' shows four reasons: 'I don't get paid enough in Kyrgyzstan to cover my/family needs' at 26%, 'Lack of jobs/livelihood' at 17%, 'Financial problems/debts' at 16%, and 'No economic growth/prosperity' at 10%—source: IOM - MTM, Surveys.
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    IOM - UN Migration's Global Data Institute and the Institute for the Study of International Migration have released a series of Focus Group Discussion Reports as part of the PROGRESS initiative. The first is from Colombia. Navigating the Effects of Displacement: Colombia Insights From Internally Displaced Populations Following the publication of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023, Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted focus group discussions to better understand the effects of displacement and progress towards durable solutions from the perspectives of displaced individuals. This report from the Colombia country team presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of two focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 in Bogotá with 19 representatives of the internally displaced population. Over half (68%) of the respondents were female, and all were between 18 and 59. More than a third (36%) were Afro-Colombian, and 16 per cent belonged to Indigenous groups. The PROGRESS initiative, including the upcoming 2024 edition, supports the urgent need to accelerate coordinated action to find solutions to prolonged internal displacement. PROGRESS amplifies the experiences of the internally displaced, returnees, and host communities through analyses and posing new questions, facilitating data for action. https://lnkd.in/g7DSZ9eh OIM Colombia #Data4Action #PROGRESS #VoicesOfCommunities

    • A person wearing a white shirt with Spanish text stands in an outdoor setting. The shirt's text reads, 'POR LAS NUEVE MILLONES DE HISTORIAS PARA NO REPETIR.' The image has overlaid text promoting a report titled' Navigating the Effects of Displacement: Colombia.'
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    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)'s global support unit and IOM Regional Data Hub (EHSA)—East, Horn, and Southern Africa—hosted a four-day regional training in Kenya from June 25 to June 28, 2024. Day four, the last training day, began with an overview of the Periodic Global Report on the State of Solutions to Internal Displacement (PROGRESS) and the planned work for 2024. There is a sense of urgency to ramp up coordinated action to find solutions for the 75.9 million internally displaced globally (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, 2024). The PROGRESS 2024 initiative supports this effort by amplifying the experiences of the internally displaced, returnees, and host communities through data analyses, asking new questions to find solutions to prolonged internal displacement. We followed this with afternoon sessions on data responsibility and the Protection Information Management Support Network presentation. Next was a teamwork exercise on solutions simulating engagement scenarios with five key actors: the Chief of Mission, donors, government, and partners. The final session highlighted understanding how the DTM global team works together and strengthening activities with the Regional Data Hub and country-level colleagues. On behalf of the organising team, we’d like to thank all those who participated in person and the virtual space. For more on engagements, events, other areas of training and publications, follow IOM’s RDH EHSA LinkedIn Page: https://lnkd.in/gS5g_K7D #Data4Action Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). (2024). Global Report on Internal Displacement. IDMC.

    • A woman stands at a podium giving a presentation titled ‘DTM & Data for Solutions.’ Another woman is seated beside the podium with a laptop. A large projector screen displaying the presentation title is visible in the background, along with a banner on ‘Displacement Tracking Matrix.’
    • A large conference room is filled with people seated at round tables, engaging in discussions and working on laptops. Several projectors are on tables at the front of the room. High windows and a high ceiling create a spacious atmosphere.
    • A man in a suit speaks into a microphone near a projector screen displaying ‘Country Spotlight: SMI Burundi - Stability Index.’ Another person stands at a podium labelled ‘MOVENPICK’ with two people seated nearby. A banner in the background shows the ‘Displacement Tracking Matrix’ logo.
A woman stands at a podium, delivering a presentation. In the background, there is a banner with logos and a large screen displaying a slide titled ‘Scenarios Building’ with a list of group and actor allocations, including references to ‘King’s Landing’ and ‘Winterfell.’
    • A woman addresses an audience with a microphone at a podium. Behind them, a screen displays the text ‘Scenarios Building’ and a list of roles and names. A camera on a tripod, a whiteboard, and two other people are visible in the background.
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    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) ’s global support unit and IOM Regional Data Hub (EHSA)—East, Horn, and Southern Africa—are hosting a four-day regional training in Kenya from 25 to June 28 2024. Yesterday was day three of the training, and the focus was on Flow Monitoring optimisation, its objective and envisioned outcome—to generate quality data on migration flows and population sub-groups of interest—and modelling sampling approaches. We followed with the afternoon sessions on better understanding the upcoming large-scale data initiatives launched in the East and Horn of Africa, presenting the latest DTM global standards and knowledge management resources available to DTM operations, and a dedicated discussion on climate analysis. Today, day four is well underway, and there is much to do. We’ll check in again with the highlights and closing wrap-up. In the meantime, for more on engagements, events, other areas of training and publications, follow IOM’s RDH EHSA LinkedIn Page: https://lnkd.in/gPK97Mde #Data4Action

    • During a breakout session, people gather in a conference room. A presenter stands near a projection screen displaying text while attendees sit at tables with laptops and engage in discussions. The room has beige walls and a mix of seated and standing participants.
    • A group of people are sitting and facing a speaker at the front of a room. The speaker is presenting a slide titled ‘Site assessments / MSLA: Mozambique.’ Laptops and notebooks are on tables, a camera is set up, and a whiteboard is to the right.
    • A speaker stands on the right, addressing a room with people seated at round tables. A projector and camera are in the front. Attendees are engaged, some using laptops, in a brightly lit conference hall with white walls and red carpet.
    • A diverse group of people are seated at tables in a conference room, some working on laptops while others are conversing. A presenter stands near a screen at the front. The room is well-lit with large windows, and tables have water bottles and papers.
    • A conference room with people seated at round and rectangular tables engaged in discussions and presentations. Equipment such as projectors and cameras are visible. The room is well-lit with large windows and has a modern interior design.
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    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) ’s global support unit and IOM Regional Data Hub (EHSA)—East, Horn, and Southern Africa—are hosting a four-day regional training in Kenya from 25 to June 28 2024. Yesterday was day two of the training, and by focusing on recent mobility tracking methodological improvements, we strengthened participants’ understanding of the rationale behind the suggested data collection methods—matching tools and processes to improve reliability and validity, We followed with sessions that shared information on DTM operational knowledge resources and technical guidelines, further identifying country-specific technical capacity and available global and regional support options. Day three is in full swing. We’ll check in again with the highlights. In the meantime, for more on engagements, events, other areas of training and publications, follow IOM’s RDH EHSA LinkedIn Page: https://lnkd.in/gS5g_K7D #Data4Action

    • A woman stands holding a microphone before a projection screen presenting ‘Sample Design basics.’ The slide includes points about decisions, resources, time, and access in sample design and a chart comparing probability and non-probability design.
    • A man in a suit stands at a podium with a microphone, speaking during a presentation. Behind him is a banner that reads ‘Displacement Tracking Matrix’ and a projector screen displaying a slide. The setting is a conference room with chairs and a potted plant.
    • A diverse group of people attending a conference sit at round tables. Some individuals raise their hands while a camera operator records the event. The room is decorated in neutral colours with large windows and white walls, creating a bright and open atmosphere.
    • Four people are seated at a table with laptops, bottles, and papers. They appear engaged in discussion, smiling and looking at each other. The setting suggests a meeting or workshop, with curtains and a window in the background.
    • A group of five people are engaged in a discussion at a conference. Four sit around a table with laptops and notebooks while one stands and talks. The room has round tables, windows with circular stained-glass designs, and a relaxed, professional atmosphere.
  • Unternehmensseite von Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) anzeigen, Grafik

    10.560 Follower:innen

    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) ’s global support unit and IOM Regional Data Hub (EHSA)—East, Horn, and Southern Africa—are hosting a four-day regional training in Kenya from 25 to June 28 2024. Yesterday was day one of the training, and by introducing the purpose, objectives, and scope of DTM’s long-term vision, we began to build a shared understanding of the Global DTM 2024-2025 Workplan across regional and country offices in Eastern and Southern Africa. We followed with a session on data foundations and their importance for DTM operations, with an overview of the Frequently Asked Questions for the Central Data Dictionary. Then, we had a live demonstration and hands-on activity to use and test the tools. Day two is already underway. We’ll check in again with the highlights. In the meantime, for more on engagements, events, other areas of training and publications, follow IOM’s RDH EHSA LinkedIn Page: https://lnkd.in/gS5g_K7D #Data4Action

    • A woman stands and speaks into a microphone in a conference room, gesturing with her hand. Attendees sit at tables covered with white tablecloths and bottled water. A banner in the background reads ‘Displacement Tracking Matrix’ and shows logos.
    • A man in a suit stands at a podium with a microphone, speaking during a presentation. Behind him is a banner that reads ‘Displacement Tracking Matrix’ and a projector screen displaying a slide. The setting is a conference room with chairs and a potted plant.
    • A man stands holding a microphone and a remote control before a projected presentation slide. The slide displays a mobile application interface with a question about the total number of households. He appears to be discussing the application.
    • Two individuals are standing in a conference room. A woman in a red and white dress has her arms crossed, and a man in a dark shirt speaks into a microphone. Behind them is a banner about displacement tracking and a large green planter with a tall plant.
    • A large group of people stands together in a conference room, smiling at the camera. The group is diverse, with individuals of various ages and backgrounds. Round tables and chairs are in the foreground, indicating a formal meeting or event setting.

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