Review: 75319 The Armourer's Mandalorian Forge

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Following the apparent desolation of Mandalore beneath Imperial control, Mandalorian survivors scatter throughout the galaxy. The underground covert on Nevarro conceals numerous dispersed Mandalorians, famously including the influential Armourer alongside Din Djarin.

75319 The Armourer's Mandalorian Forge could therefore prove interesting, especially given the presence of those characters with Paz Vizsla. Additionally, this model includes various accurate details from the onscreen location and the subject appears unusual within the Star Wars theme, which furthers its appeal in my opinion.


The Armourer appears prominently throughout season one of The Mandalorian, forging new equipment and maintaining order among her fellow Mandalorians. Her unique helmet features subtle horns and an unusual visor, resembling classical Corinthian designs. This visor shape is accordingly accurate, although it seems notably low when compared with the original character.

Furthermore, these horns are extremely prominent. I understand the logic behind adapting Gar Saxon's helmet from 75316 Mandalorian Starfighter but the Armourer's horns are much smaller onscreen. Moreover, I think the shawl should have been portrayed by a fabric element, perhaps returning from 75217 Imperial Conveyex Transport. The printing looks superb though, capturing accurate armour shaping and colours.

Several sets contain Din Djarin wearing his Beskar armour, although this version also includes his jetpack. Pearl silver would certainly have been appropriate here, complementing the helmet and metallic silver armour. Nevertheless, the minifigure includes great detail, particularly across both arms which display the Mandalorian's famed Mudhorn signet and whistling bird launcher.

Mandalorian equipment is endlessly adaptable. Paz Vizsla accordingly includes substantially heavier armour than other members of the Tribe, including a new armour component which is shared with Wrecker from 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle and the powerful Dark Trooper from 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser. This character therefore appears suitably bulky.

Sand blue looks impressive, although dark blue armour might have been more accurate. The helmet shape is imperfect too, but I think the decoration neatly distinguishes this Mandalorian helmet from others. Moreover, I appreciate such superb detail across the legs, including some mismatched armour panels that reflect the desperate circumstances of these Mandalorians.

Vizsla wears an enormous jetpack with yellow highlights and storage for his distinctive heavy blaster cannon. This jetpack looks marvellous and I like the Mythosaur emblem printed on his shoulder armour, although that emblem should adorn the right shoulder. Removing the helmet reveals a black head underneath, matching both the Armourer and Din Djarin.

The Completed Model

LEGO Star Wars has included relatively few location-based models, hence the underground Mandalorian covert appears unusual. This drab colour scheme is unattractive for display, but reflects the onscreen location and numerous memorable details from the television series are present, including the circular forge where the Mandalorian's Beskar armour is manufactured.

An imposing Mythosaur emblem appears above the entrance and is represented by a sticker. These dark tan walls seem relatively bland, although I like the reddish brown structures which correspond with the series. Additionally, this wall includes an undecorated Mandalorian helmet, presumably awaiting completion by the Armourer.

Detailing across the exterior is limited, although another Mythosaur symbol appears over this door. The colour combination certainly seems muddled, but that detracts little from the design because the covert is underground. However, the space between these connected sections is disappointing and could have been closed, especially since the walls cannot fold together.

While the environment is rather drab, the designer has included some colourful consoles that provide an appealing contrast against the walls. Another reddish brown support is present too, beside a Beskar press. The press cannot be lowered, unfortunately, but it looks wonderful and several Beskar ingots are provided, including one underneath the press.

Opening the cupboard between the control consoles and the entrance exhibits another sticker, displaying the Armourer's forging tongs. While their accuracy is welcome, I think this cupboard should have accommodated several physical accessories. There would be adequate space for clips on the wall behind these opening doors, had their design been adjusted.

However, various accessories are present in the dark bluish grey crates underneath, including another Beskar ingot, a blaster pistol and a thermal detonator. Using pearl dark grey to portray Beskar seems odd because pearl silver would be most authentic, matching Din Djarin's helmet and more closely resembling his metallic silver armour. Additionally, this element is available in pearl silver elsewhere.

The Armourer displays holographic design blueprints when forging the Mandalorian's Beskar armour. The hologram is represented by a decorated trans-light blue 1x1 round brick and this accessory looks fantastic, recalling Emperor Palpatine's classic holographic appearances with 7964 Republic Frigate and 10221 Super Star Destroyer, during 2011.

Of course, the most important section of this model is undoubtedly the forge. That is secured using clips and seats are included for two minifigures, where Din Djarin delivers his Beskar to the Armourer. The dark bluish grey container seems strange because white should have been used to represent the Mandalorian's camtono instead.

Four additional stickers surround the forge, recreating the distinctive lights that appear during The Mandalorian. The trans-light blue flames also look excellent, beneath an accurate shroud which is supported using a Technic beam. Fortunately, the industrial environment ensures that Technic elements appear appropriate, although the position of the shroud is not precisely over the forge, which is somewhat disappointing.


75319 The Armourer's Mandalorian Forge appears pleasantly unusual within the LEGO Star Wars range, depicting a location where little action occurs. The execution is quite impressive though because numerous recognisable details are provided, including several which appear extremely briefly onscreen. However, I think this structure lacks cohesion beside comparable examples, such as 75203 Hoth Medical Chamber.

Moreover, I think each minifigure could be substantially improved, even though the characters are appealing. The Armourer appears particularly awkward without her fabric shawl, while Paz Vizsla's armour should have been dark blue. The price of £27.99 or $29.99 is reasonable, but I would recommend other LEGO Star Wars sets above this middling example.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

Our reviews of several other Star Wars summer sets are available here:

We will publish our review of 75296 Darth Vader Meditation Chamber next week.

34 comments on this article

By in United States,

Imperfect yes, but still, this is The Way.

By in United States,

Mandos need faces

By in United Kingdom,

I love these little 'partial' sets that provide inspiration for 'completing' the scene; 75137 Carbon-Freezing Chamber and 75169 Duel on Naboo spring to mind as sets that look great when fully-circularised.

Yes, LEGO could release them as complete scenes but keeping the cost low whilst losing no play value works well, and makes them cheap to buy with no minifigs on eBay to finish the scene.

By in United States,

Thank you for a great review. I agree, pearl dark gray should’ve been flat silver. Luckily Lego makes the ignot piece and jet pack in silver.

By in United States,

I think this set is pretty great for what it is! I'm glad we keep getting more location based sets, even though vehicles are significantly more popular. I do think the cohesion of the model is a little lacking. I would have liked to see the forge section placed along the rear wall, with the controls along either side. As it is, when you look at the set you only see the back or side of the forge when it should be the most prominent feature. Still, I definitely plan on getting this at some point, especially for Paz and the Armorer!

By in United States,

I love how Paz looks! I don’t think the armorer could’ve used the fur piece as it would prevent the helmet from going down all the way. I’ll pick this one up, but not yet.

By in Puerto Rico,

A neat set indeed, thanks for the honest review.

By in Netherlands,

This looked like a fantastic set at first sight, but it's weird how there's so many little mistakes that could've easily been rectified. The Armorer definitely needed some fabric around her shoulders, maybe also a fabric skirt like 2008's Asajj Ventress. Why is the Mythosaur logo on the wrong shoulder on Paz Vizsla, don't they double-check such things? Mando's mismatched jetpack seems unfortunate, and he still doesn't have a face. It was revealed in season one already!

Also, how do you screw up the alignment of the top and bottom of the forge?

By in United Kingdom,

@BulbaNerd4000 said:
"I love how Paz looks! I don’t think the armorer could’ve used the fur piece as it would prevent the helmet from going down all the way. I’ll pick this one up, but not yet. "

I have seen discussion of the fur collar from The LEGO Batman Movie and that component would not fit. However, the fabric piece from 75217 Imperial Conveyex Transport would fit perfectly, without obstructing the helmet.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @BulbaNerd4000 said:
"I love how Paz looks! I don’t think the armorer could’ve used the fur piece as it would prevent the helmet from going down all the way. I’ll pick this one up, but not yet. "

I have seen discussion of the fur collar from The LEGO Batman Movie and that component would not fit. However, the fabric piece from 75217 Imperial Conveyex Transport would fit perfectly, without obstructing the helmet."

Ok, forgot about that one. Yeah, that could fit!

By in Poland,

It's funny how every starwars set that is a location is better than any ship in my eyes xD

By in United States,

Even before reading this review, this set was a pass for me due to lack of minifig faces and the printed vs. cloth shawl.

By in United States,

I thank you for your review, Capn. And for your honesty, too. I do wish the forge's shroud was better placed over it. I agree the cupboard could've been equipped with a tool. However, I'm pleased with the minifigs. And I love this set represents a location! Despite some inaccuracies here, I plan to get this.

By in United States,

The shroud not being aligned does bother me a bit. I'm not going to complain about the inaccurate jetpack and ingots as I already did so on the reveal article. I think $30 is a reasonable price for this set. Now to just pick up another Mandalorian battle pack to fill the forge...

As always, thanks for the review CapnRex.

By in United States,

A Minecraft fan such as myself could repurpose the Beskar for a Netherite ingot… personally the color comes out a little too dark for Beskar.

By in Netherlands,

Trying to cut back on lego, but i do like this set, so probably going to get it :-)
I don’t mind no minifig faces btw. They don’t put off their helmets anyway, so black heads are better for a way cooler minifig.

By in Belgium,

I like, as already mentioned in an earlier comment, that it's not another vehicle, shuttle, ... And I do like how they gave shape to this specific location. But again, black heads as faces is very very disappointing. It's a toy, so people want to mix minifig parts at some point, so some face expression is really Desiree. Especially for Mando

By in United States,

The only one that needs a face print is Din Djarin, the other Mandalorians never took their helmets off in the show.

I'll try and Bricklink The Armorer and Paz Vizsla sometime.

By in United States,

100% buy, pre-ordered already!

By in United States,

My Target pre-order is already in! The Armorer is going to sublet a portion of the Medieval Blacksmith's shop in my collection display :)

By in United States,

Dear Old Friends, Remember "Nevarro" ;)

By in United States,

I love it!

By in United States,

Nice Ill get it when it inevitably gets discounted 20% at a retailer.

By in United States,

What excuse does Lego have at this point for not including Din Djarin's face?

By in United States,

I am assuming they aren't using his actual face underneath the helmet is because at this point in the show, his face has not been revealed. It doesn't matter if we have seen his face, the other Mandos wouldn't have, so the absence makes sense to me.

The set does look incomplete, but at the same time has enough features that it is acceptable.

By in United States,

@Vladtheb said:
"Mandos need faces"

Agreed! Especially Din Djarin, since we have seen his face three times now! I remember a rumor about how Pedro Pascal was threatening to quite during the production of season 2 because he didn't feel like people were attributing his face with the character. Something I can understand, though it later turned out to simply be that, a rumor. I think it's about time they do that with the merchandise!

I also feel like the horns on the Armorer (this is the correct spelling) are too far back and down. It'd be nice if it was more accurate, but they just made a new Mandalorian helmet for Gar Saxon so I can kind of understand why they don't want to print a new one.

As for the alignment issues, I may do some changes to fix it.

Either way, I think I'll be getting this instead of Mandalorian star fighter.

By in United Kingdom,

@Xendor173 said:
"(...) the Armorer (this is the correct spelling) (...)"
That's how it's spelled when translated into American English; 'Armourer' is how it's spelled when translated into British English.

As for the "correct spelling" you mention, well, to find that out we'd have to journey to a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
@Xendor173 said:
"(...) the Armorer (this is the correct spelling) (...)"
That's how it's spelled when translated into American English; 'Armourer' is how it's spelled when translated into British English.

As for the "correct spelling" you mention, well, to find that out we'd have to journey to a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

I stand corrected! I tip my hat to you!

By in United Kingdom,

It's a shame they haven't pushed the boat out with these figures, especially as they will be the main reason for buying the set for most. It feels like they've chosen the cheap option for all of these figures. Also the fact the Mandalorian's helmet still isn't shiny metallic bothers me because it doesn't match the paint for the armour on the rest of the figure.

By in United Kingdom,

@Xendor173 said:
"I stand corrected! I tip my hat to you!"
Well probably both be corrected shortly when some 'expert' in Mando'a turns up! :-D

By in Australia,

This set complements the Battle Pack perfectly and as such makes it very tempting to get both.

By in United States,

Anyone else who feels the armorer needs a fur collar should check out and pick up a reddish brown collar element. It might not be strictly "purist" but considering its based on a part LEGO makes it works for me!

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