Review: 75309 Republic Gunship

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Ultimate Collector Series products have focused almost exclusively upon Original Trilogy designs which enjoy amazing popularity. The marvellous assortment of Prequel Trilogy subjects has been neglected, increasing the expectation which has preceded 75309 Republic Gunship.

Furthermore, the beloved Republic Gunship was selected to become an Ultimate Collector Series model by LEGO Star Wars fans! The resulting design appears marvellous, capturing accurate shapes with appealing detail which surpasses previous models. The increased scale has undoubtedly proven effective from this perspective.

Box and Contents

75309 Republic Gunship belongs to the 18+ range and features accordant packaging. These designs invariably divide opinion and I think this example seems quite bland, especially given the potential for an interesting Geonosian backdrop. However, the more significant problem is the Imperial symbol which erroneously adorns the box and instruction manual. That has been corrected in official images.

This mistake obviously has no effect on the quality of the model. Nevertheless, I do find such basic errors frustrating because this should have been identified during production. Moreover, comparable mistakes are commonly found on the plaques that accompany Ultimate Collector Series models, perhaps indicating an unfortunate lack of attention or knowledge when details are being finalised.

Opening this enormous box reveals 31 bags, numbered between one and seventeen. Larger elements are packaged in additional bags, including the printed canopies which are therefore relatively protected from damage. The instruction manual features 540 pages, including some that provide information about the LAAT/i and commentary from the design team.

Jens Kronvold Frederiksen and Hans Burkhard Schlömer assert that the Republic Gunship is the third Ultimate Collector Series product based upon the Prequel Trilogy, succeeding 10018 Darth Maul and 10215 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter. That seems questionable given both 10026 Special Edition Naboo Starfighter and 10186 General Grievous are omitted and were perhaps forgotten.

Images of the Republic Gunship are shown on subsequent pages, originating from Star Wars: Complete Vehicles, alongside information about this distinct vessel and its involvement during the Battle of Geonosis. Comments concerning design challenges which result from the source material are also present, identifying the gigantic troop compartment as posing difficulties.

Despite containing the aforementioned printed canopies, 32 stickers are also required. These include the ubiquitous information plaque alongside another sheet with clear backing. I favour opaque stickers which are reasonably forgiving of mistakes during application, although these clear-backed stickers are less inclined to peel over time. Regardless, the quantity is surprising.


Two appropriate minifigures accompany this Republic Gunship, although their selection has proven controversial. Mace Windu leads the Jedi taskforce dispatched to Geonosis and this minifigure is unique, featuring dusty highlights across his robes. These reflect the Geonosian environment and authentic detail continues on Windu's belt, where metallic silver and golden accents are present.

Furthermore, the exclusive determined expression looks perfect and I like the pale decoration on the legs. However, the dark brown boots are missing and dual-moulded legs may therefore have proven effective here. This minifigure remains splendid though, inevitably including Mace Windu's distinctive purple lightsaber.

Attractive flame yellowish orange markings distinguish this Clone Commander from standard Clone Troopers, presumably based upon Commander Ponds from the Battle of Geonosis. The colour scheme looks superb and substantially improves upon the equivalent from 75019 AT-TE, where the commander's armour displayed brighter yellow decoration.

This minifigure also includes decorated legs which look excellent. However, the torso appears somewhat disappointing as LEGO has re-used the Phase II armour design which was created during 2020, befitting an animated Phase II Clone Trooper. The difference between armours is definitely sufficiently pronounced to warrant separate designs, in my opinion.

Comparing this Clone Commander with its predecessor clearly demonstrates the differences, particularly around the midriff. The enlarged flexible section corresponds with Clone Troopers from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, rather than live-action films. For that reason, an update was necessary and I think this helmet component could be enhanced too, originating from 2008.


Assembly commences at the base, which comprises numerous layered plates. This structure feels reasonably strong and will definitely need to be, since the Republic Gunship includes an expansive troop compartment towards the rear. Technic components accordingly surround the open section and the resultant frame begins to emerge during the early stages of construction.

This frame is comparatively simple, incorporating Technic beams for support towards the front and rear while the central spar consists of Technic bricks. The structure seems absolutely rigid and features an interesting lattice column which provides strength and aesthetic appeal. These exposed brackets are important too, as they will later secure the external bodywork.

Four separate panels are mounted towards the front, using Technic pins. They perfectly adjoin the neighbouring structure around the laser cannons and the wedge plates inside the fuselage, achieving an accurate shape. Additionally, the blending of smooth surfaces and exposed studs will prove important throughout the Republic Gunship.

An enormous Technic structure continues towards the rear, extending the fuselage further and revealing the mammoth size of this model. Nevertheless, the frame remains sufficiently robust, reinforcing both door braces which are secured here. Conversely, the section behind the troop compartment comprises traditional plates, only supported at each end using Technic elements.

Two substantial panels, again consisting of layered plates, are mounted on either side. These are connected to the aforementioned brackets and nestle nicely between segments which are constructed vertically, including the 1x6 arch elements located towards the front. Slotting each section into place is accordingly satisfying, completely concealing the Technic elements within and appearing impressive.

However, one section remains open to accommodate the cockpit structure, which is attached using a single Technic axle. This component alone is adequate though, since both the cockpit and upper fuselage slide seamlessly between the bodywork panels. However, the rear section requires additional strengthening, hence another layer of Technic bricks is assembled.

Such strength is necessary to brace the mammoth wings, although the doors are constructed next. They comprise plates and tiles which seems surprisingly simple, given their size and the inclusion of multiple narrow viewports. However, the doors and wing supports feel quite sturdy, without requiring complex building techniques or Technic bracing.

Despite their considerable size, the wings are assembled similarly to those on smaller LAAT/i models. Once again, they comprise various plates and tiles which are consistently overlapped and achieve fantastic rigidity. The most distinctive section emerges beside the fuselage, where one panel is attached using rocker bearings and slots perfectly into the vacant space.

Each wing is attached using one Technic axle, matching 75021 Republic Gunship. While such construction techniques are relatively simple, these axles provide ample support. Furthermore, the Technic elements are wholly concealed when the building process is complete, resembling 75275 A-wing Starfighter in this regard. This is unsurprising, since both models were designed by Hans Burkhard Schlömer.

The engine nacelles and composite-beam turrets are constructed next. These engines seem exceptionally familiar when compared with minifigure-scale versions of the Republic Gunship, until building the forward sections where 4x16 wedge slopes are attached sideways. The twin turrets are definitely unusual though, each comprising 8x8 canopies around a band of curved slopes which are connected using clips.

Construction of Ultimate Collector Series models traditionally concludes with the display stand and this process is no exception. The reliance upon Technic elements matches earlier designs, although this model requires considerable support and the stand is therefore significantly wider than comparable examples. Nevertheless, the structure remains consistent between them.

The Completed Model

Countless excellent vehicles appear throughout the Prequel Trilogy, commonly deviating from the industrial aesthetic established during the Original Trilogy. The powerful Republic Gunship exemplifies such variation, consisting primarily of curved shapes which are faithfully replicated here. Ultimate Collector Series scaling has certainly proven significant in that regard, assuring exceptional accuracy.

The model measures 68cm in length, including the forward and rear laser cannons, while the wingspan reaches 73cm! Such enormous size enhances the detailing and accuracy, although displaying the creation might prove challenging. The wingspan introduces particular difficulties, easily exceeding the widths of 75192 Millennium Falcon and 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer.

Comparing this model with earlier renditions of the LAAT/i, including 75021 Republic Gunship, further emphasises the outstanding scale of 75309 Republic Gunship. Moreover, the changes between previous Republic Gunship models and this example become obvious, exploiting the increased size to include details and aesthetic features which have been missing from smaller designs.

Ultimate Collector Series models traditionally contain display stands and this model therefore rests on an attractive stand. The angled position appears absolutely outstanding, creating the impression of dynamic motion. In addition, the connection between the Republic Gunship and this display stand feels secure, incorporating simple tabs which slot underneath the vehicle.

Decorative information plaques are another common feature of Ultimate Collector Series sets. Unfortunately, mistakes on these plaques have become similarly consistent and three obvious errors are displayed here, including reference to two composite-beam laser turrets, rather than four, while mention of the air-to-air rockets is completely excluded. This plaque also contains a typing error, making reference to 'missiles belts', which is frustrating.

Nevertheless, the plaque design matches other sets and I love the black display stand, which also appears consistent with earlier Ultimate Collector Series models. The rounded edges are superb and space for both minifigures is included beside the information plaque. However, the Technic structure remains reasonably exposed on this display stand.

Fortunately, the Republic Gunship avoids such issues and includes excellent detail, beginning towards the front. These lime green accents correspond precisely with the original vehicle and 2x2 wedge tiles are employed to good effect. In addition, stickers form accurate armour panels beneath the distinctive yellow designs which appear onscreen.

The dark bluish grey seam between the lime green sections also matches the source material, improving upon previous designs. These articulated laser cannons look brilliant too, combining large ball joints with 3x3 arch bricks which slot neatly around each weapon mounting. However, the neighbouring bodywork seems somewhat jagged because no suitable curved elements are currently available.

Such compromises are definitely reasonable, especially since they are uncommon throughout this model. The curvature of the fuselage otherwise appears authentic and I like the light bluish grey armour immediately below the cockpit. These sections are rather inconspicuous during the Battle of Geonosis, when the Republic Gunships are encrusted with sand, but do become more visible on Coruscant, for example.

Republic technology typically includes dark red accents and the cockpit section is accordingly dark red, contrasting nicely against the white fuselage. These rounded canopies look fantastic and both components are uniquely decorated, featuring an appropriate band above the gunner. Additionally, the white streaks between the cockpit module and the light bluish grey armour are completely accurate and such subtle detailing is impressive.

Each canopy is removable, revealing the seats and printed control panels inside. These seats are suitably angled when compared with the original vehicle, although I think they should have featured pronounced headrests. The control consoles could also have been improved because these deviate from the onscreen consoles, which are clearly displayed during the movie.

Among the numerous attractive features of Republic Gunships, their external composite-beam laser turrets are especially popular. These spherical weapons present considerable challenges in design, although the enlarged scale has enabled the use of 8x8 canopy elements which look outstanding, including accurate seats alongside decorated strengthening ribs.

The resulting structure appears impressive, although the spherical shape is slightly elongated. Unfortunately, the considerable weight of each turret necessitates significant Technic supports inside the troop compartment, as demonstrated below. These sturdy stanchions look relatively exposed and the composite-beam lasers cannot pitch downwards, unfortunately, but adjusting the design would probably compromise its strength.

Despite their fixed pitch, these turrets are reasonably mobile. They can swing inside the troop compartment for storage, or they could be removed altogether if you prefer the LAAT/i without supplementary weapons. The bodywork behind the turrets continues to impress, incorporating superb curvature. However, I dislike the stickers placed behind the forward archways because their colour contrasts against the neighbouring white pieces.

Several trans-light blue lights are accurately positioned inside the troop compartment, beside dark red panels. These colourful sections are not present onscreen since textured deckplates are visible instead, although I think the brighter panels look impressive. Furthermore, I like the black railings that represent cargo netting and the cylindrical generator towards the front. That generator can become easily detached though.

The considerable size of this troop compartment requires supports that are not present during the movies. The designer has therefore extended the onboard computer terminal, which partly disguises another Technic beam. While complete accuracy would be wonderful, disguising this structural support using the onboard terminal and cargo netting is ingenious!

Exposed studs are consistently important on LEGO models and the balance between smooth surfaces and studs here seems effective. The pronounced light bluish grey armour panels are appealing too, creating brilliant texture and corresponding with the onscreen vehicle. Naturally, the Republic emblem also decorates the fuselage and can be oriented correctly.

Articulated doors are attached on either flank, protecting the troop compartment. They include several narrow viewports which seem reasonably faithful to the source material, although their edges should be rounded. Additionally, the doors cannot close completely against the fuselage because their angles are inaccurate, unfortunately. The rockets mounted inside both doors are authentic though.

Light bluish grey highlights continue across the rear, where studs become more exposed than elsewhere on the bodywork. The shaping and colour scheme looks splendid though, reflecting the onscreen Republic Gunship. I like the adjustable antipersonnel laser cannon too, above an opening rear hatch which is deployed regularly during Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Two prominent exhausts are situated between the engine nacelles. They compare favourably with the original vessel, although the engine diagnostics panel that should appear underneath has been omitted. That decision seems strange as shortening both exhausts or elongating the whole armour section would provide adequate space for the diagnostics system.

Republic Gunships are heavily armed, including twin mass-driver missile launchers which are supplied from missile belts. Technic gears connect both belts, allowing them to rotate together beside the missile launchers. The surrounding bodywork includes wonderful detail, particularly since another lime green stripe is suitably located here, complementing those across the nose.

These substantial engines are absolutely enormous, measuring nearly 40cm in length. Their gradual tapering differs somewhat from the original LAAT/i, although this solution is excellent and accurate carbon scoring is present around the muzzles. The stickers which form dark red markings appear awkward, although they were necessary when using these parts.

Additional stickers adorn both wings, accompanying dark red, light bluish grey and lime green elements. The resulting colours are attractive and the angular shaping looks appealing as well, closely resembling the onscreen vehicle. Additionally, the integration between these wings and the engine nacelles is impressive, avoiding the gaps which have appeared on smaller versions of the Republic Gunship.

Automated composite-beam laser turrets are connected to each wing, matching those beside the troop compartment. The twin emitters above and below the wing reflect the original vessel and I appreciate the varied decoration between these turrets and those alongside the fuselage. These composite-beam lasers cannot rotate though, which is slightly disappointing.

Four air-to-air rockets are slung beneath each wing, corresponding with those inside the troop compartment doors. They cannot be easily detached, but include authentic dark red warheads and tail fins because those weapons are usually deployed during atmospheric flight. Of course, the lower section of the composite-beam laser turret is also visible underneath the wing.


Ultimate Collector Series models invariably provoke excitement, but 75309 Republic Gunship was chosen by LEGO Star Wars fans and has therefore inspired particular anticipation. I think the resultant model has proven worthy of such expectations, fortunately! The creation includes extraordinary detail, taking full advantage of the enlarged scale to capture nearly every feature from the LAAT/i.

That scale is also impressive, although displaying this model could prove challenging because its measurements are considerable in every dimension. However, the minifigures are definitely the most significant disappointment. I understand excluding Commander Cody, but the generic Jedi Knight from 7163 Republic Gunship, commonly known as Jedi Bob, should have returned here. 75978 Diagon Alley contained a secret character and providing Jedi Bob using the same method would have been ideal.

Nevertheless, issues concerning the minifigures should not overshadow the Republic Gunship itself, which looks absolutely spectacular. Furthermore, the price of £329.99 or $349.99 seems reasonable, taking the scale of the vessel into consideration, so I would absolutely recommend 75309 Republic Gunship to fans of the Prequel Trilogy or this magnificent vehicle.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

174 comments on this article

By in Canada,

I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars.

By in United Kingdom,

Now THAT is a comprehensive review! Good working getting that together.

The picture next to the minifig-scale set is particularly useful; it begs the question: did we really need a gunship bigger than that one...?

By in United States,

Not really much to it, is there?

By in Netherlands,

@NickLafreniere1 said:
"I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars."

To me (and many others) it's the most beautiful looking craft, in-universe.

By in Moldova,

I just think they could make it smaller at a $200-250 price range, and with the same amount of details. Compared to this one, the 2013 model - it's a lot smaller, yes, but bigger not always means better.

By in United States,

Sooooo it’s a marginally larger model than the previous version and it costs hundreds of dollars more. Got it.

This is why I didn’t think the gunship was a good choice for UCS - we already had EXTREMELY passable, minifig scale versions of the craft.

Hard to see what this larger one does better, apart from drain your wallet. The doors don’t even close!

By in United States,

I love collecting Star Wars Lego, but the minifig selection is just as important as the set for me which makes dropping $350 on a set for 2 minifigs really hard. I have yet to buy a $200+ Star Wars set that doesn't have at least 14 minifigs.

By in Netherlands,

This looks like a really boring set once it's finished. Like Babanaworld mentions: did we really need a bigger version of the gunship? The smaller System versions look perfectly fine to me: in fact, they are some of the more accurately minifig scaled vehicles of all the vehicles that have yet been released.
Vehicles such as the Millennium Falcon and the Slave I (yes, I still call it that!) benefitted from the UCS treatment to really achieve minifig scale, but this one just passes it without really adding the detail or added functions which other upscaled vehicles have managed to do, such as the UCS X-Wing and A-Wing.

By in United States,

Firstly, mostly impressive model and absolutely huge, which for some is great. But I can't imagine many people have enough space to display this. I know I don't and I'm certainly not spending $350 to have this sit in the box.

I'm really confused about the size. The ship design features an awful lot of empty space and for good reason: it's partly used for troop transport. But previous renditions provided a relatively faithful representation and the size of the new model seems to serve little purpose other than to be gigantic. The exposed reverse studs on the back panel are inexcusable at this price. Sure, they're on the interior...but the interior is so visible.

I really wanted to like this one because it's an interesting ship but the size is prohibitive and the price...I'll put my dollars in multiple other sets instead.

By in United States,

As nice as this set is (and it is very nice) - I really wish we would also get a play-scale version of the Gunship. I missed the original playscale sets during my dark age, and have a son who would love a playscale set to add to his epic SW battles in the basement . . . and unfortunately this is too expensive and too big. As popular as this set will be with adults, I think that a minifig scale play set would be even more popular for kids (and adults)!! Lego needs to realize that there is a whole new generation of kids who are loving the Clone Wars/Bad Batch and clamoring to own and play with a Gunship.

By in Australia,

@bananaworld said:
Now THAT is a comprehensive review! Good working getting that together.

The picture next to the minifig-scale set is particularly useful; it begs the question: did we really need a gunship bigger than that one...?"

The correct answer. Yes.

By in Australia,

I love this set, but a pilot minifig would've made more sense.

By in Germany,

Bob > Mace

By in United States,

Great model, but only 2 minifigs for $350? They should have at least a 3 or 4 more Jedi and 6 more clone troopers.

By in United States,

This may be the first case where the larger scale hasn't benefitted the model at all. In fact, I think it'd work better at minifig scale... but then how do you charge UCS prices.

By in United States,

Great review CapnRex! I wonder if LEGO has ever thought about asking you to proof the text on the plaque stickers before printing them? They would certainly turn out better, if they did.

By in United States,

Good-looking model. Quite well done there.

What I don't understand is why did Lego ask what minifigure fans would want included if they didn't intend to follow through. I'm quite certain that neither Windu or a generic clone commander were the top votes, so fans (myself included) are understandably disappointed with Lego for asking for input they chose not to follow through on.

By in Poland,

I want more Clone Troopers... One Jedi it's finally ok, but one Clone Trooper...

By in Netherlands,

I like it, but somehow it looks a bit clunkier than 75021 (which I really like). The sheer size of it will keep me from buying it. The only place I could display it is on the floor somewhere (75192 already occupies the only space my girlfriend would let me permanently display a ship) and with kids (that like actually playing with Lego), a cat and my clumsy self that wouldn't be the best place to put a hunk of Lego.

By in United States,

@NickLafreniere1 said:
"I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars."

yeah no

By in United States,

So this is slightly larger than minifigure scale, right?

I have to admit, this looks cooler than I was anticipating. Jedi Bob would have been a great addition, but his omission is not a deal-breaker for me. I'm a newish AFOL, so I do not have the original gunship in my collection, FWIW.

Thanks for a great review!

By in United States,

They revealed it, what, seven minutes ago?
What took you so long to post this review?

By in United Kingdom,

Hmmm... for me this fits into the category of ships that are really odd to do in UCS form... To me UCS works best when you take a decent sized ship and make it minifigure scale (Millennium Falcon, Slave I, Imperial Shuttle), or you take a small popular ship and make it way bigger than minifigure scale (X-wing, Tie fighter, A-wing)...

Whereas here I think I'd rather have a well done minifig- scale version at a £200 price mark

By in Moldova,

Now, The Mos Eisley Cantina with the same amount of pieces has 21, (21!!!!!) mini-figures, and this one - just 2. Not even exclusive to the set.

By in United States,

Honestly wish there would have just been a new minifigure/System scale model with 15 minifigures, I'd rather drop money on the Cantina.

This just feels..... empty? It's a troop transport without things to transport, and out of scale to add them.

By in United States,

@StarWarzFan7777 said:
" @NickLafreniere1 said:
"I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars."

To me (and many others) it's the most beautiful looking craft, in-universe."

Agreed, it is AWESOME

By in United States,

The vehicle is the best and deserves NO HATE!
But the figs needed improvement, phase 2 Cody (Doesn't fit with the era but still is wanted by a lot of fans), Jedi bob 2.0 (Classic meme), clone pilots (No clone pilots to pilot the ship?) and more clones as examples.

By in United States,

Omg all the complaining here. Grand slam in my opinion. Kudos to the team! Love the size, OK with the price, and as a true UCS collector and fan I couldn't care less about the Minifigures! But yeah, fix the plaque at some point. It's as if you stumbled while rounding the bases. Still a grand slam, though!!!

By in United States,

My favorite ship design in all of Star Wars. I’ll probably still pick this up, but I’m not as wowed by it as I thought I’d be. The flat tops and poor fit of the doors as well as the engine nacelles just look off to me. In part, I think we’ve been spoiled by truly incredible system scale versions.

By in Germany,

Like I thought. It looks good, but to me it doesn't in any way scream "buy me". Too expensive for what it offers (stickers galore, only two figures - and I am not even into minifigs that much) and just so hollow inside. I mean seriously, why does it cost so much?

By in Netherlands,

I think most of the model looks really good, especially the front and the cockpits, but those doors are inexcusable. They don't close all the way so they just put these weird overhanging roofs on the tops of the doors. It looks really odd how the doors don't fit flush with the rest of the fuselage.

I know they couldn't get the subtle angle that goes from the front all the way to the back of the ship, but the sudden change in angle where the floor of the troop compartment starts looks odd. If I would've placed an angle it would've been there, but a lot more subtle. Maybe then the back wouldn't be so wide and then the doors could close.

It's also quite odd that they just went with red on the troop compartment floor. It is pointed out in the review as an inaccuracy but not criticized. If there's no red there, then why use it? They should've used grey grille pieces or something.

I'm also beginning to agree with the sentiment that this scale doesn't really add much to its displayability (though I will admit those turrets look quite nice).

By in United States,

The LAAT is probably my favorite non fighter/capital ship in Star Wars and I was super excited for this set. However, after seeing the completed model, I don't know if it's worth it over the smaller playset. Don't get me wrong, this looks fantastic, but this may just be a vehicle that works better in a smaller scale.

By in Germany,

350EUR and UCS and they still cannot print the plaque but use a huge sticker instead? That's really embarrassing.

By in Netherlands,

Is it me or does it look too squat, like it should be almost twice as long? Also WHY STICKERS

By in United Kingdom,

@Schmopiesdad said:
"Great review CapnRex! I wonder if LEGO has ever thought about asking you to proof the text on the plaque stickers before printing them? They would certainly turn out better, if they did."

I have offered to check these things and have mentioned these repeated problems to the designers on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that they believe me when I mention the mistakes because such information is supposedly checked for accuracy by Disney.

I should mention that the length on the plaque is also arguably incorrect, since most canon sources display a length of 17.69 metres rather than 17.4 metres, but that information does vary somewhat., for instance, shows 17.69 metres while the plaque reads 17.4 metres.

By in United Kingdom,

^It's so they can re-issue the plaque sticker to replace the inevitable spelling mistakes.

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
Now THAT is a comprehensive review! Good working getting that together.

The picture next to the minifig-scale set is particularly useful; it begs the question: did we really need a gunship bigger than that one...?"

Well, being a UCS set, scale is always "from a certain point of view". Also, had they made it minifig-scale, I don't know what would have distinguished it from a standard model. (That being said, as nice as this is, I'd rather get an updated standard model. The last one was fantastic and I'm sure newer parts could improve it even further.)

By in United States,

Jedi Bob would make an excellent GWP in the next few months...

By in United States,

It's faithful to the original design. I think part of why prequel models haven't made good candidates for UCS models is because the entire aesthetic is more streamlined than the chunky, cobbled-together look of OT-era ships. Achieving greater accuracy means losing all the interesting texture that defines a Lego model.

By in Netherlands,

Absolutely love it. And it's beautiful to finally see something substantial coming from the Prequels from Lego again. I hope it sells well!

As for people wanting pilots, troops etc... It's an UCS ship. You buy it for the giant, detailed model of a Star Wars ship. Sure, I too would want to see a minifig-scale version again (it's been 7 years already!) but that doesn't mean this version does not have merit on its own. This is the first and maybe last time lego will do a UCS version of this ship. So enjoy that it exists at all!

Great review btw CapnRex. Proper build progress photos, Seeing it from every angle, even a reference picture or two. I couldn't have asked for a better overview of the set!

By in United States,

It seems like a lot of people didn’t know this would be a UCS set, or don’t know what UCS sets usually look like?

The good news is that this ship is huge. The bad news (if you wanted minifig scale) is this ship is huge. I do think a couple more minifigs would have been nice for the price.

By in United States,

I think the disappointment comes, from many people at least, in the fact that the expectation here was to have a play/display experience like the Millennium Falcon. An interpretation of the Gunship that looked really good, but that you could also play the Hell out of with a nice chunky selection of Clone Troopers and Jedi to fill it with.

If it were that, I doubt you would see the same kind of negativity as far as gut reaction overall. Because frankly the model itself is gorgeous and well-designed. It just missed the mark as far as what people were thinking it ought to be.

I dunno. Maybe. I know I had that reaction to the Star Destroyer, one of my favorite ships from the OT. I expected a seriously upgraded model with an interior and a load of Imperials…instead it was not that. And two good but only TWO minifigures.

In a way, LEGO has helped to perpetuate this kind of expectation difficulty. Because the UCS line in Star Wars, overall, in the past several years, does not have a set of parameters that you can easily track or follow in order to set expectations. Other than things like detail I guess, price point maybe.

Sorry so long…

By in Puerto Rico,

A great and honest review.

By in Germany,

The issue is minifig set versions have already been too large.
They should have gone UCS Slave One / Falcon on this. Perfectly scaled to minifigs with more details than before so it looks like something from Rebrickable Premium, then add a bunch of troopers until you have reached your desired pricepoint which should have been more like 200€ tops, not 350€.

I will never buy UCS X-Wing / Y-Wing scaled stuff and still wonder who or how many people do when that kind of product only ever appears once or twice per year across all Lego lines. I am sure it has its fans but surely the size of the LAAT/I is over the point where those fans draw the line.

I hope a Venator smaller than the imperial star destroyer is up for 2022s UCS line-up so we finally have a Prequel UCS that sells. Either scale the Venator to the 2019 ISD or scale it to fit a theoretical UCS Lucrehulk in the future, but don't make it a 800€ set just like the 2019 ISD, that pricepoint should be used as rarely as possible.

By in Germany,

Did they change the visor of the clone commander that should be silver to black?

By in Poland,

If the set would include 2 clone pilots ( ), 4 clone troopers to operate the guns ( episode-2-printed-legs ) and about 5 of the last ones to the hold, it would be a 'must have'.

Now, this is the purchase on the second day... No. Purchase on the second day after crashes. And 11 more minifigs to buy from Bricklink. I don't know if I have enough money for it...

By in United Kingdom,

wait, weren't those engine intake pieces used underneath the wings and doors discontinued like 10 years ago?!

By in United States,

Amazing set. looks absolutely phenomenal. The figs though... well they just suck

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"Sooooo it’s a marginally larger model than the previous version and it costs hundreds of dollars more. Got it.

This is why I didn’t think the gunship was a good choice for UCS - we already had EXTREMELY passable, minifig scale versions of the craft.

Hard to see what this larger one does better, apart from drain your wallet. The doors don’t even close!"

I would check out some comparison pictures. It is definitely not marginally larger. It is significantly larger than the play scale versions.

By in United States,

I’ll just wait for the next play-scale one

By in United Kingdom,

Are those Dark Bluish Grey 2x2 macaroni bricks I can see in the engines? *crosses fingers*

By in United States,

@BulbaNerd4000 said:
"I’ll just wait for the next play-scale one"

Hey, if people want the big $350 version of the set, I'd say odds of a smaller one appearing later down the line are good now! I personally can't afford this version, so I'm holding out for a playset as well.

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"Sooooo it’s a marginally larger model than the previous version and it costs hundreds of dollars more. Got it.

This is why I didn’t think the gunship was a good choice for UCS - we already had EXTREMELY passable, minifig scale versions of the craft.

Hard to see what this larger one does better, apart from drain your wallet. The doors don’t even close!"

Uhhhh, did you even read the review?

By in Germany,

@blogzilly said:
"I think the disappointment comes, from many people at least, in the fact that the expectation here was to have a play/display experience like the Millennium Falcon. An interpretation of the Gunship that looked really good, but that you could also play the Hell out of with a nice chunky selection of Clone Troopers and Jedi to fill it with.

If it were that, I doubt you would see the same kind of negativity as far as gut reaction overall. Because frankly the model itself is gorgeous and well-designed. It just missed the mark as far as what people were thinking it ought to be.

I dunno. Maybe. I know I had that reaction to the Star Destroyer, one of my favorite ships from the OT. I expected a seriously upgraded model with an interior and a load of Imperials…instead it was not that. And two good but only TWO minifigures.

In a way, LEGO has helped to perpetuate this kind of expectation difficulty. Because the UCS line in Star Wars, overall, in the past several years, does not have a set of parameters that you can easily track or follow in order to set expectations. Other than things like detail I guess, price point maybe.

Sorry so long…"

I also expected a playset component to the UCS ISD. So much empty space in the belly, they should have really put a bridge in there and a Vader meditation room even if it is against a licensing rule because it was a SSD.
The 2011 SSD had the right idea when it introduced minifigs to giant models, the issue is the model should then incorporate a playset area that is extra detailed, worthy of UCS, even if it can't be scaled correctly. The SSD was just looking too cheap with its bridge displayed and was unable to support an interior in the first place because it is so thin.
But at 800€ the ISD really could have added parts worth of a 20-40€ set for a bridge that is nicely sunken in and hidden.

By in United States,

Does anyone remember mace windu being in a republic gunship? I don't recall him ever being in one in the movies.

By in Australia,

@LEGO___ said:
"Does anyone remember mace windu being in a republic gunship? I don't recall him ever being in one in the movies."

Yep, in II and III. Come on dude, quick google search...

By in Germany,

Great review and cool model, but since it is not minifg scale, it's not for me.
I just really hope that the UCS AT-AT (if it ever gets released) will be in minifig scale and not in any random size...

By in Australia,

I’m mostly disappointed that it’s the Episode II version of the gunship, rather than the Clone Wars version, which looks much neater and has doors that fully close.

By in Canada,

To all the people complaining about the complaining - for a set that's THIS expensive, I think a little criticism is ok. The biggest problem I have is that the doors don't close all the way and don't align with the rear sloped section.

By in Germany,

As big and detailed as it is, my first impression is that this is just an upscaled 75021. For $250 this may have worked, but for 350 I expected that they'd take it to the next level, like they did with the Cantina (which is basically "Modular Buildings" level vs traditional "half-a-building" playsets).

For 350 I'd expect (at least some of the following) functioning doors (or optional parts to build it with doors closed), large crew (6+), working cannons maybe (lots of space to hide spring shooters and make the missile magazines auto-rotate when the trigger is pressed), totally different construction techniques - something to differentiate from the previous one and something to show/tell in addition to just the huge wingspan (BTW, folding wings would have been nice too!).

Honestly, I'd prefer a re-release of 75021 to this - it came with more figs, same features, great design and moddability for a lot more reasonable price.

By in United States,

@TomKazutara said:
"Wait, that's it ?
Mace and ONE clone pilot ?

Correction: It's not even a Pilot !!!"

This is my biggest disappointment. I'm fine not including the characters people demanded, but there should be a clone for every seat.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks, once again, for another wonderful and in-depth review.
Can someone at TLG please hire the Capn to proof read the information plaques. These errors are becoming embarrassingly common.

By in Finland,

@LEGO___ said:
"Does anyone remember mace windu being in a republic gunship? I don't recall him ever being in one in the movies."

When he's going to assasinate Palpatine in Revenge of The Sith

By in United States,

Great review. Nice model. Was thinking of adding this to my list of things to buy this year...but the price is putting out of my reach. I didn't vote for this model, which may have put me in the market for it, no matter the cost. Maybe a $350 Nebulon B would make me pull the trigger.

But, for those that like the ship, voted for it and have the money, congrats! You're going to be very happy. I think I may try to get the Cantina set now.

By in Germany,

The dark red floor in the troop cabin looks weird. I'll have to replace it with accurate gray pieces. And the door to the cockpit area is missing.

By in United Kingdom,


Not the first word that springs to mind, but then I'm of an 'original trilogy' age...

Exellent review though, Cap.

By in Canada,

With taxes, it’s going to cost most Canadians $440 USD… ($551 CAD). That’s insane. I have 7676 that I slightly moded and it looks amazing. I think I’ll pass and I’ll keep my money for the rumoured UCS AT-AT this fall.

By in United States,

One of my favorite SW ships, but not my choice for an UCS treatment. It's too large and too expensive. The previous 1000 to 1500 piece count is perfect for this ship and in minifig scale. For over 3000 pieces, it doesn't add much additional details compare to 1000ish pieces and just look oversized compared to the minifigs provided. I would always prefer UCS capital ships instead.

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101, will you be providing reviews of the 3 monkie kid sets from this summers wave? It’s a bit off topic, but I would like to see a review of the bone demon.

By in Canada,

@vader11 said:
"One of my favorite SW ships, but not my choice for an UCS treatment. It's too large and too expensive. The previous 1000 to 1500 piece count is perfect for this ship and in minifig scale. For over 3000 pieces, it doesn't add much additional details compare to 1000ish pieces and just look oversized compared to the minifigs provided. I would always prefer UCS capital ships instead."


By in United States,

This set just makes me want the minifig version all the more. I was looking forward to this, but in hopes they would’ve taken the UCS Falcon approach (and Cantina) and made a very accurate/polished/functional minifig scale model. In particular, I imagined seeing an inventive way of making the turrets spherical and able to rotate while retaining interiors — perhaps using the spherical trans parts from the Jurassic World sets that have those rolling ball vehicles.

By in United States,

I wonder if it would have been possible to make the belt-fed missile launcher actually load and fire missiles? For a model of this scale, I feel like it should be possible.

By in United States,

I don’t like the build but great mini figures.

By in United States,

Great review

By in United Kingdom,

I still think it's shame we got this when we could have had the awesome Nebulon B Frigate.

By in Canada,

Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good.

By in United States,

@elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

It appears in Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch where it is the main troop transport used by clone troopers. It's especially prominent at the battle of Geonosis and the various Republic invasions during the Clone Wars series.

By in United Kingdom,

@crazywitchdoctor said:
"Now, The Mos Eisley Cantina with the same amount of pieces has 21, (21!!!!!) mini-figures, and this one - just 2. Not even exclusive to the set. "

I don’t understand people moaning about the lack of minifigs. This is a set you buy for the model. The minifigs are a bonus

By in Canada,

okay but why where there no pictures of the doors closed? that’s half of why i clicked on the review, because the official pictures don’t show them closed. you mention they’re articulated, but don’t show it, so can they close or not?

By in United States,

Absolutely love this set, and I am definitely going to buy it soon.

But come on Lego, and Imperial logo? I know its not a major issue but that seems so trivial that it wouldn't be a problem. How did that even get that far through production?

By in Canada,

@skypilot22 said:
"Not really much to it, is there? "

It all looks to be lacking detail to me. I really don't like the look of this. It's like an exploded low resolution photograph.

By in United States,

Episode II
Chapter 5
The Grand Army of the Republic has
been called into action. Led by Mace
Windu and Yoda, the new Clone
forces clash with the separatist
droid armies on the planet Geonosis.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker engage with the enemy,
as they pursue Count Dooku in their
Republic attack gunship....

By in United Kingdom,

@Goujon said:
" @CapnRex101, will you be providing reviews of the 3 monkie kid sets from this summers wave? It’s a bit off topic, but I would like to see a review of the bone demon. "

I have the demon to review but haven't found time to build it yet. Hopefully next week!

By in United States,

I cannot, for the life of me, fathom where the missiles launch from. The belt-fed missile launchers, not the obvious A-A missiles. I can see the missiles on the top between the wings, but neither the cross-section in the instructions, nor the model itself, makes it clear. Normally in SW sets there are stickers for the holes missiles come from, but there isn't anything here. Do they launch perpendicularly out of the 2x2 round tiles? The front of the engines? Both seem quite stupid and silly, so seem unlikely. I have 75021, and was haunted by the same query. Where do the flick missiles, which don't stick up and out on the "real" ship, launch from?

By in Canada,

@RichardRSA said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

It appears in Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch where it is the main troop transport used by clone troopers. It's especially prominent at the battle of Geonosis and the various Republic invasions during the Clone Wars series."

Thanks, I didn't remember that. Only watched that trilogy once, when it was in theatre, and didn't watch the clone wars/bad batch. I still wouldn't say it's as "famous" as the other SW ships. Just basing on the fact that most non SW fans can identify the other ships, but might not this one.

By in United Kingdom,

Not for me. The vehicle isn’t classic or iconic enough to consider. Still hoping for a UCS AT AT this Autumn

By in United States,

It's large. I'll give it that. Include 10 more troopers and bump the price $20-25 and it would be better.

Otherwise it's just ok. And ok isn't good enough at this price.

By in United States,

I've always been in the sucky position with all UCS models that they always impress me, but I can never afford them. So I will just say, this looks spectacular the Gunship is a favorite of mine but its almost a full month's rent for me so no, its not something I am picking up soon.

By in United States,

@elangab said:
" @RichardRSA said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

It appears in Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch where it is the main troop transport used by clone troopers. It's especially prominent at the battle of Geonosis and the various Republic invasions during the Clone Wars series."

Thanks, I didn't remember that. Only watched that trilogy once, when it was in theatre, and didn't watch the clone wars/bad batch. I still wouldn't say it's as "famous" as the other SW ships. Just basing on the fact that most non SW fans can identify the other ships, but might not this one."

I would imagine non-Star Wars fans aren't the target market for a $350 Lego Star Wars ship

By in France,

Maybe my expectations were too high, but I can't help feeling somehow deceived. I was sure that there would be closing doors on the side... And... I don't know. My dream of it was more than what I see in front of me now... It's a big beautiful Lego set, no doubt about that, there are numerous tremendous details, I love the cockpit design and the two flanking turrets are excellent... but I miss something in it. Can't explain what or why...

By in Canada,

@elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible"

Personally I'm glad its not another "grey" starship and like that they listened to the fans. the designer did an amazing job on it. I only wish they kept the price under 350$ CAD

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101 does the cockpit include any leg room for the pilots? I've been trying to work out if I could fit some figures in there, but none of the reviews online seem to have taken any clear photos of the cockpit!

By in United States,

@Norikins said:
"I cannot, for the life of me, fathom where the missiles launch from. The belt-fed missile launchers, not the obvious A-A missiles. I can see the missiles on the top between the wings, but neither the cross-section in the instructions, nor the model itself, makes it clear. Normally in SW sets there are stickers for the holes missiles come from, but there isn't anything here. Do they launch perpendicularly out of the 2x2 round tiles? The front of the engines? Both seem quite stupid and silly, so seem unlikely. I have 75021, and was haunted by the same query. Where do the flick missiles, which don't stick up and out on the "real" ship, launch from?"

The big cylinders on top which look like engines are actually enormous missile launchers. The notches in them by the missile belts are where the missiles are loaded. The engines of the Republic Gunship are actually the little black vents on the aft panel. At least that's what the cross section book says. We all know the real motive power for the Gunship, and all Star Wars vessels, is not actually any feature of the vehicle design itself, but rather solely the "vroom vroom, whoosh" noises you make when you play with it.

By in United States,

It's beautiful! Really happy to see a Prequel Trilogy UCS set being released, and I may have to get it just to show my support. But money and space are my greatest enemies.

Either way, they did a great job on the set. And I'm super happy that another giant mass of gray wasn't chosen to be produced. The colors are gorgeous.

By in United Kingdom,

Too big and too expensive for me.
How come the most expensive sets have stickers but a polybag that costs a few quid has printed bricks...doesn't make sense.

By in United States,

@LegoDad_itsforme_ said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible"

Personally I'm glad its not another "grey" starship and like that they listened to the fans. the designer did an amazing job on it. I only wish they kept the price under 350$ CAD"

I've never watched an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, but I think it's terrible.

I'm (slightly) puzzled by people complaining about a lack of minifigures when the model is not minifgure scale. Should it have included "Jack Stone"-style figures to be roughly the right scale?

By in United States,

I'm kinda disappointed that the doors don't even shut properly. Also, maybe it's just me, but something seems off about the scaling - i.e. the size of a person that would fit in the side gunner pods and the cockpit vs. the height of the troop compartment.

By in United States,

I think the gunship itself is a pretty accurate reflection of the version in AOTC, but I really wish it had closing doors like the Clone Wars one, or at least that "swappable" option. That big open space looks ok with a ton of troops in it, but here it just looks kinda weird. I really was excited for this to drop, but it won't be a purchase for me. No hard feelings to the designer, for the source material it's great.

By in United Kingdom,

@LefterisPrime said:
"okay but why where there no pictures of the doors closed? that’s half of why i clicked on the review, because the official pictures don’t show them closed. you mention they’re articulated, but don’t show it, so can they close or not?"

There are several photos showing the doors closed, including the first image and the photo focusing upon the doors. Remember, they only enclose the back of the troop compartment during the movies, with additional forward doors during Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

@ChocolateCrisps said:
" @CapnRex101 does the cockpit include any leg room for the pilots? I've been trying to work out if I could fit some figures in there, but none of the reviews online seem to have taken any clear photos of the cockpit!"

Unfortunately not, at least when assembled according to the instructions. However, you could modify the cockpits easily, removing the obstruction but slightly compromising the structure.

Here is a photo showing the interior more clearly:

By in Denmark,

So many posting about minifigs.

Please understand that UCS is not about minifigs, its about the model....!!!!!!! Buy it for the model not for the minifigs..!!!

By in Netherlands,

@Ns_ said:
"So many posting about minifigs.

Please understand that UCS is not about minifigs, its about the model....!!!!!!! Buy it for the model not for the minifigs..!!!"

Why can't it be about both? Especially for a model representing a transport ship? It didn't kill the company to put a few more minifigs in the UCS Falcon, did it?

By in Canada,

@elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

You could literally say the exact same for the Original Trilogy ships. It doesn't matter if something is iconic, no non-SW fan is dropping $800 on the Falcon.

By in United Kingdom,

Honestly, I love this ship and is one of my favourite ship designs in science fiction, and this dies look good. But I really don’t think it needed a larger scale. I believe a new Minifigure/system scale gunship (maybe based off the clones wars ones with the two sets of doors instead of the pods) would have made much more sense and definitely would have attracted a larger audience. I don’t believe there is too much extra detail in this set that you couldn’t have included with a minifigure scale one.

By in Australia,

I love, love , love it !!!!

By in Canada,

UCS are always nice (size, lots of details and/or generally better proportions). Remember the first ever UCS? No minifigs.

This is not for me but add $100 to its price and two Technic size figs as pilots and 10 Technic size figs as troopers and 3 Technic size figs as Jedi with all new moulds for helmet, torso, Jedi stuff and all and I will buy it on day 1. (basically I'd really like to see a return of Technic figs, in any shape of form - even Star Wars!)

Let's just hope that those who voted for it, will eventually buy it otherwise it may be a very very very long time before another prequel set is made.

Extremely thorough review cap!

By in United States,

@HOBBES said:
"This is not for me but add $100 to its price and two Technic size figs as pilots and 10 Technic size figs as troopers and 3 Technic size figs as Jedi with all new moulds for helmet, torso, Jedi stuff and all and I will buy it on day 1."

15 large-scale figs, that don't currently exist, along with newly molded accessories only adds $100??

Man, you must be on some gooood stuff.

By in United States,

They should just stop putting minifigures in UCS sets altogether. Just end the back and forth.

By in United States,

@EpicMindvolt said:
"Absolutely love this set, and I am definitely going to buy it soon.

But come on Lego, and Imperial logo? I know its not a major issue but that seems so trivial that it wouldn't be a problem. How did that even get that far through production? "

What imperial logo? I see the republic logo

By in Netherlands,

@elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

By that logic, why would we ever need an USC A-Wing? Those aren't THAT iconic to the general public.

And even so... we can have both. There have already been 2 X-Wings, 2 Milennium Falcons, 2 Stard Destroyers, 2 Snow Speeders and 2 Y-wings in UCS scale. So why not allow this vehicle a chance? It is one of the most iconic ships from the prequel trilogy and it's clearly wanted by a lot of people.

If it's not from the OT it still has a right to exist as a Star Wars set, you know?

By in United States,


By in Canada,

@LegoDad_itsforme_ said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible"

Personally I'm glad its not another "grey" starship and like that they listened to the fans. the designer did an amazing job on it. I only wish they kept the price under 350$ CAD"

How can I positively comment on something like that ? Can I comment at all or is this review for SW hard core fans only ? I don't follow Ninjago, yet I find some of their sets to be amazing and some not so much.

I look at the model and I think it's ugly, that's my opinion :) It's a Lego set and we can all form an opinion on it. Maybe the designer did a good job replicating the model, but end results is the same.

By in Canada,

@CDM said:
" @HOBBES said:
"This is not for me but add $100 to its price and two Technic size figs as pilots and 10 Technic size figs as troopers and 3 Technic size figs as Jedi with all new moulds for helmet, torso, Jedi stuff and all and I will buy it on day 1."

15 large-scale figs, that don't currently exist, along with newly molded accessories only adds $100??

Man, you must be on some gooood stuff.


Always, it is called optimism.

Lego friends churns dozens of new moulds every year - and let's not even consider Bionicles back in the day. When Lego wants a new mould they produce a new mould. I don't buy the view that it is a big deal for them - but it seems to be their go-to excuse when people are complaining - and they use it a little bit too often.

At the turn of the millennium, they got into troubles because they were producing just about every whim and ideas as far as pieces go. They cut back on that - maybe too much. Now they are entering all sorts of questionable ventures and eyebrow rising projects which could potentially have the same final outcome. Might as well produce what is asked for and stick to 'core' business (that's what took them out of their hole - but the CEO that turned them around is gone now).

By in Canada,

@Binnekamp said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

By that logic, why would we ever need an USC A-Wing? Those aren't THAT iconic to the general public.

And even so... we can have both. There have already been 2 X-Wings, 2 Milennium Falcons, 2 Stard Destroyers, 2 Snow Speeders and 2 Y-wings in UCS scale. So why not allow this vehicle a chance? It is one of the most iconic ships from the prequel trilogy and it's clearly wanted by a lot of people.

If it's not from the OT it still has a right to exist as a Star Wars set, you know?"

I'm sure their goal is to sell as many units as possible. I wasn't aware this ship is just as iconic as the Falcon, X-Wing, Star Destroyer etc.

As a Lego model, I don't see much "UCS-ness" with it. I don't own any of the UCS, and don't plan to own any, but I do like to read about them and look at the models. This one (and the Star Destroyer) is not that great, in my opinion at least. The A-Wing and Y-Wing were much nicer.

By in Netherlands,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @Schmopiesdad said:
"Great review CapnRex! I wonder if LEGO has ever thought about asking you to proof the text on the plaque stickers before printing them? They would certainly turn out better, if they did."

I have offered to check these things and have mentioned these repeated problems to the designers on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that they believe me when I mention the mistakes because such information is supposedly checked for accuracy by Disney.

I should mention that the length on the plaque is also arguably incorrect, since most canon sources display a length of 17.69 metres rather than 17.4 metres, but that information does vary somewhat., for instance, shows 17.69 metres while the plaque reads 17.4 metres."

In that case, either Disney should ask to hire you, or Lego should be more critical.
Just to mention one of many other cases: I don't think they asked Harley-Davidson to check the spelling for "Milwauke".

By in United Kingdom,

Seems a bit big and empty to me - would prefer it smaller and packed with minifigure clones

By in United States,

@LegoDad_itsforme_ said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible""

It's not really the same at all. You don't have to have seen a Star Wars movie to have an opinion on a ship's aesthetic, especially with an in-depth, photo-heavy review.
It would be more like seeing 21055 and deciding you don't like how it looks. You don't have to be familiar with the real Burj Khalifa to decide that you're not a fan of its Lego representation.

By in United Kingdom,

@sipuss said:
" @Ns_ said:
"So many posting about minifigs.

Please understand that UCS is not about minifigs, its about the model....!!!!!!! Buy it for the model not for the minifigs..!!!"

Why can't it be about both? Especially for a model representing a transport ship? It didn't kill the company to put a few more minifigs in the UCS Falcon, did it?"

Correct... but the UCS Falcon was minifig scale... This is why I don't get why people were voting for the Gunship to be a UCS model... You can't add anything to it, only make it bigger... what's the point?

By in United States,

Good review. Mediocre, boring, expensive set. Hard pass.

By in Japan,

So it is a troop transport with no troops to carry out of the box? Looks cool but with no battle packs to help pack the transport it just feels meh. Maybe there will be a play set coming soon with a battle pack to help out troop builders get their armies going. Surely there is a market for both to exist at the same time no? UCS collectors can get their display groove going with this model and army builders can get their groove going with a play set and some battle packs.

By in United States,

That build really is beautiful imo! The figs look good but definitely aren't that exciting. I'll pick it up at some point for sure, but I feel no need to buy it day 1. I may have hunted down the 75021 set though in the event others who are now aware of it try looking for it as well. Still hoping for another play-scale release in the future, but for now I wanted the best iteration for it's size thus far!

By in United States,

@legotasman said:
"I don’t like the build but great mini figures."

Hey…I laughed.

By in Australia,

Its a big, white, empty box with guns and wings.
Both in the films/TV series and now in Lego form.

Wasn't excited about the announcement, and not excited at the final product.
Needs some pictures alongside other UCS fighters to show the scale

By in United Kingdom,

@Andhe said:
"^It's so they can re-issue the plaque sticker to replace the inevitable spelling mistakes."

Yeah I’m recalling with fondness the infamous “tracor beam” on the 2015 UCS Slave I plaque… For a multi Billion dollar company would it bankrupt them to hire a proof reader?

On the subject of the gunship itself, it’s most wonderful, though as a serious UCS collector that owns most of them (I’m looking at you 10143 and 10175 with your ridiculous aftermarket prices) I have ridiculously high standards so find faults almost everywhere, but this is normal. One fault I can’t forgive however is those doors. Why oh why don’t they shut properly!? It makes the model almost undisplayable to me with the doors closed, yet with them open you’re confronted by that ghastly technic strut in the middle of the aft section… [I do understand it was probably a necessary design compromise for stability, but I’ve been saying for what feels like a year at this point it was probably inevitable and thusly they shouldn’t have offered us the option of a gunship if they couldn’t figure out how to do it accurately. Makes me wonder about potential compromises in the rumoured UCS AT-AT but that’s a whole other rabbit hole… Point is while the technic support might be required, those shoddy wings could easily have been better, and I intend to demonstrate this to myself via extensive modifications when I get the set in hand]. After all that, it’s not to say I don’t like it, or I don’t appreciate it, as a massive prequel fan (that happened to vote for the Nebulon B FYI) I do, but it’s so frustrating to see what I consider to be major issues like the doors when it was so… avoidable. But that’s TLG in a nutshell for you, full on Basil Fawlty-esque creators of their own problems. Sigh.

By in United States,

When it was a rumor I figured I would get it, but it's way too big for me to display so I'll have to pass. Now I wonder if the $800 set later this year is an AT-AT will it also be too big? Although maybe not, it's the width of the gunship that's a deal breaker for me.

By in United States,

@elangab said:
" @LegoDad_itsforme_ said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible"

Personally I'm glad its not another "grey" starship and like that they listened to the fans. the designer did an amazing job on it. I only wish they kept the price under 350$ CAD"

How can I positively comment on something like that ? Can I comment at all or is this review for SW hard core fans only ? I don't follow Ninjago, yet I find some of their sets to be amazing and some not so much.

I look at the model and I think it's ugly, that's my opinion :) It's a Lego set and we can all form an opinion on it. Maybe the designer did a good job replicating the model, but end results is the same."

But it would be utterly foolish for you to try and tell Ninjago fans what is and isn't iconic from their series. "Why include Dareth? I don't know who that is. Stick to the popular ninja."

A non-fan saying "This set, regardless of the source material, is good or bad" is very different from a non-fan saying "This set is poor because of the source material that I do not know"

By in Canada,

@Chemistry2101 said:
" @Andhe said:
"^It's so they can re-issue the plaque sticker to replace the inevitable spelling mistakes."

Yeah I’m recalling with fondness the infamous “tracor beam” on the 2015 UCS Slave I plaque… For a multi Billion dollar company would it bankrupt them to hire a proof reader?"

Right?! The thing that kills me is that we're usually talking about proofreading about 20 words.

By in United States,

@ShadoWind said:
"If the set would include 2 clone pilots ( ), 4 clone troopers to operate the guns ( episode-2-printed-legs ) and about 5 of the last ones to the hold, it would be a 'must have'.

Now, this is the purchase on the second day... No. Purchase on the second day after crashes. And 11 more minifigs to buy from Bricklink. I don't know if I have enough money for it..."

Not sure where you are going to put all of those minifigs . . . they will look horrible with this set . . . way out of scale.

By in United States,

So, about the length of the average Tweet. And, as we all know, nobody every guffs the spelling on one of those...

By in United States,


I think it would be hard to argue that a republic gunship is anywhere near as iconic as an X-Wing or the Millennium Falcon, just based on cultural awareness alone.

Not to say there isn’t room for people to love the ship. Star Wars is full of awesome stuff and each generation has their favorite elements.

By in United States,

It's cool but for $350 I'd rather not. Besides, I have the minifig scale one and that's all I need

By in United States,

Ugh, missed out on a UCS TIE Bomber/Nebulon B Frigate for this thing. I mean sure, it's a great design, but we've had the Gunship before and done well. The doors don't even close on this thing! And the plaque is usual. Disney doesn't know sh!t about SW canon. Also very disappointed we don't have an alternative build for it, like the Porsche 911. We could have had the amazing blue shark Gunship from Tartakovsky's Clone Wars rather than another one in the same colour scheme - but bigger!

Edit: Oh and the price, a whopping $580 over here in Aus, holy cow! My wallet couldn't handle that even if I wanted to purchase it. : (

By in United States,

@SinKiller_Nick said:
" @ShadoWind said:
"If the set would include 2 clone pilots ( ), 4 clone troopers to operate the guns ( episode-2-printed-legs ) and about 5 of the last ones to the hold, it would be a 'must have'.

Now, this is the purchase on the second day... No. Purchase on the second day after crashes. And 11 more minifigs to buy from Bricklink. I don't know if I have enough money for it..."

Not sure where you are going to put all of those minifigs . . . they will look horrible with this set . . . way out of scale.

Looking at some stills from AOTC, I don't think the scale is actually as far off as people are making it out to be. The ship really is quite large in the films, but I think the Clone Wars model is a little smaller and compressed comparatively, which is skewing people's perception. The ball turrets and cockpit look just about right for minifigure scale. The troop compartment is what really throws off the look. If it were about a stud smaller in both directions, it would look a lot closer I think. Clones in the film only come up to about a head and a half below the angled section on the walls, and can stand about 6-7 in a row. Taking into account the weird porportions of minifigures, this looks close. I'll have to take some more precise measurements to be sure, but I think it can easily be fudged into minifigure scale, even if it is slightly large.

By in Australia,

Is it just me or does the printing on the large cockpits seem really, really weak? Like its straight up transparent.

By in Poland,

I haven't managed to own the previous Republic Gunships so far. For example, I refrained from buying 7676, because I expected a drop in the MiSB price after the release of this UCS set. An example of such a drop in price was recently 10225 after the release of 75308. Maybe thanks to this I will be able to collect all Republic Gunships.

By in Austria,

Spelling errors on a 350 $ product are unacceptable.

By in United Kingdom,

I'm torn. I think, for a ship that has a massive great hole in it, the price is laughable, compared to Mos Eisley. Im also not sold on the voting, knowing how certain YTers encouraged mass voting. It looks okay in places, great in others. Not worth the price IMO. A sale somewhere before I buy it

By in United Kingdom,

@TomKazutara said:
"Wait, that's it ?
Mace and ONE clone pilot ?

Correction: It's not even a Pilot !!!"

It IS a UCS set so minifigures aren't meant to be the draw of it.

By in Moldova,

@MisterWilson732 said:
" @TomKazutara said:
"Wait, that's it ?
Mace and ONE clone pilot ?

Correction: It's not even a Pilot !!!"

It IS a UCS set so minifigures aren't meant to be the draw of it."

I remember when UCS Slave1 came out with an exclusive, arm-printed Boba Fett, and I have that ship, so don't tell me about the minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

I’ve figured out the door issue, it’s all down to the fact TLG designed an 8 stud wide gunship from the front going backwards, and a 10 stud wide gunship from the back going frontwards, and then awkwardly meshed the two together in the middle. This means the doors could NEVER lie flush because there are two different places they’d need to be at once… The doors are just a symptom of a fundamental design failure as such. Official gunship images concur, the fuselage should be the same width at the top all the way down the length of the ship… Oh LEGO how did you manage this one?

By in United States,

It sounds like you’re trying to find a reason to justify having already decided to not buy it. The empty space is not what you’re paying for. Bulky volume is not what you’re paying for, either. Look at the piece count, and the variety of elements. That’s primarily what you’re paying for with any set. The old B&W mosaics were pretty cost effective because the vast majority of the pieces included were five colors of 1x1 plate in bulk quantities. Freestyle buckets were cost effective because they rarely included anything that wasn’t already in production for other sets, and it was generally all super basic stuff to boot. If you made a 16x16 mosaic that included 1x1 plates in 256 different colors, people would complain that it was overpriced because the labor and storage on the factory side would be insane compared to a five-color mosaic (plus nearly half of the set would be free extra parts that weren’t included in the piece count).

They _weren’t_ for a long time. 10179 did have mostly unique minifigs when it launched, but they quickly filtered through the various Ep4 retail sets that followed. Where things probably started to change was the UCS SSD, which had unique Ep5 bounty hunters that I think are still unique to that set. Then there’s the big Tumbler, with two unique minifigs from Batman Begins (Batman) and The Dark Knight (Joker). Once they started doing that, it became a draw. Once it started driving sales, it became standard practice. And once UCS-style sets started regularly including exclusive minifigs, it became expected by the fans.

By in United States,

I think it was a mistake to make a transport ship larger than minifig scale because, what are you going to put in it, G.I. Joe?? We spent so much time inside the Ghost, I wish that would get a UCS treatment one day ^^.

By in United Kingdom,

Still waiting for a UCS Tie interceptor or Bomber, this to me is just meh

By in United States,

That’s going to depend on who you ask. For Gen X or older, absolutely the OT was a cultural touchstone, while many skipped the PT, waited to watch it on cable/broadcast/home video, or watched it once in the theater and hasn’t seen it again since. For Millennials, many of them may be more familiar with the PT than the OT, because those are the films they saw in theaters, the SFX were more modern looking, and the stunt work was actually impressive. And for Gen Z, the Disney sequels may be how they were introduced to the Star Wars saga. Which films you watched the most are going to skew your familiarity in favor of those films.

By in Germany,

I understand that UCS models are primarily about the vehicle but the size and function of this particular vehicle allows it to work in minifigure scale. Personally, I even think that the figures are an important part of the design of the Republic Gunship. Most of the ship functions as a personnel carrier. I voted for this set hoping to see a super detailed UCS model in minifigure scale in line with the UCS Slave 1….and with an army of clones in the rear. I'm not sure if I'll buy this one yet.

By in Germany,

Nice model nevertheless…

By in Canada,

@fakespacesquid said:
" @elangab said:
" @LegoDad_itsforme_ said:
" @elangab said:
"Great review, and as a UCS I expected it'll get the 5 stars verdict, but it's a very odd choice for a model. I'm not following SW as I used to, so not sure what this spaceship is but the design of it is quite ugly. I'm surprised it got voted for. It's not as iconic (at least for a non SW fan) as the X-Wing/MF/SD/etc, and not that pretty. I think the larger scale set did it more wrong than good."

??? How can you negatively comment on something when you yourself admit to having limited knowledge of said content?....its like saying " I've never watched the the show but I think its terrible"

Personally I'm glad its not another "grey" starship and like that they listened to the fans. the designer did an amazing job on it. I only wish they kept the price under 350$ CAD"

How can I positively comment on something like that ? Can I comment at all or is this review for SW hard core fans only ? I don't follow Ninjago, yet I find some of their sets to be amazing and some not so much.

I look at the model and I think it's ugly, that's my opinion :) It's a Lego set and we can all form an opinion on it. Maybe the designer did a good job replicating the model, but end results is the same."

But it would be utterly foolish for you to try and tell Ninjago fans what is and isn't iconic from their series. "Why include Dareth? I don't know who that is. Stick to the popular ninja."

A non-fan saying "This set, regardless of the source material, is good or bad" is very different from a non-fan saying "This set is poor because of the source material that I do not know""

As a Star Wars fan you're "deep inside" and lack the outside perspective. I'm not telling anymore what to love or not, I'm just expressing my opinion as a very light and casual Star Wars "fan". I still think that it was a poor choice for a UCS Star Wars set, and it's not as iconic as you think it is. I don't understand how you can say it's on par with the "Millennium Flacon" or a "Tie Fighter". As a set, I find it bulky, expensive for what you get and not pleasing to look at. See my original comment, first thing I said was that it's an odd choice as it's ugly, and added it's not as iconic as other materials from the Star Wars universe which have potential to sell more sets, which is the ultimate goal of any company.

p.s. - Who's Dareth ? : )

By in Canada,

The Gunship is wicked awesome, but heres why Im ticked off. I dont care about UCS minifigs, I dont really think that they go well with the upscaled ship, even on a stand. But WHY would Lego SPECIFICALLY ask us what minifigs we want with it, to only give us a plot twist and give us two boring minifigs. (worse for me as itll be my fourth Mace Windu and second yellow clone.) As a company, that is a stupid, stupid thing to do. People who want a Jedi Bob and CC would have gotten the Gunship for those minifigs. Lego is only turning customers away. Ill still buy this set day one, but my previous excitement of getting a UCS Gunship AND JEDI BOB, has certainly diminished slightly. And Im absolutely disgusted at Legos obvious lack of care or knowledge of the Prequels, to result in them replacing the Republic logo for an Imperial one! Thats impossible, unless you just dont give a crap about a great trilogy and its and your fans! However, its just a cardboard box, and some minifigs, but as they say: Its the thought that counts. And Legos thoughts, well...

By in Belgium,

I don't get why they're using the animated clone torso for the live action representations. Honestly I don't even know why they made it in the first place. The older torso is screen-accurate and has better details.

By in United Kingdom,

I do love the clone wars but somehow I am underwhelmed by this. It doesn't offer a lot more functionalities than the playsets and the playsets work better with minifigs as well. They could have done more of the internal mechanics like they showed on the introduction. So I would rather wait for another LAAT playset release and spend a bit more money to buy 2 to make a nice diorama.

The backside and the doors look unfinished with all the studs (I know it's a LEGO but look at any of their Y-wings!) but should be easily fixed with some extra tiles. Especially sad about the door that can't be fully closed.

By in United Kingdom,

People are being way to unfair

Minifigs are not the draw of a UCS set and most UCS exclusive figures go up in value very quickly, if Lego released Jedi Bob and Cody in this, their value on bricklink would be well over 100 bucks within a year. Mace and the exclusive commander will probably be rather value already

By in United States,

@crazywitchdoctor said:
"Now, The Mos Eisley Cantina with the same amount of pieces has 21, (21!!!!!) mini-figures, and this one - just 2. Not even exclusive to the set. "

Good point. This fact makes the price of the Gunship Stefani level b-a-n-a-n-a-s. Especially with the parts number obviously inflated by all the Technic.

By in United States,

I am suuuuper underwhelmed by this.

But I also get really excited by the sandcrawler.

So there's probably an audience for everything ;)

By in United States,

@crazywitchdoctor :
Based on my read of the review, it sounds like both minifigs are unique. Made has sand-colored spots on his outfit to represent dust from the Geonosian arena, and the Clone has bright-light-orange deco compared to primary yellow as seen on previous iterations of this design.

@crawlerbot :
Set prices are based on cost to manufacture, not resale value. Technic pins may elicit groans from AFOLs who want to part out the set for resale, or who plan to sort the parts into their collections, but a Technic pin probably costs more to produce than a 1x1 plate because the mold is more complex and requires sections to move out of the way before the parts can be ejected. Depending on how the moving sections work, this could actually slow down the cycle time of the machine, resulting in less parts being produced over the same span of time.

By in Germany,

@NickLafreniere1 said:
"I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars."

I always really loved this one, because the Mi-24 attack helicopter shines through very clearly. And the Gunship even fills the exact role in the movie as on the battlefields of star wars. Light troop transport with cargo storage for a car/speeder + one hell of a ton of firepower.

By in United States,

I can see a clear familial resemblance there, even to the design of the wings mimicking the stubby wings on the helicopter. However, I’d heard that the original inspiration for the LAAT/i was the use of the Huey during the Vietnam War, which has been depicted in both real and fictional film and TV, touching down to deploy troops, lifting off to evacuate troops, and flying low over the landscape to provide cover fire. Given Lucas’ age, I’m sure that had to play some role in inspiring him to write such a vehicle into the prequels, but when I search for info about it, I can find reference to about four different helicopters, none of which are the Bell UH-1 “Huey” Iroquois.

The Huey had a broad range of roles, including troop transport, cover fire, medevac, and cargo transport. It had twin van-style rear-sliding doors that were rarely closed when carrying troops. Troops were often left sitting on the floor (or their helmets), because there weren’t seats to accommodate everyone (or they had been torn out to reduce weight). The wing-mounted ball turrets really have no analog that I’m aware of, but the side-mounted turrets are evocative of the door-gunner positions in a Huey.

By in Taiwan,

Want to get one!

By in Germany,

"I think they should have featured pronounced headrests. The control consoles could also have been improved because these deviate from the onscreen consoles, which are clearly displayed during the movie."

The details inside the cockpits seem to be accurate to the main CG model, but not to the physical cockpit miniature that was used for close-ups.

By in United States,

@LefterisPrime said:
"okay but why where there no pictures of the doors closed? that’s half of why i clicked on the review, because the official pictures don’t show them closed. you mention they’re articulated, but don’t show it, so can they close or not?"

They only close halfway. Which is accurate to the ones in Attack of the Clones which they based the design off of.

By in Portugal,

Why do so many of these sets come with a ridiculous amount of white bricks?
The same complaint might be leveled against the latest X-wing seeing as there's a lack of texture to the latest batch of mainstay models.
Where hatches, grids, vents, and circuitry used to be, we get bland, plain white and red.
Also, stickers tend to look cheap and give the sets a contentious kiddy feel.
Not a fan of this trend.

By in Denmark,

@hoarder40 said:
"Still waiting for a UCS Tie interceptor or Bomber, this to me is just meh

Nah, Lego's already been there and done that.

It would be much more interesting if Lego tried to explore some of the 100's of other wessels and vehicles from Star Wars, instead of continue to reproduce already produced sets 4, 5, 6 times or even more, with just small variations, each time.

By in United States,

The Best Star Wars ship by far.

By in United States,

Ironically, those are historically the two most neglected OT TIEs. For the TIE Interceptor, the very first version was one of the first two UCS sets ever produced, and it has not seen an update in over 20 years. To put that in perspective, not only is the most recent UCS TIE Interceptor old enough to drink, but there are SW AFOLs who have lived their entire lives without a UCS TIE Interceptor being available at retail. The second Interceptor was a mini that was exclusive to Japan, though I believe it did eventually see a regular polybag release (the Boba Fett Slave I from the same promotion did not). I believe it was the last TIE to receive a minifig-scale release, and most of those have been based on Disney fanfic.

The Bomber has never seen a UCS release, only has one minifig release, and mostly exists in mini form (including its first iteration, which was split between four other sets).

I can see a valid argument that the vessels like the Interceptor shouldn’t get a second release (no matter how many years it’s been), but the Bomber is the last of the eight basic OT fighters they have left to do, which is why it was in the same poll as this gunship.

By in Canada,

Hello There!

By in Canada,

@Zoniax said:
"Great model, but only 2 minifigs for $350? They should have at least a 3 or 4 more Jedi and 6 more clone troopers."

Ah Yes. My UCS star destroyer needs about 1000 more storm troopers that have no place to go in my non minifig scale display piece.

By in United States,

Whoever said this is the best SW ship is hilarious. Um, UCS Falcon anyone? How short memories seem to be. Or how overrun this site is by prequel-fans who don't seem to know what good cinema is.

An entirely skippable release on many levels. Poor source material, negligible improvement to earlier versions, cost, lame minifig selection, stickers, etc.

When are we getting our UCS AT-AT?

By in United States,

Is it just me, or does the design on this seem sparse? I think it could have benefited from a couple more minifigs and/or a speeder bike - something to go in that cavernous opening.

By in United States,

@Bycougars said:
"I love collecting Star Wars Lego, but the minifig selection is just as important as the set for me which makes dropping $350 on a set for 2 minifigs really hard. I have yet to buy a $200+ Star Wars set that doesn't have at least 14 minifigs."

Until recently, UCS sets didn't even really come with minifigs...they aren't minifig scale.

By in United States,

Let's put this into perspective. The lead designer for Lego SW, who has been doing it for a quarter century, comments it was "a nightmare" to design a set that has been done at least three times before. And then goes on to say "If you want more.. go buy it."
To me it seems Lego is too good to actually listen to their consumers, and felt it was such a burden to actually make something for the people who pay them. I don't think he meant more as in Ep I, II, or III sets, but more fan voted sets. Basically he thinks he is God, and you lowly peons won't tell him what to do! Then upon release, there are numerous flaws within the set, as if they intentionally did it to slap us in the face. At this point, all I can think of is the scene in Team America, where Kim has the guy in the shark tank and says "F**k you, Hans Brix!" It seems such a fitting moment for Mr. Schlomer, or whatever his name is.. The brix parts fits so well!!

By in United States,

@NickLafreniere1 said:
"I was always thought this was one of the dumbest looking spacecraft in Star Wars."

I'm not sure about the dumbest, but I feel like there were much better options for a UCS set, I'm surprised so many people voted for it.

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