Review: 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle

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The ingenious Bad Batch was introduced during Star Wars: The Clone Wars and possesses varied abilities, surpassing normal Clone Troopers. This impressive squad now appears during their own animated series, following the foundation of the burgeoning Galactic Empire.

75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle includes the complete team, excepting Omega. These minifigures are definitely appealing and the unique designs appear reasonably accurate to each onscreen character. Additionally, the specialised Omicron-class Shuttle features extensive detail and the distinctive colour scheme is welcome.


Each member of the Bad Batch possesses unique talents and their specialised armours are designed to accentuate such abilities. Hunter appears the closest to normal Clone Troopers, sporting pearl dark grey commando armour with dark red accents. The colour combination is appealing and metallic silver panels are also included to provide welcome contrast.

Hunter's helmet is shared with standard Phase II Clone Troopers, albeit incorporating unique decoration. Even though an exclusive element would have been ideal, I think this component works nicely and the printing looks impressive. Tech does feature his own specialised helmet which includes lovely moulded detail, corresponding with the original character and exhibiting accurate accents.

This component seems relatively large beside his squadmates' helmets and the visor is static. Nevertheless, the minifigure looks superb and I appreciate the addition of his equipment pack, which includes a printed 1x1 tile. Other members of the Bad Batch should feature comparable backpacks so their omission is disappointing. These are instead represented by printing.

Alternative hair pieces accompany these minifigures and each character includes an exclusive head, distinguishing them from standard Clone Troopers. Hunter's facial tattoos and headband are both included, although this headband is hidden under the hair element. Tech looks perfect though, featuring his trademark goggles and a quizzical expression on the reverse. The design shares fitting similarities with other Clone Trooper minifigures.

Wrecker should stand considerably taller than other characters, given his enhanced size and strength. Minifigures cannot easily reflect such height variation, although this shoulder armour component does distinguish Wrecker from his squadmates and features skull symbols on both shoulders. The decorated helmet appears authentic too, making successful use of the existing Iron Man helmet.

Following his extensive injuries on Lola Sayu and Skako Minor, Echo joins the Bad Batch and wears armour which complements his squadmates. Unfortunately, the kama that distinguishes Echo from other Bad Batch members is printed rather than employing a fabric element and the helmet seems imperfect as well, despite featuring excellent detail. Echo's decorated arm looks splendid though, portraying his cybernetic implants.

Cybernetics continue across Echo's head, which appears noticeably pale beside other Clone Troopers. Wrecker's scarred face looks good too, although he lacks an alternative expression. Once again, physical backpacks are not provided, perhaps because there would not be space for such accessories inside the confined shuttle. Their weapons are supplied though, as usual.

Contrasting with his Bad Batch brethren, Crosshair receives Order 66 when the command is issued and therefore joins the Empire. His specialised armour is accordingly updated and this black design looks marvellous, conveying appropriate dread. Black arguably appears too dark when compared with the onscreen soldier, although it separates Crosshair from the Bad Batch.

Removing the helmet, which includes an accurate green visor, reveals Crosshair's menacing visage underneath. The targeting reticule tattoo covering his eye looks fantastic and I like the emotionless facial expression too. This minifigure lacks a hair component, which is frustrating. While this design looks good, I would have favoured the Republic variant of Crosshair here as his Imperial armour could appear in subsequent sets based upon The Bad Batch.

An unassuming Gonk Droid, known as Gonky by Omega, also accompanies the Bad Batch. This blocky creation resembles the GNK Power Droid from 75293 Resistance I-TS Transport and looks reasonable, especially around the legs. However, this droid should feature a lighter chassis colour, potentially approximating dark tan or medium nougat.

The Completed Model

Shuttles with trihedral foil configurations are common throughout the Star Wars universe and another distinctive vehicle transports the Bad Batch. The stylish Omicron-class Attack Shuttle combines attractive shapes and this creation looks splendid, especially given the unique sand blue and black colour scheme. These colours distinguish the shuttle from other examples and appear accurate, depending on the lighting onscreen.

LEGO has modelled numerous shuttles from throughout Star Wars, which traditionally include consistent design features. This design is comparatively small, even alongside 75302 Imperial Shuttle. The vehicle measures 25cm in length but is substantially narrower than its equivalents and lacks landing gear, noticeably reducing its height on display with comparable models.

Of course, the vessel appears considerably bigger after deploying the primary wings, reaching an impressive wingspan of 37cm in their standard flight position. Moreover, the proportions are absolutely perfect when compared with the original shuttle, especially around the cockpit which has presented challenges on previous LEGO Star Wars shuttles.

The elongated cockpit makes excellent use of wedge plates and slopes to create an accurate shape, which tapers towards the nose. The angled sand blue tiles appear especially attractive and I appreciate the integration of dark bluish grey accents, replicating the worn exterior which appears consistently during both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

Dark bluish grey highlights continue across the printed cockpit canopy, alongside the unusual red viewports which appear prominently onscreen. These viewports should be recessed and I dislike the inaccurate curvature of this element. However, the decoration looks superb and the cockpit would have required an exclusive component for complete accuracy, at this scale.

Additionally, employing this element enables the canopy to open smoothly, although access is restricted by the dorsal wing. Fortunately, another method is available. The boarding ramp and entrance are not functional, inevitably, but they are represented by one dark bluish grey 2x2 tile which seems appropriately distinctive among the surrounding components.

Trans-yellow lights are correctly situated behind the cockpit module and the fuselage features appealing detail, comprising various sand blue and dark bluish grey tiles which portray armour panels. This shape appears authentic as well, closely resembling 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle and sharing certain similarities in their construction techniques with the earlier model.

The dorsal wing demonstrates continued accuracy, incorporating black plates which perfectly contrast against the neighbouring brighter colours. However, the structure seems quite strong and gripping the model from here is accordingly tempting. Unfortunately, the fuselage lacks an essential locking mechanism, hence you cannot hold the Omicron-class Shuttle from this wing, despite its durable appearance.

Furthermore, viewing the model from the opposite side shows the underside of several plates. These appear awkward, although I appreciate the consistent patterns that decorate each side and prioritising an accurate pattern was sensible. I think constructing the wing vertically would necessitate different compromises concerning the colour scheme and design.

The angled engines compare favourably with the source material and I particularly appreciate the pronounced nacelle shrouds, which are decorated with stickers. Additionally, the trans-red gunnery station viewport looks fantastic and the rear laser cannons are present, although they should be connected directly with the aforementioned viewport. These cannot rotate either.

Spring-loaded shooters are cleverly concealed beneath the fuselage, providing welcome play value without affecting the appearance of the shuttle. They can be accidentally activated quite easily though and the absence of landing gear is frustrating because there is definitely enough space for simple landing struts, even if they were removable instead of folding.

Conspicuous gaps appear between the primary wings and the fuselage, further differing from the original Omicron-class Shuttle. These are bothersome in this flight configuration, although gaps become necessary when raising the wings to their vertical landing position because they would otherwise collide with the fuselage. Once again, this combination of sand blue and black, with light and dark bluish grey accents, looks good.

The underside of each wing appears less attractive, as anticipated. Technic elements support both wings and stand out against the predominant black shade, even though these 1x2 plates with Technic pin holes are available in black. However, I recognise the need to include another colour for ease of construction, even though these components seem out of place.

Lifting the dorsal stabiliser opens the entire cockpit and fuselage together, revealing space for several minifigures inside. The cockpit contains tandem seats which are suitably distinguished from their surroundings and the front seat is specifically intended to accommodate Tech's large backpack, since he commonly pilots the shuttle. The printed control panel also looks appealing, while yellow headlight bricks seemingly depict further displays.

Unfortunately, the fuselage is less spacious because various Technic elements are required to support the wings. Nevertheless, there is enough space to place two characters inside and the stickered posters are appealing, taking direct inspiration from this shuttle's internal appearance during Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where these posters are particularly visible.

Their positioning seems strange, although I appreciate such accuracy when compared with the animated series. One poster features a Special Ops Clone Trooper beneath an Aurebesh word which reads 'HISTORY', although the word 'MONTHLY should appear underneath. The second poster displays an imposing Providence-class Dreadnought engaging with a Venator-class Star Destroyer. The caption above reads 'SPACE BATTLES'.

An opening cargo container is also available for accessories and can be removed fairly easily, providing space for another minifigure when necessary. The additional seat is not displayed in any official images but was presumably intended, otherwise this container would be integrated more closely. This option is definitely appreciated, despite the tight squeeze!

Two speeder bikes accompany the shuttle, including an Imperial BARC Speeder. This model shares its structure with the depiction from 75280 501st Legion Clone Troopers and therefore measures 20cm in length. The colour combination of dark bluish grey and black is new though, complementing other Imperial technologies and effectively employing stickers where necessary.

Considerable detail is present which is excellent, although problems from the previous BARC Speeder are retained here. The enormous size is accordingly disappointing, particularly since the smaller creation from 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack captures an accurate shape as well. However, I like the detailed seat, adjustable handlebars and recessed radiator placed towards the rear. Weapon storage is also available on either flank.

The other speeder bike is a civilian design, named the Rawlings TK5. Hunter commandeered one such vehicle on Pantora. I love the lime green livery, accented with white stripes adorning the bodywork and adjustable thrust pods. These correspond precisely with the source material and the length of 14cm seems reasonably authentic too. Moreover, the outriggers look suitably slender but feel rigid.

Space is available for one minifigure and these handlebars are also adjustable, matching the BARC Speeder. The thrust pods match the original vehicle and the round exhaust looks good too, situated beneath the driver. This model also includes a vacant clip behind the seat, where minifigures can attach their weapons while riding aboard the speeder.


75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle contains an outstanding selection of minifigures and the exclusive Bad Batch members are definitely enticing. Some compromises are apparent since their backpacks are omitted and new helmets cannot be developed for every minifigure. Even so, these minifigures include excellent detail and I am delighted that five Bad Batch members are included. Omega will hopefully appear subsequently.

The associated shuttle has evidently required certain compromises too, imposed by the scale. Nevertheless, I think this vehicle appears impressive on display and appreciate how restricted internal space has been used efficiently to accommodate five minifigures. The omission of any landing gear is disappointing though, while the price of £89.99 or $99.99 feels quite expensive based upon the size of the model. Despite such drawbacks, I am pleased with 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle!

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

40 comments on this article

By in United States,

Love it. I don’t have the money for it, but if I did, I’d my it without hesitation. I’m now hoping for a certain ship from today’s episode. It could have minifigures of Omega and —SPOILERS— and —SPOILERS— But seriously, the ship is maybe my favorite Star Wars vehicles to date.

By in United States,

Not perfect, but not bad, either. I may have to get this one eventually, though it may have to wait a bit for me. It’s definitely going on my “want” list, though.

I think the Batch’s shuttle might be a good candidate for a more UCS-ish treatment at some point in the future, though.

By in United Kingdom,

I like it but I can't help but feel like they could've done the speeders as a separate smaller set, with Omega, Civvies Hunter and Imperial crosshair and then included republic crosshair in this set instead (and made this set cheaper too).

By in United States,

@AgentKallus said:
"I like it but I can't help but feel like they could've done the speeders as a separate smaller set, with Omega, Civvies Hunter and Imperial crosshair and then included republic crosshair in this set instead (and made this set cheaper too)."

I agree. It seems like this set might be a one-off for the Bad Batch series, which is supported by the fact that the whole crew is included. This set just cuts too many corners, from the Minifigs to the shuttle. And let's be honest, speeder bikes have been recently utilized as filler to up the price. Without those speeders, the price might have been 20-30 percent less. I hope we get more from the series, but I'm skeptical when this set checks most of the boxes character-wise.

By in United States,

Still no Kaminoan minifigures :(

By in France,

Shuttle too small and with too much sand blue, no new helmet mold for Echo, Crosshair & Hunter, a grey Gonk droid instead of beige/sand color, 2 useless speeders - one of which is reused -, no Omega, no special hand for Echo.. and printed backpacks for Echo & Hunter? ugh

The shuttle and the characters were already in Season 7 of Clone Wars, so there's no excuse for all these inaccuracies.

Definitely going to buy this set though.
(I'm not gonna wait 4 years for them to release a new more accurate one, as they did with Kylo Ren's Shuttle)

By in United States,

LEGO ought to be including display stands in the box for folding wing shuttles like this. I love that basic design and basically all of them look terrific on display with their full wingspan... when they're starting to cost as much as expert-level display models do now or the UCS Star Wars sets of years past, I don't think a basic stand would be out of order

By in United Kingdom,

I mean the real question is how long until someone sells a custom-printed tile with the nose art.

By in United States,

@Wasthereonce said:
I agree. It seems like this set might be a one-off for the Bad Batch series, which is supported by the fact that the whole crew is included. This set just cuts too many corners, from the Minifigs to the shuttle. And let's be honest, speeder bikes have been recently utilized as filler to up the price. Without those speeders, the price might have been 20-30 percent less. I hope we get more from the series, but I'm skeptical when this set checks most of the boxes character-wise."

My thoughts exactly. Do we really need the speeders? Certainly their inclusion says to me that they wanted to charge more for what they intend to be the only Bad Batch set. Although missing Omega is very problematic, but maybe she could appear in a Microfighter set if they really don’t intend to produce more Bad Batch sets.

Anyways, I’ll definitely be getting this, but I really wished that they eliminated the speeders and knocked $20 off the price. Unless the speeder can integrate with the ship and be stored inside in a logical way, there is no reason why they should be included just to up the price.

By in Puerto Rico,

Like others have stated, an ok ship.

By in United States,

Really should have given Echo a custom mold for his robotic arm. Other than that I'm loving the show and hope to pick this and the Razor Crest up before the end of the year!

By in United States,

@watermelon123 said:
"Shuttle too small and with too much sand blue, no new helmet mold for Echo, Crosshair & Hunter, a grey Gonk droid instead of beige/sand color, 2 useless speeders - one of which is reused -, no Omega, no special hand for Echo.. and printed backpacks for Echo & Hunter? ugh

The shuttle and the characters were already in Season 7 of Clone Wars, so there's no excuse for all these inaccuracies.

Definitely going to buy this set though.
(I'm not gonna wait 4 years for them to release a new more accurate one, as they did with Kylo Ren's Shuttle)"

I don't mind the lack of new helmet molds and other shortcuts. It probably allowed them to put the whole squad in one set instead of spreading them out like the Knights of Ren. I do wish they would have used the speeder pieces to make the shuttle look a bit better. They could have at least added landing gear which is something they've been lazy on lately.

By in United States,

No Omega, no sale.

By in United States,

I would have preferred the speeder bikes were skipped and the main ship was slightly bigger. I'm still not a fan of the sand blue color scheme, but I'll still probably pick up this set.

By in Australia,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"Really should have given Echo a custom mold for his robotic arm. Other than that I'm loving the show and hope to pick this and the Razor Crest up before the end of the year!"

Steal Benny's arm from Lego Movie 2 sets.

By in United States,

This model doesn't look like it has close to 1000 pieces. For $30 less, I would no doubt pick the far more iconic imperial shuttle over this, especially they are more or less the same size overall. Like may people have mentioned, the speeders are just a way for lego to make more money. Poor decision for what could be a reasonably priced set.

By in Poland,

I don't care about this ship or star wars but this green speeder is a very cool design and I'm gonna build it in different colors.

By in Brazil,

As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying.

By in United States,

@Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?

By in Canada,

This is one of many SW sets that make me think: why does Lego even bother? I might be being a little hard on them, but when an Omega minifig gets made, it cant even fit in the ship. Also, if you had custom BB minifigs from TCW, you couldnt even put the whole crew in! It looks alright on display, but IMO, only from one side because of the ugly half completed top wing. I honestly dont know if thats good enough for me. Ill buy it for sure because I love TCW and TBB, but this set really could have been better especially in size.

By in United States,

@Pekingduckman said:
" @GSR_MataNui said:
"Really should have given Echo a custom mold for his robotic arm. Other than that I'm loving the show and hope to pick this and the Razor Crest up before the end of the year!"

Steal Benny's arm from Lego Movie 2 sets."

Don't you think Benny would mind having his arm taken off (again)?

By in United States,

I wasn't really interested in this set but after watching all of the episodes so far, I am leaning toward getting it. Sure there are deficiencies but the minifigs are great designs and molds. I too would prefer this to come with Omega since it's clearly set in the Bad Batch series with Crosshair in the Imperial armor. Given that, excluding Omega is a poor move.

I don't care about two new speeders, I'd have rather had that allotment of pieces go toward making the shuttle bigger.

By in United States,

Wrecker shoulda been built like Nexo Knights'Axl

By in Australia,

This is an excellent set and I am definitely going to buy it. The minifigure selection is fantastic - the whole crew (except Omega) in one set? Amazing!

I imagine there will be another set coming later this year or next year with Omega and one of two possible bounty hunters. I look forward to this.

Echo's arm is a possible spoiler for the end of the season. The Hot Toys 12" scale figure depicts Echo with a range of attachments not seen in the show, including a prosthetic hand that looks similar to a salvaged droid arm and other tools.

By in Australia,

@gorf43 said:
"This is one of many SW sets that make me think: why does Lego even bother? I might be being a little hard on them, but when an Omega minifig gets made, it cant even fit in the ship. Also, if you had custom BB minifigs from TCW, you couldnt even put the whole crew in! It looks alright on display, but IMO, only from one side because of the ugly half completed top wing. I honestly dont know if thats good enough for me. Ill buy it for sure because I love TCW and TBB, but this set really could have been better especially in size. "

Perhaps LEGO bothers because they know enough fans share the nonsense attitude of "It's not good enough, but I'm buying it anyway" they know they can afford to be complacent.

By in Canada,

Main gripe: that cockpit/'printed' windscreen...I've said it before: TLG should've printed it over a Trans-Red of the same part (rounded slope)...form and functionality...

And although people...harp/hate on the speeders, I do like the green one...makes me think of a Sea-Doo:).

By in Singapore,

@brick_r said:
"Main gripe: that cockpit/'printed' windscreen...I've said it before: TLG should've printed it over a Trans-Red of the same part (rounded slope)...form and functionality...

And although people...harp/hate on the speeders, I do like the green one...makes me think of a Sea-Doo:)."

But the trans red would show along the edges as LEGO’s print alignment is still incredibly shoddy and there’s no way LEGO can print on the bottom lip. So your solution, while commendable in theory, falls flat on its face (or cockpit) in actuality.

By in United Kingdom,

I’m hoping for a new AT-TE with clone wars Crosshairs and Omega

By in Brazil,

@kingofthezempk said:
" @Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?"

If I have to complement a set with my own pieces, then it's a flawed set.

By in United States,

@Somnium said:
" @kingofthezempk said:
" @Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?"

If I have to complement a set with my own pieces, then it's a flawed set."

I get that sentiment, but for me taking what LEGO has done and improving upon it is half the fun. And considering this is a toy I imagine most kids don’t care about a stand.

By in United States,

@Somnium said:
" @kingofthezempk said:
" @Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?"

If I have to complement a set with my own pieces, then it's a flawed set."

I'd argue that the ability to complement an imperfect set with your own pieces to make it more to your liking is a feature of Lego that other model collectors don't get to enjoy. Besides, if you don't like using your own pieces, Brickset has covered Wicked Brick enough for you to be aware of their existence.

By in United States,

I'd personally prefer the 200 or so parts from the speeders go towards lengthening the shuttle a bit. The speeders could have formed their own $30 set and those parts could have instead gone to giving the shuttle a little more interior space and backpacks for the other members. Also really wish they updated the Phase 2 helmet mold for rangefinders, especially since Crosshair uses his so frequently.

Like many, I'm hoping for a republic Crosshair, and I can always dream of a custom helmet for that (it's gotta be my favorite of the Bad Batch helmets). Fingers crossed for either a Nu-class attack shuttle or AT-TE. But despite my gripes I do enjoy this set and will be getting it, though I might be delving into my own collection for parts to finish the job.

By in United States,

@Somnium said:
" @kingofthezempk said:
" @Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?"

If I have to complement a set with my own pieces, then it's a flawed set."

How many SW sets that are not UCS get display stands? I honestly don't know but I haven't seen a lot. So most likely, this set is consistent and accurate with TLG's own previous sets for ships designed like this.

While this is a flawed set, it not having a display stand is not a flaw.

By in United States,

@HandofBobb said:
"Wrecker shoulda been built like Nexo Knights'Axl"

Everybody keeps saying that, but I think it would make Wrecker look even more out of proportion. Wrecker looks fine the way he is, and is the most accurate minifig in the set.

By in United States,

@Somnium said:
" @kingofthezempk said:
" @Somnium said:
"As with many Star Wars ships in this shape, I won't buy because you can't display them with the wings in flight position. They never include a stand. Kids don't have this problem because they can play with them but for an AFOL, that's annoying."

You know you can build your own stand, right? And probably cheaper than if LEGO included the pieces in the set?"

If I have to complement a set with my own pieces, then it's a flawed set."

A FLAWED SET!!!!!! This is a toy! If you can easily build your own stand then do it! But just because it does not include a stand does not make it a flawed set! Yes, there may be other reasons to call it "A Flawed Set", but not because it does not include something no set like this has!

By in United States,

The unofficial extra seat is lifesaving if they ever make republic crosshair or omega, hopefully the technic clip above it can be removed without consequences.

By in United States,

@Slithus_Venom said:
" @HandofBobb said:
"Wrecker shoulda been built like Nexo Knights'Axl"

Everybody keeps saying that, but I think it would make Wrecker look even more out of proportion. Wrecker looks fine the way he is, and is the most accurate minifig in the set."

As an outside observer/not a fan of LSW looking in, it feels like the theme's always at odds with itself - the community seems to demand incredible show-accuracy from every product, but at the same time, half of the charm seems to come from the stuff being translated into a more cartoony/lego-fied version of the source material.

On one hand, I can see why fans wouldn't want an exaggerated, oversized character - on the other that seems like it would be fun and have more personality as a toy.

But you can never please everyone, I suppose. Just my take on it.

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