Review: 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser

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Multiple specialised Star Destroyer variants have appeared during Star Wars movies, including the revered Imperial-class and Venator-class vehicles which have achieved particular fame. Supporting vessels with comparable designs are common as well, including the Imperial Light Cruiser.

Moff Gideon's intriguing command vessel, which resembles the prominent Arquitens-class Cruiser, has attracted attention and 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser appears quite impressive. This model captures an authentic shape and contains several appealing minifigures, notably including Moff Gideon and his menacing Dark Trooper.


75299 Trouble on Tatooine introduced an updated Din Djarin minifigure, wearing his valuable beskar armour. The metallic silver panels covering the torso, legs and arms look excellent and stand out beautifully against the dark brown attire underneath. In addition, the various pouches and straps provide welcome detail, demonstrating fidelity to the onscreen character.

The decorated arms appear particularly outstanding on this minifigure, even featuring the tiny Mudhorn signet alongside accurate weaponry. However, the continued use of an undecorated head beneath the Mandalorian's helmet is disappointing, especially since this hero memorably removes his helmet and reveals his face to everybody aboard Moff Gideon's vessel.

Cara Dune accompanies the Mandalorian on his mission to recover Grogu and her minifigure returns from 75254 AT-ST Raider. This hair component looks absolutely perfect for Cara Dune and I love the double-sided head that reflects her personality. The small Rebel Alliance symbol cannot be properly distinguished, although that is understandable given the scale.

Dune's torso and legs display extensive detail too. The metallic silver mail covering her chest appears excellent, complemented by dark blue armour which continues across the legs. Cara Dune carries an enormous heavy blaster onscreen and I think this accessory could have been improved, although Din Djarin's beskar spear and Amban sniper rifle are splendid.

Events aboard Moff Gideon's cruiser are centred around Grogu and this diminutive character has remained unchanged since 75292 The Razor Crest was released. The rubber head looks absolutely adorable, as expected, while the Child's heavy robe is represented by the standard baby component. This seems reasonable, but I think introducing another unique element here would have been worthwhile.

Having previously opposed the Mandalorian on Tatooine, Fennec Shand joins his mission to recover Grogu. This minifigure includes exceptional detail and her recent appearances during The Bad Batch further enhance her appeal here. This helmet seems particularly authentic and combines orange and black plastics to great effect. The narrow slit that reveals Fennec's eyes looks magnificent too.

The exclusive double-sided head underneath definitely seems appropriate for Fennec Shand. Her cunning smile is perfectly suitable for an expert sniper, although an alternative angry face would have been appreciated. Unfortunately, this minifigure lacks a hair element which is very frustrating because Fennec cannot therefore be displayed without her helmet.

However, the decoration across her torso and legs integrates magnificent detail. The orange highlights are wonderful and her intricate mail armour matches Cara Dune. Furthermore, this minifigure includes printed arms which enhance any design! Fennec's sniper rifle looks rather long beside the minifigure though, especially because her powerful MK rifle is not excessively large onscreen.

Moff Gideon appears prominently during each season of The Mandalorian and his minifigure has accordingly attracted interest. The design looks superb, especially since the double-sided head closely resembles the character and displays a fittingly hateful expression! His black hair element has also been well-chosen and I like the accurate moustache on Gideon's face.

High ranking Imperial personnel hardly ever become involved in direct combat, hence armour remains unnecessary. Gideon varies though, consistently sporting black armour alongside his elaborate cape. This minifigure captures both aspects of his clothing, including the contrasting dark red and black surfaces on the cape, which appears rather impressive.

Moff Gideon is revealed to possess the treasured darksaber at the culmination of season one and this minifigure includes the same weapon. This design, which matches normal lightsabers, returns from both 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter and 75022 Mandalorian Speeder. The darksaber certainly maintains the charm of standard LEGO accessories, although I think a new element was warranted here.

Stormtroopers provide limited threat to opponents of the Galactic Empire. Gideon's scientists have accordingly developed the Dark Trooper combat droid and this minifigure looks brilliant, recreating the menace of these characters onscreen. The new helmet component, which slots over a decorated minifigure head, includes spectacular textured detail and achieves complete accuracy when compared with the source material.

Considerable detail continues across the torso and legs, although I dislike the light bluish grey accents. However, the metallic silver decoration looks splendid and the broad shoulder armour component, shared with Wrecker from 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle, suits the character perfectly. This element replicates the proportions of the original troopers and includes authentic red highlights, denoting the power level.

Unfortunately, that shoulder armour obstructs the Dark Trooper's blaster rifle, so another rifle would have been appreciated instead. The armour can be removed though, revealing exactly the same design underneath. Additionally, the Dark Trooper's head features remarkable detail and I can imagine this component proving useful for fantasy creations.

The Completed Model

LEGO has produced numerous capital ships at comparable sizes, ensuring fantastic external details with generous space for play inside. This depiction of Moff Gideon's Class 546 Cruiser measures 58cm in length, narrowly surpassing both 75055 Imperial Star Destroyer and 75190 First Order Star Destroyer. This model is therefore larger than I had anticipated and it appears imposing on display.

This vessel closely resembles the Arquitens-class Command Cruiser, integrating an identical notch towards the prow. The shape here looks reasonable and I welcome this mixture of light and dark bluish grey colours. However, several blue Technic pins are clearly visible inside the notch and these look awful, which is particularly disappointing because they could easily have been concealed behind tiles.

While the recessed notch provides docking facilities on the Arquitens-class Cruiser, the main launch tube is located here on the Class 546 Cruiser. This model accordingly incorporates an interesting mechanism for launching TIE Fighters along twin rails, loosely reflecting the launch system that appears during The Mandalorian and seemingly accelerates the deployed fighters into battle.

Strangely, this mechanism may only be activated from inside the vessel which seems illogical. The button should definitely have been located on the exterior, perhaps underneath where the appearance is less important. Alternatively, the feature could have been abandoned altogether because it works poorly, launching the TIE Fighters an extremely short distance.

However, the detail along both flanks looks wonderful, potentially rivalling 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer! Numerous grilles and equivalent elements are employed to outstanding effect here, capturing the superb texture which appears on many command vessels. The pronounced dark bluish grey spoiler components near the centre demonstrate particular accuracy.

Quad laser cannons are also positioned on either side. These look excellent and are cleverly constructed to ensure that the barrels move in unison. Unfortunately, the onscreen Class 546 Cruiser lacks such weaponry. These are the first of three areas in which I expect the designer became muddled between this vehicle and the Arquitens-class Cruiser, which includes lateral quad laser cannons.

Nevertheless, these weapons are an enjoyable addition and two larger turbolaser turrets are positioned atop the hull. These can rotate and the barrels are individually articulated which is welcome, although the whole turbolaser structure elevates during the television series. I think recreating that movement would have been challenging here, particularly since spring-loaded shooters are situated between the barrels.

Opening the forward section reveals an extensive interior, focusing upon the bridge. The area provides sufficient space for minifigures but appears woefully lacking in detail when compared with 75190 First Order Star Destroyer. I understand the vital need to accommodate minifigures but there is certainly room for additional control consoles, hiding the unsightly Technic pieces.

The consoles which are present appear authentic though, while Moff Gideon's planning table occupies the centre of the bridge. Four stickers ensure fantastic fidelity to the source material and I like the red mug which covers the holoprojector! However, the trans-bright green missile, conspicuously stored inside, looks dreadful and should have been stowed elsewhere.

Of course, the bridge is actually situated inside an elevated spire and numerous stickers are applied here, depicting windows. These larger windows closely resemble the Arquitens-class Cruiser rather than Moff Gideon's vehicle, once again. Additional texture would certainly have been more appealing, although I do appreciate such clear identification of the bridge.

Heavier models typically include carrying handles and 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser maintains that convention, although the method is unique. Rather than including a Technic handle which folds away, the entire bridge superstructure is supported by an internal Technic frame, offering absolute rigidity. Gripping this vehicle from here is therefore recommended, but the whole rear section feels exceptionally strong.

The aforementioned Technic structure occupies substantial space, leaving no opportunity for further interior which is disappointing. In addition, the proportions appear noticeably awkward here, particularly surrounding the bridge superstructure where the hull should be deeper. This section does integrate intricate texture though, complementing that towards the front.

Docking locations are available for both TIE Fighters which is fun, although these secondary hangars are situated underneath the primary docking rings onscreen. The small TIE Fighters capture the most important features of these revered starfighters, including printed 1x1 round tiles which depict viewports. They seem reminiscent of the decorated Arkenstone from 79018 The Lonely Mountain, but these pieces were designed specifically for TIE Fighters.

Corresponding with larger Imperial-class Star Destroyers, the Class 546 Cruiser is powered using three primary engines beside four supplemental engines. However, unlike classic Star Destroyers, these engines are relatively exposed and this vessel replicates their shape quite successfully. The dark bluish grey accents across the armour look appealing, in particular.

While their shaping appears impressive, viewing these engines from behind reveals another significant issue. While the three primary nacelles are present, four auxiliary thrusters should appear between them. Instead, the vessel has seemingly taken inspiration from the Arquitens-class Cruiser which includes three engines. Inaccuracies which enhance play are reasonable, but instances like this one remain disappointing.


Despite displaying detail in certain sections 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser leaves considerable potential for improvement. The model is certainly substantial and the exterior seems relatively attractive, although some inaccuracies are inexcusable in my opinion. Moreover, the functions are remarkably scarce and more could have been provided, perhaps including somewhere for Dark Trooper deployment.

The presence of one Dark Trooper minifigure falls below expectations too, although the single minifigure looks excellent. Moff Gideon and Fennec Shand seem similarly appealing, but even more minifigures should have been provided, given the price of £149.99 or $159.99. That feels expensive and the documented problems overshadow the qualities of this set, unfortunately.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

60 comments on this article

By in Germany,

This is definitely a GREAT Set! I wonder… how much damage can a squirrel size Tie fighter damage a life sized mandalorian…

By in United States,

I just wonder when LEGO will make another venator-class star destroyer.

By in Puerto Rico,

It is a great set but it's very unfortunate that Fennec doesn't have her hair piece , it helps to add another ship to my Imperial Fleet but that and that we only get one Dark Trooper as well no other Imperial personal is frustrating.

By in United Kingdom,

Okay, so, we have a Lego Dark Trooper now. Lego Kyle Katarn to destroy the project, when?

(I know, I know, wrong continuity... shh, let me have this :P)

By in Netherlands,

I don't mind the blue pins in the front quite as much as I would normally, because the force-field projecting accelerators that launch the TIEs from the front hangar do have a blue light.

By in Germany,

Don't know if I should skip this when we will probably get
Dark Trooper Battlepack
Book of Boba set with Fennec and printed arms Boba
The Armorers hideout with Beskar Mando

It might be better to get this one for Gideon, Baby and the last Cara, but it's sad that I expected a nice interior and exterior like the recent Star Destroyers had, especially First Order, only to find all those details lacking in one way or another, making it a lacking and superflouos display piece and more of a parts pack for MOCs yet again.

By in United States,

One of the single most disappointing sets I’ve seen in a while. So many unforced design errors and truly awful play functions. And only one dark trooper is inexcusable for the price tag. Can’t believe Lego had extra time to design this whole wave and *still* bungled it.

By in Netherlands,

Hopefully Fennec returns in a smaller set in the future, she's gonna be pricy otherwise. And I'll wait for some Dark Trooper Battle Pack to get those (you know those will sell like hotcakes, LEGO - make it!).

By in United States,

I really appreciate this sincere, genuine review. They all are, don’t get me wrong, but this echoed some frustrations I had with the details to the point where I just wanted to say that.

It’s not like I won’t get it…I always end up getting stuff I have some issues with, but it’s refreshing to read reviews I can trust. Been trying to buy a good shaver and the review sites…Oy, it’s like they are employed by the razor companies.

By in Canada,

Fennec Shand looks incredible with all the details, only missed opportunity was no inclusion of her hair. Moff Gideon looks underwhelming, no arm or leg print. With Moff Gideon he should have red strips going down his arms and his boots could have been dual molded and had the ribs painted on, I wont even mention the dark saber and the interior of his cape should have been a much brighter red. The Dark Trooper is perfect but with only one provided hardly helps justify this sets price. Need at least 2 for a set this size, lego used to do this with storm troopers so they should know. The rest of the figures have been done and are not new. The ship is meh, nothing to make me say I need it, I feel like I could build it 10 times now without a bricklink order. If they had the interior continue to the engines I would have been more impressed.

Seems like a bricklink order for Fennec and wait for a Dark Trooper battle pack. I hope they bring out a more detailed Moff Gideon as the character deserves better.

By in United States,


Can the cruiser fit minifigures standing up when closed?

By in Spain,

It's weird that the interior is minifig scale but the exterior is not. It's like a big microfighter.

By in Netherlands,

I noticed recently BS reviews don’t show any pictures of the buildiny process. Since Lego is a building toy that is really a shame.

By in United States,

Ooof. It could have included a microscale Advent Calendar X-Wing for THAT scene.

By in United States,

@ResIpsaLoquitur said:
"Ooof. It could have included a microscale Advent Calendar X-Wing for THAT scene." They probably didn’t know about the cameo during the design process of the set.

By in United States,

nice set.
funny that they didn't hollow out the back of the ship...

By in United States,

I’m gonna be playing with this a lot, so I don’t really care about some of the inaccuracies. Probably getting it as soon as it releases. Also, can minifigures stand in the interior if the top is closed?

By in United States,

@BulbaNerd4000 said:
"Also, can minifigures stand in the interior if the top is closed?"

I've been wondering the same. I've checked other youtube reviews and no one says or shows it, only the solid brix studios guy implies you can. Would love to know.

By in United States,

As much as I want to like this set to warrant a day 1 purchase, I think I'll wait it out and see what eBay offers up (I've gotten lucky with some from the past waves, ie 75256 , 75257 , 75273 ).

By in United Kingdom,

@SuperSith said:
" @CapnRex101

Can the cruiser fit minifigures standing up when closed?"

Yes, except around the TIE Fighter launcher, where the roof is too low for taller minifigures like the Dark Trooper.

@merman said:
"I noticed recently BS reviews don’t show any pictures of the building process. Since Lego is a building toy that is really a shame. "

We discuss construction when the process warrants comment. Otherwise, we draw attention to interesting techniques when they appear. This model is unremarkable in that regard.

By in Canada,

Definitely my favorite set of the wave, already having the UCS "Boba Fetts Starship", and absolutely hating the new stormtrooper helmet design. I find the price acceptable, but the Darksaber, no way! Countless other fans have pointed out the amount of custom molded weapons Ninjago gets, and here Lego is just like: "Oh, yeah, nobody likes The Mandalorian enough for us to do a custom mold or even a simple recolor". Really stupid, but the entire set and minifigs easily make up for it. I wont be displaying the minifigs with or in it, but it will look great on display with a stand.

By in United States,

Star destroyers/capital ships and their variants are always my favorite type of ships in SW. Doesn't quite look like it has over 1300 pieces though.

By in United States,

Gonna be real. As much as I enjoy The Mandalorian, I'm really appreciated that the designer managed to make an Arquitens rather than Gideon's specific cruiser. Just saying I appreciate.

By in United Kingdom,

Honestly any inaccuracies don’t bother me as I don’t notice them, even with a review specifically pointing them out. The ship looks cool, I’ll probably be getting. Though a version without the über expensive exclusive minifigs methinks

By in United States,

Very underwhelming compared to the rest of this wave. The essential problem with making most of these big ships out of LEGO in the 1000-1400 piece range is that there has to be so much built-up structure to get the weird shapes that there's barely any room left for the fun stuff, and this is no exception... and the microscale TIEs on the same ship as regular minifigures is just odd to me. It was odd when a Rebels set did that a few years ago and it's odd now.

By in United States,

The Fennec Shand and Dark Trooper figs look great, but not sold on the rest of the set.

By in Germany,

@capnrex101 is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!

By in United Kingdom,

@Oli said:
" @huwbot is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!"

I don't think there is, but can I point out this is kinda inevitable, as there is a large following of Star Wars, and as such, they will post reviews.

I will say, they don't all look the same, although, they are known to have remakes with newer designs. (Such as the TIE Fighter or X-Wing), but they do have similar colour schemes, so I understand where you are coming from.

By in United States,

Fennec Shand figure is cool. As noted, no face on the Mandalorian is a let-down, especially given the play value of him showing his face on the episode featuring the Cruiser! And Moff Gideon's hair... not a great choice IMO. Doesn't look so much like him.

By in Germany,

@AdmiralSpookyNoodle said:
" @Oli said:
" @huwbot is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!"

I don't think there is, but can I point out this is kinda inevitable, as there is a large following of Star Wars, and as such, they will post reviews.

I will say, they don't all look the same, although, they are known to have remakes with newer designs. (Such as the TIE Fighter or X-Wing), but they do have similar colour schemes, so I understand where you are coming from. "

i clearly do not understand who needs that much remakes.. and its ooooold.. the beard of that is longer then 10 years. if i would let mine grow that long i would be falling over and over.

lego could have saved so many children from this with just continuing with their own ideas of what is happening in time and space in the future or past. for the movies and those who love them i can understand but does the most creative and innovative toy producer have to stuck on forms and scenes from someone else .. for that long? where exactly is the creativity in this? they meant to be in display (if not played with, mostly by children, right? and who picks a star destroyer for the parts? it seems just redonkules to me.
i just do not want any information about sw sets anymore. i hope there is or will be a function for those whom have no interesst in such

By in United States,

Would've been nice for that price on the Cruiser to have had a new Luke figure and a couple of Dark Troopers instead of one. And even like 2 more micro TIE Fighters too.
BUT, the other prices per part on Slave I and the Marauder transport are EXCELLENT!

By in United States,

@Oli if articles about Star Wars sets bother you so much, JUST DON'T READ THEM!!!

By in Netherlands,

@Oli said:
"i clearly do not understand who needs that much remakes.. and its ooooold.. the beard of that is longer then 10 years. if i would let mine grow that long i would be falling over and over.

Remakes are not meant for people to collect 10 X-Wings or Landspeeders, but there are constantly new generations of kids growing into LEGO age, or adults rediscovering the LEGO hobby, or also just getting into it, either via movies, or Disney+ or even their own kids.

Also the majority of LEGO customers don't buy old sets (used or sealed) via secondary markets.

While I do not collect Star Wars, or even licensed themes, I do actually hope LEGO does some "remakes" of City/Creator/Pirates/Castle stuff, as I was away from LEGO 15 years.

(I mean remakes in the subject sense, not 1:1 copies of old sets)

Would I like more Sci-Fi fantasy space sets? Yes of course, but the followings for Star Wars and Harry Potter LEGO are huge, and LEGO would not just scrap that.

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" @AdmiralSpookyNoodle said:
" @Oli said:
" @huwbot is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!"

I don't think there is, but can I point out this is kinda inevitable, as there is a large following of Star Wars, and as such, they will post reviews.

I will say, they don't all look the same, although, they are known to have remakes with newer designs. (Such as the TIE Fighter or X-Wing), but they do have similar colour schemes, so I understand where you are coming from. "

i clearly do not understand who needs that much remakes.. and its ooooold.. the beard of that is longer then 10 years. if i would let mine grow that long i would be falling over and over.

lego could have saved so many children from this with just continuing with their own ideas of what is happening in time and space in the future or past. for the movies and those who love them i can understand but does the most creative and innovative toy producer have to stuck on forms and scenes from someone else .. for that long? where exactly is the creativity in this? they meant to be in display (if not played with, mostly by children, right? and who picks a star destroyer for the parts? it seems just redonkules to me.
i just do not want any information about sw sets anymore. i hope there is or will be a function for those whom have no interesst in such"

It’s pretty obvious the Star Wars line is of no interest to you, and that’s ok. Not every set or theme will appeal to everyone. Star Wars, though, is a massive theme for them that brings in lots of sales and has a very large following. Thus, you’ll see lots of Star Wars sets, and reviews. You say they could have “saved” children, as if there’s something wrong with them enjoying a theme.

While I respect your opinion, you do seem rather close-minded. I’d suggest you look at the bigger picture more.

By in Germany,

@560heliport said:
" @Oli if articles about Star Wars sets bother you so much, JUST DON'T READ THEM!!! "

i do not read them. but they show up on the start page and by any means.. today on the bottom of the page 'latest reviews' 6 articles of which 4 are sw. lego has other themes and i just like to have a checkbox which i can use to hide sw reviews, articles and so on.

By in United States,

@kyrodes said:
"It's weird that the interior is minifig scale but the exterior is not. It's like a big microfighter."

It’s really the only way for them to make a set that resembles a ship of this size while also providing playset opportunities. They can’t make a set like this actual minifig size, and just making a model wouldn’t be all that interesting. So we get this mashup. They’ve done it before with several other Star Wars vehicles of similar nature.

By in Australia,

I had a chuckle with the random red cup being the centrepiece of the control room. It’s like the crew members have never seen a cup before.

By in Germany,

@terixeri i can see that they would not scrap that which is a shame to me. because it seems like profit is all they know.. on the other hand, i think if lego had continued with their own space themes they would have not done bad either i reckon. my girls love lego and when it comes to space they love my blacktron, m-tron, space police and most of all the ice planet sets. they love ninjago as well but sw is boring to them, they dont know the movies by the way. so its pure objectivity.

By in New Zealand,

Star Wars saved Lego from collapse in the early 2000's.

I doubt we would have the Lego co. we have today without the Star Wars theme being picked up and first released in 1999.

Dont like the theme, 'Move along nothing to see here..'

By in United States,

A tick box to hide certain themes in your feed isn’t a bad idea (although it’s probably impractical to implement), but this isn’t really the place to be asking for it/if it already exists. The right place would be the brickset suggestions box,
Here you’re more likely to be heard by LSW fans and less likely to be heard by site admins who could implement the idea, which is pretty counterproductive for you.

By in United Kingdom,

@legoDad42 said:
"Would've been nice for that price on the Cruiser to have had a new Luke figure and a couple of Dark Troopers instead of one."

Yep, that was among my first thoughts too...!

I'll accept that, depending on when the design work on this started, Lego may not have been aware of the final scene -- but, given the time lag and the opportunity to include this, a second dark trooper and, undoubtedly, a Luke with dark cloak, hood and green 'saber should have been a no-brainer for this. Maybe even R2-D2 ...!

By in United States,

I'm not too bothered about the inaccuracies compared to Arquitens. I'm sure this is simply a problem with the designers reference material, as even in universe the distinction between Arquitens and Gideon's ship is a little unclear.

The interior however is incredibly disappointing, especially compared to the fantastic command bridge found in the First Order Destroyer. This is little more than a table and some stickered panels.

I also have to disagree regarding Carla's hairpiece. It really looks nothing like her style in the show, and a new or different hair would have been preferred. Gideon looks very nice, however I feel like the reddish brown doesn't suit him. One of the nougat shades would probably be better. Fennec looks absolutely brilliant though, figure of the year contender for sure! Despite the missing hairpiece, it looks amazing and so detailed!

The scale will be a little off, but I think swapping the dark grey for lbg and putting this next to Ucs Imperial Star Destroyer would look fantastic!

By in United States,

I think them not including Luke is okay. If kids are getting this and Slave I, they might want an imperial shuttle to fill out the scene, and what do you know, there’s one on shelves now that includes Jedi Luke!

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" @terixeri i can see that they would not scrap that which is a shame to me. because it seems like profit is all they know.. on the other hand, i think if lego had continued with their own space themes they would have not done bad either i reckon. my girls love lego and when it comes to space they love my blacktron, m-tron, space police and most of all the ice planet sets. they love ninjago as well but sw is boring to them, they dont know the movies by the way. so its pure objectivity. "

Personally I feel like there is no place for Blacktron, M-Tron, Space Police, or Ice Planet in the Lego catalogue or on this site. These sets ought to be purged from existence as everyone knows that if it isn’t blue with trans yellow it isn’t worth building. I’ll let Ninjago slide as my son likes it and it actually is pretty cool, but perhaps instead of reviewing new Ninjago sets Brickset could review older, long retired Star Wars sets for those of us who missed them the first time around.

On second thought, maybe Brickset is doing the right thing by reviewing everything Lego does. Lego announces 3 new sets that millions of people are excited about so Brickset reviews them. And Lego is making millions of people happy by producing Star Wars sets, including remakes for those of us who weren’t buying Lego (or kids who weren’t born yet) the first time they came out.

By the way, don’t subscribe to Disney+ or you will be incredibly upset that it features Star Wars very prominently. Apparently Disney doesn’t understand that if you don’t like something then no one else should like it either.

By in United States,

@rishi_eel said:
"I'm not too bothered about the inaccuracies compared to Arquitens. I'm sure this is simply a problem with the designers reference material, as even in universe the distinction between Arquitens and Gideon's ship is a little unclear.

The interior however is incredibly disappointing, especially compared to the fantastic command bridge found in the First Order Destroyer. This is little more than a table and some stickered panels.

I also have to disagree regarding Carla's hairpiece. It really looks nothing like her style in the show, and a new or different hair would have been preferred. Gideon looks very nice, however I feel like the reddish brown doesn't suit him. One of the nougat shades would probably be better. Fennec looks absolutely brilliant though, figure of the year contender for sure! Despite the missing hairpiece, it looks amazing and so detailed!

The scale will be a little off, but I think swapping the dark grey for lbg and putting this next to Ucs Imperial Star Destroyer would look fantastic! "

Agreed on all accounts, these are the points that stuck out to me. Cara needs a shorter hairpiece that allows you to put some shoulder armor on the minifig imo

Still regret missing out on the FOSD for the awesome interior.

By in Netherlands,

@ThatBionicleGuy said:
"Okay, so, we have a Lego Dark Trooper now. Lego Kyle Katarn to destroy the project, when?

(I know, I know, wrong continuity... shh, let me have this :P)"

I'll let you have this. My inner child wants a Lego Kyle Katarn as well. :(

By in Moldova,

I recently bought 75288: AT-AT and 75257: Millennium Falcon, and both sets, at the same price, sims more appealing to me than this one. There are too many little things that could be done much better here, and it's not even an iconic ship, that I would want to have. I think I will wait for another 75055: Imperial Star Destroyer to come out in a couple of years.

Thanks for the review.

By in United States,

The Tie-fighter launch sequence from the show reminded me of the Battlestar Galactica Viper launches (showing my age), so I'm glad they included that function. But oh, to have included a docking bay big enough to hold a certain white with reddish-orange highlights ship...

I want one of those holo-projecting coffee mugs.

And I'm sure this discussion has taken place with other articles, but right, the Darksaber is not a round tube like "normal" lightsabers. LEGO has the correct shape in other colors; get the mold out, LEGO!

And if they're not going to include the 2 huge (still get fired up whenever I watch it) cameos, at least could they have thrown us a bone with a monitor screen sticker showing the corridor fight as the characters on the bridge watched?

By in Netherlands,

@Virgilnz said:
"Star Wars saved Lego from collapse in the early 2000's.

I doubt we would have the Lego co. we have today without the Star Wars theme being picked up and first released in 1999.

Dont like the theme, 'Move along nothing to see here..' "

No, it didn't. Star Wars was a shot in the arm Lego needed in the late nineties. But they quickly learnt that Star Wars sales are down if there is no new movie to tie into, and in 2003 they really _were_ on the verge of collapse. And they had to keep paying royalties to LucasFilm as well, which didn't help. That year a large amount of their sales was generated by Bionicle, which helped them through in a big way.
Star Wars helped, but if they had relied on it they would have gone bankrupt anyway. Bionicle ended up saving them for the time being.
But it was really their change of policy starting in 2004 that REALLY saved Lego.

Source: Brick By Brick.

By in United Kingdom,

I like this set if I don't get it I'll Bricklink some of the Minifigs for sure!

By in United Kingdom,

Should be a really cool set but some odd design choices and for me the biggest issue, that darksaber is ridiculous. sure it's dark, but it does not look anything like the darksaber.

By in United States,

The exterior looks good enough. The interior is really lacking and one additional dark trooper would've been nice.

By in United Kingdom,

@fulcrumbop said:

And I'm sure this discussion has taken place with other articles, but right, the Darksaber is not a round tube like "normal" lightsabers. LEGO has the correct shape in other colors; get the mold out, LEGO!

I mean, it has that nostalgia of being part of lego, as when it was released in Pre Viszla and Darth Maul, it was like that, so it feels like a good nod to it. If you want a new shape, use the ninjago prime empire ones, as they're good for that.

By in United Kingdom,

@extremepayne said:
" @Oli
A tick box to hide certain themes in your feed isn’t a bad idea (although it’s probably impractical to implement), but this isn’t really the place to be asking for it/if it already exists. The right place would be the brickset suggestions box,
Here you’re more likely to be heard by LSW fans and less likely to be heard by site admins who could implement the idea, which is pretty counterproductive for you. "

I'm sure there already is a way to hide certain themes, I'm sure I used it to hide Friends and Duplo from mine. Maybe contact Huw to find out how.

By in United States,

These Star Destroyer-size sets are always hideously overpriced, and this one is no exception. I love the figures but Fennec should have a hairpiece and there should definitely be more of them. More Dark Troopers or even officers/generic figs. The interior is disappointing too, but I'm glad figures can stand up in there when it's closed. This is still a buy for me, but there's no way I'm going to pay anything more than $120 for this even if I have to wait for two years.

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" @capnrex101 is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!"

Dumb! I take offence at that! Star Wars Is the best movie of all time! The lego sets being a little bit lackluster does NOT make Star Wars Dumb.

By in France,

It is sad that Fennec Shand doesn’t have a hair part to be able to use without the helmet. I’m even sadder she has been given a pink head part, when the actress is obviously of asian descent and we don’t have a lot of representation to begin with.
If you respect Moff Gideon (and you should), and even Cara Dune has a darker colour, respect Shand as well.

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" @capnrex101 is it somehow possible to hide star wars articles for those who dont want to see it? i am really getting sick of sw sets. for my taste its way too often in review.i do not want any information about it nor do i care of anything like storm trooper helmets.. so stupid ideas. it looks all same, boring crap all the time... get over it. of course sw will never end because its a huge moneymachine for the dumb (no affence!)but can someone be excluded of those articles? because otherwise i do love brickset and watching it every day!"

Dumb! I take offence at that! Star Wars Is the best movie of all time! The lego sets being a little bit lackluster does NOT make Star Wars Dumb.

I am fine with you having your opinion BUT I am not fine if you call people who like Star Wars Dubmb

By in Moldova,

"Star Wars Is the best movie of all time!" - not all of them. But - different people=different tastes)

By in United States,

@crazywitchdoctor said:
""Star Wars Is the best movie of all time!" - not all of them. But - different people=different tastes)


I meant in general. My favorite is The Rise of Skywalker. :)

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