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Manuscript Format


Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that the review and publication of your paper is as efficient and quick as possible. The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions. Please note that initial submissions are largely “format free,” whereas manuscripts submitted after revision must adhere to specific formatting requirements outlined below.

All material to be considered for publication in The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) should be submitted in electronic form via the journal’s online submission system. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below, instructions on how to submit your manuscript online can be found by clicking on our Online Submission page.

Pre-Submission inquiries can be addressed to the Editorial Office at

The Journal of Infectious Diseases welcomes papers that have been peer reviewed by another medical journal and were not accepted for publication at that journal, where the authors believe they can address the essential concerns identified by previous peer reviewers. To submit such a paper to JID, authors should send a pre-submission inquiry to, including both the paper submitted to the other journal and the decision letter received from the previous journal, with peer review comments in their entirety. The editors will respond to indicate if JID is interested in the submission.

If the editors express interest, the author can then revise the paper according to the peer review comments received and then submit the paper to JID. When submitting, the authors should:

  • Indicate in the cover letter the original journal that the article was submitted to and provide a statement that the manuscript has been adequately revised according to the reviewers' comments.
  • Upload the decision letter they received from the previous journal with peer reviewer comments in its entirety and a point-by-point response as supplementary material along with their submission.  
  • Submit a track-changes version of the manuscript indicating how it has been revised to address the previous review comments and a clean version of the manuscript with those changes accepted.

These submissions should be limited to manuscripts refused at high-impact journals. JID’s editors will review the request and the attached material to determine the suitability of the paper for JID. If the paper is appropriate for JID, the editors may elect to send the manuscript for additional external peer review; however, if the editors, after internal review, agree that the previous reviewers’ comments were fully addressed and the paper requires no further revision, they may accept the paper immediately without additional external review. This process is intended to both speed the review process for previously reviewed papers and reduce the number of requests JID makes of its expert volunteer reviewers. We welcome pre-submission inquiries if you are unsure whether your manuscript is appropriate for this pathway.

Inclusive and Person-First Language

Authors should use inclusive and person-first language in manuscripts. Describe people as having a condition or disease, experiencing a circumstance or doing something specific rather than the condition, disease, circumstance or activity being part of their identity. For example, use “people with obesity,” “person with HIV,” “person who injects drugs,” “people experiencing homelessness,” etc. For more information and examples, see Advancing Health Equity: Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts (free) or the AMA Manual of Style section on inclusive language (subscription required). We also recommend consulting the Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication from the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC).

Initial Manuscript Submission: “Format Free” Submission

JID has a streamlined submission process designed to avoid unnecessary work.

Manuscripts can be submitted in any common document format that can be easily opened and read by others. A single PDF or Word file is usually reliable. At first submission, it is not necessary to apply formatting to match house style. Instead, simply ask: would I enjoy reading and reviewing a manuscript formatted in this way? Some basic guidelines are provided below. You will still need to comply with the requirements and limitations of the selected article type, such as word count or maximum references. 

Basic Formatting Guide

  • On the first (title) page please include manuscript title, author names and affiliations, and the address (including email) of the corresponding author as well as the manuscript word count (Background to end of Discussion).

  • Please list all author contributions.

  • Provide a short abstract, avoiding abbreviations and reference citations. The abstract should follow the article type requirements, e.g. a structured abstract of no more than 250 words for major articles.

  • Define non-standard abbreviations at the first occurrence.

  • Include line and page numbers.

  • Number tables and figures consecutively by appearance, and provide a legend for each. Avoid overcrowding in tables and unnecessary clutter in figures. The initial submission can have figures and text in one file, if desired. Upon request, please be prepared to provide high-resolution figures separately, in a common image format (e.g. eps, tif, jpg).

  • Videos can be published in the online article, with a still image representing the video appearing in the print version. Submit videos in MP4 format if possible. All videos should have an accompanying legend.

  • References can be formatted in any readable style at submission. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Later, authors may be asked to comply with the journal’s citation convention (e.g., author–date, numerical or footnote-based).

  • Include acknowledgements, details of funding sources and grant numbers at the end of the text. Use author initials to indicate which authors were in receipt of grants.

  • If applicable, please include a statement of data availability at the end of the text. For example: Data available at doi:10.5061/dryad.XXXX; Data available at GEO Series accession number GSE123456 and Proteome Xchange database PXD1234567; Data available in supplementary material; Data not publicly available. Where datasets have a DOI, please cite the data in the text, and place the citation in the reference section.

  • Please include at submission all files containing supplementary material cited in the text.

  • A list of at least 5-6 potential unbiased reviewers, with their e-mail addresses and a brief description for each of his/her qualifications as a reviewer.

After initial review, you may be asked to supply editable files that match journal formatting requirements, and high-resolution figures. COI forms are not needed at initial submission. You will be asked to supply this during the revision stage or upon acceptance, if no revisions were needed.

Manuscript Format and Structure for Manuscripts Being Revised

Papers cannot be accepted for publication in JID until these guidelines are followed.

At the time of acceptance (if no revisions requested) or at the time of resubmission of your reviewed manuscript, your manuscript will be returned (and will not enter production) if you do not do the following:

  1. Specify the type of article and adhere to the following limits:

    Major Article: 3500 words, 50 references, 7 inserts (tables and figures, with no more than 4 panels per figure) in print, and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data.
    Brief Report: 2000 words, 15 references, 2 inserts (with no more than 4 panels per figure) in print, and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data.
  2. Include a cover letter with the following information:

    A statement that the manuscript has not been submitted or accepted elsewhere. Please state if posted on a preprint server (e.g., bioRxiv or medRxiv).
    A statement that all authors fulfill the criteria given in the Authorship paragraph (see below).
    A statement indicating whether any writing assistance other than copy editing was provided in the preparation of the manuscript.
  3. All file names—for manuscript, cover letter, figures, tables—should contain no spaces between numbers or letters. File names may be run together (e.g., authornamearticletitleversion1) or contain punctuation such as underscores, hyphens, or both (e.g., author-name-article-title-version-1 or author_name_article_title_version_1).
  4. Ensure that the references are appropriately formatted in JID style.
  5. Ensure that all text, including tables and references, is double spaced.
  6. Ensure that the manuscript has page numbers. In addition, we require that all submissions use line-numbering within the text.
  7. Use a title of no more than 160 characters and spaces and a running title of no more than 40 characters and spaces.
  8. Include the word count of the abstract and of the text on the first manuscript page.
  9. Include a footnote page with the following items:

    A conflict of interest statement.
    A funding statement.
    Mention of any meeting(s) where the information has previously been presented.
    Corresponding author contact information.
  10. Include 3–10 key words at the end of the abstract.
  11. Include, in the Methods section, a statement regarding informed consent and human and/or animal experimentation guidelines, when indicated.
  12. Include the registry number and date for a report of a clinical trial.
  13. Provide written permission for all personal communications.
  14. Provide accession numbers for nucleotide sequences.
  15. Use only approved human genetic nomenclature and notation.
  16. Provide links to all analytical code (see above section: Software and Source Codes).

  17. Submit newly identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to the appropriate database; include previously recognized or recently submitted SNP numbers.
  18. Use standardized nomenclature for chemokines and chemokine receptors as listed in HUGO. Alternative names can be provided in parenthesis if desired.

JID complies with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (follow this link for the complete text), except that reference citations should appear in the text in square brackets (not parentheses). Text, tables, references, and legends must be double spaced. Italics should be used for genus and species names and for genes, but not for in vivo, in vitro, in situ, et al., or other Latin-derived expressions listed in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary; see a recent issue of JID for appropriate style.

All manuscripts—Major Articles, Brief Reports, Correspondence, Perspectives, Editorials, ID Translational Updates, and Supplement Articles—must have conflict of interest and funding statements (see the below sections for further details).

Major Articles describe original investigations that are an important advance in the field and that have been brought to an acceptable degree of completion. Major Articles must be no longer than 3500 words of text (from the beginning of the introduction to the end of the discussion; do not count the abstract or the references), and illustrations must be limited to the minimum necessary for clear and concise presentation. For Major Articles describing results of clinical trials (see Registering Clinical Trials), the abstract must be structured with the headings Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions and must be no more than 250 words; for other Major Article manuscripts, the abstract may be structured (250-word limit) or unstructured (150-word limit). The order of the text should be Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The methods section in the main article should be sufficiently detailed to allow readers to repeat the study without having to refer to supplementary material. Major Articles are limited to a maximum of 7 inserts (tables and figures combined, with no more than 4 panels allowed per figure) in print, 50 references, and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data.

Brief Reports present complete studies that are narrower in scope than those described in Major Articles or that represent new developments. Manuscripts that are descriptive or primarily methodologic in nature, that report results of phase I and II vaccine trials (see Registering Clinical Trials), or that describe in vitro chemotherapeutic studies should, in general, be submitted as Brief Reports. Brief Reports include an abstract (no more than 100 words) and are limited to no more than 2000 words of text, a total of 2 inserts (tables or figures) in print, 15 references, and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data. The order of the text should be Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The methods section in the main article should be sufficiently detailed to allow readers to repeat the study without having to refer to supplementary material.

Correspondence (letters) must be submitted in reference to a previous publication in JID (within the preceding 12 months); otherwise they will not be considered. Please prepare the letter in manuscript format, including a title page. The letter cannot exceed 750 words of text, 1 insert (table or figure), and 10 references. Presentation of unpublished, original data is not permissible in Correspondence.

Editorials are invited by the Editor and are overviews or critiques of articles appearing in JID. These are limited to 1500 words.

Viewpoints (also titled as Historical Viewpoint, Career Reflection, Opinion) are invited by the Editor and are brief viewpoints or summaries of topical areas in infectious diseases. These are limited to 900 words, 5 references and 1 figure or table.

Perspectives are brief (<1500 words, limit 2 inserts, 25 references) individual viewpoints on controversial topics in infectious diseases. Unsolicited perspectives are considered, and authors should contact the Editor in advance of submission to determine whether the topic is deemed appropriate.

ID Translational Updates provide a topical research update for investigators and/or clinicians of important and/or emerging science in a focused area of ID translational science. While brief inclusion of key historical information is encouraged, the Update should focus on results and literature in the last 5 years. They should be no longer than 3000 words (from the beginning of the introduction to the end of the discussion) and have no more than 4 inserts (tables and figures combined, with no more than 4 panels per figure), 75 references and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data. While a portion of ID Translational Updates will be invited, unsolicited ID Translational Updates will also be considered. Submitting a pre-submission inquiry to is encouraged but not required.

Clinical or Public Health Commentaries are by invite only and will accompany ID Translational Updates to put the topic into perspective for JID readers. They should be no longer than 900 words with a maximum of 10 references and 1 figure and/or table.

Epilogue Reflections (formerly In Memoriam): JID periodically publishes obituaries for members of the infectious diseases community. Although specific decisions on obituaries are up to the editorial judgment of the editors, in general, JID publishes obituaries for past editors of the journal as well as individuals who have made significant contributions to basic or translational research into infectious diseases. If you are uncertain if a particular obituary is appropriate for JID, please submit a pre-submission inquiry to  

Tables and Figures

Major Articles are limited to a maximum of 7 inserts (tables and figures combined, with no more than 4 panels allowed per figure) in print and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data. Brief Reports are limited to a maximum of 2 inserts in print and no more than 25 MB of online-only supplementary data. A single insert should not contain both tables and figures.

Data should not be repeated in both a table and a figure. Abbreviations and acronyms used in tables and figures must be explained in the table footnotes and figure legends, respectively, even if they were already defined in the text.


Tables should be numbered in the order of mention in the text. Tables should be typed double spaced throughout, with no vertical or internal rules. Footnotes and accompanying explanatory material should be kept to a minimum. Footnotes should be placed below the table and designated by superscript lowercase letters (listed in order of location when the table is read horizontally). Each column must have an appropriate heading describing the data in the column below, and units of measure must be clearly indicated. For further instructions on the preparation of tables in Word or WordPerfect, consult the Guidelines for Tables.

Figures and Illustrations

Figures should be clear and comprehensible and should generally contain 1 panel. No more than 4 panels are allowed per figure. Each figure should have a resolution of at least 300 DPI, and should be provided, individually, in its native file format, i.e., the file type in which the image was created.

Image files should not be manipulated in any way, because this manipulation could lead to misinterpretation of the information present in the original image. Inappropriate manipulation may include, but is not limited to: movement, introduction, removal or enhancement of specific feature(s) and changes in brightness, contrast or color balance that obscure, eliminate or misrepresent any information.

Digital images may be scrutinized by the editors for possible improper manipulation. If evidence is found of inappropriate manipulation, we reserve the right to ask for original data and, if that is not satisfactory, the manuscript may be rejected and the authors’ institutions notified

Patient identity must be removed in all figures (i.e., x-rays, MRIs, charts, photographs, etc.). Written informed consent is required from any potentially identifiable patient or legal representative and should be presented in either the Methods section or the Acknowledgments.

Please follow this link for further information regarding figures.

All figures submitted to the journal in color will be published in color online at no cost. Figures in the print version of your article may appear in color or grayscale. Details on color charges can be found on the Charges page.​ You will be issued an invoice at the time of publication. If you opt for color online but grayscale in print, please ensure that the figure legend provides an accurate description of both the grayscale and color versions of the figure (e.g., a graph’s green and red lines may turn out to be an identical shade of gray in grayscale). A possible remedy would be to use a solid line in place of one colored line and dashes in place of the other. You will have a chance to look at the grayscale version of your figures in the proof stage.

Important note regarding figures created in Biorender: Please note that figures created using Biorender’s free access plan may not be used in a journal publication, per Biorender’s terms of use and pricing plan. Images created using Biorender’s paid plans may be used in a journal publication, but they are copyrighted by Biorender and must acknowledge Biorender in the credit line. If you potentially intend to publish your paper as open access, you must request written permission from Biorender to publish the figure, or you must exclude the figure from your open access license by clearly stating Biorender’s copyright in the figure in the figure’s credit line.

Color Illustrations

Authors are required to pay the full cost of reproduction of color figures. For details see Journal Charges.

Supplementary Data

Authors may submit supplementary material for online-only publication if it is important and directly relevant to the understanding or interpretation of the main article. Such information might include more detailed methods, extended data sets/data analysis, or additional figures. All supplementary text and figures must be provided in suitable electronic formats, with each of the following as a separate file: text, each table, each figure with its own legend, each video. Do not submit any supplementary materials within the main manuscript document. All material to be considered as online-only supplementary data must be submitted at the same time as the main manuscript for peer review. It cannot be altered or replaced after the manuscript has been accepted for publication, and it will not be copyedited or typeset. Please indicate clearly all material intended as supplementary data upon submission and name the files (e.g., “Supplementary Figure 1,” “Supplementary Data,” etc.). Also ensure that the supplementary data are referred to in the main manuscript where necessary, for example as “(see Supplementary data)” or “(see Supplementary Figure 1).” The amount of supplementary material must be justified and limited to no more than 25 MB. If the material is deemed appropriate by the editors, it will be posted online at the time the article is published. Since the supplementary material will not be edited, authors are responsible for its accuracy.


Supplements are published by JID. Requirements for supplement manuscripts follow those for JID manuscripts (e.g., cover letter, conflict of interest and funding statements). Inquiries related to suitability of topic, program organization and production should be made in writing to the Editor.

Cover Letter

All manuscripts submitted to JID must be accompanied by a letter declaring that the manuscript has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere or must state that the manuscript has been posted on a preprint server (e.g., bioRxiv or medRxiv). This letter must warrant that all authors have seen and approved the content and have contributed significantly to the work. Authors should suggest six potential unbiased reviewers who are qualified to review their manuscript. A cover letter must also accompany a revised submission and must address, point by point, issues raised in the review process. Cover letters can be very informative when your manuscript is undergoing editorial evaluation. We suggest that the abstract not be repeated in the cover letter but rather the cover letter focus on conveying the purpose of the manuscript, what gap in knowledge the manuscript is addressing and how the presented work advances knowledge in the topic being addressed.

Related Manuscripts

If there appears to be significant overlap between the current submission and another manuscript submitted to JID or another journal by the same authors, or if there is an overlap between a manuscript submitted to JID and one published by JID or another journal, the editors will ask the corresponding author to respond to the question of overlap. On the basis of the response, the editors may choose to consider the manuscript further, ask for modification of the manuscript or reject the manuscript; in the case of a rejected manuscript, the editors will provide the author(s) with a detailed explanation. The editors may also choose to take further action, which could include contacting the appropriate superior at the home institution and/or suspending publishing privileges in JID for a designated period of time. If it is found that the authors of an article published in JID had published an overlapping or identical manuscript in another journal, the editors will publish an announcement to that effect in JID.

Title Page

The title should be short, specific and informative. The first name, initial(s) and surname of each author should be followed by his or her department, institution, city with postal code and country. The fax, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be provided. Editorial policy allows up to two co-corresponding authors if required. Preferably, if two authors contributed equally to the manuscript, this may be noted by asterisks and explained in a footnote (e.g., “Author X and Author Y contributed equally to this manuscript.”). Any changes of address may be given next to the affiliations or acknowledgments. On the title page, please supply a running head of not more than 40 characters and spaces, a title of not more than 160 characters and spaces, the names and affiliations of all of the authors and word counts of the abstract and the text. Each author’s full name must be used. If there is potential confusion with respect to whether the first name presented is actually the last name of the author, please identify the last name.

Corresponding authors, alternate contact authors, and equal contribution authorship

The corresponding author is responsible for communication with the journal throughout the submission, review, publication, and post-publication process. The corresponding author should ensure all requirements of submission and publication are met, including but not limited to ensuring all authors have seen the final version of the article and approve the submission to the journal, signing licenses to publish and paying invoice, and adhering to journal policies. For more information on the role of the corresponding author, see ICMJE’s description.

Authors may designate up to two people as corresponding authors. Authors should mark the co-corresponding authors in the main document file with asterisks next to each name and a footnote denoting corresponding authorship. Note that only one person can be selected as the corresponding author in the submission system; that person will be responsible for communications during the review and production process, including decision letters, licenses, and invoices.

A second corresponding author is different than the alternate contact author requested during submission (though it may be the same person if a paper has two co-corresponding authors). All submissions require an alternate contact in case the designated corresponding author cannot be reached. The alternate contact author is a backup contact and will not be listed as a second corresponding author in the published paper.

To avoid confusion on which authors should be listed on the final paper as co-corresponding authors, please indicate “co-corresponding author” in the manuscript file to designate authors who both should be listed as corresponding authors in the final version. Alternate contact authors should be listed in appropriate space in the submission questionnaire and should not be designated in the manuscript file.

As an alternative to co-corresponding authors, authors may state that “author X, author Y, etc. contributed equally to this manuscript.”

Footnote Page

Footnotes must include (1) a statement that the authors either have or do not have a commercial or other association that might pose a conflict of interest (e.g., pharmaceutical stock ownership, consultancy, advisory board membership, relevant patents or research funding); (2) a statement naming sources of financial support (including grant numbers); (3) the name, date (month and year) and location (city, state and, if not USA, country) of a meeting at which all or part of the information has been presented (include an abstract number if possible); (4) the name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the person to whom correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed; and (5) current affiliations and addresses for authors whose affiliations have changed since completion of the study.


The abstract for a Major Article describing results of a clinical trial must be no more than 250 words and must be structured with the headings Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The trial must be registered (see Registering Clinical Trials), and the abstract must include the registry’s URL and the trial’s registration number. Abstracts of other Major Articles may be structured (250-word limit) or unstructured (150-word limit). Abstracts of Brief Reports should be no more than 100 words. Whether structured or unstructured, the abstract must state the purpose of the research, the methods used, the results and the conclusions. Do not cite references in the abstract. Include 3-10 key words, separate from the abstract. Authors are reminded that the abstract is of particular value to producers and users of online literature retrieval systems such as MEDLINE.

Multimedia Abstracts

JID can support the publication of graphical or video abstracts to accompany the text abstract if desired. There is no obligation to do so for any article submitted to JID.

Multimedia abstracts are a visual summary of the main article findings and often take the form of graphical images or videos. They display in addition to the text abstract and offer readers a quick browsing method, in addition to providing you with an asset to share and discuss your findings. The abstract is considered a part of the article and must be provided at the time the manuscript is submitted, they are peer reviewed and published online and in the PDF.

What makes a good multimedia abstract?

An effective multimedia abstract should convey the key question addressed in your research and a summary of the outcomes using universal visual cues and succinct data points. You may consider including the following:

  • Summary of outcomes, key data points with units.
  • Prose should be consistent with usage in the title and body of the article, but with minimal text.
  • Color, image, and symbol use to translate your findings visually.
  • Author name, journal, and year of publication.
  • If using video, this should not simply be reading your text abstract—it should demonstrate something key to your findings.

A free primer on producing multimedia abstracts, including examples, can be found at the popular scientific publication blog, A Surgeon’s Journey Through Research & Design.

Submitting a multimedia abstract

If provided, the graphical/video abstract should be submitted for peer review as a separate file, selecting the appropriate file-type designation in the journal’s online submission system. The file should be clearly named to show it is a multimedia abstract, as opposed to a figure that is part of the article body. Some examples:

  • graphical_abstract.tiff
  • video_abstract.mp4.

See Preparing and Submitting Your Manuscript for guidance on appropriate file format and resolution for graphics and videos—abstract media file formats follow the same requirements as article media placed in the content. Please ensure graphical abstracts are in landscape format.

Lay Summaries

JID can also support publication of a lay summary as part of the article, in addition to the main text abstract. If utilized, the lay summary should clearly summarize the focus and findings of the article for non-expert readers and will be published as part of the article online and in PDF. The lay summary should be submitted for peer review as part of the main manuscript file, under the heading “Lay summary,” before the article’s main text. The lay summary should be no longer than 200 words. As with the main abstract, avoid citations and define any abbreviations. There is no obligation to provide a lay summary for any article submitted to JID.


The text of Major Articles must be no longer than 3500 words, Brief Reports no longer than 2000 words, Viewpoints no longer than 900 words, Perspectives no longer than 1500 words, ID Translational Updates no longer than 3500 words, Editorials no longer than 1500 words, and Correspondence no longer than 750 words. The Methods section must include a statement that informed consent was obtained from patients or their parents or guardians and that human experimentation guidelines of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and/or those of the authors' institution(s) and in accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration (1964, amended most recently in 2013) were followed in the conduct of clinical research or that animal experimentation guidelines were followed in animal studies.


For commercially obtained products mentioned in the text, list full names of manufacturers. Generic names of drugs and other chemical compounds should be used.


Non-standard abbreviations should be defined at the first occurrence and introduced only where multiple use is made. Authors should not use abbreviations in headings.
Abbreviations do not need to be defined, even at first mention, if they are the standard abbreviations within AMA 11th edition.

Statistical Analysis

The statistical analyses used should be identified both in the text and in all tables and figures where the results of statistical comparison are shown.

Units of Measure

All data should be expressed in metric units; use of SI units is encouraged. Use °C for temperature.


Details of all funding sources for the work presented should be given in a separate section entitled “Funding.” This information should appear before the “Acknowledgment” section.

The following rules should be followed:

  • The sentence should begin: “This work was supported by …”
  • The full official funding agency name should be given, i.e., “the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health” or simply “National Institutes of Health” not “NCI” (one of the 27 subinstitutions) or “NCI at NIH.” Please follow this link for a full RIN-approved list of UK funding agencies.
  • Grant numbers should be complete and accurate and provided in brackets as follows: “[grant number ABX CDXXXXXX]”
  • Multiple grant numbers should be separated by a comma as follows: “[grant numbers ABX CDXXXXXX, EFX GHXXXXXX]”
  • Agencies should be separated by a semicolon (plus “and” before the last funding agency)
  • Where individuals need to be specified for certain sources of funding the following text should be added after the relevant agency or grant number “to [author initials].”

An example is given here: “This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [P50 CA098252 and CA118790 to R.B.S.R.] and the Alcohol & Education Research Council [HFY GR667789].”

Crossref Funding Data Registry
In order to meet your funding requirements authors are required to name their funding sources, or state if there are none, during the submission process. For further information on this process or to find out more about CHORUS, visit the CHORUS initiative.


Acknowledgments and details of non-financial support must be included at the end of the text before references and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgment should precede those of institutions or agencies. Please note that acknowledgment of funding bodies and declarations regarding conflict of interest should be given in separate “Funding” and “Conflict of Interests” sections, respectively.

Conflict of Interests

Please follow this link for further guidance on Conflict of Interests.


Full references should be provided in accordance with the style of JID .

EndNote and Reference Manager are software programs for publishing and managing references/bibliographies and are available from Clarivate and Mendeley, respectively. If you use EndNote or Reference Manager to facilitate referencing citations, this journal’s style is available for use. Please follow this link for information on purchasing and downloading EndNote and this link for technical support.

Major Articles are limited to 50 references, Brief Reports to 15 references, Viewpoints to 5 references, Perspectives to 25 references, ID Translational Updates to 50 references and Correspondence to 10 references. Only works that have been published or accepted for publication can be included in the reference list. Unpublished observations by the authors (authors’ unpublished data), personal communications (J. L. Searle, personal communication), and manuscripts submitted for publication (H. Chapin and G. Miller, submitted) should be mentioned parenthetically in the text. Please note that all personal communication must be confirmed in writing by the person mentioned. Please number references in order of appearance; those cited only or first in tables or figures are numbered according to the order in which the table or figure is cited in the text. Example: If table 2 is cited in the text after reference 25, a new reference cited in table 2 will be reference 26.

References must follow the National Library of Medicine format as used in MEDLINE and Uniform Requirements. Provide all authors’ (or editors’) names when there are fewer than 7; for 7 or more, list the first 3 and add "et al." Titles of journals not listed in MEDLINE should be spelled out in full. Reference to a doctoral dissertation should include the author, title, institution, location, year and publication information, if published. For online resources, include a URL and date accessed. Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.

Examples of the proper format are as follows:

Journal Article

Uherova P, Connick E, MaWhinney S, Schlichtemeier R, Schooley RT, Kuritzkes DR. In vitro effect of interleukin-12 on antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferative responses from persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Infect Dis 1996 ; 174:483-9.

Book chapter

McIntosh K. Diagnostic virology. In: Fields BN, Knipe DM, Chanock RM, et al., eds. Fields virology. 2nd ed. Vol 1. New York: Raven Press, 1990 :411-40.

Conference program

Lyon DJ, Cheng AFB, Norrby SR. Mechanisms of cefotaxime resistance in blood culture isolates of Enterobacter high prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases [abstract C43]. In: Program and abstracts of the 35th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (San Francisco). Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1995 :47.

Web site

Public Health Service Task Force. Recommendations for the use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnant HIV-1 infected women for maternal health and interventions to reduce perinatal HIV-1 transmission in the United States. Available at: Accessed 24 April 2002.

Preprint publication

Please note that preprints should only be cited where a final version of the paper has yet to be published in a journal. In all other cases authors should use the journal reference.

Bar DZ, Atkatsh K, Tavarez U, Erdos MR, Gruenbaum Y, Collins FS. Biotinylation by antibody recognition- A novel method for proximity labeling. BioRxiv 069187 [Preprint]. August 11, 2016 [cited 2017 Jan 12]. Available from:

For further information about medical references, see the PubMed Link Help Page.

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