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Guidelines for Press Releases

The IDSA journals issue press releases for select articles. If an article is selected for a press release, the author will be notified in advance and will have the opportunity to provide comments for the release and to review a draft before the release is finalized and shared with media.

Authors or institutional press offices planning to publicize a journal article with a press release should review these guidelines and contact the journal ( as soon as possible. Authors and their institutions are expected to respect any press embargos set for their manuscript.

A press release prepared by an author or author’s institution must be shared with the journal for approval prior to its distribution to media.

Embargo Policy

Embargoed press releases may be distributed only to journalists who have agreed not to publish or broadcast their reports before the embargo has lifted. Embargoed releases also may be distributed through the embargoed section of the EurekAlert! news service, which restricts access to registered journalists.

The embargo time, date, and appropriate time zone should be prominently displayed at the top of the release. Embargoed press releases should be shared with reporters at least 24 hours in advance of the associated journal manuscript’s online publication. Press releases may not be posted on public, open-access websites before the embargo time and date.

Institutions may share a copy of the journal article manuscript with media who request it and have agreed to honor the embargo.

Press offices are responsible for ensuring that all who receive their promotional materials honor the journal’s embargo. Failure to adhere to an embargo set for an article, or to the journal’s press release guidelines, may result in penalties.

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