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Charges, licences, and self-archiving

What is the OA charge for my article? 

Download a list of open access (OA) charges for Oxford University Press (OUP) journals.

This list includes the regular open access (OA) charge for each journal. Prices are subject to change and may differ based on article type.

All stated article charges are exclusive of value added tax, goods and services tax and any similar sales or excise taxes (Sales Taxes). Any Sales Taxes will be added to the invoiced charge at the prevailing rate, as applicable.

OA charges in hybrid journals

Most OUP journals offer the option for authors to choose to publish under an OA licence. Your article will be made freely available online immediately upon publication, with the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC). Download the list above for fees by journal. Some payment details to note:

  • Optional APCs are generally separate from any other page and colour charges that might apply.
  • Please contact our OA team for queries regarding refunds, which will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

OA charges in fully OA journals

In fully OA journals, articles are published under an open access licence immediately upon publication for a fee (download the list above for specifics by journal.) In some cases, the fee might be waived.

Corresponding authors based in countries and regions, that are part of our Developing Countries Initiative are eligible for a full waiver of all fees associated with publishing in our fully open access journals. For further details, please see our APC Waiver Policy.

Open access licences at OUP

Articles published under an open access licence are made freely available online immediately upon publication. If you choose to publish your article under an open access, you will be asked to sign an open access licence agreement. The range of Creative Commons licences used by journals offering OA at OUP include CC BY, CC BY-NC, and CC BY-NC-ND - some journals offer a single license type and others offer a choice. The licensing options available vary by discipline and are tailored to the needs of individual journals. Please check the 'Instructions to Authors' page of any journal to find out which policy applies for the journal where you are submitting/publishing.

CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution Licence)

Creative commons Attribution licence symbolThe most permissive of the Creative Commons licences, the CC BY licence permits others to use, reproduce, disseminate or display your article in any way, including for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and any co-author(s) for the original creation. The majority of our journals offer this licence, which is mandated by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Wellcome policies. Please visit the ‘Instructions to Authors’ page of individual journals to find out more.

CC BY-NC (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licence)

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licence symbolThis licence permits reuse for non-commercial purposes (e.g. research or educational use). This means a user can use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the content as long as the author(s) are attributed as the original creator(s) and the reuse is restricted to non-commercial purposes.

CC BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Licence)

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Licence symbolThe most restrictive of the Creative Commons licences that OUP offers, CC BY-NC-ND allows users to download and share the article for non-commercial purposes, so long as the article is reproduced in its entirety without changes, and the original authors are acknowledged.


All Creative Commons licences state that the author’s moral rights are in no way affected by the licence terms.

More information about Creative Commons licenses is available on the Creative Commons website.

Green open access and self-archiving policies

If you choose to publish your journal article under an open access licence, you are also entitled to deposit the final published version of the article to an open access repository (e.g., your institution’s repository and/or a separate subject repository). You may make the deposit immediately following publication, as long as you include a link to the published version of the article on the journal website and attribute the journal and OUP for the original publication, with a correct citation.

OUP deposits open access articles in PubMed Central (PMC) on behalf of the authors, for the majority of our journals.

If you choose not to publish under an open access licence, please make sure to follow the standard self-archiving policy of the relevant journal. Most OUP journals permit authors to deposit Accepted Manuscripts in non-commercial repositories after an embargo period. Find out more about how articles can be shared and the associated embargo periods.

Open access for books

Authors can choose to publish their monograph or chapter open access, with the payment of a Book Processing Charge (BPC).

All stated charges are exclusive of value added tax, goods and services tax and any similar sales or excise taxes (Sales Taxes). Any Sales Taxes will be added to the invoiced charge at the prevailing rate, as applicable.


  • Standard monograph or edited volume*: £12,250 / $15,750

  • Chapters**: £1,995 / $2,675

*Up to 120,000 words (inclusive of notes). For works longer than 120,000 words, the price will increase by £460 / $590 for each additional 6,000 words. Illustrations (figures, tables, music examples, etc.) will be counted as equivalent to 250 words.

**Up to 9,000 words. For chapters longer than 9,000 words, the price will increase by £265 / $355 for each additional 3,000 words.

Early career researchers

We are pleased to be able to offer a discount of 40% on our BPCs for early career researchers (ECRs). We define an ECR as an author publishing their first or second book who is within six years of their first academic appointment, excluding any career breaks such as family care and health reasons. Please contact your OUP editor if you feel you may be eligible for the discount.


OUP’s standard licence for OA books is Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivates (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits unlimited distribution, provided that the published work is shared non-commercially, unchanged and in its entirety, with full credit to the author. Under this licence OUP will also manage commercial rights, including translation deals and licensing, for the author.

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