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New features

Delivered by award-winning technology, Oxford Academic is easy to use, providing powerful faceted searching across text and images to make your discovery of scholarship quicker, whatever your subject or specialism. We continue to invest in Oxford Academic, and by providing enhancements or identifying potential integrations with new technologies we continue to ensure that we fulfil the needs of the academic community.

May 2024

By leveraging the existing single-sign-on infrastructure at your institution (such as Shibboleth or Open Athens), SeamlessAccess helps to foster a more streamlined online access experience whilst maintaining an environment that protects personal data and privacy. With this integration now available on Oxford Academic, you will be able to seamlessly sign in using your preferred institutional log in, and then not be asked for them again when visiting any SeamlessAccess-enabled site.

Use the new "Sign in through your institution" button to find your institution and sign in with just a single click.

January 2024

In direct response to feedback from our users and customers, we have been implementing improvements to make search on Oxford Academic simpler and more effective, with better usability, styling, and accessibility for all our users.

We have reconfigured our search weightings to ensure that the search results you see first are the most useful and relevant, there is a new 'search within the book' option in the left-hand column of book and chapter pages to make it easier to find content within our books, and we have refined the search filters and query builder to make it easier to build complex searches limited to specific fields.

See what you can discover! 

May 2023

Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) provides real time entitlement checks so researchers can get access to the scholarly content their institution subscribes to, quicker. With this integration, journals and books on Oxford Academic will now be included in those checks, which means that users will be able to see whether they have access to content from Oxford at the point that they find it in discovery services.

This month we have also been working on ensuring the display of contributors (authors, editors, etc.) is as optimised and consistent as possible across Oxford Academic. Our first change is now available, which improves the way contributors are displayed when looking at search results.

April 2023

Since launching books on Oxford Academic last year, we have been actively gathering and listening to your feedback. As a result, we now display our brands on the platform to support our customers, and their patrons, in administering and navigating to the content they have purchased. Explore the homepages for Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Medicine Online, Oxford Clinical Psychology, and Very Short Introductions.

In addition, this month we have implemented the ability to select/de-select the availability filter options from the top of the search results page. To see this, you can choose one of the Availability filter options (Purchased, Open Access, or Free), and it will now appear at the top of the search page, as happens with the other filters available e.g. Format, Subject etc.

December 2022

Researchers, funders, and institutions are increasingly concerned about the impact and return-on-investment of their work. Books and chapters on Oxford Academic now show metrics, to provide a better understanding of the reach of the research, and the attention it is receiving online.  Metrics include the number of views, the number of citations, and its Altmetric and Dimensions scores.
New features_Dec22

May 2022

Dimensions badges added to content pages to provide more information about the impact of a piece of research through citation data and altmetrics. You can find the Dimensions badge in the metrics panel to the right of the main content, alongside platform views and the Altmetric score. You can click to expand the metrics panel to show more information, including Web of Science statistics.

February 2022

New Get access links mean that you can easily determine whether or not you have full-text access to an article or other piece of content, as well as provide a consistent authentication, access, and purchase experience. The Get access links only appear when you are unauthenticated (or not yet logged into your account) and attempting to access content that requires authentication, such as articles or chapters that require a subscription.

December 2021

Improved Administrator Sign-in provides administrators of library, university, and other institutional accounts more prominent signposting to support signing into their accounts. If you’re already logged into a non-administrator account, then you will not be shown this option.

May 2021

CReDiT Contributor Role Display shows you detailed information about contributor’s roles in the creation of an article or other piece of content. The 14 roles, which are managed by NISO, will appear when you open the author information panel, but only for those journals that incorporate CReDiT.

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