Step 1 Toolbox

Take Time to Self-Reflect

As you pursue your career development at NYU, begin by taking a moment to reflect on your current skill level across NYU's eight core competencies. Engaging in self-reflection will help you plot your own path for growth and development.

Consider using self assessment tools.

Self assessment tools and inventories are designed to illuminate your skills, strengths, interests, and principles, in order to fine-tune your goals, and guide you toward your ideal career path. The assessments take approximately three to ten minutes to complete. View a video (3:53) about what self-assessments are designed to do.

Skills Assessments: Discover your standout talents and strengths.

Career Interests Assessments: Explore what brings you satisfaction and motivation.

NYU Core Competency Assessment

NYU Core Competency 360 Survey: This is designed to offer individuals valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement based on NYU’s eight core competencies. By gathering feedback from managers, peers, and direct reports, participants gain a holistic perspective on their performance. To request this tool, complete this NYU Learning and Organizational Development request form.

Step 2 Toolbox

Review Your Current Role

Understanding your role and band is crucial for your career development. To gain deeper insights, engage in conversations with your manager and mentors and leverage networking opportunities. This comprehensive approach will aid you in effectively planning your future career path.

Step 3 Toolbox

Develop and Implement a Path

Achieve your career goals at NYU by creating and implementing a dynamic career plan. Define your vision, pinpoint key skills, outline actionable growth steps, and explore exciting roles within NYU.