Discover Opportunities for Growth at NYU

Graphical image of various different doors and paths.

As you explore job family opportuinities below, in and beyond your school or unit, consider how you align with each of the defined core competencies toward your desired career goals. By reflecting on expanding the breadth and depth of your expertise, you will be better positioned to successfully navigate and flourish in your career pathway.

Job family opportunities serve as guiding examples rather than prescribed blueprints for your career, assisting you as you navigate development goals.

Note: Job profile titles are standard titles representing a range, but not an exhaustive list, of multiple titles across schools and units. While your specific title may not be listed, its profile title may be found below. If you have title questions, contact your HR Officer or Business Partner.

Map Your Career with Opportunity and Partnership

The pyramid image represents the foundational concepts of NYU's career pathways. With the drivers of each concept of career mapping noted alongside, it is NYU and you, the employee, collaborating together throughout.

NYU offers support and guidance to aid you in navigating your career trajectory toward opportunity. The goal is to help you propel your career to new heights – and to bolster balance once there. Learn more details below.

See "Image text description" for full information

Understanding and Accessing Opportunities Across NYU

Job Family

At NYU, there are 13 job families across schools and units. Each job family is grouped by the general type of work performed in the job. Job profile titles may be accessed below and are color coded as follows: Job bands 52 (violet), 53 (blue), 54 (green), and 55 (yellow).

Academic Program Support

Roles in this category provide assistance to academic programs within educational institutions. This can include managing student records, assisting with course scheduling, providing support for faculty members, helping with curriculum development, and coordinating program activities.

Image of someone looking at figures on a chalkboard.


Select a sub-family to view within a job family below. Each sub-family represents specific job categories within a family for jobs with differing scopes. Some sub-families have only a few job classifications and some have many, reflective of what is common in the respective field.

Business/Professional Administrative

Jobs in this category involve managing the day-to-day operations of an organization. This can include providing support to the organization across several disciplines including project administrators and compliance associates.

Image of two persons happily shaking hands.

Campus/Auxiliary/Transportation, Facilities, Public Safety

Roles within this category focus on managing various aspects of a school or university campus. This can include overseeing transportation services for students and faculty, maintaining campus facilities such as buildings and grounds, managing public safety and security (such as security officers), and coordinating auxiliary services such as food service or bookstore operations.

Image of someone seated outdoors on an urban staircase typing on their laptop.

Development/Sponsored Research/Grant Writing

Positions in development involve fundraising and donor relations for non-profit organizations or educational institutions. Sponsored research roles focus on conducting research projects funded by external sponsors, such as government agencies or private foundations. Grant writing involves researching, writing, and submitting grant proposals to secure funding for specific projects or programs.

Image of people happily shaking hands in an office setting with two seated colleagues in the background.


Roles in engineering work on projects such as designing buildings and infrastructure and creating solutions for environmental challenges.

Image of someone happily speaking outdoors on their mobile device with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.

Finance/Real Estate/Procurement/Grant Management

Jobs related to financial management involve overseeing the financial health of an organization. This can include tasks such as budgeting, financial reporting, managing investments, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Real estate roles involve managing properties, leasing agreements, and property acquisitions. Procurement roles focus on purchasing goods and services for the organization, negotiating contracts, and managing vendor relationships. Grant management involves seeking out, applying for, and managing grants to fund organizational projects or initiatives.

Image of three people having a lively discussion in a casual office environment.

General Office Administration

Positions in this category typically involve administrative duties within the University.

Image of someone in their wheelchair speaking to two persons in an office environment.

Health Services

Jobs in health services manage the operations of the health center, including staffing, budgeting, and compliance with healthcare regulations. They also collaborate with campus organizations to promote health and wellness initiatives. Roles in this area are also involved in offering counseling and support for mental health and emotional well-being.

Image of a patient being consulted by a healthcare professional in a clinical environment.

Human Resources

Positions in human resources focus on managing an organization's workforce. This includes tasks such as recruitment and hiring of employees, managing employee benefits and compensation, handling employee relations and conflicts, conducting training and development programs, ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations, and creating and implementing HR policies and procedures.

Image of a team of professionals happily placing hands together for a cheer.


Jobs within libraries involve managing library collections, assisting patrons with research and information needs, organizing library resources, cataloging materials, and providing library programs and services.

Image of someone reading a text while smiling in a library setting.

Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations/Media/Video/Audio

Roles in this category focus on promoting NYU and its brand. Marketing involves creating and implementing strategies to attract students. Advertising involves creating advertisements for various media channels. Public relations involves managing NYU public image and relationships with the media and the public. Media roles involve creating and producing content for various media platforms, such as television, radio, print, or online. This can include roles in video production, audio production, journalism, and content creation.

Image of someone close up and smiling with two persons in the background.

Student Services/Athletics

Positions in student services involve providing support and services to our students. This can include roles such as academic advisors, career counselors, student affairs coordinators, and student activities directors. Responsibilities may include assisting students with academic planning, career exploration, personal development, and involvement in campus activities. Athletics roles involve managing athletic programs and facilities within educational institutions, including coaching, sports administration, athletic training, and facility management.


Image of someone on the sidewalk in an urban setting with an NYU bus on the street.


Jobs in technology involve working with computer systems, networks, software, and other technology solutions. This can include roles such as network administrators, software developers, cybersecurity analysts, database administrators, and technology project managers. Responsibilities may include designing and developing software applications, managing data systems, and ensuring the security of technology systems.

Image of someone at their desk typing on a laptop in an office setting.