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An overview of our sustainability model in reducing mosquito-borne diseases.

The World Mosquito Program's Wolbachia method of reducing mosquito-borne diseases is natural and self-sustaining. Our sustainability model comprises five key pillars.

Self-sustaining science

In order to be successful, our Wolbachia method has to be sustainable. In contrast to insecticide-based programs or the use of Wolbachia for population suppression, our method has the potential to offer sustained protection from disease regardless of the number of mosquitoes present in the environment.

We release a small number of male and female mosquitoes with Wolbachia and these mosquitoes then mate with the wild mosquito population. The bacteria are passed from generation to generation, and over time, the percentage of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia grows.  

Research shows that Wolbachia can sustain itself in mosquito populations without continual reapplication, making this a long-term, self-sustaining approach that has no adverse impact on natural ecosystems.

Knowledge sharing

The World Mosquito Program provides training and support for local staff and volunteers, so that they run much of the program independently. Building capacity within the communities in which we work is essential to the efficiency and acceptance of our work. It also gives staff the fulfillment of knowing they are contributing to the health and well-being of their own community.

Local support

Every project is supported by volunteers and staff from the local community. Without local support, the project cannot proceed. Local staff provide insights and information about how their community works, who needs to be involved and how best to communicate with relevant stakeholders. The World Mosquito Program is dependent on the people in the places in which it works. 

Ongoing monitoring and evaluation

Our projects take time. From the very first interaction with a community to implementation and ongoing monitoring of results. We provide updates and continue to educate long after mosquitoes have been released. It's critical that the people we work with see the long-term impact of the projects they have helped to carry out. 

Community engagement

Community engagement is the cornerstone of our work. The World Mosquito Program provides opportunities for communities to learn about our Wolbachia method so they can raise any concerns and properly understand how it will benefit them and their families. Having people participate in the release of mosquitoes and the monitoring of results provides a sense of ownership of the project and the satisfaction of knowing they have had a meaningful impact on the health of their community.

Read more how we listen to community voices 

Want to learn more about the World Mosquito Program and our sustainable and nature-based Wolbachia method?