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The World Mosquito Program is partnering with Médecins Sans Frontières in Honduras to protect communities from mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. 

Dengue, Zika and chikungunya are diseases well known to the Honduran population. Periodically, outbreaks and epidemics occur in the country that result in more than 10,000 registered cases each year.

Dengue, endemic in Honduras, presents epidemiological alerts every two to four years. The virus infected more than 24,700 people in 2022, with over 400 severe cases.

In June 2023, Médecins Sans Frontières in coordination with the Ministry of Health (SESAL), the World Mosquito Program (WMP), and the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) officially launched the “Arbovirus Prevention” project in the capital, Tegucigalpa.

The project, implemented by
Médecins Sans Frontières, is focused on bringing substantial change to the way Honduras deals with viruses such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika and yellow fever, and strengthening the country’s health system.

Project sites
Number of people reached
Total area reached
3.3 km²
Zika Case Study Honduras

“In the short term, the first objective of the project is to reduce mortality and morbidity caused by dengue, Zika and chikungunya in some of the neighborhoods of the capital with the highest incidence of these diseases. In the long-term, we hope that the techniques implemented can become a safe, effective and sustainable solution to deal with these viruses." - Edgard Boquín, coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières's Arbovirus Prevention project in Honduras


Project sites

The World Mosquito Program is partnering with Médecins Sans Frontières to work in El Manchén, in the capital of Tegucigalpa, to address the threat of mosquito-borne diseases

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