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Help us protect more communities with our Wolbachia method and make a difference in the fight against one of the biggest global health threats of the 21st century.

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Make a difference in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases.

Woman holding Dengue factsheet

Help create a world free from the fear and suffering caused by mosquito-borne diseases

As climate change, globalisation, and urbanisation accelerates the speed in which these diseases move across regions, it’s more important than ever to act now.

Our groundbreaking Wolbachia method is helping fight against mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. The evidence-based, safe, and one-time health intervention has been rolled out in three continents, protecting millions of people worldwide.


Dengue is the world's fastest-spreading

Mosquito-borne disease. Over the last 80 years, countries reporting cases have risen from 3 to 129.

Since 2004, Chikungunya has exploded globally,

With local transmission now identified in more than 115 countries.

Our randomised controlled trial in Yogyakarta showed a 77% reduction

in dengue incidence and an 86% reduction in dengue hospitalisations.

Every $1 invested in dengue prevention

delivers $4 in social and economic benefits by reducing illness and saving lives.

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Make a difference in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases.

Want to learn more about the World Mosquito Program and our sustainable and nature-based Wolbachia method?