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One planner fits all

(How Apache Calcite makes it easier to
write a DBMS)
Lightning talk at XLDB 2015
Stanford, California
Julian Hyde (Hortonworks)
–Mike Stonebraker (2005)
“One size fits all” is an idea whose time has
come and gone
• Hadoop and other open source technologies
have deconstructed the DBMS
• Query parser/API + catalog + authorization +
algorithms + scheduler + engine + data format
+ storage
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Apache Calcite

DB framework



Schema SPI


Cost model

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translate SQL
to relational
Relational algebra
• Robust
• Allows re-use
• Complex cost-based
• Multiple front-ends & back-
• Not just for “flat” relations

Thank you!
Use Calcite to build your next database!
Calcite powers Apache Hive, Drill, Phoenix,
An Apache Incubator project

since May 2014
What’s in the box?
• SQL parser & AST
• JDBC/ODBC framework
• Built-in operators (project,
filter, …)
• In-memory engine
• 100+ rules
• Planning engines
• Adapters (CSV, JDBC,
Mongo, …)
• Streaming SQL
• Materialized views


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