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SQL Server Query Parameterization

Query Tuning

Ritesh Kumar
Skype: mfs_ritesh

Adhoc Query


Predicates Order


Execution Plan


Query Optimizer


Parameter Sniffing






Database Engine Tuning Advisor
Adhoc Query

Any non-parameterized queries are called addhoc queries.
For example :


SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 100


In sql server if we execute a sql query it goes through two
steps just like any other programming languages:




Properties Of Addhoc Queries

Case sensitive


Space sensitive


Parameter sensitive 


Sql server treats two same sql queries of different parameters
as a two different sql statements. For example:


SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 1


SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 2

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The document discusses various linear data structures like arrays, strings, stacks, queues, and linked lists. It provides details on representing single and multi-dimensional arrays, including addressing formulas. Operations on ordered lists like lists are defined. Linear lists using arrays are implemented with methods for adding, removing, and changing elements.

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The document summarizes different searching and sorting algorithms. It discusses linear search and binary search for searching algorithms. It explains that linear search has O(n) time complexity while binary search has O(log n) time complexity. For sorting algorithms, it describes bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort. It provides pseudocode to illustrate how each algorithm works to sort a list or array.

Data structures
Data structuresData structures
Data structures

This document provides an overview of different data structures and sorting algorithms. It begins with an introduction to data structures and describes linear data structures like arrays, stacks, queues, and linked lists as well as non-linear data structures like trees and graphs. It then provides more detailed descriptions of stacks, queues, linked lists, and common sorting algorithms like selection sort and bubble sort.

Effect Of Faulty C# Code

Sql server has took extra n * (Compilation time) ms to display


Extra time to insert records in cached plans.


Sql server has to frequently fire a job to delete the cached plan
since it will reach the max limit very soon.


It will not only decrease the performance of this sql query but all sql
queries of other applications since this faulty code will force to
delete cached query plans of other sql statements.
Predicates Order

Does order of predicates matters in WHERE clause?


WHERE vcLanguage = 'English' AND ntAge = 12


WHERE ntAge = 12 AND vcLanguage = 'English'
Execution Plan
Query Optimizer

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Sorting algorithms
Sorting algorithmsSorting algorithms
Sorting algorithms

The document discusses several sorting algorithms including selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, merge sort, and quick sort. It provides details on how each algorithm works including pseudocode implementations and analyses of their time complexities. Selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort have a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2) while merge sort divides the list into halves and merges in O(n log n) time, making it more efficient for large lists.

3.6 radix sort
3.6 radix sort3.6 radix sort
3.6 radix sort

Radix sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that sorts numeric keys by decomposing them into digits and sorting the digits individually. It works by representing keys as d-digit numbers in some base-k, then sorting the numbers by looking at one column of digits at a time from least to most significant. This requires d passes through the list, resulting in a time complexity of O(d(n+k)) where n is the number of keys and k is the maximum possible digit value, assuming d and k are constants. When d and k are O(n), the overall time complexity is O(n).

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Presentation is on Various Data Structures And Operations Related to it. Brief Description Of Operations Using Examples.

data structures
Query Optimizer
The query optimizer in SQL Server is cost-based. It includes:

Cost for using different resources (CPU and IO)


Total execution time

It determines the cost by using:

Cardinality: The total number of rows processed at each level of a
query plan with the help of histograms , predicates and constraint


Cost model of the algorithm: To perform various operations like
sorting, searching, comparisons etc.
Parameter Sniffing

Sql server generates execution paln according to the first


This execution plan may bad for other parameters.


Create multiples stored procedures.


Use optimizer for query hints.
What Is An Index ?

Index is a way to organize data to make searching, sorting
and grouping faster.


we need indexing when :


WHERE, ON, HAVING clause (Searching)


ORDER BY clause (Sorting)


GROUP BY clause (Grouping) etc.
Table Scan
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE RollNo = 111

Time complexity of table scan is : O(n)












































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Searching algorithms
Searching algorithmsSearching algorithms
Searching algorithms

The document discusses different types of searching algorithms. It describes sequential search which searches an unsorted list sequentially until the target item is found or the entire list is searched. The average runtime is O(n) as the item could be anywhere in the list. Binary search is described as more efficient for sorted lists, repeatedly dividing the search space in half and comparing the target to the middle element. Indexes are also summarized, including clustered vs unclustered indexes and different approaches to storing data entries.

Array 2
Array 2Array 2
Array 2

The document discusses arrays and their representation in memory. It contains 3 main points: 1) It introduces linear arrays and how they are represented in memory with sequential and contiguous locations. It also discusses multidimensional arrays. 2) It provides algorithms for common linear array operations like traversing, inserting, deleting and searching using binary search. It explains how each algorithm works through examples. 3) It discusses how 2D arrays are represented in memory and visualized, using an example of storing student exam marks in a 2D array.

Array ADT(Abstract Data Type)|Data Structure
Array ADT(Abstract Data Type)|Data StructureArray ADT(Abstract Data Type)|Data Structure
Array ADT(Abstract Data Type)|Data Structure

The document discusses abstract data types (ADTs) and describes an array ADT. It lists common array operations like display, add, insert, delete, search, get, set, max, min, reverse, shift, and provides pseudocode implementations. Operations like insert and delete are O(n) linear time due to array element shifting. Search operations can be improved to O(1) constant time using techniques like transposition and move to front. Binary search provides O(logn) time complexity for sorted arrays. The document also discusses sorting an array, checking if an array is sorted, arranging negative numbers to the left, and merging two sorted arrays.

data structurearray adtoperation on array
Types Of Index

Table without any index is called Heap


There are two type of index:


Clustered index


Non-Clustered index
Clustered Index

When we create a clustered index on any table physical
organization of table is changed.


Now data of table is stored as a balanced tree(B tree).

ON <ObjectName>(
<ColumnName>  [ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ]
Sql Server Query Parameterization
Types Of Scanning

Table scan: It is very slow can and it is used only if table has
not any clustered index.


Index scan: It is also slow scan. It is used when table has
clustered index and either in WHERE clause non-key columns
are present or query has not been covered (will discuss later)
or both.


Index Seek: It is very fast. Our goal is to achieve this.

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Query hierarchical data the easy way, with CTEs
Query hierarchical data the easy way, with CTEsQuery hierarchical data the easy way, with CTEs
Query hierarchical data the easy way, with CTEs

With common table expressions (CTEs), it’s easy to write recursive queries and query hierarchical data such as graphs – a lot easier than using a specialized graph database or writing complex client-side code. In this session, you’ll learn about the surprising number of places where graph data appears in modern applications and how to efficiently store and query it using MariaDB and common table expressions.

List Data Structure
List Data StructureList Data Structure
List Data Structure

A list is a sequential data structure that allows additions and removals at any position, unlike stacks and queues. Common list operations include adding and removing nodes, updating node contents, checking if the list is empty/full, and initializing/destroying the list. Lists can be implemented using arrays (for static storage) or linked nodes (for dynamic storage). Array lists allow constant-time access but linear-time insertion/removal. Linked lists have linear-time access but constant-time insertion/removal. Both use probes and previous references to traverse the list during operations.

Counting Sort Lowerbound
Counting Sort LowerboundCounting Sort Lowerbound
Counting Sort Lowerbound

1. The document discusses lower bounds for sorting algorithms and proves that all comparison sorts require at least Ω(n lg n) time. 2. It then introduces counting sort, which runs in linear O(n) time by counting elements rather than comparing them, but requires the elements to be drawn from a small known range. 3. Radix sort is then described, which sorts integers digit-by-digit using counting sort, achieving linear time for integers by treating them as d-digit numbers in a base k system. This allows sorting large integers faster than comparison-based sorts.

lowerboundcount sort
Clustered Index

If we create table with primary key, sql server automatically
creates clustered index on that table


A table can have only one clustered index .


Physical order of rows of table is same as logical order of key
columns of clustered index.
Terms Of Execution Plan

Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either nonkey column or column which has not been covered.


Object: It is name of source from where it getting the data. It
can be name of table, Clustered index or non-clustered index


Output list: It is name of the columns which is getting from


Seek Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either
key column or fully covered.
Non-Clustered Index

It is logical organization of data of table. A non-clustered index can
be of two types.




Based on clustered index.


If table has clustered index then leaf node of non-clustered index
keeps the key columns of clustered index.


If the table has not any clustered index then leaf node of nonclustered index keeps RID which unique of each row of table.
Based On Clustered Index

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Algorithm: priority queue
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Algorithm: priority queue

The document discusses priority queues and quicksort. It defines a priority queue as a data structure that maintains a set of elements with associated keys. Heaps can be used to implement priority queues. There are two types: max-priority queues and min-priority queues. Priority queues have applications in job scheduling and event-driven simulation. Quicksort works by partitioning an array around a pivot element and recursively sorting the sub-arrays.

stacks and queues for public
stacks and queues for publicstacks and queues for public
stacks and queues for public

This document discusses stacks and queues as data structures. It begins by defining a stack as a linear collection where elements are added and removed from the top in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) manner. Common stack operations like push, pop, and peek are described. It then discusses applications of stacks like undo sequences and method calls. The document also defines queues as collections where elements are added to the rear and removed from the front in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) manner. Common queue operations and applications like waiting lists and printer access are also covered. Finally, it discusses implementations of stacks and queues using arrays and how to handle overflow and underflow cases.

SQL Issue
SQL IssueSQL Issue
SQL Issue

An update was run on a table without a WHERE clause, updating all records in the table. This can have immediate impact on any transactions relying on primary keys. To avoid this, the ROWCOUNT option can be used to limit the number of rows updated. It is recommended to contact Aderant support or consultants instead of directly updating tables with SQL, as data integrity is critical. The contract with Aderant should also be reviewed before calling support regarding data issues caused by SQL updates.

Based On Heap
Covering Of Queries


We can specify maximum 16 column names.
Sum of size of the columns cannot be more than 900 bytes.


All columns must belong to same table.


Data type of columns cannot be ntext, text,
varchar (max), nvarchar (max), varbinary (max), xml, or image


It cannot be non-deterministic computed column.
Statistics Analysis

The query optimizer uses statistics to create query plans that
improve query performance


A correct statistics will lead to high-quality query plan.


The query optimizer determines when statistics might be out-ofdate by counting the number of data modifications since the
last statistics update and comparing the number of
modifications to a threshold.
Auto Create Statistics

Default setting of auto create statistics is ON.


It creates when:


Clustered and non clustered Index is created


Select query is executed.


Auto create and updates applies strictly to singlecolumn statistics.

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Radix Sort
Radix SortRadix Sort
Radix Sort

The document describes Radix sort, a sorting algorithm that sorts numbers by their individual digits by making multiple passes through the data. It works by first sorting the numbers based on the units place value, then the tens place, and so on. This is more efficient than other general-purpose sorting algorithms for large data sets with uniformly distributed values. Radix sort runs in O(d(n+k)) time, where d is the number of digits, n is the number of elements, and k is the maximum value of a digit.

15 unionfind
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15 unionfind

The document describes algorithms for solving the union-find problem, which involves maintaining disjoint sets under union and find operations. It introduces the quick-find, quick-union, and weighted quick-union algorithms. Quick-find is too slow for union operations, which can require quadratic time. Quick-union improves on this but find operations can be slow. Weighted quick-union balances trees during union to keep depths logarithmic, improving performance of both operations.

MS SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
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MS SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance

The document provides an agenda and details for a training course on MS SQL Server 2008 implementation and maintenance. It includes introductions, an overview of the instructor's background, a schedule of topics such as installing and configuring SQL Server, database configuration and maintenance, and practice questions. Database topics include files and filegroups, transaction logs, FILESTREAM data, tempdb database, and database recovery models.

Why Query 2 Is Performing Better

If we perform following operations on field of any table in
query predicate:


Using any system function or user defined function


Scalar operation like addition, multiplication etc.


Type casting


In this situation sql server query optimizer is not able to
estimate correct cardinality using statistics.
To Improve Cardinality

If possible, simplify expressions with constants in them.


If possible, don't perform any operation on the any field of a table
in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING Clause


Don't use local variables in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING


If there is any cross relationship among fields or there is a complex
expression in a field in a query predicates, it is better to create a
computed column and then create a non-clustered index on it.
To Improve Cardinality

If possible, don't update the value of parameters of a function or
stored procedure before using in sql statement


Use OPTIMIZE FOR clause when you want to optimize a sql query on
the basis of specific parameter value.


If you want to update the value parameter of a stored procedure or
a function create a similar procedure or function and execute it form
base procedure or function by passing the updated value as a


Create user defined multi column statistics if query predicates have
more than one fields of a table.
SQL Server Tools

Sql query profiler


Database Tuning Advisor


Client Statistics


Resource Governor


Data Collections

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Find and be Found: Information Retrieval at LinkedIn

Shakti Sinha and Daniel Tunkelang discuss how LinkedIn's search functionality works. They explain that LinkedIn search is personalized based on a user's profile and network. Query understanding involves tagging queries to determine entity types like people, companies, or skills. Ranking is also personalized using machine learning models trained on search logs to determine relevance for a specific user's query. The system aims to provide both globally and personally relevant results, as about two-thirds of clicks come from out of a user's network.

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Sql Server Query Parameterization

  • 1. SQL Server Query Parameterization  Query Tuning Ritesh Kumar Skype: mfs_ritesh Blog:
  • 2. INDEX  Adhoc Query  Predicates Order  Execution Plan  Query Optimizer  Parameter Sniffing  Indexes  Statistics  Database Engine Tuning Advisor
  • 3. Adhoc Query q Any non-parameterized queries are called addhoc queries. For example : q SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 100 q In sql server if we execute a sql query it goes through two steps just like any other programming languages: q Compilation q Execution
  • 4. Properties Of Addhoc Queries q Case sensitive q Space sensitive q Parameter sensitive  q Sql server treats two same sql queries of different parameters as a two different sql statements. For example: q SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 1 q SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 2
  • 5. Effect Of Faulty C# Code  Sql server has took extra n * (Compilation time) ms to display records  Extra time to insert records in cached plans.  Sql server has to frequently fire a job to delete the cached plan since it will reach the max limit very soon.  It will not only decrease the performance of this sql query but all sql queries of other applications since this faulty code will force to delete cached query plans of other sql statements.
  • 6. Predicates Order q Does order of predicates matters in WHERE clause? q WHERE vcLanguage = 'English' AND ntAge = 12 q WHERE ntAge = 12 AND vcLanguage = 'English'
  • 9. Query Optimizer The query optimizer in SQL Server is cost-based. It includes: q Cost for using different resources (CPU and IO) q Total execution time   It determines the cost by using:  Cardinality: The total number of rows processed at each level of a query plan with the help of histograms , predicates and constraint  Cost model of the algorithm: To perform various operations like sorting, searching, comparisons etc.
  • 10. Parameter Sniffing  Sql server generates execution paln according to the first parameter  This execution plan may bad for other parameters.   Solution:  Create multiples stored procedures.  Use optimizer for query hints.
  • 11. What Is An Index ? q Index is a way to organize data to make searching, sorting and grouping faster. q we need indexing when : q WHERE, ON, HAVING clause (Searching) q ORDER BY clause (Sorting) q GROUP BY clause (Grouping) etc.
  • 12. Table Scan SELECT * FROM Student WHERE RollNo = 111 Time complexity of table scan is : O(n) RollNo Name Country Age 101 Greg UK 23 102 Sachin India 21 103 Akaram Pakistan 22 107 Miyabi China 18 108 Marry Russia 27 109 Scott USA 31 110 Benazir Banglades 17 111 Miyabi Japan 24 112 Rahul India 27 113 Nicolus France 19
  • 13. Types Of Index q Table without any index is called Heap q There are two type of index: q Clustered index q Non-Clustered index
  • 14. Clustered Index  When we create a clustered index on any table physical organization of table is changed.  Now data of table is stored as a balanced tree(B tree). CREATE UNIQUE [CLUSTERED] INDEX <Name> ON <ObjectName>( <ColumnName>  [ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] )
  • 16. Types Of Scanning  Table scan: It is very slow can and it is used only if table has not any clustered index.  Index scan: It is also slow scan. It is used when table has clustered index and either in WHERE clause non-key columns are present or query has not been covered (will discuss later) or both.  Index Seek: It is very fast. Our goal is to achieve this.
  • 17. Clustered Index  If we create table with primary key, sql server automatically creates clustered index on that table  A table can have only one clustered index .  Physical order of rows of table is same as logical order of key columns of clustered index.
  • 18. Terms Of Execution Plan  Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either nonkey column or column which has not been covered.  Object: It is name of source from where it getting the data. It can be name of table, Clustered index or non-clustered index  Output list: It is name of the columns which is getting from object.  Seek Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either key column or fully covered.
  • 19. Non-Clustered Index  It is logical organization of data of table. A non-clustered index can be of two types. q Heap q Based on clustered index.  If table has clustered index then leaf node of non-clustered index keeps the key columns of clustered index.  If the table has not any clustered index then leaf node of nonclustered index keeps RID which unique of each row of table.
  • 22. Covering Of Queries   We can specify maximum 16 column names. Sum of size of the columns cannot be more than 900 bytes.  All columns must belong to same table.  Data type of columns cannot be ntext, text, varchar (max), nvarchar (max), varbinary (max), xml, or image  It cannot be non-deterministic computed column.
  • 23. Statistics Analysis  The query optimizer uses statistics to create query plans that improve query performance  A correct statistics will lead to high-quality query plan.  The query optimizer determines when statistics might be out-ofdate by counting the number of data modifications since the last statistics update and comparing the number of modifications to a threshold.
  • 24. Auto Create Statistics  Default setting of auto create statistics is ON.  It creates when:  Clustered and non clustered Index is created  Select query is executed.  Auto create and updates applies strictly to singlecolumn statistics.
  • 25. Why Query 2 Is Performing Better q If we perform following operations on field of any table in query predicate: q Using any system function or user defined function q Scalar operation like addition, multiplication etc. q Type casting q In this situation sql server query optimizer is not able to estimate correct cardinality using statistics.
  • 26. To Improve Cardinality  If possible, simplify expressions with constants in them.  If possible, don't perform any operation on the any field of a table in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING Clause  Don't use local variables in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING Clause.   If there is any cross relationship among fields or there is a complex expression in a field in a query predicates, it is better to create a computed column and then create a non-clustered index on it.
  • 27. To Improve Cardinality  If possible, don't update the value of parameters of a function or stored procedure before using in sql statement  Use OPTIMIZE FOR clause when you want to optimize a sql query on the basis of specific parameter value.  If you want to update the value parameter of a stored procedure or a function create a similar procedure or function and execute it form base procedure or function by passing the updated value as a parameter.   Create user defined multi column statistics if query predicates have more than one fields of a table.
  • 28. SQL Server Tools  Sql query profiler  Database Tuning Advisor  Client Statistics  Resource Governor  Data Collections