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Sql Server Query
Query Tuning
   Adhoc Query
   Predicates Order
   Execution Plan
   Query Optimizer
   Parameter Sniffing
   Indexes
   Statistics
   Database Engine Tuning Advisor
Adhoc Query
   Any non-Parameterized queries are called addhoc
    queries. For example :

   SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 100

   In sql server if we execute a sql query it goes
    through two steps       just   like any other
    programming languages:

   Compilation
   Execution
Properties Of Addhoc
   Case sensitive
   Space sensitive
   Parameter sensitive

   Sql server treats two same sql queries of different
    parameters as a two different sql statements. For

   SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 1
   SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 2

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This document discusses various data types and SQL commands used in Oracle databases. It covers: - Common data types like CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, LONG, RAW, BLOB, CLOB and how they store data. - SQL commands for data definition (CREATE, ALTER, DROP), data manipulation (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), and integrity constraints (PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY). - Functions for calculations, string operations and data retrieval from tables.

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Oracle Course

The document provides an overview of database concepts and features in Oracle, including fundamentals like data grouping and relationships, as well as operations on tables like insert, update, delete. It also covers queries with filters, joins, and aggregations, as well as other objects like views, sequences, indexes, triggers, and stored procedures. The document is intended as training material for the Oracle database.

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This document provides information about an upcoming SQL Saturday Night event on March 30, 2013 that will focus on using T-SQL. The presentation will be recorded so that those unable to attend can view it later. Attendees are asked to change their virtual cards to a specific color if they are unable to hear the presenter. The presentation will be free and begin in 1 minute.

sql saturday nights
Effect Of Faulty C# Code
   Sql server has took extra n * (Compilation time) ms to
    display records

   Extra time to insert records in cached plans.

   Sql server has to frequently fire a job to delete the
    cached plan since it will reach the max limit very soon.

    It will not only decrease the performance of this sql
    query but all sql queries of other application since this
    faulty code will force to delete cached query plans of
    other sql statements.
Predicates Order
   Does order of predicates in WHERE clause

   WHERE vcLanguage = 'English' AND ntAge = 12

   WHERE ntAge = 12 AND vcLanguage = 'English'
Execution Plan
Query Optimizer

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This chapter discusses how to connect to and manipulate SQL Server databases from ASP.NET applications. It covers using classes in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace to connect to databases and execute SQL commands. Methods like ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery and SqlDataReader are used to retrieve and modify data. The chapter also describes how to create, update and delete databases and tables by executing SQL statements with ASP.NET code.

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In Oracle databases, a foreign key does not require that the column being restricted should have an index. Update and Delete operations on referenced tables may have a heavy impact in performance, overloading the server. A single index can reduce the cost of these DML operations.

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Oracle SQL Basics

This document provides an overview and introduction to Oracle SQL basics. It covers topics such as installing Oracle software like the database, Java SDK, and SQL Developer tool. It then discusses database concepts like what a database and table are. It also covers database fundamentals including SQL queries, functions, joins, constraints, views and other database objects. The document provides examples and explanations of SQL statements and database components.

sqlsql basicsoracle
Query Optimizer
The query optimizer in SQL Server is cost-based. It includes:

   Cost for using different resources (CPU and IO)
   Total execution time

It determines the cost by using:

   Cardinality: The total number of rows processed at each
    level of a query plan with the help of histograms , predicates
    and constraint

   Cost model of the algorithm: To perform various operations
    like sorting, searching, comparisons etc.
Parameter Sniffing
   Sql server generates execution paln according
    to the first parameter
   This execution plan may bad for other


   Create multiples stored procedures.
   Use optimizer for query hints.
What Is An Index ?
   Index is a way to organize data to make
    searching, sorting and grouping fasters
   we need indexing when :

   WHERE, ON, HAVING clause (Searching)
   ORDER BY clause (Sorting)
   GROUP BY clause (Grouping) etc.
Table Scan
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE RollNo = 111

Time complexity of table scan is : O(n)
RollNo         Name           Country      Age
101            Greg           UK           23
102            Sachin         India        21
103            Akaram         Pakistan     22
107            Miyabi         China        18
108            Marry          Russia       27
109            Scott          USA          31
110            Benazir        Banglades    17
111            Miyabi         Japan        24
112            Rahul          India        27
113            Nicolus        France       19

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This document discusses transactions in SQL Server. It introduces transactions and their relevance in ensuring data integrity when multiple tables need to be updated together. Transactions group a set of database operations so that if any operation fails, all operations are rolled back. The document demonstrates creating a transaction using START TRANSACTION, COMMIT TRANSACTION, and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statements. It also shows handling transactions within try/catch blocks so that failures cause a rollback. Transactions ensure atomicity and integrity by committing all operations together as a single unit, or rolling them all back if any fail.

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This document discusses programming SQL Server data mining with Analysis Management Objects (AMO) and stored procedures. It describes how to create mining structures and models using AMO, including defining columns, updating objects, and processing models. It also explains how to create, execute, and debug stored procedures for adding business logic, including registering assemblies, setting permissions, and attaching to processes for debugging. The goal is to provide an overview of programming options for data mining with SQL Server.

sql server
Types Of Index
   Table without any index is called Heap

   There are two type of index:

   Clustered index
   Non-Clustered index
Clustered Index
   When we create a clustered index on any
    table physical organization of table is changed.
   Now data of table is stored as a balanced
    tree(B tree).

    ON <ObjectName>(
    <ColumnName> [ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ]
Query parameterization
Types Of Scanning

   Table scan: It is very slow can and it is used only if table
    has not any clustered index.

   Index scan: It is also slow scan. It is used when table has
    clustered index and either in WHERE clause non-key
    columns are present or query has not been covered (will
    discuss later) or both.

   Index Seek: It is very fast. Our goal is to achieve this.

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The document discusses new improvements to the parser and optimizer in MySQL 5.7. Key points include: 1) The parser and optimizer were refactored for improved maintainability and stability. Parsing was separated from optimization and execution. 2) The cost model was improved with better record estimation for joins, configurable cost constants, and additional explain output. 3) A new query rewrite plugin allows rewriting queries without changing application code.

Clustered Index
    If we create table with primary key, sql server
    automatically creates clustered index on that

   A table can have only one clustered index .

   Physical order of rows of table is same as
    logical order of key columns of clustered
Terms Of Execution Plan

   Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is
    either non-key column or column which has not been

   Object: It is name of source from where it getting the
    data. It can be name of table, Clustered index or non-
    clustered index

   Output list: It is name of the columns which is getting
    from object.

   Seek Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is
    either key column or fully covered.
Non-Clustered Index
   It is logical organization of data of table. A non-clustered
    index can be of two types.

    Heap
    Based on clustered index.

   If table has clustered index then leaf node of non-
    clustered index keeps the key columns of clustered

   If the table has not any clustered index then leaf node of
    non-clustered index keeps RID which unique of each row
    of table.
Based On Clustered Index

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This document discusses stored procedures in SQL Server. It begins by explaining that stored procedures allow encapsulation of repetitive tasks and are stored in the database data dictionary. It then shows how stored procedures reduce network traffic and client-server communication compared to individual SQL statements. The document provides examples of how to create a stored procedure using CREATE PROCEDURE and how to call it using EXEC. It notes advantages like precompiled execution, reduced traffic, code reuse, and security control. It also demonstrates using parameters, loops, conditions and variables inside stored procedures.

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This document discusses how to speed up queries in MySQL through the proper use of indexes, histograms, and other techniques. It begins by explaining that the MySQL optimizer tries to determine the most efficient way to execute queries by considering different query plans. The optimizer relies on statistics about column distributions to estimate query costs. The document then discusses using EXPLAIN to view and analyze query plans, and how indexes can improve query performance by allowing faster data retrieval through secondary indexes and other index types. Proper index selection and column data types are important to allow the optimizer to use indexes efficiently.

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This presentation focuses on optimization of queries in MySQL from developer’s perspective. Developers should care about the performance of the application, which includes optimizing SQL queries. It shows the execution plan in MySQL and explain its different formats - tabular, TREE and JSON/visual explain plans. Optimizer features like optimizer hints and histograms as well as newer features like HASH joins, TREE explain plan and EXPLAIN ANALYZE from latest releases are covered. Some real examples of slow queries are included and their optimization explained.

mysqlsqlquery optimization
Based On Heap
Covering Of Queries
   We can specify maximum 16 column names.

   Sum of size of the columns cannot be more than 900 bytes.

   All columns must belong to same table.

   Data        type      of      columns        cannot       be
    ntext, text, varchar (max), nvarchar (max), varbinary (max),
    xml, or image

   It cannot be non-deterministic computed column.
Statistics Analysis
   The query optimizer uses statistics to create query plans
    that improve query performance

   A correct statistics will lead to high-quality query plan.

   The query optimizer determines when statistics might be
    out-of-date by counting the number of data modifications
    since the last statistics update and comparing the
    number of modifications to a threshold.
Auto Create Statistics
   Default setting of auto create statistics is ON.

   It creates when:
   Clustered and non clustered Index is created
   Select query is executed.

   Auto create and updates applies strictly to
    single-column statistics.

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Why Query 2 Is Performing
   If we perform following operations on field of
    any table in query predicate:

   Using any system function or user defined
   Scalar operation like addition, multiplication
   Type casting

   In this situation sql server query optimizer is
    not able to estimate correct cardinality using
To Improve Cardinality
   If possible, simplify expressions with constants in them.
   If possible, don't perform any operation on the any field
    of a table in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING

   Don't use local variables in WHERE Clause, ON
    Clause, HAVING Clause.

   If there is any cross relationship among fields or there is
    a complex expression in a field in a query predicates, it
    is better to create a computed column and then create a
    non-clustered index on it.
To Improve Cardinality
   If possible, don't update the value of parameters of a
    function or stored procedure before using
    in sql statement
   Use OPTIMIZE FOR clause when you want to optimize
    a sql query on the basis of specific parameter value.
   If you want to update the value parameter of a stored
    procedure or a function create a similar procedure or
    function and execute it form base procedure or function
    by passing the updated value as a parameter.
   Create user defined multi column statistics if query
    predicates have more than one fields of a table.
SQL Server Tools

   Sql query profiler
   Database Tuning Advisor
   Client Statistics
   Resource Governor
   Data Collections

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The document discusses SQL query performance analysis. It covers topics like the query optimizer, execution plans, statistics analysis, and different types of queries and scanning. The query optimizer is cost-based and determines the most efficient execution plan using cardinality estimates and cost models. Addhoc queries are non-parameterized queries that SQL Server treats differently than prepared queries. Execution plans show the steps and methods used to retrieve and process data. Statistics help the optimizer generate accurate cardinality estimates to pick high-performing plans.


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Query parameterization

  • 2. INDEX  Adhoc Query  Predicates Order  Execution Plan  Query Optimizer  Parameter Sniffing  Indexes  Statistics  Database Engine Tuning Advisor
  • 3. Adhoc Query  Any non-Parameterized queries are called addhoc queries. For example :  SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 100  In sql server if we execute a sql query it goes through two steps just like any other programming languages:  Compilation  Execution
  • 4. Properties Of Addhoc Queries  Case sensitive  Space sensitive  Parameter sensitive  Sql server treats two same sql queries of different parameters as a two different sql statements. For example:  SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 1  SELECT MsgID, Severity FROM SqlMessage WHERE MsgID = 2
  • 5. Effect Of Faulty C# Code  Sql server has took extra n * (Compilation time) ms to display records  Extra time to insert records in cached plans.  Sql server has to frequently fire a job to delete the cached plan since it will reach the max limit very soon.  It will not only decrease the performance of this sql query but all sql queries of other application since this faulty code will force to delete cached query plans of other sql statements.
  • 6. Predicates Order  Does order of predicates in WHERE clause matters?  WHERE vcLanguage = 'English' AND ntAge = 12  WHERE ntAge = 12 AND vcLanguage = 'English'
  • 9. Query Optimizer The query optimizer in SQL Server is cost-based. It includes:  Cost for using different resources (CPU and IO)  Total execution time It determines the cost by using:  Cardinality: The total number of rows processed at each level of a query plan with the help of histograms , predicates and constraint  Cost model of the algorithm: To perform various operations like sorting, searching, comparisons etc.
  • 10. Parameter Sniffing  Sql server generates execution paln according to the first parameter  This execution plan may bad for other parameters. Solution:  Create multiples stored procedures.  Use optimizer for query hints.
  • 11. What Is An Index ?  Index is a way to organize data to make searching, sorting and grouping fasters  we need indexing when :  WHERE, ON, HAVING clause (Searching)  ORDER BY clause (Sorting)  GROUP BY clause (Grouping) etc.
  • 12. Table Scan SELECT * FROM Student WHERE RollNo = 111 Time complexity of table scan is : O(n) RollNo Name Country Age 101 Greg UK 23 102 Sachin India 21 103 Akaram Pakistan 22 107 Miyabi China 18 108 Marry Russia 27 109 Scott USA 31 110 Benazir Banglades 17 111 Miyabi Japan 24 112 Rahul India 27 113 Nicolus France 19
  • 13. Types Of Index  Table without any index is called Heap  There are two type of index:  Clustered index  Non-Clustered index
  • 14. Clustered Index  When we create a clustered index on any table physical organization of table is changed.  Now data of table is stored as a balanced tree(B tree). CREATE UNIQUE [CLUSTERED] INDEX <Name> ON <ObjectName>( <ColumnName> [ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] )
  • 16. Types Of Scanning  Table scan: It is very slow can and it is used only if table has not any clustered index.  Index scan: It is also slow scan. It is used when table has clustered index and either in WHERE clause non-key columns are present or query has not been covered (will discuss later) or both.  Index Seek: It is very fast. Our goal is to achieve this.
  • 17. Clustered Index  If we create table with primary key, sql server automatically creates clustered index on that table  A table can have only one clustered index .  Physical order of rows of table is same as logical order of key columns of clustered index.
  • 18. Terms Of Execution Plan  Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either non-key column or column which has not been covered.  Object: It is name of source from where it getting the data. It can be name of table, Clustered index or non- clustered index  Output list: It is name of the columns which is getting from object.  Seek Predicate: It is condition in WHERE clause which is either key column or fully covered.
  • 19. Non-Clustered Index  It is logical organization of data of table. A non-clustered index can be of two types.  Heap  Based on clustered index.  If table has clustered index then leaf node of non- clustered index keeps the key columns of clustered index.  If the table has not any clustered index then leaf node of non-clustered index keeps RID which unique of each row of table.
  • 22. Covering Of Queries  We can specify maximum 16 column names.  Sum of size of the columns cannot be more than 900 bytes.  All columns must belong to same table.  Data type of columns cannot be ntext, text, varchar (max), nvarchar (max), varbinary (max), xml, or image  It cannot be non-deterministic computed column.
  • 23. Statistics Analysis  The query optimizer uses statistics to create query plans that improve query performance  A correct statistics will lead to high-quality query plan.  The query optimizer determines when statistics might be out-of-date by counting the number of data modifications since the last statistics update and comparing the number of modifications to a threshold.
  • 24. Auto Create Statistics  Default setting of auto create statistics is ON.  It creates when:  Clustered and non clustered Index is created  Select query is executed.  Auto create and updates applies strictly to single-column statistics.
  • 25. Why Query 2 Is Performing Better  If we perform following operations on field of any table in query predicate:  Using any system function or user defined function  Scalar operation like addition, multiplication etc.  Type casting  In this situation sql server query optimizer is not able to estimate correct cardinality using statistics.
  • 26. To Improve Cardinality  If possible, simplify expressions with constants in them.  If possible, don't perform any operation on the any field of a table in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING Clause  Don't use local variables in WHERE Clause, ON Clause, HAVING Clause.  If there is any cross relationship among fields or there is a complex expression in a field in a query predicates, it is better to create a computed column and then create a non-clustered index on it.
  • 27. To Improve Cardinality  If possible, don't update the value of parameters of a function or stored procedure before using in sql statement  Use OPTIMIZE FOR clause when you want to optimize a sql query on the basis of specific parameter value.  If you want to update the value parameter of a stored procedure or a function create a similar procedure or function and execute it form base procedure or function by passing the updated value as a parameter.  Create user defined multi column statistics if query predicates have more than one fields of a table.
  • 28. SQL Server Tools  Sql query profiler  Database Tuning Advisor  Client Statistics  Resource Governor  Data Collections