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SPE 165151
Gunnar Olsvik and Siv Howard, Cabot Specialty Fluids
John Downs, Formate Brine Ltd
SPE European Formation Damage conference , Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 5-7 June 2013
The Long-Term Production Performance of
Deep HPHT Gas Condensate Fields
Developed Using Formate Brines
Formate brines
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 2
Solubility 47 %wt 77 %wt 83 %wt
Density 1.33 g/cm3
11.1 lb/gal
1.59 g/cm3
13.2 lb/gal
2.30 g/cm3
19.2 lb/gal
Formates are also soluble in some non-aqueous solvents
Formate brines for HPHT gas wells
Low-solids heavy fluids for deep HPHT gas well
• Reservoir drill-in
• Completion
• Workover
• Packer fluids
• Well suspension
• Fracking (OHMS)
Used in hundreds of HPHT wells since 1995, including some of
Europe’s deepest, hottest and highly-pressured gas reservoirs
3SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
42 deep HPHT gas fields developed using formate
brines, 1995-2011* (published data)
Country Fields Reservoir Description
Depth, TVD
Germany Walsrode,Sohlingen
Voelkersen, Idsingen,
Kalle, Weissenmoor,
Sandstone 4,450-6,500 0.1-150 150-165
Hungary Mako , Vetyem Sandstone 5,692 - 235
Kazakhstan Kashagan Carbonate 4,595-5,088 - 100
Norway Huldra ,Njord
Tune, Valemon
Victoria, Morvin,
Vega, Asgard
Sandstone 4,090-7,380 50-1,000 121-200
Pakistan Miano, Sawan Sandstone 3,400 10-5,000 175
Saudi Arabia Andar,Shedgum
Tinat, Midrikah
3,963-4,572 0.1-40 132-154
UK Braemar,Devenick
Judy, Jura, Kessog
Rhum, Shearwater
West Franklin
Sandstone 4,500-7,353 0.01-1,000 123-207
USA High Island Sandstone 4,833 - 177
4SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
* Now more HPHT fields in Kuwait, India and Malaysia during 2012-2013
The economic benefits of using formate brines in
HPHT gas field developments – Reference papers
• SPE 130376 (2010): “A Review of the Impact of the Use of Formate Brines
on the Economics of Deep Gas Field Development Projects”
• SPE 145562 (2011): “Life Without Barite: Ten Years of Drilling Deep HPHT
Gas Wells With Cesium Formate Brine”
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Formate brines – The economic benefits
provided in HPHT gas field developments
Formate brines tend to improve oil and gas field development
economics by :
• Reducing well delivery time and costs
- 12 years of use with screens
- Very good with ESS
• Improving well/operational safety
and reducing risk
• Delivering production rates that exceed expectations
• Providing more precise reservoir definition
6SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Several highlights from some Kvitebjoern HPHT gas
wells drilled and completed with formates
A-4 17.5
A-5 17.8
A-15 14.8
A-10 15.9
A-6 12.7 *
* Fastest HPHT well completion
in the North Sea
“The target well PI was 51,000 Sm3/day/bar This target
would have had a skin of 7”
“A skin of 0 would have given a PI of 100,000”
“THE WELL A-04 GAVE A PI OF 90,000 Sm3/day/bar
Operator quote after well testing (Q3 2004 )
The Well PI was almost double the target
SPE European Formation Damage Conference, 5-7 June 2013
Fast open hole screen completions and high well productivity
But productive for how long ?
Objectives of the analysis presented in this paper :
• Map the production profiles of North Sea HPHT fields
where formate brines were the last fluids to contact the
reservoirs in every well
• Compare actual cumulative production over time against
published estimates of recoverable reserves at start-up
• See if the well construction design influences the
production profile (e.g. Cased vs. Open hole completions)
8SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Reviewed long-term production from 8 North Sea
HPHT gas condensate fields in 3 categories
9SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Category Fields Reservoir penetration and well completion
All production wells drilled and completed in high-
angle open hole with formate brines. Single filtrate
in reservoir.
2 Kvitebjørn
All production wells drilled and completed in high-
angle open- and cased-holes with formate brines.
Multiple filtrate types in reservoir surrounding cased
West Franklin
All production wells drilled with oil-based mud, then
completed in cased hole with formate brines as the
perforating fluids (with and without kill pills).
Multiple filtrate types in all wells
Production data obtained from UK DECC and Norwegian NPD websites
Tune field – semi-HP/HT gas condensate reservoir
drilled and completed with formate brines, 2002
4 wells : 350-900 m horizontal reservoir sections. Open hole screen
completions. Suspended for 6-12 months in formate brine after completion
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Tune wells - Initial Clean-up – Operator’s view
(direct copy of slide) June 2003
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
• Wells left for 6-12 months before clean-up
• Clean-up : 10 - 24 hours per well
• Well performance
• Qgas 1.2 – 3.6 MSm3/d
• PI 35 – 200 kSm3/d/bar
• Well length sensitive
• No indication of formation damage
• Match to ideal well flow simulations (Prosper) - no skin
• Indications of successful clean-up
• Shut-in pressures
• Water samples during clean-up
• Formate and CaCO3 particles
• Registered high-density liquid in separator
• Tracer results
• A-12 T2H non detectable
• A-13 H tracer indicating flow from lower reservoir first detected 5 sd after
initial clean-up <-> doubled well productivity compared to initial flow data
• No processing problems Oseberg Field Center
bara bara bara bara
A-11 AH 169 - 388 -
A-12 T2H 175 487 414 510
A-13 H 395 514 412 512
A-14 H 192 492 406 509
Before After
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Well length [m MD]
A-11 AH plugged back
Tune – Production of recoverable gas and condensate
reserves since 2003 (NPD data)
Good early production from the 4 wells
- « No skin»
- 12.4 million m3 gas /day
- 23,000 bbl/day condensate
Good sustained production
- 90% of recoverable hydrocarbon
reserves produced by end of Year 7
NPD current estimate of RR:
- 18.3 billion m3 gas
- 3.3 million bbl condensate
Open hole screen completions and single filtrate
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
• 6 production wells
• 1-2 Darcy sandstone
• BHST: 147oC
• TVD : 3,900 m
• Hole angle : 45-55o
• Fluid density: SG1.89-1.96
• 230-343 m x 81/2” reservoir sections
• Open hole completions, 65/8” wire wrapped
• Lower completion in formate drilling fluid and
upper completions in clear brine
Huldra field – HPHT gas condensate reservoir
drilled and completed with formate brines, 2001
13SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Huldra – Production of recoverable gas and
condensate reserves since Nov 2001 (NPD data)
Plateau production from first 3 wells
- 10 million m3 gas /day
- 30,000 bbl/day condensate
Good sustained production
- 78% of recoverable gas and 89% of
condensate produced by end of Year 7
- Despite rapid pressure decline.....
NPD current estimate of RR:
- 17.5 billion m3 gas
- 5.1 million bbl condensate
Open hole screen completions and single filtrate
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
• 13 wells to date – 8 O/B, 5 in MPD mode
• 100 mD sandstone
• BHST: 155oC
• TVD : 4,000 m
• Hole angle : 20-40o
• Fluid density: SG 2.02 for O/B
• 279-583 m x 81/2” reservoir sections
• 6 wells completed in open hole : 300-micron single wire-wrapped
• Remainder of wells cased and perforated
Kvitebjørn field – HPHT gas condensate reservoir drilled
and completed with formate brines, 2004-2013
15SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Kvitebjørn– Production of recoverable gas and
condensate reserves since Oct 2004 (NPD data)
Good production reported from first 7 wells in 2006
- 20 million m3 gas /day
- 48,000 bbl/day condensate
Good sustained production (end Y8)
- 37 billion m3 gas
- 17 million m3 of condensate
- Produced 70% of original est. RR by
end of 8th year
NPD : Est. RR have been upgraded
- 89 billion m3 gas (from 55)
- 27 million m3 condensate (from 22)
Note : Shut down 15 months, Y3-5
- To slow reservoir pressure depletion
- Repairs to export pipeline
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Formate brines have been used to complete all of
the cased wells in 5 HPHT fields in UK North Sea
All wells drilled with OBM
17SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
* The deepest, hottest and highest-pressured fields in UK North Sea
Operator No.
Wellhead Brine
Braemar Marathon
4,500 701 136 Sub-sea 1.86
Rhum BP 3 4,750 862 149 Sub-sea 2.19
West Franklin* Total
7,327 1,154 204 Platform 1.94
Glenelg* Total
7,385 1,150 200 Platform 1.78
Jura Total 2 3,935 702 127 Sub-sea 2.09
Fluid losses from HPHT wells in UK North Sea
perforated in formate brines
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Field Kill Pill Fluid losses during and
after perforating
Braemar – 1 well No 2.3
Re-perforation of 18 year old
appraisal well. Short flow and
then zero losses
Rhum Yes 0.5
Flowed in first few minutes,
then zero losses for 3 days
Glenelg – 1 well No 17.7
2m3 on perforating and then
15.7m3 seepage losses
Yes –over
1.46 Flow stopped within 3 hours
West Franklin No 565
F9Y - Pumping brine at intervals
during period 29 June-18th July
to maintain WHP during 2
perforating runs and fishing
Braemar field – Production of recoverable gas and
condensate reserves since September 2003 (DECC data)
Estimated (2003) recoverable reserves produced in full from
this single well development by Year 9
Estimated recoverable reserves
- 3.28 billion m3 gas
- 1.59 million m3 condensate
Cumulative production @Sep 2012
- 3.4 billion m3 gas
- 1.9 million m3 condensate
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Glenelg – Production of gas and condensate since
March 2006 (DECC data)
No published reserves information ? Similar to Braemar ?
Highest temperature and pressure reservoir developed in UK
North Sea (2006), accessed by single extended reach well
Good initial production
Operator statements :
- «30,000 boe/day capability»
- «500,000 m3/year condensate»
Cumulative production @ Feb 2011
- 2.2 billion m3 gas
- 2.13 million m3 condensate
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
West Franklin – Production of gas and condensate
from West Franklin/Franklin 2001-11 (DECC data)
No published reserves information. Hottest, highest pressure
commercial development in world (2007), accessed by two
extended reach wells, F7z and F9y
Excellent initial production
Operator statements :
- « F9y has 40,000 boe/day capability»
- «one of most productive wells in
N. Sea»
- «2.6 million m3/day of gas from F9y»
West Franklin has sustained
the Franklin field output
- > 2.5 billion m3 gas per year from Y6
Note : 566 m3 of cesium formate brine was pumped into formation around F9Y
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
BP Rhum field – largest undeveloped gas field
in UK in 2005
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 22
45 mD sandstone reservoir
Rhum field – Production of recoverable gas reserves:
December 2005- October 2010 (DECC data)
After nearly 5 years the 3 Rhum production wells had produced
35% of the estimated recoverable gas reserves
Estimated recoverable reserves
- 23 billion m3 gas
Cumulative production Oct 2010
- 7.9 billion m3 gas
Production suspended since late
- EU sanctions against Iran
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Jura – Production of gas and condensate since May
2008 (DECC data)
Estimated (2008) proved and probable reserves of 170 million
boe – no published segmentation by hydrocarbon type
Good initial production from 2 wells
- 1.87 billion m3 gas produced during Y2
Cumulative production @ June 2012
- 6.58 billion m3 gas
- 1.1 million m3 condensate
= 46 million boe in total
= 27% production of est. RR after 4 years
SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
Conclusions – Cat 1 HPHT wells - Drilled and
completed in high-angle open hole with formate brines
Tune and Huldra fields produced 100% of recoverable gas and
condensate reserves within 10 years – average 3.5 billion m3
gas /well
Gas – 90% in 7-8 years Condensate – 90% in 5-7 years
Provides evidence that drilling and completing HPHT gas production wells in
open hole with formate brines can be a successful strategy
25Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
Conclusions – Cat 2 HPHT wells - Drilled and
completed in open- and cased-hole with formate brines
Kvitebjørn field has produced 70 % of the original estimated
reserves by end of Year 8 – despite production constraints
• Gas production has been at a steady
6-7 billion m3/year for last 4 years – already
produced 3 billion m3 gas per well
• Need more time to see how the production
progresses towards upgraded recoverable
reserves estimate
• Good chance to compare durability of open- hole versus cased-hole
HPHT wells ?
26Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and
completed in cased-hole with formate brines (no pill)
Braemar and Glenelg are both small rich-gas condensate fields
drained by single cased wells perforated in formate brines
without kill pills. Low brine losses.
• Braemar reached original est. RR figure by
Year 9
• Glenelg following same gas production track
and already exceeded 2 million m3 condensate
production by Year 5
27Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and
completed in cased-hole with formate brines (no pill)
West Franklin is a «200 million boe» gas condensate field currently
drained by 2 cased wells, perforated in formate brines. Large brine
volume pushed into reservoir from well F9y
• No cumulative production data available but
was apparently producing >30,000 boe/day
in the 4 years before Elgin gas leak in
March 2012
• West Franklin Phase 2 development in
Too early to get a picture of long-term production performance
28Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and
completed in cased-hole with formate brines+ kill pill
Rhum and Jura are lean gas condensate fields drained by 3 and 2 cased
wells respectively, perforated in formate brines with kill pills
• Rhum : 35% recovery of gas reserves by Year 5,
before production suspended
• Jura : 27% recovery of gas reserves after 4 years
Too early to get a picture of long-term production performance
29Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012

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SPE 165151 - The Long-term Production Performance of Deep HPHT Gas Condensate Fields Developed Using Formate Brines

  • 1. SPE 165151 Gunnar Olsvik and Siv Howard, Cabot Specialty Fluids John Downs, Formate Brine Ltd SPE European Formation Damage conference , Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 5-7 June 2013 The Long-Term Production Performance of Deep HPHT Gas Condensate Fields Developed Using Formate Brines
  • 2. Formate brines SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 2 Sodium formate Potassium formate Cesium formate Solubility 47 %wt 77 %wt 83 %wt Density 1.33 g/cm3 11.1 lb/gal 1.59 g/cm3 13.2 lb/gal 2.30 g/cm3 19.2 lb/gal Formates are also soluble in some non-aqueous solvents
  • 3. Formate brines for HPHT gas wells Low-solids heavy fluids for deep HPHT gas well constructions • Reservoir drill-in • Completion • Workover • Packer fluids • Well suspension • Fracking (OHMS) Used in hundreds of HPHT wells since 1995, including some of Europe’s deepest, hottest and highly-pressured gas reservoirs 3SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 4. 42 deep HPHT gas fields developed using formate brines, 1995-2011* (published data) Country Fields Reservoir Description Matrix type Depth, TVD (metres) Permeability (mD) Temperature (oC) Germany Walsrode,Sohlingen Voelkersen, Idsingen, Kalle, Weissenmoor, Simonswolde Sandstone 4,450-6,500 0.1-150 150-165 Hungary Mako , Vetyem Sandstone 5,692 - 235 Kazakhstan Kashagan Carbonate 4,595-5,088 - 100 Norway Huldra ,Njord Kristin,Kvitebjoern Tune, Valemon Victoria, Morvin, Vega, Asgard Sandstone 4,090-7,380 50-1,000 121-200 Pakistan Miano, Sawan Sandstone 3,400 10-5,000 175 Saudi Arabia Andar,Shedgum Uthmaniyah Hawiyah,Haradh Tinat, Midrikah Sandstone and carbonate 3,963-4,572 0.1-40 132-154 UK Braemar,Devenick Dunbar,Elgin Franklin,Glenelg Judy, Jura, Kessog Rhum, Shearwater West Franklin Sandstone 4,500-7,353 0.01-1,000 123-207 USA High Island Sandstone 4,833 - 177 4SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 * Now more HPHT fields in Kuwait, India and Malaysia during 2012-2013
  • 5. The economic benefits of using formate brines in HPHT gas field developments – Reference papers • SPE 130376 (2010): “A Review of the Impact of the Use of Formate Brines on the Economics of Deep Gas Field Development Projects” • SPE 145562 (2011): “Life Without Barite: Ten Years of Drilling Deep HPHT Gas Wells With Cesium Formate Brine” SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 5
  • 6. Formate brines – The economic benefits provided in HPHT gas field developments Formate brines tend to improve oil and gas field development economics by : • Reducing well delivery time and costs - 12 years of use with screens - Very good with ESS • Improving well/operational safety and reducing risk • Delivering production rates that exceed expectations • Providing more precise reservoir definition 6SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 7. Several highlights from some Kvitebjoern HPHT gas wells drilled and completed with formates Kvitebjoern well Completion time (days) A-4 17.5 A-5 17.8 A-15 14.8 A-10 15.9 A-6 12.7 * * Fastest HPHT well completion in the North Sea 7 “The target well PI was 51,000 Sm3/day/bar This target would have had a skin of 7” “A skin of 0 would have given a PI of 100,000” “THE WELL A-04 GAVE A PI OF 90,000 Sm3/day/bar (ANOTHER FANTASTIC PI)” Operator quote after well testing (Q3 2004 ) The Well PI was almost double the target SPE European Formation Damage Conference, 5-7 June 2013 Fast open hole screen completions and high well productivity
  • 8. But productive for how long ? Objectives of the analysis presented in this paper : • Map the production profiles of North Sea HPHT fields where formate brines were the last fluids to contact the reservoirs in every well • Compare actual cumulative production over time against published estimates of recoverable reserves at start-up • See if the well construction design influences the production profile (e.g. Cased vs. Open hole completions) 8SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 9. Reviewed long-term production from 8 North Sea HPHT gas condensate fields in 3 categories 9SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 Category Fields Reservoir penetration and well completion 1 Tune Huldra All production wells drilled and completed in high- angle open hole with formate brines. Single filtrate in reservoir. 2 Kvitebjørn All production wells drilled and completed in high- angle open- and cased-holes with formate brines. Multiple filtrate types in reservoir surrounding cased holes. 3 Braemar Glenelg Jura Rhum West Franklin All production wells drilled with oil-based mud, then completed in cased hole with formate brines as the perforating fluids (with and without kill pills). Multiple filtrate types in all wells Production data obtained from UK DECC and Norwegian NPD websites
  • 10. Tune field – semi-HP/HT gas condensate reservoir drilled and completed with formate brines, 2002 10 4 wells : 350-900 m horizontal reservoir sections. Open hole screen completions. Suspended for 6-12 months in formate brine after completion SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 11. Tune wells - Initial Clean-up – Operator’s view (direct copy of slide) June 2003 SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 11 11 • Wells left for 6-12 months before clean-up • Clean-up : 10 - 24 hours per well • Well performance • Qgas 1.2 – 3.6 MSm3/d • PI 35 – 200 kSm3/d/bar • Well length sensitive • No indication of formation damage • Match to ideal well flow simulations (Prosper) - no skin • Indications of successful clean-up • Shut-in pressures • Water samples during clean-up • Formate and CaCO3 particles • Registered high-density liquid in separator • Tracer results • A-12 T2H non detectable • A-13 H tracer indicating flow from lower reservoir first detected 5 sd after initial clean-up <-> doubled well productivity compared to initial flow data • No processing problems Oseberg Field Center SIWHP SIDHP SIWHP SIDHP bara bara bara bara A-11 AH 169 - 388 - A-12 T2H 175 487 414 510 A-13 H 395 514 412 512 A-14 H 192 492 406 509 Before After 3350 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Well length [m MD] Depth[mTVDMSL] A-11AH A-12HT2 A-13H A-14H A-11 AH plugged back
  • 12. Tune – Production of recoverable gas and condensate reserves since 2003 (NPD data) 12 Good early production from the 4 wells - « No skin» - 12.4 million m3 gas /day - 23,000 bbl/day condensate Good sustained production - 90% of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves produced by end of Year 7 NPD current estimate of RR: - 18.3 billion m3 gas - 3.3 million bbl condensate Open hole screen completions and single filtrate SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 13. • 6 production wells • 1-2 Darcy sandstone • BHST: 147oC • TVD : 3,900 m • Hole angle : 45-55o • Fluid density: SG1.89-1.96 • 230-343 m x 81/2” reservoir sections • Open hole completions, 65/8” wire wrapped screens • Lower completion in formate drilling fluid and upper completions in clear brine Huldra field – HPHT gas condensate reservoir drilled and completed with formate brines, 2001 13SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 14. Huldra – Production of recoverable gas and condensate reserves since Nov 2001 (NPD data) 14 Plateau production from first 3 wells - 10 million m3 gas /day - 30,000 bbl/day condensate Good sustained production - 78% of recoverable gas and 89% of condensate produced by end of Year 7 - Despite rapid pressure decline..... NPD current estimate of RR: - 17.5 billion m3 gas - 5.1 million bbl condensate Open hole screen completions and single filtrate SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 15. • 13 wells to date – 8 O/B, 5 in MPD mode • 100 mD sandstone • BHST: 155oC • TVD : 4,000 m • Hole angle : 20-40o • Fluid density: SG 2.02 for O/B • 279-583 m x 81/2” reservoir sections • 6 wells completed in open hole : 300-micron single wire-wrapped screens. • Remainder of wells cased and perforated Kvitebjørn field – HPHT gas condensate reservoir drilled and completed with formate brines, 2004-2013 15SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 16. Kvitebjørn– Production of recoverable gas and condensate reserves since Oct 2004 (NPD data) 16 Good production reported from first 7 wells in 2006 - 20 million m3 gas /day - 48,000 bbl/day condensate Good sustained production (end Y8) - 37 billion m3 gas - 17 million m3 of condensate - Produced 70% of original est. RR by end of 8th year NPD : Est. RR have been upgraded - 89 billion m3 gas (from 55) - 27 million m3 condensate (from 22) Note : Shut down 15 months, Y3-5 - To slow reservoir pressure depletion - Repairs to export pipeline SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 17. Formate brines have been used to complete all of the cased wells in 5 HPHT fields in UK North Sea All wells drilled with OBM 17SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 * The deepest, hottest and highest-pressured fields in UK North Sea Field Operator No. of wells Depth (meters) Pressure (bar) Temp (oC) Wellhead Brine density (kg/m3) Braemar Marathon 1 (NP) 4,500 701 136 Sub-sea 1.86 Rhum BP 3 4,750 862 149 Sub-sea 2.19 West Franklin* Total 2 (NP) 7,327 1,154 204 Platform 1.94 Glenelg* Total 1 (NP) 7,385 1,150 200 Platform 1.78 Jura Total 2 3,935 702 127 Sub-sea 2.09
  • 18. Fluid losses from HPHT wells in UK North Sea perforated in formate brines 18 SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 Field Kill Pill Fluid losses during and after perforating (m3) Comment Braemar – 1 well No 2.3 Re-perforation of 18 year old appraisal well. Short flow and then zero losses Rhum Yes 0.5 Flowed in first few minutes, then zero losses for 3 days Glenelg – 1 well No 17.7 2m3 on perforating and then 15.7m3 seepage losses Jura Yes –over perfs 1.46 Flow stopped within 3 hours West Franklin No 565 F9Y - Pumping brine at intervals during period 29 June-18th July to maintain WHP during 2 perforating runs and fishing
  • 19. Braemar field – Production of recoverable gas and condensate reserves since September 2003 (DECC data) 19 Estimated (2003) recoverable reserves produced in full from this single well development by Year 9 Estimated recoverable reserves - 3.28 billion m3 gas - 1.59 million m3 condensate Cumulative production @Sep 2012 - 3.4 billion m3 gas - 1.9 million m3 condensate SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 20. Glenelg – Production of gas and condensate since March 2006 (DECC data) 20 No published reserves information ? Similar to Braemar ? Highest temperature and pressure reservoir developed in UK North Sea (2006), accessed by single extended reach well Good initial production Operator statements : - «30,000 boe/day capability» - «500,000 m3/year condensate» Cumulative production @ Feb 2011 - 2.2 billion m3 gas - 2.13 million m3 condensate SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 21. West Franklin – Production of gas and condensate from West Franklin/Franklin 2001-11 (DECC data) 21 No published reserves information. Hottest, highest pressure commercial development in world (2007), accessed by two extended reach wells, F7z and F9y Excellent initial production Operator statements : - « F9y has 40,000 boe/day capability» - «one of most productive wells in N. Sea» - «2.6 million m3/day of gas from F9y» West Franklin has sustained the Franklin field output - > 2.5 billion m3 gas per year from Y6 onwards Note : 566 m3 of cesium formate brine was pumped into formation around F9Y SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 22. BP Rhum field – largest undeveloped gas field in UK in 2005 SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013 22 45 mD sandstone reservoir
  • 23. Rhum field – Production of recoverable gas reserves: December 2005- October 2010 (DECC data) 23 After nearly 5 years the 3 Rhum production wells had produced 35% of the estimated recoverable gas reserves Estimated recoverable reserves - 23 billion m3 gas Cumulative production Oct 2010 - 7.9 billion m3 gas Production suspended since late 2010 - EU sanctions against Iran SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 24. Jura – Production of gas and condensate since May 2008 (DECC data) 24 Estimated (2008) proved and probable reserves of 170 million boe – no published segmentation by hydrocarbon type Good initial production from 2 wells - 1.87 billion m3 gas produced during Y2 Cumulative production @ June 2012 - 6.58 billion m3 gas - 1.1 million m3 condensate = 46 million boe in total = 27% production of est. RR after 4 years SPE European Formation Damage conference, 5-7 June 2013
  • 25. Conclusions – Cat 1 HPHT wells - Drilled and completed in high-angle open hole with formate brines Tune and Huldra fields produced 100% of recoverable gas and condensate reserves within 10 years – average 3.5 billion m3 gas /well Gas – 90% in 7-8 years Condensate – 90% in 5-7 years Provides evidence that drilling and completing HPHT gas production wells in open hole with formate brines can be a successful strategy 25Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
  • 26. Conclusions – Cat 2 HPHT wells - Drilled and completed in open- and cased-hole with formate brines Kvitebjørn field has produced 70 % of the original estimated reserves by end of Year 8 – despite production constraints • Gas production has been at a steady 6-7 billion m3/year for last 4 years – already produced 3 billion m3 gas per well • Need more time to see how the production progresses towards upgraded recoverable reserves estimate • Good chance to compare durability of open- hole versus cased-hole HPHT wells ? 26Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
  • 27. Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and completed in cased-hole with formate brines (no pill) Braemar and Glenelg are both small rich-gas condensate fields drained by single cased wells perforated in formate brines without kill pills. Low brine losses. • Braemar reached original est. RR figure by Year 9 • Glenelg following same gas production track and already exceeded 2 million m3 condensate production by Year 5 27Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
  • 28. Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and completed in cased-hole with formate brines (no pill) West Franklin is a «200 million boe» gas condensate field currently drained by 2 cased wells, perforated in formate brines. Large brine volume pushed into reservoir from well F9y • No cumulative production data available but was apparently producing >30,000 boe/day in the 4 years before Elgin gas leak in March 2012 • West Franklin Phase 2 development in progress Too early to get a picture of long-term production performance 28Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012
  • 29. Conclusions – Cat 3 HPHT wells - drilled with OBM and completed in cased-hole with formate brines+ kill pill Rhum and Jura are lean gas condensate fields drained by 3 and 2 cased wells respectively, perforated in formate brines with kill pills • Rhum : 35% recovery of gas reserves by Year 5, before production suspended • Jura : 27% recovery of gas reserves after 4 years Too early to get a picture of long-term production performance 29Formate Brine Seminar - Stavanger, 22 November 2012