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Launceston to Skilgate, in easy
8- to 10-mile stages, on minor roads and footpaths
John Downs with Indie
Day 4 of 8 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge – 8.12 miles (13 km)
OS Explorer Map 113
Devon - Day 4 1
Elevation gain 140 metres (459 ft)
Max elevation 229 metres (751 ft)
Indie cooling off in the
River Taw at Bondleigh
Bridge - watched by Rhona
Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge
My pre-walk Plan - it would have been a great walk on the Tarka Trail alongside
the River Taw if I hadn’t taken a wrong turning early on …….
Devon - Day 4 2
Stockley Hamlet to
Bondleigh Bridge
(OS Map 113)
3 Head north from Stockley Hamlet on minor road, then right at cross roads
near Alfordon Manor. Road heads south, running alongside A30, then
veers north. Straight across cross roads at Windburgh/Crosslands. Take
right after Cross to Taw Green.
2.5 Cross river Taw at Taw Green, join the Tarka Trail north to North Wyke
and on to Greenslade Bridge.
3 Follow Tarka Trail north, cross A3072 near North Tawton and follow the
Trail beside the River Taw right up to Bondleigh Bridge via Week and Yeo
Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge
OS map detail for Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner
Devon - Day 4 3
Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge
OS map detail for Belstone Corner to Bondleigh Bridge
Devon - Day 4 4
Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge
This should have been a walk eastwards to Taw Green to pick up the Tarka Trail and follow it north alongside the River Taw
to Bondleigh Bridge. Unfortunately I took a wrong turning early in the walk and ended up on the very busy B3215 . Walked
2 miles on the B3125 to Belstone Corner, dodging high speed traffic the whole way. Then took the Sampford Courtenay
road, before leaving it on a footpath across Chapple Moor to Sampford Chapple. Took Barton Lane north past
Honeychurch, and crossed the A 3124 onto another minor road to Bondleigh Bridge. The wonderful views of this part of
Devon from above Honeychurch made up for missing the Tarka Trail and the Taw valley – but the traffic on the B3215 is
dangerous for walkers with dogs and should be avoided . Following the Devonshire Heartland Way would have been safer…
Devon - Day 4 5
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge - Overview
of route
A scenic walk through a lovely part of Devon, passing Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch, ending at Bondleigh Bridge on
the River Taw. The route I took by mistake along the B3215 to Belstone Corner should be avoided – it has high speed traffic
and the verges are narrow or non-existent in places – so no refuge for walkers. A long gradual descent from an initial
altitude of 229 metres down Appledore Hill on the B3215 to Belstone Corner, then fairly level walking across Chapple Moor,
followed by a gradual descent to Frankland Ford Bridge @ 143 metres altitude. Climb to 168 metres up past Honeychurch,
where there are some fine views in all directions , before descending down to 106 metres altitude at Bondleigh Bridge.
General Directions : 1st leg – 2.8 miles Head north on a minor road to join the B 3215 to Belstone Corner 2nd leg – 2.8
miles Cross Chapple Moor on footpath and then take minor road north past Honeychurch from Sampford Chapple. 3rd leg
-2.5 miles Continue along minor roads over A3124 and proceed north-east on minor road to Bondleigh Bridge.
Devon - Day 4 6
Set off from Stockley Hamlet at 11.18 on a dry cloudy day, 18oC. Starting altitude: 229 metres. Took the first left after the Texaco
garage on the B3260 and followed the minor road to a T-junction @ 0.33 miles and 221 metres altitude. Took a left at the T-
junction (should have gone right !) and after 0.6 miles turned right onto the B3215 at another T-junction. 30 minutes elapsed
time. Good views of this part of Devon in all directions. After 2 miles mostly downhill on the B3215 arrived at Belstone Corner
and took a turning left to Sampford Courtenay on a minor road. 2.8 miles travelled, 180 metres altitude, 1 hour 20 minutes
elapsed time.
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from
Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.6 miles
Devon - Day 4 7
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from Stockley
Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.8 miles
Clockwise from bottom left (all Google photos) : The first T-junction after leaving Stockley Hamlet, where I went left
instead of right. Joining the B3215 – a bit of a car/truck race track – not safe for walkers with dogs. The B3125 on
Appledore Hill - note the narrow grass verges. The turn off left to Sampford Courtenay at Belstone Corner.
Devon - Day 4 8
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from Stockley
Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.8 miles
On the quiet minor road from Stockley Hamlet, heading north to join the B 3215
Devon - Day 4 9
After 800 metres walking north on the Sampford Courtenay road turn left down farm track (Hatherton Lane, signed Hatherton
Farm) with footpath signpost and then take right through Chapple Moor woodland. Emerge onto a minor road, turn right and
head north to cross to A3072 at Sampford Chapple. 2 hour 13 minutes elapsed time (and 4.43 miles) from Stockley Hamlet.
Altitude 176 meters. After crossing A3072 head north on West Barton Lane past Peacegate Cross (where the Devonshire Heartland
Way crosses the road) , Redpost Cross, Frankland Ford Bridge, Frankland and then past Honeychurch . Altitude here: 143 metres.
Distance travelled since start: 5.65 miles in 2 hours 57 minutes.
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
Devon - Day 4 10
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
Route north of Belstone Corner on the road to Sampford Courtenay and then the footpath through Chapple Moor
Devon - Day 4 11
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
Footpath through Chapple Moor
Devon - Day 4 12
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
Route from Chapple Moor through Sampford Chapple, crossing the A3072, and then on to pass Honeychurch
Devon - Day 4 13
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
From bottom left, clockwise: Start of footpath across Chapple Moor, in woodland on Chapple Moor, exit from Chapple Moor
onto minor road, Sampford Chapple and the A3072 crossing
Devon - Day 4 14
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from
Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles
From bottom left, clockwise: Google photo of West Barton Lane looking north, view back towards Dartmoor from
Sampford Chapple area, above Honeychurch looking back to Dartmoor, and ditto from further along the same road.
Devon - Day 4 15
Now follow the Devonshire Heartland Way to Lake Farm: Bear right twice on minor road above Honeychurch and turn left onto A
3124 at Bondleigh Moor Cross. Elapsed walking time 3 hours 27 minutes, 6.34 miles travelled and altitude 168 meters. After 200
metres turn right onto minor road past Bondleigh Moor House and later Lake Farm. Go over Bondleigh Wood Cross, joining the
Traka Trail at last (altitude here 131 metres, 7.58 miles walked so far, and elapsed time since start 3 hours 59 minutes) and
continue on Traka Trail down to Bondleigh Bridge. Total elapsed walking time was 4 hours 22 minutes, and distance travelled
from Stockley Hamlet was 8.11 miles. Altitude at Bondleigh Bridge was 106 metres.
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge– Third leg
from Honeychurch to Bondleigh Bridge – 2.5 miles
Devon - Day 4 16
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge– Third leg from
Honeychurch to Bondleigh Bridge – 2.5 miles
Left to right: Road down to Bondleigh after crossing A 3124, road just after Bondleigh Wood (Rhona Downs
and Jenny Mander in the distance), Bondleigh Bridge
Devon - Day 4 17
Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge
Walk statistics (Garmin)
Devon - Day 4 18

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A Walk through Devon - Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet (Okehampton) to Bondleigh Bridge

  • 1. A WALK THROUGH DEVON Launceston to Skilgate, in easy 8- to 10-mile stages, on minor roads and footpaths John Downs with Indie Day 4 of 8 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge – 8.12 miles (13 km) OS Explorer Map 113 Devon - Day 4 1 Elevation gain 140 metres (459 ft) Max elevation 229 metres (751 ft) Indie cooling off in the River Taw at Bondleigh Bridge - watched by Rhona Downs
  • 2. Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge My pre-walk Plan - it would have been a great walk on the Tarka Trail alongside the River Taw if I hadn’t taken a wrong turning early on ……. Devon - Day 4 2 WALK MILES DIRECTIONS Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge (OS Map 113) 8.5miles 3 Head north from Stockley Hamlet on minor road, then right at cross roads near Alfordon Manor. Road heads south, running alongside A30, then veers north. Straight across cross roads at Windburgh/Crosslands. Take right after Cross to Taw Green. 2.5 Cross river Taw at Taw Green, join the Tarka Trail north to North Wyke and on to Greenslade Bridge. 3 Follow Tarka Trail north, cross A3072 near North Tawton and follow the Trail beside the River Taw right up to Bondleigh Bridge via Week and Yeo
  • 3. Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge OS map detail for Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner Devon - Day 4 3
  • 4. Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge OS map detail for Belstone Corner to Bondleigh Bridge Devon - Day 4 4
  • 5. Day 4 - Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge This should have been a walk eastwards to Taw Green to pick up the Tarka Trail and follow it north alongside the River Taw to Bondleigh Bridge. Unfortunately I took a wrong turning early in the walk and ended up on the very busy B3215 . Walked 2 miles on the B3125 to Belstone Corner, dodging high speed traffic the whole way. Then took the Sampford Courtenay road, before leaving it on a footpath across Chapple Moor to Sampford Chapple. Took Barton Lane north past Honeychurch, and crossed the A 3124 onto another minor road to Bondleigh Bridge. The wonderful views of this part of Devon from above Honeychurch made up for missing the Tarka Trail and the Taw valley – but the traffic on the B3215 is dangerous for walkers with dogs and should be avoided . Following the Devonshire Heartland Way would have been safer… Devon - Day 4 5
  • 6. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge - Overview of route A scenic walk through a lovely part of Devon, passing Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch, ending at Bondleigh Bridge on the River Taw. The route I took by mistake along the B3215 to Belstone Corner should be avoided – it has high speed traffic and the verges are narrow or non-existent in places – so no refuge for walkers. A long gradual descent from an initial altitude of 229 metres down Appledore Hill on the B3215 to Belstone Corner, then fairly level walking across Chapple Moor, followed by a gradual descent to Frankland Ford Bridge @ 143 metres altitude. Climb to 168 metres up past Honeychurch, where there are some fine views in all directions , before descending down to 106 metres altitude at Bondleigh Bridge. General Directions : 1st leg – 2.8 miles Head north on a minor road to join the B 3215 to Belstone Corner 2nd leg – 2.8 miles Cross Chapple Moor on footpath and then take minor road north past Honeychurch from Sampford Chapple. 3rd leg -2.5 miles Continue along minor roads over A3124 and proceed north-east on minor road to Bondleigh Bridge. Devon - Day 4 6
  • 7. Set off from Stockley Hamlet at 11.18 on a dry cloudy day, 18oC. Starting altitude: 229 metres. Took the first left after the Texaco garage on the B3260 and followed the minor road to a T-junction @ 0.33 miles and 221 metres altitude. Took a left at the T- junction (should have gone right !) and after 0.6 miles turned right onto the B3215 at another T-junction. 30 minutes elapsed time. Good views of this part of Devon in all directions. After 2 miles mostly downhill on the B3215 arrived at Belstone Corner and took a turning left to Sampford Courtenay on a minor road. 2.8 miles travelled, 180 metres altitude, 1 hour 20 minutes elapsed time. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.6 miles Devon - Day 4 7
  • 8. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.8 miles Clockwise from bottom left (all Google photos) : The first T-junction after leaving Stockley Hamlet, where I went left instead of right. Joining the B3215 – a bit of a car/truck race track – not safe for walkers with dogs. The B3125 on Appledore Hill - note the narrow grass verges. The turn off left to Sampford Courtenay at Belstone Corner. Devon - Day 4 8
  • 9. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - First leg from Stockley Hamlet to Belstone Corner – 2.8 miles On the quiet minor road from Stockley Hamlet, heading north to join the B 3215 Devon - Day 4 9
  • 10. After 800 metres walking north on the Sampford Courtenay road turn left down farm track (Hatherton Lane, signed Hatherton Farm) with footpath signpost and then take right through Chapple Moor woodland. Emerge onto a minor road, turn right and head north to cross to A3072 at Sampford Chapple. 2 hour 13 minutes elapsed time (and 4.43 miles) from Stockley Hamlet. Altitude 176 meters. After crossing A3072 head north on West Barton Lane past Peacegate Cross (where the Devonshire Heartland Way crosses the road) , Redpost Cross, Frankland Ford Bridge, Frankland and then past Honeychurch . Altitude here: 143 metres. Distance travelled since start: 5.65 miles in 2 hours 57 minutes. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles Devon - Day 4 10
  • 11. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles Route north of Belstone Corner on the road to Sampford Courtenay and then the footpath through Chapple Moor Devon - Day 4 11
  • 12. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles Footpath through Chapple Moor Devon - Day 4 12
  • 13. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles Route from Chapple Moor through Sampford Chapple, crossing the A3072, and then on to pass Honeychurch Devon - Day 4 13
  • 14. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles From bottom left, clockwise: Start of footpath across Chapple Moor, in woodland on Chapple Moor, exit from Chapple Moor onto minor road, Sampford Chapple and the A3072 crossing Devon - Day 4 14
  • 15. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh - Second leg from Belstone Corner to Honeychurch – 2.8 miles From bottom left, clockwise: Google photo of West Barton Lane looking north, view back towards Dartmoor from Sampford Chapple area, above Honeychurch looking back to Dartmoor, and ditto from further along the same road. Devon - Day 4 15
  • 16. Now follow the Devonshire Heartland Way to Lake Farm: Bear right twice on minor road above Honeychurch and turn left onto A 3124 at Bondleigh Moor Cross. Elapsed walking time 3 hours 27 minutes, 6.34 miles travelled and altitude 168 meters. After 200 metres turn right onto minor road past Bondleigh Moor House and later Lake Farm. Go over Bondleigh Wood Cross, joining the Traka Trail at last (altitude here 131 metres, 7.58 miles walked so far, and elapsed time since start 3 hours 59 minutes) and continue on Traka Trail down to Bondleigh Bridge. Total elapsed walking time was 4 hours 22 minutes, and distance travelled from Stockley Hamlet was 8.11 miles. Altitude at Bondleigh Bridge was 106 metres. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge– Third leg from Honeychurch to Bondleigh Bridge – 2.5 miles Devon - Day 4 16
  • 17. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge– Third leg from Honeychurch to Bondleigh Bridge – 2.5 miles Left to right: Road down to Bondleigh after crossing A 3124, road just after Bondleigh Wood (Rhona Downs and Jenny Mander in the distance), Bondleigh Bridge Devon - Day 4 17
  • 18. Day 4 – Stockley Hamlet to Bondleigh Bridge Walk statistics (Garmin) Devon - Day 4 18