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     Robby Grossman

Shareaholic: Product & Tech

Why Riak: The Search for a Big Data Store

Transitioning to Riak

Riak Use Cases

Deploying to EC2
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Browser Tools

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Keep your Metadata Repository Current with Event-Driven Updates using CDC and...
Keep your Metadata Repository Current with Event-Driven Updates using CDC and...Keep your Metadata Repository Current with Event-Driven Updates using CDC and...
Keep your Metadata Repository Current with Event-Driven Updates using CDC and...

This document discusses challenges with keeping a metadata repository current using event-driven updates from data sources. It describes how using Apache Kafka and the Debezium connector to capture changes from database "outbox" tables that mirror system catalog metadata tables allows pushing metadata deltas to the repository in real-time. This overcomes limitations of log-based and query-based CDC approaches when applied directly to database system tables.

architectureevent-driven systemsconnectors
HBaseConAsia2018: Track2-5: JanusGraph-Distributed graph database with HBase
HBaseConAsia2018: Track2-5: JanusGraph-Distributed graph database with HBaseHBaseConAsia2018: Track2-5: JanusGraph-Distributed graph database with HBase
HBaseConAsia2018: Track2-5: JanusGraph-Distributed graph database with HBase

This document provides an introduction to JanusGraph, an open source distributed graph database that can be used with Apache HBase for storage. It begins with background on graph databases and their structures, such as vertices, edges, properties, and different storage models. It then discusses JanusGraph's architecture, support for the TinkerPop graph computing framework, and schema and data modeling capabilities. Details are given on partitioning graphs across servers and using different indexing approaches. The document concludes by explaining why HBase is a good storage backend for JanusGraph and providing examples of how the data model would be structured within HBase.

When the Cloud is a Rockin: High Availability in Apache CloudStack
When the Cloud is a Rockin: High Availability in Apache CloudStackWhen the Cloud is a Rockin: High Availability in Apache CloudStack
When the Cloud is a Rockin: High Availability in Apache CloudStack

CloudStack currently provides a variety bespoke high availability mechanisms for resources such as virtual machines, hosts, and virtual routers. Each of these implementations duplicates the HA check/recovery cycle, as well as, concurrency, persistence, and clustering required manage high available for any CloudStack resource. The High Availability Resource Management Service has been developed to consolidate these concerns -- providing a robust, extensible HA mechanism. Using this service, plugins only need to define health check, activity check, and fence operations.

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 Thousands of developers hitting API

 Hundreds of thousands of publishers

 Tens of millions of shares & clicks

 Hundreds of millions of pageviews & events

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James Turner (Caplin) - Enterprise HTML5 Patterns
James Turner (Caplin) - Enterprise HTML5 PatternsJames Turner (Caplin) - Enterprise HTML5 Patterns
James Turner (Caplin) - Enterprise HTML5 Patterns

Most HTML5 web applications are relatively small scale – they are maintained by a single team and contain relatively little JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 code. At Caplin we build "thick client" replacement financial trading systems containing considerable business logic implemented by hundreds of thousands of lines of JavaScript code. The code is maintained by multiple development teams spread across multiple business units. The talk describes the problems faced and how they can be solved using componetization, loose coupling, services, event bus, design patterns, BDD, the best open source libraries, test by contract, and test automation etc.

Introduction to Kafka
Introduction to KafkaIntroduction to Kafka
Introduction to Kafka

The first presentation for Kafka Meetup @ Linkedin (Bangalore) held on 2015/12/5 It provides a brief introduction to the motivation for building Kafka and how it works from a high level. Please download the presentation if you wish to see the animated slides.

HBaseConAsia2018 Track2-3: Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Databa...
HBaseConAsia2018 Track2-3: Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Databa...HBaseConAsia2018 Track2-3: Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Databa...
HBaseConAsia2018 Track2-3: Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Databa...

This document discusses AntsDB, an open source project that brings MySQL compatibility to HBase in order to address the need for relational database capabilities in NoSQL systems. It describes AntsDB's architecture, which uses caching and other techniques to provide low-latency transactions and joins on HBase. Performance tests show AntsDB can achieve high throughput for writes and OLTP workloads. AntsDB aims to be complementary to HBase by virtualizing MySQL atop HBase while simulating MySQL behaviors and allowing applications built for MySQL to run unchanged on HBase.

Tech @

JRuby on Rails (via Torquebox)

MySQL (Master, Read Slave)

Elastic MapReduce (similar to Hadoop)


Formerly Mongo, Now Riak
Why Not Mongo?

Working set needs to fit in memory

Global write lock blocks all queries
despite not having transactions/joins

Standbys not “hot”
Why Riak?
Next @
Options:      Goals:

  HBase         Linear scalability

  Cassandra     Full-text search

  Riak          Flexible indexing

                Easier Devops

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HBaseConAsia2018 Keynote 2: Recent Development of HBase in Alibaba and Cloud
HBaseConAsia2018 Keynote 2: Recent Development of HBase in Alibaba and CloudHBaseConAsia2018 Keynote 2: Recent Development of HBase in Alibaba and Cloud
HBaseConAsia2018 Keynote 2: Recent Development of HBase in Alibaba and Cloud

New Journey of HBase in Alibaba and Cloud discusses Alibaba's use of HBase over 8 years and improvements made. Key points discussed include: - Alibaba began using HBase in 2010 and has since contributed to the open source community while developing internal improvements. - Challenges addressed include JVM garbage collection pauses, separating computing and storage, and adding cold/hot data tiering. A diagnostic system was also created. - Alibaba uses HBase across many core scenarios and has integrated it with other databases in a multi-model approach to support different workloads. - Benefits of running HBase on cloud include flexibility, cost savings, and making it

HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-5: HBase Practice at Lianjia
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-5: HBase Practice at LianjiaHBaseConAsia2018 Track3-5: HBase Practice at Lianjia
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-5: HBase Practice at Lianjia

This document discusses different big data scenarios using HBase including: 1. Architecture evolution over time including olap and real-time ETL scenarios 2. The olap scenario requirements like handling billion records with sub-second queries and examples using Kylin 3. The monitor scenario showing how different systems are monitored using technologies like Grafana 4. Brief mentions of data mining and HDI scenarios

Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...
Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...
Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...

RocksDB is the default state store for Kafka Streams. In this talk, we will discuss how to improve single node performance of the state store by tuning RocksDB and how to efficiently identify issues in the setup. We start with a short description of the RocksDB architecture. We discuss how Kafka Streams restores the state stores from Kafka by leveraging RocksDB features for bulk loading of data. We give examples of hand-tuning the RocksDB state stores based on Kafka Streams metrics and RocksDB’s metrics. At the end, we dive into a few RocksDB command line utilities that allow you to debug your setup and dump data from a state store. We illustrate the usage of the utilities with a few real-life use cases. The key takeaway from the session is the ability to understand the internal details of the default state store in Kafka Streams so that engineers can fine-tune their performance for different varieties of workloads and operate the state stores in a more robust manner.

kafka streamsmicroservicesintermediate
Pros                  Cons

  Battle tested           Complex
  High performance

                          Requires Hive for

                          Expensive to deploy
                          at small scale
Pros                   Cons

  Native secondary       Known users all
  indices                domain experts

  Linear scalability     Search requires
  Tunable CAP
                         Heavy Weight
Pros                          Cons

  Operationally simpler         Multi-data center
                                replication requires
  Linear scalability            Enterprise product

  Integrated search             leveldb puts high
                                strain on CPU
  Secondary indices

  Tunable CAP

  Vector clocks solve
  time-sync problems
From Mongo to Riak

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HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-2: HBase at China Telecom
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-2:  HBase at China TelecomHBaseConAsia2018 Track3-2:  HBase at China Telecom
HBaseConAsia2018 Track3-2: HBase at China Telecom

HBase is used at China Telecom for various applications including persistence for streaming jobs, online reading and writing, and as a data store for their core system. They operate several HBase clusters storing over 500 TB of data ingesting 1 TB per day. They monitor HBase using Ganglia for basic metrics and Zabbix for critical alerts. When issues arise, such as a system hang, they investigate debug cases and perform optimizations like changing the garbage collector from CMS to G1 and implementing read/write splitting.

hbasehbaseconasia2018china telecom
Column and hadoop
Column and hadoopColumn and hadoop
Column and hadoop

my plan talk at HBTC chinese largest big data technoloy conference,talking about column database and hadoop related area.

columnar databaseshadoopanalytic databases
Becoming Protocol-Agnostic with Kafka, REST, GraphQL & gRPC | Tyler Mills, Sm...
Becoming Protocol-Agnostic with Kafka, REST, GraphQL & gRPC | Tyler Mills, Sm...Becoming Protocol-Agnostic with Kafka, REST, GraphQL & gRPC | Tyler Mills, Sm...
Becoming Protocol-Agnostic with Kafka, REST, GraphQL & gRPC | Tyler Mills, Sm...

The document discusses how different protocols like REST, Kafka, GraphQL, gRPC, and mySQL can be made protocol-agnostic. It defines common attributes across protocols like scope, operation, sending and receiving data formats, asynchronous/streaming behavior, and connection and authentication settings. Making protocols protocol-agnostic provides benefits like a universal specification for documentation, collaboration between teams using different architectures, and a consistent user experience.

apache kafkakafka summit
Migration Goals

No time where database goes “offline”

Product parity throughout migration
Migration Process

1. App writes to Mongo and Riak

2. Verify data integrity

3. Import historical data

4. App reads from Riak

5. Decommission Mongo
Use Cases
Share API

Save shared content

Uses MapReduce to
populate user dashboard

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Apache Spark on Kubernetes
Apache Spark on KubernetesApache Spark on Kubernetes
Apache Spark on Kubernetes

How we can make use of Kubernetes as Resource Manager for Spark. What are the Pros and Cons of Spark Resource manager are discussed on this slides and the associated tutorial. Refer this github project for more details and code samples :

Developing a custom Kafka connector? Make it shine! | Igor Buzatović, Porsche...
Developing a custom Kafka connector? Make it shine! | Igor Buzatović, Porsche...Developing a custom Kafka connector? Make it shine! | Igor Buzatović, Porsche...
Developing a custom Kafka connector? Make it shine! | Igor Buzatović, Porsche...

Some people see their cars just as a means to get them from point A to point B without breaking down halfway, but most of us want it also to be comfortable, performant, easy to drive, and of course - to look good. We can think of Kafka Connect connectors in a similar way. While the main focus is on getting data from or writing data to the external target system, it’s also relevant how easy it is to configure, does it scale well, does it provide the best possible data consistency, is it resilient to both the external system and Kafka cluster failures, and so on. This talk focuses on aspects of connector plugin development important for achieving these goals. More specifically - we‘ll cover configuration definition and validation, external source partitions and offsets handling, achieving desired delivery semantics, and more."

kafka summitapache kafkakafka connector
Big Data Platform at Pinterest
Big Data Platform at PinterestBig Data Platform at Pinterest
Big Data Platform at Pinterest

This document discusses Pinterest's data architecture and use of Pinball for workflow management. Pinterest processes 3 petabytes of data daily from their 60 billion pins and 1 billion boards across a 2000 node Hadoop cluster. They use Kafka, Secor and Singer for ingesting event data. Pinball is used for workflow management to handle their scale of hundreds of workflows, thousands of jobs and 500+ jobs in some workflows. Pinball provides simple abstractions, extensibility, reliability, debuggability and horizontal scalability for workflow execution.


Sets of related pages

Generated on-demand
Publisher Analytics

Generated nightly via Hadoop

Typical stored “document” (JSON)

Riak Successes

Handy for querying

Runs at “web page speed”.

Easy to re-reduce for complex queries

Easy to test via CURL

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Lambda Architecture with Spark
Lambda Architecture with SparkLambda Architecture with Spark
Lambda Architecture with Spark

The presentation covers lambda architecture and implementation with spark. In the presentation we will discuss about components of lambda architecture like batch layer, speed layer and serving layer. We will also discuss its advantages and benefits with spark.

sparkknolduslambda architecture with spark
Solr cloud the 'search first' nosql database extended deep dive
Solr cloud the 'search first' nosql database   extended deep diveSolr cloud the 'search first' nosql database   extended deep dive
Solr cloud the 'search first' nosql database extended deep dive

Presented by Mark Miller, Software Engineer, Cloudera As the NoSQL ecosystem looks to integrate great search, great search is naturally beginning to expose many NoSQL features. Will these Goliath's collide? Or will they remain specialized while intermingling – two sides of the same coin. Come learn about where SolrCloud fits into the NoSQL landscape. What can it do? What will it do? And how will the big data, NoSQL, Search ecosystem evolve. If you are interested in Big Data, NoSQL, distributed systems, CAP theorem and other hype filled terms, than this talk may be for you.

solrlucene/solr revolutionlucene/solr
Migrating to Riak at Shareaholic
Migrating to Riak at ShareaholicMigrating to Riak at Shareaholic
Migrating to Riak at Shareaholic

Robby Grossman, Shareaholic's Tech Lead, spoke at the first Boston Riak Meetup on August 30, 2012. These are his slides.

Tunable CAP @

    Replication: primary/secondary authority

    Read failure tolerance: speed/consistency

    Write failure tolerance
Full Text Search

Built on Lucene

Make user content searchable

Make arbitrary keys queryable

“Just turn it on”

Hiccup: corrupt merge indexes
Query Example
  Who’s our oldest user who’s shared something in the last minute?

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
   "inputs": {
      "query":"timestamp:[1346350877 TO 1346350937}" //60 second period
      {"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(riakObject) {
         return [[Riak.mapValuesJson(riakObject)[0].user_id]];
         "name":"Riak.reduceMin" // [[2],[5],[9],[13]] => [[2]]

Riak on EC2

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Riak TS
Riak TSRiak TS
Riak TS

This document provides an overview of Riak TS, Basho's new purpose-built time series database. It describes Riak TS's key features like high write throughput, efficient range query support, and horizontal scalability. It also outlines Riak TS's data modeling approach of co-locating and partitioning time-series data, its SQL-like query language, and provides examples of its performance and roadmap. Finally, it demonstrates a potential use case application called UNCORKD for tracking wine check-ins and reviews.

time seriesseascalebasho

ii ABSTRACT GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the applications is tracking your vehicle and keeps regular monitoring on them. This tracking system can inform you the location and route travelled by vehicle, and that information can be observed from any other remote location. It also includes the web application that provides you exact location of target and the exact speed the vehicle is moving which is used to generate bills for over speeding automatically. This system enables us to track target in any weather conditions. This system uses GPS and Zigbee technologies. This includes the hardware part which comprises of GPS, Zigbee, ATmega microcontroller and software part is used for interfacing all the required modules and a web application is also developed at the client side and visualize data from IoT. Main objective is to design a system that can be easily installed and to provide platform for further enhancement. KEYWORDS GPS, ZigBee, Tracking System, IoT iii

A Cassandra + Solr + Spark Love Triangle Using DataStax Enterprise
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A Cassandra + Solr + Spark Love Triangle Using DataStax Enterprise

Wait! Back away from the Cassandra 2ndary index. It’s ok for some use cases, but it’s not an easy button. "But I need to search through a bunch of columns to look for the data and I want to do some regression analysis… and I can’t model that in C*, even after watching all of Patrick McFadins videos. What do I do?” The answer, dear developer, is in DSE Search and Analytics. With it’s easy Solr API and Spark integration so you can search and analyze data stored in your Cassandra database until your heart’s content. Take our hand. WE will show you how.

serach. analyticsapache solrdatabase
In a Nutshell

EC2 specs poorly proportioned for leveldb

Multiple AZs in one location works well

Scale vertically for better latency & consistency

Scale horizontally for more throughput/$

Top Graph: c1.medium (1.7G, 5 CPU)

Middle: m1.large (7.5G, 4 CPU)

Bottom: cc1.4xlarge (23G, 33.5 CPU)
Latency (Typical)

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Data Modeling IoT and Time Series data in NoSQL
Data Modeling IoT and Time Series data in NoSQLData Modeling IoT and Time Series data in NoSQL
Data Modeling IoT and Time Series data in NoSQL

Time Series data is proliferating with literally every step that we take, just think about things like Fit Bit bracelets that track your every move and financial trading data all of which is timestamped. Time series data requires high performance reads and writes even with a huge number of data sources. Both speed and scale are integral to success, which makes for a unique challenge for your database. A time series NoSQL data model requires flexibility to support unstructured, and semi-structured data as well as the ability to write range queries to analyze your time series data. So how can you tackle speed, scale and flexibility all at once? Join Professional Services Architect Drew Kerrigan and Developer Advocate Matt Brender for a discussion of: Examples of time series data sets, from IoT to Finance to jet engines What makes time series queries different from other database queries How to model your dataset to answer the right questions about your data How to store, query and analyze a set of time series data points Learn how a NoSQL database model and Riak TS can help you address the unique challenges of time series data.

distributed systemsbashoiot
An Introduction to Distributed Search with Cassandra and Solr
An Introduction to Distributed Search with Cassandra and SolrAn Introduction to Distributed Search with Cassandra and Solr
An Introduction to Distributed Search with Cassandra and Solr

Cassandra is a distributed database that can be used with Solr for distributed search capabilities. Data is written to Cassandra and indexed by Solr to enable fast and scalable full-text search across nodes. Queries can be performed directly on Cassandra or through the Solr API, with tradeoffs in performance. Production deployments typically use a mix of Cassandra and Solr nodes for analytics and search workloads.

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How to Make Hadoop Easy, Dependable and Fast
How to Make Hadoop Easy, Dependable and FastHow to Make Hadoop Easy, Dependable and Fast
How to Make Hadoop Easy, Dependable and Fast

The document discusses various use cases for MapR's Hadoop distribution including restaurant recommendations, fraud modeling, network security, and log analysis. It highlights how MapR allows easy data access and deployment across these applications using techniques like NFS, mirrors, and avoiding special data movement mechanisms. The document also provides technical details on how specific solutions like recommendation modeling, fraud detection, and log analysis can leverage MapR.

Latency (Worst Case)
c1.medium (1.7G, 5 CPU)
1758 IOPS/$-hr
Worst 1% of queries: 300ms/800ms

m1.large (7.5G, 4 CPU)
1167 IOPS/$-hr
Worst 1% of queries: 110ms/200ms

cc1.4xlarge (23G, 33.5 CPU)
872 IOPS/$-hr
Worst 1% of queries: 47ms/139ms
Benchmark Takeaways

 You can’t go “by spec”

 IO is limiting factor

 RAM never limiting factor for 1%
 of keyspace to be in memory
Fin. Questions?
Thanks:                 We’re Hiring!

  Tom Santero              Robby Grossman

  Justin Sheehy  

  Ryan Zezeski             @freerobby

  Reid Draper

  #freenode riak crew

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Understanding Database Options
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Understanding Database Options

With AWS you can choose the right database for the right job. Given the myriad of choices, from relational databases to non-relational stores, this session will profile details and examples of some of the choices available to you (MySQL, RDS, Elasticache, Redis, Cassandra, MongoDB and DynamoDB), with details on real world deployments from customers using Amazon RDS, ElastiCache and DynamoDB.

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Riak at shareaholic

  • 1. Riak @ Robby Grossman @freerobby
  • 2. Agenda Shareaholic: Product & Tech Why Riak: The Search for a Big Data Store Transitioning to Riak Riak Use Cases Deploying to EC2
  • 8. Monthly @ Thousands of developers hitting API Hundreds of thousands of publishers Tens of millions of shares & clicks Hundreds of millions of pageviews & events
  • 9. Tech @ JRuby on Rails (via Torquebox) MySQL (Master, Read Slave) Elastic MapReduce (similar to Hadoop) Redis Formerly Mongo, Now Riak
  • 10. Why Not Mongo? Working set needs to fit in memory Global write lock blocks all queries despite not having transactions/joins Standbys not “hot”
  • 12. Next @ Options: Goals: HBase Linear scalability Cassandra Full-text search Riak Flexible indexing Easier Devops
  • 13. HBase Pros Cons Battle tested Complex Architecture High performance SPOFs Requires Hive for Indexing/Querying Expensive to deploy at small scale
  • 14. Cassandra Pros Cons Native secondary Known users all indices domain experts Linear scalability Search requires Lucene Tunable CAP Heavy Weight MapReduce
  • 15. Riak Pros Cons Operationally simpler Multi-data center replication requires Linear scalability Enterprise product Integrated search leveldb puts high strain on CPU Secondary indices Tunable CAP Vector clocks solve time-sync problems
  • 17. Migration Goals No time where database goes “offline” Product parity throughout migration
  • 18. Migration Process 1. App writes to Mongo and Riak 2. Verify data integrity 3. Import historical data 4. App reads from Riak 5. Decommission Mongo
  • 20. Share API Save shared content Uses MapReduce to populate user dashboard
  • 21. Recommendations Sets of related pages Generated on-demand
  • 22. Publisher Analytics Generated nightly via Hadoop Typical stored “document” (JSON) 80kb-1Mb
  • 24. MapReduce Handy for querying Runs at “web page speed”. Easy to re-reduce for complex queries Easy to test via CURL
  • 25. Tunable CAP @ Replication: primary/secondary authority Read failure tolerance: speed/consistency Write failure tolerance
  • 26. Full Text Search Built on Lucene Make user content searchable Make arbitrary keys queryable “Just turn it on” Hiccup: corrupt merge indexes
  • 27. Query Example Who’s our oldest user who’s shared something in the last minute? curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "inputs": { "bucket":"links", "query":"timestamp:[1346350877 TO 1346350937}" //60 second period }, "query":[ {"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(riakObject) { return [[Riak.mapValuesJson(riakObject)[0].user_id]]; }"}}, {"reduce":{"language":"javascript", "name":"Riak.reduceMin" // [[2],[5],[9],[13]] => [[2]] }} ] }' [[2197]]
  • 29. In a Nutshell EC2 specs poorly proportioned for leveldb Multiple AZs in one location works well Scale vertically for better latency & consistency Scale horizontally for more throughput/$
  • 30. Benchmarks Top Graph: c1.medium (1.7G, 5 CPU) Middle: m1.large (7.5G, 4 CPU) Bottom: cc1.4xlarge (23G, 33.5 CPU)
  • 34. Calculations c1.medium (1.7G, 5 CPU) 1758 IOPS/$-hr Worst 1% of queries: 300ms/800ms m1.large (7.5G, 4 CPU) 1167 IOPS/$-hr Worst 1% of queries: 110ms/200ms cc1.4xlarge (23G, 33.5 CPU) 872 IOPS/$-hr Worst 1% of queries: 47ms/139ms
  • 35. Benchmark Takeaways You can’t go “by spec” IO is limiting factor RAM never limiting factor for 1% of keyspace to be in memory
  • 36. Fin. Questions? Thanks: We’re Hiring! Tom Santero Robby Grossman Justin Sheehy Ryan Zezeski @freerobby Reid Draper #freenode riak crew
  • 37. Fin.