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Application SQL Issues and Tuning 
Dan Hotka 
Director of Database Field Operations 
Quest Software, Inc 
This paper and presentation are based SQL, the various tools available for gathering information 
and understanding various parts of the SQL Explain Plan, or the path that Oracle8/8i will use to 
find the data. 
Dan Hotka is a Director of Database Field Operations for Quest Software. 
He has over 21 years in the computer industry, including over 15 years experience 
with Oracle products. He is an acknowledged Oracle expert where his Oracle experience 
dates back to the Oracle V4.0 days. He has co-authored the popular books 
Oracle Unleashed, Oracle8 Server Unleashed, Oracle Developer Unleashed, and Special Edition 
Using Oracle8/8i from SAMS Publishing and frequently speaks at Oracle conferences and user 
groups around the world. 
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Chapter 24, Oracle8 Server Unleashed, SAMS Publishing 
July 1999 Oracle Professional, Pinnacle Publications. Reproduced with permission from 
Pinnacle Publishing. All rights reserved. 
SQL Level Tuning should be the final phase of tuning. All too often, the other parts discussed in 
the previous parts of this series are overlooked. People sometimes view SQL tuning as the only 
area that requires tuning. The 80/20 rule applies to SQL level tuning as well. Twenty percent of 
the SQL statements will utilize over 80 percent of the resources. It is this 20 percent where we 
need to concentrate our efforts. 
There are a variety of explain-plan tools available from Oracle Corporation and various 3rd party 
vendors. Oracle Enterprise Manager has a SQL-monitor tool available. Oracle has always 
provided a variety of ways of capturing performance information in the form of TRACE files. 
These trace files are interpreted by TKPROF, a tool not for the novice. This final tuning 
installment will discuss various features of tuning at the SQL level, the Oracle optimizer choices, 
existing and new indexing features, and the SQL statements themselves. Resource-intensive and 
long running SQL queries will have the biggest impact on application performance. These SQL 
statements need to be identified and tuned first. 
There are many features previously discussed in this series aid in the performance of applications, 
namely procedures, functions, and triggers; the use of unrecoverable transactions (understanding 
the application needs); and pinning application code in the shared pool. This article will discuss 
the need to use better SQL coding techniques. 
Oracle has supported the compilation of functions, procedures, and triggers (procedural objects) 
since Oracle7. The resulting intermediate code does not need to be parsed or prepared for
execution, saving considerable time at run-time. The compiler is automatically invoked when the 
procedural object is created or altered. Changes to the table structures can invalidate procedural 
objects, requiring them to be compiled again at run-time. The procedural objects can be 
manually re-compiled when they become invalidated. Listings 1 and 2 show the SQL syntax for 
manually invoking the compiler. 
alter procedure <PROCEDURE NAME> compile 
alter function <FUNCTION NAME> compile 
alter trigger <TRIGGER NAME> compile 
Procedure, Function, and Trigger Compile SQL 
Listing 1 
If the procedure or function is part of a package, the whole package can be compiled or just the 
alter package <PACKAGE NAME> compile package 
alter package <PACKAGE NAME> compile body 
Package Compile Options 
Listing 2 
SQL statements with nested subqueries can create an enormous amount of i/o traffic. Listing 3 is 
a correlated subquery where the outer query is executed one time for each row returned by the 
inner query. Listing 4 produces the same result but at a fraction of the i/o as it queries the look up 
table (the subquery of Listing 3) once, not once per each row. 
update EMP 
set sal = sal * 10 
where exists 
(select ‘x’ from DEPT 
where DEPT.deptno = EMP.deptno) 
Correlated SQL statement 
Listing 3 
cursor c1 is select deptno from dept; 
work_deptno number; 
open c1; 
fetch c1 into work_deptno;
update emp 
set sal = sal * 10 
where deptno = work_deptno; 
end loop; 
PL/SQL Loop Example 
Listing 4 
Using indexes greatly enhances the response time of most SQL statements. The rule of thumb 
here is if more than 20% of the rows of a table are going to be returned from the database then 
consideration on to use an index or not should be given. This is very dependent on the size of the 
table object. It is important to understand the various available indexing options so that the 
optimal indexing method is being utilized for a given SQL statement. 
Oracle7 introduced several new indexing options that improve on the traditional B*tree indexes. 
Oracle7 introduced bitmap indexes, star queries, histograms, and hash joins. Oracle8 introduced 
index-organized tables and reverse key indexes. Each of these new indexing options is only 
available to the cost-based optimizer. 
The first new indexing option available in Oracle7 is bitmap indexes. This indexing option is 
intended for columns with low cardinality of data such as color, sex, etc. A bitmap index stores 
all the values of a particular column in a series of bits. Each bit is related to a rowid in the table 
object. Oracle can quickly find rows in the index by simply searching for nonzero values. Figure 
1 illustrates how the EMP table object might look in a bitmap index. 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . 
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 
EMP Bitmap Index 
Figure 1
Listing 5 is a SQL query that will help identify table columns for possible bitmap index 
select owner "Owner", index_name "Index Name", distinct_keys "Distinct Keys" 
where distinct_keys < 15 
Bitmap Index Candidates 
Listing 5 
A star query involves a single table object being joined with several smaller table objects, where 
the driving table object has a concatenated index key and each of the smaller table objects is 
referenced by part of that concatenated key. The Oracle cost-based optimizer recognizes this 
arrangement and builds a memory-based cluster of the smaller tables. 
A histogram might be useful when there is not an even distribution of data throughout a table 
object. Prior to histograms, the Oracle optimizer assumed even distribution of values throughout 
the object. 
Figure 2 illustrates a histogram as a series of buckets. There are two kinds of histograms, width-balanced 
and height-balanced. Width-balance is where the values are divided up into an even 
number of buckets and the optimizer can easily determine as to which buckets have a higher 
count. In height-balanced histograms, each bucket has the same number of column values, but a 
column value may span more than one bucket. Figure 2 illustrates what the EMP table might 
look like in either of the types of histograms. 
Width-balanced Height-balanced 
10 20 30 40 10 10 20 30 
EMP Histogram 
Figure 2
Histograms are implemented via the analyze command by specifying ‘column’ parameter. 
Histograms defaults to 75 buckets with a maximum of 255 defined buckets. Histograms can be 
created for indexes, tables, or clusters. 
Hash joins can dramatically increate performance of two joined tables, where one table is 
significantly larger than the other. This index option replaces the existing ‘sort-merge’ join 
algorithm. The hash join works by splitting two tables into partitions and creating a memory 
based hash table. This hash table is then used to map join columns from the other table, 
eliminating the need for a sort-merge. In the hash join method, both tables are scanned only once. 
In sort-merge, the smaller table can actually be read many times. Hash joins are implemented by 
the init.ora parameters HASH_JOIN_ENABLED, HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT, and 
The reverse-key index introduced in Oracle8 reverses the order of the bytes of a numeric key. 
Reverse-key indexes are really useful in keeping the index balanced with sequence-number or 
incrementing type keys. The syntax in Listing 6 shows how easy it is to make regular indexes 
reversed and/or change the reverse key back to a regular key. 
create index <INDEX NAME> on <TABLE NAME> (<COLUMN NAME(S)>) reverse 
alter index <INDEX NAME> rebuild noreverse/reverse 
Reverse Key Index Syntax 
Listing 6 
As far back as Oracle5, if Oracle could resolve a query from information in the index, it would 
not retrieve any rows from the actual table. This trick was utilized widely for group by functions 
or additions on an amount field. A DBA would simply add the common data to the end of the 
concatenated index key. Index-organized tables gives this same end result as there is no 
associated table object. Index-organized tables have an overflow option is where the nonindexed 
part of the row will be stored if the row size is over the percentage given. This will create a 
similar effect to that of row chaining. Index-organized tables may not be replicated or have 
additional index columns. Partitioning will be available in Oracle8.1. Listing 7 illustrates the 
syntax to create an index-organized table. The smaller tables of a star query are an excellent use 
for this index option. To help prevent fragmentation of the index, it is best to avoid tables with 
lots of update activity. 
create table <TABLE NAME> 
(field descriptions 
primary key (<KEY FIELDS>)) 
organization index tablespace <TABLESPACE NAME> 
pctthreshold 20 
overflow tablespace <TABLESPACE NAME>
Index-organized Table Syntax 
Listing 7 
When a SQL statement is presented to the Oracle kernel, it is parsed for proper syntax and an 
execution plan is developed. Think of this execution plan as a road map to the actual data. This 
execution plan can be visualized with the explain-plan query discussed later in this article. 
Oracle8 supports both the rule-based optimizer and the cost-based optimizer. The optimizers tell 
Oracle the best execution path for a particular SQL statement. 
The rule-based optimizer, the original optimizer, uses a series of nineteen rules to decide this 
path, see Listing 8. The optimizer gives the more preference the lower the rank. The rule-based 
optimizer is controlled by the order of the tables in the FROM clause, how the WHERE clause is 
coded, and what indexes are available. In a join table situation, the driving table will be the last 
table named in the FROM clause. 
Rank Where clause predicates 
1 ROWID = constant 
2 unique indexed column = constant 
3 entire unique concatenated index = constant 
4 entire cluster key = cluster key of object in same cluster 
5 entire cluster key = constant 
6 entire nonunique concatenated index = constant 
7 nonunique index = constant 
8 entire noncompressed concatenated index >= constant 
9 entire compressed concatenated index >= constant 
10 partial but leading columns of noncompressed concatenated index 
11 partial but leading columns of compressed concatenated index 
12 unique indexed column using the SQL statement BETWEEN or LIKE options 
13 nonunique indexed column using the SQL statement BETWEEN or LIKE options 
14 unique indexed column < or > constant 
15 nonunique indexed column < or > constant 
16 sort/merge 
17 MAX or MIN SQL statement functions on indexed column 
18 ORDER BY entire index 
19 full table scans 
Rules for Rule-Based Optimizer
Listing 8 
The cost-based optimizer, introduced first in Oracle6, makes its explain-plan decisions based on 
statistics gathered by the ANALYZE command and stored in the data dictionary. Oracle will use 
the cost based optimizer if there are statistics collected. The init.ora parameter, 
OPTIMZER_MODE must be set to CHOOSE or COST to utilize the cost-based optimizer. 
It is important to keep these statistics current when inserting and updating table objects. 
Analyzing large table objects can take a considerable amount of CPU and sort resources. Oracle 
does offer an ‘ESTIMATE’ clause, however, the percentage given with this estimate option only 
applies from the beginning of the table object, not a random selection from the entire object. 
Listing 9 illustrates the analyze syntax. 
analyze table <TABLE NAME> estimate 
Analyze Command 
Listing 9 
Hints are used to make recommendations to the cost-based optimizer. Please note that Oracle can 
decide to ignore hints. Hints can be used to control the optimizer’s goal, access methods, join 
conditions, parallel, and partitioning options. Hints are specified as part of the SQL statement 
syntax. Listing 10 shows an ALL_ROWS hint in the EMP table object. 
select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ ename, sal from EMP where SAL > 1000 
Hint in EMP SQL statement 
Listing 10 
The optimizer goal hint controls one of three cost-based optimizer modes: RULE will force the 
rule-based optimizer, FIRST_ROWS (best response) and ALL_ROWS (best throughput) will use 
the cost-based optimizer and force the optimizer to the desired goal. Most of the access-method-controlling 
hints are listed in Listing 11. 
Hint Description 
AND_EQUAL Use the AND_EQUAL hint when more than one equality criterion exists on a 
single table. 
CACHE Use the CACHE hint to place the entire table in the buffer cache. The table is 
placed at the most recently used end of the buffer cache. This hint is good for 
small tables that are accessed often. 
CLUSTER Use the CLUSTER hint to access a table in a cluster without the use of an index. 
FULL Use the FULL hint to perform a full table scan on a table.
HASH Use the HASH hint to access a table in a hashed cluster without the use of an 
INDEX Use an INDEX hint to instruct ORACLE to use one of the indexes specified as a 
INDEX_COMBINE The INDEX_COMBINE forces the use of bitmap indexes. 
NOCACHE Use the NOCACHE hint to place the blocks of the table at the beginning of the 
buffer cache so as not to age any blocks out. 
NOPARALLEL Use the NOPARALLEL hint to not use multiple-server processes to 
service the operations on the specified table. 
ORDERED Use the ORDERED hint to access the tables in the FROM clause in the order 
they appear. 
PARALLEL Use the PARALLEL hint to request multiple server processes to simultaneously 
service the operations on the specified table. 
PUSH_SUBQ The PUSH_SUBQ evaluates subqueries earlier, rather than as a filter operation. 
ROWID Use the ROWID hint to access the table by ROWID. 
STAR STAR hint invokes the STAR query feature. 
USE_CONCAT USE_CONCAT is used when a SQL statement has multiple criteria ORed 
USE_HASH Use the USE_HASH hint to perform a hash join rather than a merge join or a 
nested loop join. 
USE_MERE Use the USE_MERGE hint to perform a merge join rather than a nested loop join 
or a hash join. 
Access Method Hints 
Listing 11 
SQL statement tuning requires an understanding of explan plans. Listing 12 displays the contents 
from a collection in the Oracle supplied plan_table. Oracle tools include Oracle Enterprise 
Manager Top Session, TKPROF (examines TRACE files), and the EXPLAIN command 
combined with a SQL statement to display the results. There are many third party tools such as 
Quest Software’s SQLab that assists the DBA with SQL explain plan tuning, among other 
The explain plan is a necessity for tuning SQL statements for both the rule-based and cost-based 
optimizers. Listing 12 shows how to load the plan table and query the results. This plan table 
can be set up for any user by running the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql script 
from SQL*Plus. 
select * from emp; 
------- ----------------------------- ------------- ------------0 SELECT 
joined over the join columns and then merging the results via the join columns. Explain Plan 
Table and Results 
Listing 12 
Explain plans can be difficult to interpret. Listing 13 describes the more common explain plan 
Access Rule Description 
AND-EQUAL Index values will be used to join rows. 
CONCATENATION SQL statement UNION command. 
FILTER FILTERs apply ‘other criteria’ in the query to further qualify the matching rows. 
The ‘other criteria’ include correlated subqueries, and HAVING clause. 
FIRST ROW SQL statement will be processed via a cursor. 
FOR UPDATE SQL statement clause ‘for update of’ placed row level locks on affected rows. 
INDEX (UNIQUE) SQL statement utilized a unique index to search for a specific value. 
INDEX (RANGE SCAN) SQL statement contains a nonequality or BETWEEN condition. 
HASH JOIN SQL statement initiated a hash-join operation. 
MERGE JOIN SQL statement references two or more tables, sorting the two result sets being 
NESTED LOOPS This operation is one form of joining tables, as opposed to a merge join. One 
row is retrieved from the row source identified by the first child operation, and 
then joined to all matching rows in the other table, identified in the second child 
expects to return multiple matches (ROWIDs) from the index search
PARTITION (CONCATTENATED) SQL statement will access a partitioned object and merge 
the retrieved rows from the accessed partitions. 
PARTITION (SINGLE) SQL statement will access a single partition. 
PARTITION (EMPTY) The SQL statement makes reference to an empty partition. 
SORT (ORDER BY) SQL statement contains an ORDER BY SQL command. 
SORT (AGREGATE) SQL statement initiated a sort to resolve a MIN or MAX type function. 
SORT (GROUP BY) SQL statement contains a GROUP BY SQL command. 
TABLE ACCESS (FULL) All rows are retrieved from the table without using an index. 
TABLE ACCESS (BY ROWID) A row was retrieved from a table based on the ROWID of the 
TABLE ACCESS (CLUSTER) A row is retrieved from a table that is part of an indexed cluster. 
UNION SQL statement contains a DISTINCT SQL command. 
Explain Plan Steps 
Listing 13 
Oracle8 has introduced three new columns: partition_start, partition_stop, and partition_id. These 
three new fields will aid in the tuning of SQL statements that access partitioned objects. The 
partition_start and partition_stop show the range of partitions that is affected by this explain step. 
The partition_id is identification number for that particular explain step. 
Finally, there are both good and poor ways to code SQL statements. Here are some guidelines for 
SQL statement coding that will help both the rule-based and the cost-based optimizers. 
DON’T use calculations in the where clause on indexed columns. Unless the intended behavior is 
to disable the index use, any function on indexed columns will ignore the index. 
DO use the IN operator instead of NOT. Try to avoid using the NOT command by using >=, <=, 
DON’T use an index if more than 20 percent of the rows will be returned by the query. 
DO use array processing whenever possible (Export, and Pro*C applications). 
DON’T use subqueries if other solutions exist (PL/SQL loop for example). 
DO use hints to insure the desired execution-plan results. 
DON’T write applications that use SQL execution-plan defaults. Oracle Corp makes no 
guarantees that default behavior will be maintained in future releases, or even between different 
hardware platforms

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Application sql issues_and_tuning

  • 1. Application SQL Issues and Tuning Dan Hotka Director of Database Field Operations Quest Software, Inc This paper and presentation are based SQL, the various tools available for gathering information and understanding various parts of the SQL Explain Plan, or the path that Oracle8/8i will use to find the data. Dan Hotka is a Director of Database Field Operations for Quest Software. He has over 21 years in the computer industry, including over 15 years experience with Oracle products. He is an acknowledged Oracle expert where his Oracle experience dates back to the Oracle V4.0 days. He has co-authored the popular books Oracle Unleashed, Oracle8 Server Unleashed, Oracle Developer Unleashed, and Special Edition Using Oracle8/8i from SAMS Publishing and frequently speaks at Oracle conferences and user groups around the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Chapter 24, Oracle8 Server Unleashed, SAMS Publishing isbn:0-672-31207-7 July 1999 Oracle Professional, Pinnacle Publications. Reproduced with permission from Pinnacle Publishing. All rights reserved. SQL Level Tuning should be the final phase of tuning. All too often, the other parts discussed in the previous parts of this series are overlooked. People sometimes view SQL tuning as the only area that requires tuning. The 80/20 rule applies to SQL level tuning as well. Twenty percent of the SQL statements will utilize over 80 percent of the resources. It is this 20 percent where we need to concentrate our efforts. There are a variety of explain-plan tools available from Oracle Corporation and various 3rd party vendors. Oracle Enterprise Manager has a SQL-monitor tool available. Oracle has always provided a variety of ways of capturing performance information in the form of TRACE files. These trace files are interpreted by TKPROF, a tool not for the novice. This final tuning installment will discuss various features of tuning at the SQL level, the Oracle optimizer choices, existing and new indexing features, and the SQL statements themselves. Resource-intensive and long running SQL queries will have the biggest impact on application performance. These SQL statements need to be identified and tuned first. There are many features previously discussed in this series aid in the performance of applications, namely procedures, functions, and triggers; the use of unrecoverable transactions (understanding the application needs); and pinning application code in the shared pool. This article will discuss the need to use better SQL coding techniques. Oracle has supported the compilation of functions, procedures, and triggers (procedural objects) since Oracle7. The resulting intermediate code does not need to be parsed or prepared for
  • 2. execution, saving considerable time at run-time. The compiler is automatically invoked when the procedural object is created or altered. Changes to the table structures can invalidate procedural objects, requiring them to be compiled again at run-time. The procedural objects can be manually re-compiled when they become invalidated. Listings 1 and 2 show the SQL syntax for manually invoking the compiler. alter procedure <PROCEDURE NAME> compile alter function <FUNCTION NAME> compile alter trigger <TRIGGER NAME> compile Procedure, Function, and Trigger Compile SQL Listing 1 If the procedure or function is part of a package, the whole package can be compiled or just the body. alter package <PACKAGE NAME> compile package alter package <PACKAGE NAME> compile body Package Compile Options Listing 2 SQL statements with nested subqueries can create an enormous amount of i/o traffic. Listing 3 is a correlated subquery where the outer query is executed one time for each row returned by the inner query. Listing 4 produces the same result but at a fraction of the i/o as it queries the look up table (the subquery of Listing 3) once, not once per each row. update EMP set sal = sal * 10 where exists (select ‘x’ from DEPT where DEPT.deptno = EMP.deptno) Correlated SQL statement Listing 3 DECLARE cursor c1 is select deptno from dept; work_deptno number; BEGIN open c1; loop fetch c1 into work_deptno;
  • 3. EXIT when c1%NOTFOUND update emp set sal = sal * 10 where deptno = work_deptno; end loop; END; PL/SQL Loop Example Listing 4 Using indexes greatly enhances the response time of most SQL statements. The rule of thumb here is if more than 20% of the rows of a table are going to be returned from the database then consideration on to use an index or not should be given. This is very dependent on the size of the table object. It is important to understand the various available indexing options so that the optimal indexing method is being utilized for a given SQL statement. Oracle7 introduced several new indexing options that improve on the traditional B*tree indexes. Oracle7 introduced bitmap indexes, star queries, histograms, and hash joins. Oracle8 introduced index-organized tables and reverse key indexes. Each of these new indexing options is only available to the cost-based optimizer. The first new indexing option available in Oracle7 is bitmap indexes. This indexing option is intended for columns with low cardinality of data such as color, sex, etc. A bitmap index stores all the values of a particular column in a series of bits. Each bit is related to a rowid in the table object. Oracle can quickly find rows in the index by simply searching for nonzero values. Figure 1 illustrates how the EMP table object might look in a bitmap index. Rows 10 20 30 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 EMP Bitmap Index Figure 1
  • 4. Listing 5 is a SQL query that will help identify table columns for possible bitmap index consideration. select owner "Owner", index_name "Index Name", distinct_keys "Distinct Keys" from DBA_INDEXES where distinct_keys < 15 Bitmap Index Candidates Listing 5 A star query involves a single table object being joined with several smaller table objects, where the driving table object has a concatenated index key and each of the smaller table objects is referenced by part of that concatenated key. The Oracle cost-based optimizer recognizes this arrangement and builds a memory-based cluster of the smaller tables. A histogram might be useful when there is not an even distribution of data throughout a table object. Prior to histograms, the Oracle optimizer assumed even distribution of values throughout the object. Figure 2 illustrates a histogram as a series of buckets. There are two kinds of histograms, width-balanced and height-balanced. Width-balance is where the values are divided up into an even number of buckets and the optimizer can easily determine as to which buckets have a higher count. In height-balanced histograms, each bucket has the same number of column values, but a column value may span more than one bucket. Figure 2 illustrates what the EMP table might look like in either of the types of histograms. Width-balanced Height-balanced 10 20 30 40 10 10 20 30 EMP Histogram Figure 2
  • 5. Histograms are implemented via the analyze command by specifying ‘column’ parameter. Histograms defaults to 75 buckets with a maximum of 255 defined buckets. Histograms can be created for indexes, tables, or clusters. Hash joins can dramatically increate performance of two joined tables, where one table is significantly larger than the other. This index option replaces the existing ‘sort-merge’ join algorithm. The hash join works by splitting two tables into partitions and creating a memory based hash table. This hash table is then used to map join columns from the other table, eliminating the need for a sort-merge. In the hash join method, both tables are scanned only once. In sort-merge, the smaller table can actually be read many times. Hash joins are implemented by the init.ora parameters HASH_JOIN_ENABLED, HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT, and HASH_AREA_SIZE. The reverse-key index introduced in Oracle8 reverses the order of the bytes of a numeric key. Reverse-key indexes are really useful in keeping the index balanced with sequence-number or incrementing type keys. The syntax in Listing 6 shows how easy it is to make regular indexes reversed and/or change the reverse key back to a regular key. create index <INDEX NAME> on <TABLE NAME> (<COLUMN NAME(S)>) reverse alter index <INDEX NAME> rebuild noreverse/reverse Reverse Key Index Syntax Listing 6 As far back as Oracle5, if Oracle could resolve a query from information in the index, it would not retrieve any rows from the actual table. This trick was utilized widely for group by functions or additions on an amount field. A DBA would simply add the common data to the end of the concatenated index key. Index-organized tables gives this same end result as there is no associated table object. Index-organized tables have an overflow option is where the nonindexed part of the row will be stored if the row size is over the percentage given. This will create a similar effect to that of row chaining. Index-organized tables may not be replicated or have additional index columns. Partitioning will be available in Oracle8.1. Listing 7 illustrates the syntax to create an index-organized table. The smaller tables of a star query are an excellent use for this index option. To help prevent fragmentation of the index, it is best to avoid tables with lots of update activity. create table <TABLE NAME> (field descriptions . . <FIELD NAME> primary key (<KEY FIELDS>)) organization index tablespace <TABLESPACE NAME> pctthreshold 20 overflow tablespace <TABLESPACE NAME>
  • 6. Index-organized Table Syntax Listing 7 When a SQL statement is presented to the Oracle kernel, it is parsed for proper syntax and an execution plan is developed. Think of this execution plan as a road map to the actual data. This execution plan can be visualized with the explain-plan query discussed later in this article. Oracle8 supports both the rule-based optimizer and the cost-based optimizer. The optimizers tell Oracle the best execution path for a particular SQL statement. The rule-based optimizer, the original optimizer, uses a series of nineteen rules to decide this path, see Listing 8. The optimizer gives the more preference the lower the rank. The rule-based optimizer is controlled by the order of the tables in the FROM clause, how the WHERE clause is coded, and what indexes are available. In a join table situation, the driving table will be the last table named in the FROM clause. Rank Where clause predicates 1 ROWID = constant 2 unique indexed column = constant 3 entire unique concatenated index = constant 4 entire cluster key = cluster key of object in same cluster 5 entire cluster key = constant 6 entire nonunique concatenated index = constant 7 nonunique index = constant 8 entire noncompressed concatenated index >= constant 9 entire compressed concatenated index >= constant 10 partial but leading columns of noncompressed concatenated index 11 partial but leading columns of compressed concatenated index 12 unique indexed column using the SQL statement BETWEEN or LIKE options 13 nonunique indexed column using the SQL statement BETWEEN or LIKE options 14 unique indexed column < or > constant 15 nonunique indexed column < or > constant 16 sort/merge 17 MAX or MIN SQL statement functions on indexed column 18 ORDER BY entire index 19 full table scans Rules for Rule-Based Optimizer
  • 7. Listing 8 The cost-based optimizer, introduced first in Oracle6, makes its explain-plan decisions based on statistics gathered by the ANALYZE command and stored in the data dictionary. Oracle will use the cost based optimizer if there are statistics collected. The init.ora parameter, OPTIMZER_MODE must be set to CHOOSE or COST to utilize the cost-based optimizer. It is important to keep these statistics current when inserting and updating table objects. Analyzing large table objects can take a considerable amount of CPU and sort resources. Oracle does offer an ‘ESTIMATE’ clause, however, the percentage given with this estimate option only applies from the beginning of the table object, not a random selection from the entire object. Listing 9 illustrates the analyze syntax. analyze table <TABLE NAME> estimate Analyze Command Listing 9 Hints are used to make recommendations to the cost-based optimizer. Please note that Oracle can decide to ignore hints. Hints can be used to control the optimizer’s goal, access methods, join conditions, parallel, and partitioning options. Hints are specified as part of the SQL statement syntax. Listing 10 shows an ALL_ROWS hint in the EMP table object. select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ ename, sal from EMP where SAL > 1000 Hint in EMP SQL statement Listing 10 The optimizer goal hint controls one of three cost-based optimizer modes: RULE will force the rule-based optimizer, FIRST_ROWS (best response) and ALL_ROWS (best throughput) will use the cost-based optimizer and force the optimizer to the desired goal. Most of the access-method-controlling hints are listed in Listing 11. Hint Description AND_EQUAL Use the AND_EQUAL hint when more than one equality criterion exists on a single table. CACHE Use the CACHE hint to place the entire table in the buffer cache. The table is placed at the most recently used end of the buffer cache. This hint is good for small tables that are accessed often. CLUSTER Use the CLUSTER hint to access a table in a cluster without the use of an index. FULL Use the FULL hint to perform a full table scan on a table.
  • 8. HASH Use the HASH hint to access a table in a hashed cluster without the use of an index. INDEX Use an INDEX hint to instruct ORACLE to use one of the indexes specified as a parameter. INDEX_COMBINE The INDEX_COMBINE forces the use of bitmap indexes. NOCACHE Use the NOCACHE hint to place the blocks of the table at the beginning of the buffer cache so as not to age any blocks out. NOPARALLEL Use the NOPARALLEL hint to not use multiple-server processes to service the operations on the specified table. ORDERED Use the ORDERED hint to access the tables in the FROM clause in the order they appear. PARALLEL Use the PARALLEL hint to request multiple server processes to simultaneously service the operations on the specified table. PUSH_SUBQ The PUSH_SUBQ evaluates subqueries earlier, rather than as a filter operation. ROWID Use the ROWID hint to access the table by ROWID. STAR STAR hint invokes the STAR query feature. USE_CONCAT USE_CONCAT is used when a SQL statement has multiple criteria ORed together. USE_HASH Use the USE_HASH hint to perform a hash join rather than a merge join or a nested loop join. USE_MERE Use the USE_MERGE hint to perform a merge join rather than a nested loop join or a hash join. Access Method Hints Listing 11 SQL statement tuning requires an understanding of explan plans. Listing 12 displays the contents from a collection in the Oracle supplied plan_table. Oracle tools include Oracle Enterprise Manager Top Session, TKPROF (examines TRACE files), and the EXPLAIN command combined with a SQL statement to display the results. There are many third party tools such as Quest Software’s SQLab that assists the DBA with SQL explain plan tuning, among other features. The explain plan is a necessity for tuning SQL statements for both the rule-based and cost-based optimizers. Listing 12 shows how to load the plan table and query the results. This plan table can be set up for any user by running the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql script from SQL*Plus. EXPLAIN PLAN INTO PLAN _TABLE FOR select * from emp; select COST, OPERATION, OPTIONS, OBJECT_NAME from PLAN_TABLE; COST OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME
  • 9. ------- ----------------------------- ------------- ------------0 SELECT STATEMENT 3 TABLE ACCESS FULL EMP joined over the join columns and then merging the results via the join columns. Explain Plan Table and Results Listing 12 Explain plans can be difficult to interpret. Listing 13 describes the more common explain plan steps. Access Rule Description AND-EQUAL Index values will be used to join rows. CONCATENATION SQL statement UNION command. FILTER FILTERs apply ‘other criteria’ in the query to further qualify the matching rows. The ‘other criteria’ include correlated subqueries, and HAVING clause. FIRST ROW SQL statement will be processed via a cursor. FOR UPDATE SQL statement clause ‘for update of’ placed row level locks on affected rows. INDEX (UNIQUE) SQL statement utilized a unique index to search for a specific value. INDEX (RANGE SCAN) SQL statement contains a nonequality or BETWEEN condition. HASH JOIN SQL statement initiated a hash-join operation. MERGE JOIN SQL statement references two or more tables, sorting the two result sets being NESTED LOOPS This operation is one form of joining tables, as opposed to a merge join. One row is retrieved from the row source identified by the first child operation, and then joined to all matching rows in the other table, identified in the second child operation. NONUNIQUE INDEX (RANGE SCAN) The RANGE SCAN option indicates that ORACLE expects to return multiple matches (ROWIDs) from the index search
  • 10. PARTITION (CONCATTENATED) SQL statement will access a partitioned object and merge the retrieved rows from the accessed partitions. PARTITION (SINGLE) SQL statement will access a single partition. PARTITION (EMPTY) The SQL statement makes reference to an empty partition. SORT (ORDER BY) SQL statement contains an ORDER BY SQL command. SORT (AGREGATE) SQL statement initiated a sort to resolve a MIN or MAX type function. SORT (GROUP BY) SQL statement contains a GROUP BY SQL command. TABLE ACCESS (FULL) All rows are retrieved from the table without using an index. TABLE ACCESS (BY ROWID) A row was retrieved from a table based on the ROWID of the row. TABLE ACCESS (CLUSTER) A row is retrieved from a table that is part of an indexed cluster. UNION SQL statement contains a DISTINCT SQL command. Explain Plan Steps Listing 13 Oracle8 has introduced three new columns: partition_start, partition_stop, and partition_id. These three new fields will aid in the tuning of SQL statements that access partitioned objects. The partition_start and partition_stop show the range of partitions that is affected by this explain step. The partition_id is identification number for that particular explain step. Finally, there are both good and poor ways to code SQL statements. Here are some guidelines for SQL statement coding that will help both the rule-based and the cost-based optimizers. DON’T use calculations in the where clause on indexed columns. Unless the intended behavior is to disable the index use, any function on indexed columns will ignore the index. DO use the IN operator instead of NOT. Try to avoid using the NOT command by using >=, <=, etc. DON’T use an index if more than 20 percent of the rows will be returned by the query. DO use array processing whenever possible (Export, and Pro*C applications). DON’T use subqueries if other solutions exist (PL/SQL loop for example). DO use hints to insure the desired execution-plan results. DON’T write applications that use SQL execution-plan defaults. Oracle Corp makes no guarantees that default behavior will be maintained in future releases, or even between different hardware platforms