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How YARN Timeline Service v.2 Unlocks 360-Degree
Platform Insights at Scale
Sangjin Lee @sjlee (Twitter)
Joep Rottinghuis @joep (Twitter)
• Why v.2?
• Highlights
• Developing for Timeline Service v.2
• Setting up Timeline Service v.2
• Milestones
• Demo
Why v.2?
• YARN Timeline Service v 1.x
• Gained good adoption: Tez, HIVE, Pig, etc.
• Keeps improving with v 1.5 APIs and storage implementation
• Still facing some fundamental challenges...
Why v.2?
• Scalability and reliability challenges
• Single instance of Timeline Server
• Storage (single local LevelDB instance)
• Usability
• Flow
• Metrics and configuration as first-class citizens
• Metrics aggregation up the entity hierarchy

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v.1 v.2
Single writer/reader Timeline Server Distributed writer/collector architecture
Single local LevelDB storage* Scalable storage (HBase)
v.1 entity model New v.2 entity model
No aggregation Metrics aggregation
REST API Richer query REST API
• Separation of writers (“collectors”) and readers
• Distributed collectors: one collector for each app
• Dedicated RM collector for RM-generated data
• Collector discovery via RM
• Pluggable storage with HBase as default storage
Distributed collectors & readers
What is a flow?
• A flow is a group of YARN
applications that are launched as
parts of a logical app
• Oozie, Scalding, Pig, etc.
• name:
• run id: 1466097809000
• version: “b9b9068”

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Recently, a set of modern table formats such as Delta Lake, Hudi, Iceberg spring out. Along with Hive Metastore these table formats are trying to solve problems that stand in traditional data lake for a long time with their declared features like ACID, schema evolution, upsert, time travel, incremental consumption etc.

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Configuration and metrics
• Now explicit top-level attributes of
• Fine-grained updates and queries
made possible
• “update metric A to value x”
• “query entities where config A = B”
Configuration and metrics
• Now explicit top-level attributes of
• Fine-grained updates and queries
made possible
• “update metric A to value x”
• “query entities where config A = B”
HBase Storage
• Scalable backend
• Row Key structure
• efficient range scans
• KeyPrefixRegionSplitPolicy
• Filter pushdown
• Coprocessors for flow aggregation (“readless” aggregation)
• Cell tags for metadata (application id, aggregation operation)
• Cell timestamps generated during put
• left shifted with app id added to avoid overwrites
Tables in HBase
• flow run
• application
• entity
• flow activity
• app to flow

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Memory leaks are not always simple or easy to find. Heap dumps from production systems are often gigantic (4+ gigs) with millions of objects in memory. Simple spot checking with traditional tools is woefully inadequate in these situations, especially with real data. Leaks can be entire object graphs with enormous amounts of noise. This session will show you how to build custom tools using the Apache NetBeans Profiler/Heapwalker APIs. Using these APIs, you can read and analyze Java heaps programmatically to ask really hard questions. This gives you the power to analyze complex object graphs with tens of thousands of objects in seconds.

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table: flow run
Row key:
• most recent flow run stored first
• coprocessor enabled
table: application
Row key:
• applications within a flow run stored
• most recent flow run stored first
table: entity
Row key:
• entities within an application within a flow run stored together per
• for example, all containers within a yarn application will be stored
• pre-split table
• stores information per entity run like info, relatesTo, relatedTo,
events, metrics, config
table: flow activity
Row key:
• shows the flows that ran on that day
• stores information per flow like number of
runs, the run ids, versions

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Implementing End-To-End Tracing With Roman Kolesnev and Antony Stubbs | Current 2022 Can you answer how a given event came to be? Is it an aggregation, a combination of multiple events with different sources? What are its origins? Given the growing complexity of event streaming architectures - stateful processing, joins, fan-outs, multi-cluster flows - it is increasingly important to be able to accurately answer those questions, understand data flows and capture data provenance. This talk will walk through how to use and extend OpenTelemetry Java agent auto instrumentation to achieve full end-to-end traceability in Kafka event streaming architectures involving multi-cluster deployments, the Connect platform, stateful KStream applications and ksqlDB workloads. We will cover: - Distributed Tracing concepts - context propagation and the OpenTelemetry implementation stack; - Java agent auto instrumentation, problems faced when instrumenting service platforms (Connect and ksqlDB), stateful applications (KStreams and ksqlDB) and how auto instrumentation can be extended using loadable extensions to solve those problems; - Demo of an end-to-end tracing implementation and a highlight of the interesting use cases it enables.

event streaming architecturesend-to-end traceabilitykafka events
table: appToFlow
Row key:
- stores mapping of appId to
flowName and flowRunId
Metrics aggregation
• Application level
• Rolls up sub-application metrics
• Performed in real time in the collectors in memory
• Flow run level
• Rolls up app level metrics
• Performed in HBase region servers via coprocessors
• Offline aggregation (TBD)
• Rolls up on user, queue, and flow offline periodically
• Phoenix tables
via the HBase
via the HBase

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ORC files were originally introduced in Hive, but have now migrated to an independent Apache project. This has sped up the development of ORC and simplified integrating ORC into other projects, such as Hadoop, Spark, Presto, and Nifi. There are also many new tools that are built on top of ORC, such as Hive’s ACID transactions and LLAP, which provides incredibly fast reads for your hot data. LLAP also provides strong security guarantees that allow each user to only see the rows and columns that they have permission for. This talk will discuss the details of the ORC and Parquet formats and what the relevant tradeoffs are. In particular, it will discuss how to format your data and the options to use to maximize your read performance. In particular, we’ll discuss when and how to use ORC’s schema evolution, bloom filters, and predicate push down. It will also show you how to use the tools to translate ORC files into human-readable formats, such as JSON, and display the rich metadata from the file including the type in the file and min, max, and count for each column.

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Reader REST API: paths
• URLs under /ws/v2/timeline
• Canonical REST style URLs:
• Path elements may be omitted if they can be inferred
• flow context can be inferred by app id
• default cluster is assumed if cluster is omitted
Setting up Timeline Service v.2
• Set up the HBase cluster (1.1.x)
• Add the timeline service jar to HBase
• Install the flow run coprocessor
• Create tables via TimelineSchemaCreator utility
• Configure the YARN cluster
• Enable Timeline Service v.2
• Add hbase-site.xml for the timeline collector and readers
• Start the timeline reader daemon
Milestone 1 ("Alpha 1")
• Merge discussion (YARN-2928) in progress as we speak!
✓ Complete end-to-end read/write flow
✓ Real time application and flow
✓ New entity model
✓ HBase Storage
✓ Integration with Distributed Shell
and MapReduce
✓ YARN generic events and system
Milestones - Future
• Milestone 2 (“Alpha 2”)
• Integration with new YARN
• Integration with more
• Beta
• Freeze API and storage schema
• Security
• Collectors as containers
• Storage fault tolerance
• Production-ready
• Migration-ready

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Kafka is an open source messaging system that can handle massive streams of data in real-time. It is fast, scalable, durable, and fault-tolerant. Kafka is commonly used for stream processing, website activity tracking, metrics collection, and log aggregation. It supports high throughput, reliable delivery, and horizontal scalability. Some examples of real-time use cases for Kafka include website monitoring, network monitoring, fraud detection, and IoT applications.

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In this talk by Sean Glover, Principal Engineer at Lightbend, we will review how the Strimzi Kafka Operator, a supported technology in Lightbend Platform, makes many operational tasks in Kafka easy, such as the initial deployment and updates of a Kafka and ZooKeeper cluster. See the blog post containing the YouTube video here:

Timeline Service v.2 (Hadoop Summit 2016)
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Timeline Service v.2 (Hadoop Summit 2016)

This document summarizes the new YARN Timeline Service version 2, which was developed to address scalability, reliability, and usability challenges in version 1. Key highlights of version 2 include a distributed collector architecture for scalable and fault-tolerant writing of timeline data, an entity data model with first-class configuration and metrics support, and metrics aggregation capabilities. It stores data in HBase for scalability and provides a richer REST API for querying. Milestone goals include integration with more frameworks and production readiness.

• Li Lu, Junping Du, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (Hortonworks)
• Varun Saxena, Naganarasimha G. R. (Huawei)
• Sangjin Lee, Vrushali Channapattan, Joep Rottinghuis (Twitter)
• Zhijie Shen (now at Facebook)
• The HBase and Phoenix community!
Thank you!

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HBaseConEast2016: How yarn timeline service v.2 unlocks 360 degree platform insights at scale

  • 1. (Big Data)2 How YARN Timeline Service v.2 Unlocks 360-Degree Platform Insights at Scale Sangjin Lee @sjlee (Twitter) Joep Rottinghuis @joep (Twitter)
  • 2. Outline • Why v.2? • Highlights • Developing for Timeline Service v.2 • Setting up Timeline Service v.2 • Milestones • Demo
  • 3. Why v.2? • YARN Timeline Service v 1.x • Gained good adoption: Tez, HIVE, Pig, etc. • Keeps improving with v 1.5 APIs and storage implementation • Still facing some fundamental challenges...
  • 4. Why v.2? • Scalability and reliability challenges • Single instance of Timeline Server • Storage (single local LevelDB instance) • Usability • Flow • Metrics and configuration as first-class citizens • Metrics aggregation up the entity hierarchy
  • 5. Highlights v.1 v.2 Single writer/reader Timeline Server Distributed writer/collector architecture Single local LevelDB storage* Scalable storage (HBase) v.1 entity model New v.2 entity model No aggregation Metrics aggregation REST API Richer query REST API
  • 6. Architecture • Separation of writers (“collectors”) and readers • Distributed collectors: one collector for each app • Dedicated RM collector for RM-generated data • Collector discovery via RM • Pluggable storage with HBase as default storage
  • 8. What is a flow? • A flow is a group of YARN applications that are launched as parts of a logical app • Oozie, Scalding, Pig, etc. • name: “frequent_visitor_stat” • run id: 1466097809000 • version: “b9b9068”
  • 9. Configuration and metrics • Now explicit top-level attributes of entities • Fine-grained updates and queries made possible • “update metric A to value x” • “query entities where config A = B”
  • 10. Configuration and metrics • Now explicit top-level attributes of entities • Fine-grained updates and queries made possible • “update metric A to value x” • “query entities where config A = B”
  • 11. HBase Storage • Scalable backend • Row Key structure • efficient range scans • KeyPrefixRegionSplitPolicy • Filter pushdown • Coprocessors for flow aggregation (“readless” aggregation) • Cell tags for metadata (application id, aggregation operation) • Cell timestamps generated during put • left shifted with app id added to avoid overwrites
  • 12. Tables in HBase • flow run • application • entity • flow activity • app to flow
  • 13. table: flow run Row key: clusterId!userName!flo wName!inverted(flowRun Id) • most recent flow run stored first • coprocessor enabled
  • 14. table: application Row key: clusterId!userName!flowN ame!inverted(flowRunId)! AppId • applications within a flow run stored together • most recent flow run stored first
  • 15. table: entity Row key: userName!clusterId!flowName!inverted(flo wRunId)!AppId!entityType!entityId • entities within an application within a flow run stored together per type • for example, all containers within a yarn application will be stored together • pre-split table • stores information per entity run like info, relatesTo, relatedTo, events, metrics, config
  • 16. table: flow activity Row key: clusterId!inverted(TopOfTh eDay)!userName!flowName • shows the flows that ran on that day • stores information per flow like number of runs, the run ids, versions
  • 17. table: appToFlow Row key: clusterId!appId - stores mapping of appId to flowName and flowRunId
  • 18. Metrics aggregation • Application level • Rolls up sub-application metrics • Performed in real time in the collectors in memory • Flow run level • Rolls up app level metrics • Performed in HBase region servers via coprocessors • Offline aggregation (TBD) • Rolls up on user, queue, and flow offline periodically • Phoenix tables
  • 21. Reader REST API: paths • URLs under /ws/v2/timeline • Canonical REST style URLs: /ws/v2/timeline/clusters/cluster_name/users/user_name/flows/flow_n ame/runs/run_id • Path elements may be omitted if they can be inferred • flow context can be inferred by app id • default cluster is assumed if cluster is omitted
  • 22. Setting up Timeline Service v.2 • Set up the HBase cluster (1.1.x) • Add the timeline service jar to HBase • Install the flow run coprocessor • Create tables via TimelineSchemaCreator utility • Configure the YARN cluster • Enable Timeline Service v.2 • Add hbase-site.xml for the timeline collector and readers • Start the timeline reader daemon
  • 23. Milestone 1 ("Alpha 1") • Merge discussion (YARN-2928) in progress as we speak! ✓ Complete end-to-end read/write flow ✓ Real time application and flow aggregation ✓ New entity model ✓ HBase Storage ✓ Rich REST API ✓ Integration with Distributed Shell and MapReduce ✓ YARN generic events and system metrics
  • 24. Milestones - Future • Milestone 2 (“Alpha 2”) • Integration with new YARN UI • Integration with more frameworks • Beta • Freeze API and storage schema • Security • Collectors as containers • Storage fault tolerance • Production-ready • Migration-ready
  • 25. Contributors • Li Lu, Junping Du, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli (Hortonworks) • Varun Saxena, Naganarasimha G. R. (Huawei) • Sangjin Lee, Vrushali Channapattan, Joep Rottinghuis (Twitter) • Zhijie Shen (now at Facebook) • The HBase and Phoenix community!