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hbaseconasia2019 Recent work on HBase at Pinterest
Recent work on HBase at Pinterest
Lianghong Xu
Pinterest Software Engineer, Tech Lead
HBase at Pinterest
• Backend for many critical services
• Graph database (Zen)
• Generic KV store (UMS)
• Around 50 HBase clusters
• HBase 0.94 since 2013, HBase 1.2 since 2016
• Internal repo with ZSTD, CCSMAP, Bucket cache, etc.
• Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database
• Sparrow: Omid made scalable
• Argus: database observer framework
• Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
• Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database
• Sparrow: Omid made scalable
• Argus: database observer framework
• Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
NoSQL Embracing Transactions
NoSQL Embracing Transactions
NoSQL Embracing Transactions
Apache Omid at Pinterest
• Omid (Optimistically transaction Management In Datastores)
• Transaction framework on top of KV stores with HBase support
• Open-sourced by Yahoo! in 2016
• Powers next generation of Ads indexing at Pinterest
Apache Omid at Pinterest
• Omid (Optimistically transaction Management In Datastores)
• Transaction framework on top of KV stores with HBase support
• Open-sourced by Yahoo! in 2016
• Powers next generation of Ads indexing at Pinterest
• Pros: simple, reasonable performance, HA, pluggable backend with native HBase support
• Cons: No SQL interface, limited isolation levels, requires MVCC support
Omid Architecture
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Omid internals
• Leverages Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) support in HBase
• Transaction ID (begin timestamp) in version, commit timestamp in shadow cell
• OCC: lock-free implementation with central conflict detection mechanism
Omid data and commit table
• Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database
• Sparrow: Omid made scalable
• Argus: database observer framework
• Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
Omid Architecture
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Omid Scalability Problem
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Centralized batch
commit to HBase
Omid Scalability Problem
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Centralized batch
commit to HBase
Single-threaded request/reply
processor for serializability
Sparrow Architecture
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Single-threaded request/reply
processor for serializability
Sparrow Architecture
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Single-threaded request/reply
processor for serializability
Distributed client-side commit
Sparrow Architecture
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Distributed client-side commit
Parallel request processing
Sparrow: Omid made scalable
Client Transaction
Manager (TM)
timestamp/commit status
Data tables
Distributed client-side commit
Parallel conflict detection
Performance bottleneck
Sparrow techniques
• Client-side commit
• Client writes to commit table when there is no conflicts
• Explicitly mark aborted txn in commit table (-1)
• Reader may back off and abort concurrent writer in case of client failure or network partition
• Avoid performance bottleneck on TM
• Parallel request processing
• Multi-threaded request processor with in-memory conflict map
• beginTx no longer needs to wait until whole commit batch is written to HBase
• Timestamp allocation still needs to be synchronized (with negligible overhead)
Sparrow vs. Omid
beginTx P99: ~100X reduction
commitTx P99: ~3X reduction
• Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database
• Sparrow: Omid made scalable
• Argus: database observer framework
• Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
Argus: Motivation and Problem Statement
• Clients request a real-time notification feature similar to a database trigger
• Incremental processing based on database changes
• Notification cannot be missed - ”at least once”
• Notification events could have different priorities and object types
Kafka-based Notification Pipeline
Kafka-based Notification Pipeline
• Special notification column
• Observer threads periodically scan for changes
• Heavy-weight distributed scan and locking
Kafka-based Notification Pipeline
• Special notification column
• Observer threads periodically scan for changes
• Heavy-weight distributed scan and locking
• Async notification by tailing HBase WAL
• Kafka for replayable DB change stream
• Support different priorities and types
• Lightweight, minimal impact on DB
Argus Architecture
Annotated requests
Notification events (Kafka)
• HBase annotation: extra metadata in HBase requests to be passed down into WAL
• Replication Proxy: ”fake” regionservers with only replication RPC implemented
Argus Observers
• Process notification events in parallel with user-defined handlers
• Event dispatching, filtering, collapse, etc.
• Notification Handlers can be chained
Argus Observers
• Process notification events in parallel with user-defined handlers
• Event dispatching, filtering, collapse, etc.
• Notification Handlers can be chained
Use case on Ads indexing:
Batch processing (15 mins) -> incremental indexing (several seconds)
• Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database
• Sparrow: Omid made scalable
• Argus: database observer framework
• Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
Ixia: Motivation
• Clients ask for secondary indexing support in HBase
• Analytics queries on HBase columns (filtering, range, aggregation)
• Why not SQL?
• Index build could take a long time
• Lack of horizontal scalability and tuning expertise
Ixia: Near-realtime Indexing with HBase + Muse (In-house Search Engine)
• Inspired by Lily indexer (HBase + Solr)
• Secondary indexes in Muse (written in C++, fast in-memory inverted/forward index)
• Source-of-truth data in HBase
• Index built asynchronously with HBase WAL through Kafka
• Ixia query engine: Thrift-based query service with a SQL-like interface
Ixia: Architecture
Client HBase
Index events (Kafka)
Muse index docs
MuseQuery engine
search query
DB retrieval
Ixia: Pros and Cons
Pros Cons
Minimal impact on write path
Index and data stores scaled separately
Efficient indexing & retrieval
No strong index consistency
Ixia: status and future work
• Batch indexing in prod, reducing indexing time by ~15X
• Query engine serving full dark traffic, reducing query latency by up to 100X
• Future work:
• Realtime indexing into production
• SQL support
• Dynamic index backfilling

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HBaseConAsia2018 Track1-3: HBase at Xiaomi
Michael Stack

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hbaseconasia2019 Recent work on HBase at Pinterest

  • 2. Recent work on HBase at Pinterest Lianghong Xu Pinterest Software Engineer, Tech Lead
  • 4. HBase at Pinterest • Backend for many critical services • Graph database (Zen) • Generic KV store (UMS) • Around 50 HBase clusters • HBase 0.94 since 2013, HBase 1.2 since 2016 • Internal repo with ZSTD, CCSMAP, Bucket cache, etc.
  • 5. Agenda • Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database • Sparrow: Omid made scalable • Argus: database observer framework • Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
  • 6. Agenda • Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database • Sparrow: Omid made scalable • Argus: database observer framework • Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
  • 7. NoSQL Embracing Transactions SQL NoSQL Relational Transactional Expressive Simple Fast Scalable
  • 8. NoSQL Embracing Transactions SQL NoSQL Relational Transactional Expressive Simple Fast Scalable
  • 9. NoSQL Embracing Transactions SQL NoSQL Relational Transactional Expressive Simple Fast Scalable
  • 10. Apache Omid at Pinterest • Omid (Optimistically transaction Management In Datastores) • Transaction framework on top of KV stores with HBase support • Open-sourced by Yahoo! in 2016 • Powers next generation of Ads indexing at Pinterest
  • 11. Apache Omid at Pinterest • Omid (Optimistically transaction Management In Datastores) • Transaction framework on top of KV stores with HBase support • Open-sourced by Yahoo! in 2016 • Powers next generation of Ads indexing at Pinterest • Pros: simple, reasonable performance, HA, pluggable backend with native HBase support • Cons: No SQL interface, limited isolation levels, requires MVCC support
  • 12. Omid Architecture Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit
  • 13. Omid internals • Leverages Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) support in HBase • Transaction ID (begin timestamp) in version, commit timestamp in shadow cell • OCC: lock-free implementation with central conflict detection mechanism Omid data and commit table
  • 14. Agenda • Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database • Sparrow: Omid made scalable • Argus: database observer framework • Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
  • 15. Omid Architecture Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit
  • 16. Omid Scalability Problem Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit Centralized batch commit to HBase
  • 17. Omid Scalability Problem Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit Centralized batch commit to HBase Single-threaded request/reply processor for serializability
  • 18. Sparrow Architecture Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit Single-threaded request/reply processor for serializability
  • 19. Sparrow Architecture Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit Single-threaded request/reply processor for serializability persist commit Distributed client-side commit
  • 20. Sparrow Architecture Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit Distributed client-side commit Parallel request processing
  • 21. Sparrow: Omid made scalable Client Transaction Manager (TM) begin/commit timestamp/commit status Data tables Commit table read/write check commit persist commit Distributed client-side commit Parallel conflict detection persist commit Performance bottleneck
  • 22. Sparrow techniques • Client-side commit • Client writes to commit table when there is no conflicts • Explicitly mark aborted txn in commit table (-1) • Reader may back off and abort concurrent writer in case of client failure or network partition • Avoid performance bottleneck on TM • Parallel request processing • Multi-threaded request processor with in-memory conflict map • beginTx no longer needs to wait until whole commit batch is written to HBase • Timestamp allocation still needs to be synchronized (with negligible overhead)
  • 23. Sparrow vs. Omid beginTx P99: ~100X reduction commitTx P99: ~3X reduction
  • 24. Agenda • Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database • Sparrow: Omid made scalable • Argus: database observer framework • Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
  • 25. Argus: Motivation and Problem Statement • Clients request a real-time notification feature similar to a database trigger • Incremental processing based on database changes • Notification cannot be missed - ”at least once” • Notification events could have different priorities and object types
  • 27. Kafka-based Notification Pipeline Percolator (Google) • Special notification column • Observer threads periodically scan for changes • Heavy-weight distributed scan and locking
  • 28. Kafka-based Notification Pipeline Percolator (Google) Argus • Special notification column • Observer threads periodically scan for changes • Heavy-weight distributed scan and locking • Async notification by tailing HBase WAL • Kafka for replayable DB change stream • Support different priorities and types • Lightweight, minimal impact on DB
  • 29. Argus Architecture Client Argus Observer HBase Annotated requests Replication proxy WAL Notification events (Kafka) read/write • HBase annotation: extra metadata in HBase requests to be passed down into WAL • Replication Proxy: ”fake” regionservers with only replication RPC implemented
  • 30. Argus Observers • Process notification events in parallel with user-defined handlers • Event dispatching, filtering, collapse, etc. • Notification Handlers can be chained
  • 31. Argus Observers • Process notification events in parallel with user-defined handlers • Event dispatching, filtering, collapse, etc. • Notification Handlers can be chained Use case on Ads indexing: Batch processing (15 mins) -> incremental indexing (several seconds)
  • 32. Agenda • Omid: transaction layer for NoSQL database • Sparrow: Omid made scalable • Argus: database observer framework • Ixia: near-realtime HBase indexing
  • 33. Ixia: Motivation • Clients ask for secondary indexing support in HBase • Analytics queries on HBase columns (filtering, range, aggregation) • Why not SQL? • Index build could take a long time • Lack of horizontal scalability and tuning expertise
  • 34. Ixia: Near-realtime Indexing with HBase + Muse (In-house Search Engine) • Inspired by Lily indexer (HBase + Solr) • Secondary indexes in Muse (written in C++, fast in-memory inverted/forward index) • Source-of-truth data in HBase • Index built asynchronously with HBase WAL through Kafka • Ixia query engine: Thrift-based query service with a SQL-like interface
  • 35. Ixia: Architecture Client HBase Replication proxy WAL Indexer Index events (Kafka) write Muse index docs MuseQuery engine query search query DB retrieval Index manager Index schema
  • 36. Ixia: Pros and Cons Pros Cons Minimal impact on write path Index and data stores scaled separately Efficient indexing & retrieval No strong index consistency
  • 37. Ixia: status and future work • Batch indexing in prod, reducing indexing time by ~15X • Query engine serving full dark traffic, reducing query latency by up to 100X • Future work: • Realtime indexing into production • SQL support • Dynamic index backfilling