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CloudNativeCon Europe 2017
March 30, 2017
Satoshi Tagomori (@tagomoris)
Treasure Data, Inc.
Fluentd, MessagePack-Ruby, Norikra, ...
Treasure Data, Inc.
The Patterns of Distributed Logging and Containers
The Patterns of Distributed Logging and Containers
1. Microservices, Containers and Logging
2. Scaling Logging Platform
3. Patterns: Source/Destination -side Aggregation
4. Patterns: Scaling Up/Out Destination
5. Practices
Logging in Industries
• Service Logs
• Web access logs
• Ad logs
• Commercial transaction logs for analytics (EC, Game, ...)
• System Logs
• Syslog and other OS logs
• Audit logs
• Performance metrics
Logs for
Business Growth
Logs for
Service Stability
Microservices and Logging
LAMP/Rails/MEAN/... Apps
Recommendation Shopping cart Reviews Ads ...
Monolithic service Microservices
Microservices and Containers
• Microservices
• Isolated dependencies
• Agile deployment
• Containers
• Isolated environments & resources
• Simple pull&restart deployment
• Less overhead, high density
Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers
• Containerization changes everything:
• No permanent storages
• No fixed physical/network addresses
• No fixed mapping between servers and roles
Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers
• Containerization changes everything:
• No permanent storages
• No fixed physical/network addresses
• No fixed mapping between servers and roles
Transfer Logs to Anywhere ASAP
Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers
• Containerization changes everything:
• No permanent storages
• No fixed physical/network addresses
• No fixed mapping between servers and roles
Push Logs From Containers
Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers
• Containerization changes everything:
• No permanent storages
• No fixed physical/network addresses
• No fixed mapping between servers and roles
Label Logs With Service Names/Tags
Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers
• Containerization changes everything:
• No permanent storages
• No fixed physical/network addresses
• No fixed mapping between servers and roles
Label Logs With Service Names/Tags
Parse Logs & Label Values At Source
Structured Logs
Structured Logs: tag, time, key-value pairs
Original log:
the customer put an item to cart: item_id=101, items=10, client=web
Structured log:
2017-03-30 16:35:37 +0100
"container_id": "bfdd5b9....",
"container_name": "/infallible_mayer",
"source": "stdout",
"event": "put an item to cart",
"item_id": 101,
"items": 10,
"client": "web"
How to Ship Logs from Docker Containers
nginx, mysql, ....
log files
read files,
parse plain texts
apps, middleware
json log files
read files,
parse json lines
just receive
transferred logs
apps, middleware
just receive
transferred logs
mounted volume
container json logs
Sending logs
to agents directly
logging drivers
+ disk I/O penalty
+ mount points
+ disk I/O penalty
+ logger code
+ agent config 😃
Core Architecture: Distributed Logging
Source (Container + Agent)
Transferring/Aggregation layer
Destination (Storage, Database, Service)
Distributed Logging Workflow
• Retrieve raw logs: file system / network
• Parse log content
• Get data from multiple sources
• Split/merge incoming data into streams
• Retrieve structured logs from Aggregator
• Store formatted logs
Scaling Logging
• Network Traffic
• Split heavy log traffic into traffics to nodes
• CPU Load
• Distribute processing to nodes about parsing/formatting logs
• High Availability
• Switch traffic from a node to another for failures
• Agility
• Reconfigure whole logging layer to modify destinations
Source Side Aggregation
Now I'm Talking About:
Source Side
Destination Side
Source-side Aggregation Patterns
Source-side Aggregation
Source-side Aggregation
Aggregation Pattern without Source-side Aggregation
• Pros:
• Simple configuration
• Cons:
• Fixed aggregator (destination endpoint) address

configured in containers
• Many network connections
• High load in aggregator / destination
Aggregation Pattern with Source-side Aggregation
• Pros:
• Less connections
• Lower load in aggregator / destination
• Less configurations in containers
• More agility

(aggregate containers can be reconfigured)
• Cons:
• Need more resources (+1 container per host)
Destination-side Aggregation Patterns
Destination-side Aggregation
Destination-side Aggregation
Aggregation Pattern without Destination-side Aggregation
• Pros:
• Less nodes
• Simpler configuration
• Cons:
• Destination changes affects all source nodes
• Worse performance:

many small write requests on destination(storage)
• Pros:
• Destination changes does NOT affect source nodes
• Better performance:

destination aggregator can merge write operations
• Cons:
• More nodes
• More complex configuration
Aggregation Pattern with Destination-side Aggregation
Now I'm Talking About:
Scaling Destination Patterns
Scaling Up
Aggregator/Destination Endpoints
Scaling Out
Aggregator/Destination Endpoints
Load balancer
Huge queue
Using HTTP Load Balancer
or Huge Queues
Using Round Robin Clients
• Pros:
• Simple configuration:

specifying load balancer only

in collector nodes
• Cons:
• Upper limits about scaling up

on Load balancer (or queue)
Scaling Up Destination
Load balancer
Huge queue
Scaling Out Destination
• Pros:
• Unlimited scaling by adding nodes
• Cons:
• Complex configuration in collector nodes
• Client feature required for round-robin
• Unavailable for traffic over Internet
Destination-side Aggregation and Destination Scaling
Destination Side Aggregation
Scaling Up
Scaling Out
Early Stage Systems
Collect Logs over
Using Queues
Collect Logs
in Data Center
All Collector Nodes Must Know
All Destination Nodes
Practices: Docker + Fluentd
• Docker Fluentd Logging Driver
• Docker containers can send these logs to Fluentd directly,

with less overhead
• Fluentd's Pluggable Architecture
• Various destination systems (storage/database/service) are available

by changing configuration
• Small Memory Footprint
• Source aggregation requires +1 container per hosts:

less additional resource usage is fine!
Practice 1: Source-side Aggregation + Scaling Up
• Kubernetes: Fluentd + Elasticsearch
• a.k.a EFK stack (inspired by ELK stack)
• Elasticsearch - Fluentd - Kibana
apps, middleware
json log files
Practice 2: Source-side Aggregation + Scaling Up
• Containerized Applications
• w/ Google Stackdriver for Monitoring
• w/ Treasure Data for Analytics
Google Stackdriver Logging
apps, middleware
Practice 3: Source/Destination-side Aggregation + Scaling Out
• Containerized Application
• w/ Log processing on Hadoop
• writing files on HDFS via WebHDFS
• Hadoop HDFS prefers large files on HDFS:
• Destination-side aggregation works well
apps, middleware
Practice 4: Source/Destination-side Aggregation + Scaling Out
• Containerized Application
• w/ Log processing on Google BigQuery
• putting logs via HTTPS
• BigQuery has quota about write requests:
• Destination-side aggregation works well
apps, middleware
Best practices?
• Source aggregation: do it
• it makes app containers free from logging problems (buffering, HA, ...)

• Destination aggregation: it depends
• no need for cloud logging services/storages
• may need for self-hosted distributed filesystems/databases
• may need for cloud services which charges per requests

• Destination scaling: it depends on destinations
Make Logging Scalable,
Service Stable & Business Growing.
Happy Logging!

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The Patterns of Distributed Logging and Containers

  • 1. THE PATTERNS OF DISTRIBUTED LOGGING AND CONTAINERS CloudNativeCon Europe 2017 March 30, 2017 Satoshi Tagomori (@tagomoris) Treasure Data, Inc.
  • 5. 1. Microservices, Containers and Logging 2. Scaling Logging Platform 3. Patterns: Source/Destination -side Aggregation 4. Patterns: Scaling Up/Out Destination 5. Practices
  • 7. Logging in Industries • Service Logs • Web access logs • Ad logs • Commercial transaction logs for analytics (EC, Game, ...) • System Logs • Syslog and other OS logs • Audit logs • Performance metrics Logs for Business Growth Logs for Service Stability
  • 8. Microservices and Logging Users LAMP/Rails/MEAN/... Apps Logs Users Search Logs Recommendation Shopping cart Reviews Ads ... Monolithic service Microservices
  • 9. Microservices and Containers • Microservices • Isolated dependencies • Agile deployment • Containers • Isolated environments & resources • Simple pull&restart deployment • Less overhead, high density
  • 10. Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers • Containerization changes everything: • No permanent storages • No fixed physical/network addresses • No fixed mapping between servers and roles
  • 11. Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers • Containerization changes everything: • No permanent storages • No fixed physical/network addresses • No fixed mapping between servers and roles Transfer Logs to Anywhere ASAP
  • 12. Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers • Containerization changes everything: • No permanent storages • No fixed physical/network addresses • No fixed mapping between servers and roles Push Logs From Containers
  • 13. Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers • Containerization changes everything: • No permanent storages • No fixed physical/network addresses • No fixed mapping between servers and roles Label Logs With Service Names/Tags
  • 14. Logging Challenges with Microservices/Containers • Containerization changes everything: • No permanent storages • No fixed physical/network addresses • No fixed mapping between servers and roles Label Logs With Service Names/Tags Parse Logs & Label Values At Source Structured Logs
  • 15. Structured Logs: tag, time, key-value pairs Original log: the customer put an item to cart: item_id=101, items=10, client=web Structured log: ec_service.shopping_cart 2017-03-30 16:35:37 +0100 { "container_id": "bfdd5b9....", "container_name": "/infallible_mayer", "source": "stdout", "event": "put an item to cart", "item_id": 101, "items": 10, "client": "web" } tag timestamp record
  • 16. How to Ship Logs from Docker Containers nginx, mysql, .... log files agents read files, parse plain texts apps, middleware json log files agents read files, parse json lines applications agents just receive transferred logs apps, middleware agents just receive transferred logs Using mounted volume Using container json logs Sending logs to agents directly Using logging drivers + disk I/O penalty + mount points + disk I/O penalty + logger code + agent config 😃
  • 18. Core Architecture: Distributed Logging Source (Container + Agent) Transferring/Aggregation layer Destination (Storage, Database, Service)
  • 19. Distributed Logging Workflow • Retrieve raw logs: file system / network • Parse log content Collector Aggregator Destination • Get data from multiple sources • Split/merge incoming data into streams • Retrieve structured logs from Aggregator • Store formatted logs
  • 20. Scaling Logging • Network Traffic • Split heavy log traffic into traffics to nodes • CPU Load • Distribute processing to nodes about parsing/formatting logs • High Availability • Switch traffic from a node to another for failures • Agility • Reconfigure whole logging layer to modify destinations
  • 23. Now I'm Talking About: Source Transferring Aggregation Destination Source Side Destination Side
  • 24. Source-side Aggregation Patterns Without Source-side Aggregation With Source-side Aggregation Collector Destination-side Aggregate Container
  • 25. Aggregation Pattern without Source-side Aggregation • Pros: • Simple configuration • Cons: • Fixed aggregator (destination endpoint) address
 configured in containers • Many network connections • High load in aggregator / destination
  • 26. Aggregation Pattern with Source-side Aggregation • Pros: • Less connections • Lower load in aggregator / destination • Less configurations in containers • More agility
 (aggregate containers can be reconfigured) • Cons: • Need more resources (+1 container per host) Aggregate Container
  • 27. Destination-side Aggregation Patterns Without Destination-side Aggregation With Destination-side Aggregation Aggregator Node Source-side Destination
  • 28. Aggregation Pattern without Destination-side Aggregation • Pros: • Less nodes • Simpler configuration • Cons: • Destination changes affects all source nodes • Worse performance:
 many small write requests on destination(storage)
  • 29. • Pros: • Destination changes does NOT affect source nodes • Better performance:
 destination aggregator can merge write operations • Cons: • More nodes • More complex configuration Aggregation Pattern with Destination-side Aggregation Aggregator Node
  • 31. HOW TO SCALE HERE Source Transferring Aggregation Destination Now I'm Talking About:
  • 32. Scaling Destination Patterns Scaling Up Aggregator/Destination Endpoints Scaling Out Aggregator/Destination Endpoints Destination-side Aggregator or Destination Load balancer or Huge queue Backend nodes Collector nodes Using HTTP Load Balancer or Huge Queues Using Round Robin Clients
  • 33. • Pros: • Simple configuration:
 specifying load balancer only
 in collector nodes • Cons: • Upper limits about scaling up
 on Load balancer (or queue) Scaling Up Destination Backend nodes Load balancer or Huge queue
  • 34. Scaling Out Destination • Pros: • Unlimited scaling by adding nodes • Cons: • Complex configuration in collector nodes • Client feature required for round-robin • Unavailable for traffic over Internet
  • 35. Destination-side Aggregation and Destination Scaling Destination Side Aggregation Scaling Up Destination Endpoints YESNO Scaling Out Destination Endpoints Early Stage Systems Collect Logs over Internet or Using Queues Collect Logs in Data Center All Collector Nodes Must Know All Destination Nodes ↓ Uncontrollable
  • 37. Practices: Docker + Fluentd • Docker Fluentd Logging Driver • Docker containers can send these logs to Fluentd directly,
 with less overhead • Fluentd's Pluggable Architecture • Various destination systems (storage/database/service) are available
 by changing configuration • Small Memory Footprint • Source aggregation requires +1 container per hosts:
 less additional resource usage is fine!
  • 38. Practice 1: Source-side Aggregation + Scaling Up • Kubernetes: Fluentd + Elasticsearch • a.k.a EFK stack (inspired by ELK stack) • Elasticsearch - Fluentd - Kibana apps, middleware json log files
  • 39. Practice 2: Source-side Aggregation + Scaling Up • Containerized Applications • w/ Google Stackdriver for Monitoring • w/ Treasure Data for Analytics Google Stackdriver Logging apps, middleware
  • 40. Practice 3: Source/Destination-side Aggregation + Scaling Out • Containerized Application • w/ Log processing on Hadoop • writing files on HDFS via WebHDFS • Hadoop HDFS prefers large files on HDFS: • Destination-side aggregation works well apps, middleware
  • 41. Practice 4: Source/Destination-side Aggregation + Scaling Out • Containerized Application • w/ Log processing on Google BigQuery • putting logs via HTTPS • BigQuery has quota about write requests: • Destination-side aggregation works well apps, middleware
  • 42. Best practices? • Source aggregation: do it • it makes app containers free from logging problems (buffering, HA, ...)
 • Destination aggregation: it depends • no need for cloud logging services/storages • may need for self-hosted distributed filesystems/databases • may need for cloud services which charges per requests
 • Destination scaling: it depends on destinations
  • 43. Make Logging Scalable, Service Stable & Business Growing. Happy Logging! @tagomoris