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SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :
A look into the future of analytics on Oracle BDA
Mark Rittman, CTO, Rittman Mead
Enkitec E4, Barcelona, April 2016 @rittmanmead 2
•Mark Rittman, Co-Founder of Rittman Mead

‣Oracle ACE Director, specialising in Oracle BI&DW

‣14 Years Experience with Oracle Technology

‣Regular columnist for Oracle Magazine

•Author of two Oracle Press Oracle BI books

‣Oracle Business Intelligence Developers Guide

‣Oracle Exalytics Revealed

‣Writer for Rittman Mead Blog :

•Email :

•Twitter : @markrittman
About the Speaker @rittmanmead 3
•Started back in 1997 on a bank Oracle DW project

•Our tools were Oracle 7.3.4, SQL*Plus, PL/SQL 

and shell scripts

•Went on to use Oracle Developer/2000 and Designer/2000

•Our initial users queried the DW using SQL*Plus

•And later on, we rolled-out Discoverer/2000 to everyone else

•And life was fun…
15+ Years in Oracle BI and Data Warehousing @rittmanmead 4
•Over time, this data warehouse architecture developed

•Added Oracle Warehouse Builder to 

automate and model the DW build

•Oracle 9i Application Server (yay!) 

to deliver reports and web portals

•Data Mining and OLAP in the database

•Oracle 9i for in-database ETL (and RAC)

•Data was typically loaded from 

Oracle RBDMS and EBS

•It was turtles Oracle all the way down…
The Oracle-Centric DW Architecture

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Social Media Analysis - Case StudyOracle Big Data Spatial & Graph 
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Social Media Analysis - Case Study

Presentation from BIWA Summit 2016 on using Oracle Big Data Graph and Spatial to analyse the social network around

socialgraph analysishadoop
Deploying Full BI Platforms to Oracle Cloud
Deploying Full BI Platforms to Oracle CloudDeploying Full BI Platforms to Oracle Cloud
Deploying Full BI Platforms to Oracle Cloud

As presented at UKOUG Tech15 - covers deploying full OBIEE systems including DW and ETL to Oracle Public Cloud

Data Integration and Data Warehousing for Cloud, Big Data and IoT: 
What’s Ne...
Data Integration and Data Warehousing for Cloud, Big Data and IoT: 
What’s Ne...Data Integration and Data Warehousing for Cloud, Big Data and IoT: 
What’s Ne...
Data Integration and Data Warehousing for Cloud, Big Data and IoT: 
What’s Ne...

Mark Rittman presented at Big Data World in London in March 2017 on data integration and data warehousing for cloud, big data, and IoT. He discussed the history of data warehousing and how it has evolved from traditional RDBMS implementations to embrace big data technologies like Hadoop. He described how cloud data warehouse offerings from Google BigQuery and Amazon Redshift combine the scalability of big data with the structure of data warehousing. Rittman also covered new approaches to ETL using data pipelines, schema discovery using machine learning, emerging open-source BI tools, and his current work in these areas.

bigquerybig datadata warehousing @rittmanmead
And then came "Big Data"... @rittmanmead 6
•Many customers and organisations are now running initiatives around “big data”

•Some are IT-led and are looking for cost-savings around data warehouse storage + ETL

•Others are “skunkworks” projects in the marketing department that are now scaling-up

•Projects now emerging from pilot exercises

•And design patterns starting to emerge
Many Organisations are Running Big Data Initiatives @rittmanmead
Highly Scalable (and Affordable) Cluster Computing
•Enterprise High-End RDBMSs such as Oracle can scale into the petabytes, using clustering

‣Sharded databases (e.g. Netezza) can scale further but with complexity / single workload trade-offs

•Hadoop was designed from outside for massive horizontal scalability - using cheap hardware

•Anticipates hardware failure and makes multiple copies of data as protection

•More nodes you add, more stable it becomes

•And at a fraction of the cost of traditional

RDBMS platforms @rittmanmead
•Store and analyze huge volumes of structured and unstructured data 

•In the past, we had to throw away the detail

•No need to define a data model during ingest

•Supports multiple, flexible schemas

•Separation of storage from compute engine

•Allows multiple query engines and frameworks

to work on the same raw datasets
Store Everything Forever - And Process in Many Ways
Hadoop	Data	Lake

Log	Files	(txt)
Social	Media

Logs	(JSON)
DB	Archives

Sensor	Data

`Spatial	&	Graph

(XML,	txt)
IoT	Logs

(JSON,	txt)
Chat	Transcripts

DB	Transactions

Blogs,	Articles

Raw	Data Processed	Data
NoSQL	Key-Value

Store	DB Tabular	Data

(Hive	Tables)

(Impala	Tables) NoSQL	Document	

Store	DB

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The document discusses a company's migration from their in-house computation engine to Apache Spark. It describes five key issues encountered during the migration process: 1) difficulty adapting to Spark's low-level RDD API, 2) limitations of DataSource predicates, 3) incomplete Spark SQL functionality, 4) performance issues with round trips between Spark and other systems, and 5) OutOfMemory errors due to large result sizes. Lessons learned include being aware of new Spark features and data formats, and designing architectures and data structures to minimize data movement between systems.

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A Walk Through the Kimball ETL Subsystems with Oracle Data Integration - Coll...
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Big Data integration is an excellent feature in the Oracle Data Integration product suite (Oracle Data Integrator, GoldenGate, & Enterprise Data Quality). But not all analytics require big data technologies, such as labor cost, revenue, or expense reporting. Ralph Kimball, an original architect of the dimensional model in data warehousing, spent much of his career working to build an enterprise data warehouse methodology that can meet these reporting needs. His book, "The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit", is a guide for many ETL developers. This session will walk you through his ETL Subsystem categories; Extracting, Cleaning & Conforming, Delivering, and Managing, describing how the Oracle Data Integration products are perfectly suited for the Kimball approach. Presented at Collaborate16 in Las Vegas.

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Building a Data Lake on AWS
Building a Data Lake on AWSBuilding a Data Lake on AWS
Building a Data Lake on AWS

Build a simple data lake on AWS using a combination of services, including AWS Glue Data Catalog, AWS Glue Crawlers, AWS Glue Jobs, AWS Glue Studio, Amazon Athena, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), and Amazon S3. Link to the blog post and video:

awsanalyticsdata lake @rittmanmead 9
•Typical implementation of Hadoop and big data in an analytic context is the “data lake”

•Additional data storage platform with cheap storage, flexible schema support + compute

•Data lands in the data lake or reservoir in raw form, then minimally processed

•Data then accessed directly by “data scientists”, or processed further into DW
In the Context of BI & Analytics : The Data Reservoir
Data	Transfer Data	Access
Data	Factory
Data	Reservoir
Intelligence	Tools
Hadoop	Platform
File	Based	
Data	streams
Discovery	&	Development	Labs
Safe	&	secure	Discovery	and	Development	
Data	sets	and	
Models	and	
Marketing	/
Sales	Applications
Operational	Data
Master	ata
Unstructured	Data
Voice	+	Chat	
ETL	Based
Customer	Data
Data	stored	in	
the	original	
format	(usually	
files)		such	as	
SS7,	ASN.1,	
JSON	etc.
Customer	Data
Data	sets	
produced	by	
mapping	and	
raw	data @rittmanmead 10
•Oracle Engineered system for big data processing and analysis

•Start with Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack - expand up to 18 nodes per rack

•Cluster racks together for horizontal scale-out using enterprise-quality infrastructure
Oracle	Big	Data	Appliance	
Starter	Rack	+	Expansion	
• Cloudera	CDH	+	Oracle	software		
• 18	High-spec	Hadoop	Nodes	with	
InfiniBand	switches	for	internal	Hadoop	
traffic,	optimised	for	network	throughput	
• 1	Cisco	Management	Switch	
• Single	place	for	support	for	H/W	+	S/W

Deployed on Oracle Big Data Appliance
Oracle	Big	Data	Appliance	
Starter	Rack	+	Expansion	
• Cloudera	CDH	+	Oracle	software		
• 18	High-spec	Hadoop	Nodes	with	
InfiniBand	switches	for	internal	Hadoop	
traffic,	optimised	for	network	throughput	
• 1	Cisco	Management	Switch	
• Single	place	for	support	for	H/W	+	S/W


Customer	Profile
Infiniband @rittmanmead
•Programming model for processing large data sets in parallel on a cluster

•Not specific to a particular language, but usually written in Java

•Inspired by the map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming

‣Map() performs filtering and sorting

‣Reduce() aggregates the output of mappers

‣and a Shuffle() step to redistribute output by keys

•Resolved several complications of distributed computing:

‣Allows unlimited computations on unlimited data

‣Map and reduce functions can be easily distributed

‣Originated at Google; Hadoop was Yahoo’s open-source

implementation of MapReduce, + two are synonymous
MapReduce - The Original Big Data Query Framework
Filter, Project
Filter, Project
Filter, Project

One HDFS file per reducer,

in a directory @rittmanmead 12
•Original developed at Facebook, now foundational within the Hadoop project

•Allows users to query Hadoop data using SQL-like language

•Tabular metadata layer that overlays files, can interpret semi-structured data (e.g. JSON)

•Generates MapReduce code to return required data

•Extensible through SerDes and Storage Handlers

•JDBC and ODBC drivers for most platforms/tools

•Perfect for set-based access + batch ETL work
Apache Hive : SQL Metadata + Engine over Hadoop

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The document discusses building data lakes on AWS. It describes how data lakes extend the traditional data warehouse approach by allowing storage of both structured and unstructured data at massive scales. Amazon S3 provides durable, available, scalable, and easy-to-use storage for the data lake. AWS Glue crawls data to create a data catalog and can automate ETL processes. Amazon Athena and Amazon EMR enable interactive analysis and big data processing through SQL and Spark. The data lake architecture on AWS supports a variety of analytical use cases.

Free Training: How to Build a Lakehouse
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Doug Bateman, a principal data engineering instructor at Databricks, presented on how to build a Lakehouse architecture. He began by introducing himself and his background. He then discussed the goals of describing key Lakehouse features, explaining how Delta Lake enables it, and developing a sample Lakehouse using Databricks. The key aspects of a Lakehouse are that it supports diverse data types and workloads while enabling using BI tools directly on source data. Delta Lake provides reliability, consistency, and performance through its ACID transactions, automatic file consolidation, and integration with Spark. Bateman concluded with a demo of creating a Lakehouse.

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knowledge sharingsemantic mediawiki @rittmanmead
•Data integration tools such as Oracle Data Integrator can load and process Hadoop data

•BI tools such as Oracle Business Intelligence 12c can report on Hadoop data

•Generally use MapReduce and Hive to access data

‣ODBC and JDBC access to Hive tabular data

‣Allows Hadoop unstructured/semi-structured

data on HDFS to be accessed like RDBMS
Hive Provides a SQL Interface for BI + ETL Tools
Access direct Hive or extract using ODI12c
for structured OBIEE dashboard analysis
What pages are people visiting?
Who is referring to us on Twitter?
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Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :
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Data Con LA 2020 Description In this session, I introduce the Amazon Redshift lake house architecture which enables you to query data across your data warehouse, data lake, and operational databases to gain faster and deeper insights. With a lake house architecture, you can store data in open file formats in your Amazon S3 data lake. Speaker Antje Barth, Amazon Web Services, Sr. Developer Advocate, AI and Machine Learning

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Dataware house Introduction By Quontra Solutions
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INFORMATICA ONLINE TRAINING BY QUONTRA SOLUTIONS WITH PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE We offer online IT training with placements, project assistance in different platforms with real time industry consultants to provide quality training for all it professionals, corporate clients and students etc. Special features by Quontra Solutions are Extensive Training will be in both Informatica Online Training and Placement. We help you in resume preparation and conducting Mock Interviews. Emphasis is given on important topics which are essential and mostly used in real time projects. Quontra Solutions is an Online Training Leader when it comes to high-end effective and efficient I.T Training. We have always been and still are focusing on the key aspects which are providing utmost effective and competent training to both students and professionals who are eager to enrich their technical skills. Training Features at Quontra Solutions: We believe that online training has to be measured by three major aspects viz., Quality, Content and Relationship with the Trainer and Student. Not only our online training classes are important but apart from that the material which we provide are in tune with the latest IT training standards, so a student has not to worry at all whether the training imparted is outdated or latest. Course content: • Basics of data warehousing concepts • Power center components • Informatica concepts and overview • Sources • Targets • Transformations • Advanced Informatica concepts Please Visit us for the Demo Classes, we have regular batches and weekend batches. QUONTRASOLUTIONS 204-226 Imperial Drive,Rayners Lane, Harrow-HA2 7HH Phone : +44 (0)20 3734 1498 / 99 Email:

online trainingdatawarehouse introductiontraining classes
MapReduce is for losers
Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :
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Hive is slow

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very slow
too slow

for ad-hoc querying
But the future is fast
And pretty damn exciting

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As a follow-on to the presentation "Building an Effective Data Warehouse Architecture", this presentation will explain exactly what Big Data is and its benefits, including use cases. We will discuss how Hadoop, the cloud and massively parallel processing (MPP) is changing the way data warehouses are being built. We will talk about hybrid architectures that combine on-premise data with data in the cloud as well as relational data and non-relational (unstructured) data. We will look at the benefits of MPP over SMP and how to integrate data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices. You will learn what a modern data warehouse should look like and how the role of a Data Lake and Hadoop fit in. In the end you will have guidance on the best solution for your data warehouse going forward.

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#analytics #visualization #oracle
Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop : @rittmanmead 26
Hadoop 2.0 Processing Frameworks + Tools @rittmanmead 27
•MapReduce’s great innovation was to break processing down into distributed jobs

•Jobs that have no functional dependency on each other, only upstream tasks

•Provides a framework that is infinitely scalable and very fault tolerant

•Hadoop handled job scheduling and resource management

‣All MapReduce code had to do was provide the “map” and “reduce” functions

‣Automatic distributed processing

‣Slow but extremely powerful
Hadoop 1.0 and MapReduce @rittmanmead 28
•A typical Hive or Pig script compiles down into multiple MapReduce jobs

•Each job stages its intermediate results to disk

•Safe, but slow - write to disk, spin-up separate JVMs for each job
MapReduce - Scales By Writing Intermediate Results to Disk
COUNT(*) AS total_count
SELECT * FROM tweets WHERE regexp_extract(created_at,"(2015)*",1) = "2015"
) tweets
LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(entities.hashtags) t1 AS hashtags
GROUP BY LOWER(hashtags.text)
ORDER BY total_count DESC
MapReduce Jobs Launched:
Stage-Stage-1: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 5.34 sec HDFS Read: 10952994 HDFS Write: 5239 SUCCESS
Stage-Stage-2: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 2.1 sec HDFS Read: 9983 HDFS Write: 164 SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 7 seconds 440 msec

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TUGAS AKHIR PPT @rittmanmead 29
•MapReduce 2 (MR2) splits the functionality of the JobTracker

by separating resource management and job scheduling/monitoring

•Introduces YARN (Yet Another Resource Manager)

•Permits other processing frameworks to MR

‣For example, Apache Spark

•Maintains backwards compatibility with MR1

•Introduced with CDH5+
MapReduce 2 and YARN




Client @rittmanmead 30
•Runs on top of YARN, provides a faster execution engine than MapReduce for Hive, Pig etc

•Models processing as an entire data flow graph (DAG), rather than separate job steps

‣DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a new programming style for distributed systems

‣Dataflow steps pass data between them as streams, rather than writing/reading from disk

•Supports in-memory computation, enables Hive on Tez (Stinger) and Pig on Tez

•Favoured In-memory / Hive v2 

route by Hortonworks
Apache Tez
Reduce() @rittmanmead 31
Tez Advantage - Drop-In Replacement for MR with Hive, Pig
set hive.execution.engine=mr
set hive.execution.engine=tez
4m 17s
2m 25s
Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :

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financeearningsbusiness @rittmanmead 33
•Cloudera’s answer to Hive query response time issues

•MPP SQL query engine running on Hadoop, bypasses MapReduce for
direct data access

•Mostly in-memory, but spills to disk if required

•Uses Hive metastore to access Hive table metadata

•Similar SQL dialect to Hive - not as rich though and no support for Hive
SerDes, storage handlers etc
Cloudera Impala - Fast, MPP-style Access to Hadoop Data @rittmanmead 34
•A replacement for Hive, but uses Hive concepts and

data dictionary (metastore)

•MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) query engine

that runs within Hadoop

‣Uses same file formats, security,

resource management as Hadoop

•Processes queries in-memory

•Accesses standard HDFS file data

•Option to use Apache AVRO, RCFile,

LZO or Parquet (column-store)

•Designed for interactive, real-time

SQL-like access to Hadoop
How Impala Works
HDFS etc
BI Server
Presentation Svr
Cloudera Impala

ODBC Driver
HDFS etc
HDFS etc
HDFS etc
HDFS etc

Hadoop Cluster @rittmanmead 35
•Log into Impala Shell, run INVALIDATE METADATA command to refresh Impala table list

•Run SHOW TABLES Impala SQL command to view tables available

•Run COUNT(*) on main ACCESS_PER_POST table to see typical response time
Enabling Hive Tables for Impala
[oracle@bigdatalite ~]$ impala-shell
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
[bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > invalidate metadata;
Query: invalidate metadata
Fetched 0 row(s) in 2.18s
[bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > show tables;
Query: show tables
| name |
| access_per_post |
| access_per_post_cat_author |
| … |
| posts |
Fetched 45 row(s) in 0.15s
[bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > select count(*) 

from access_per_post;
Query: select count(*) from access_per_post
| count(*) |
| 343 |
Fetched 1 row(s) in 2.76s @rittmanmead 36
•Significant improvement over Hive response time

•Now makes Hadoop suitable for ad-hoc querying
Significantly-Improved Ad-Hoc Query Response Time vs Hive
Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 2, Response time 1, Compilation time 0 (seconds)
Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 50, Response time 49, Compilation time 0 (seconds)
Simple Two-Table Join against Hive Data Only
Simple Two-Table Join against Impala Data Only

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The document discusses important conditions for starting new businesses and defines economic terms. The three most important conditions are low taxes, skilled staff, and low interest rates. It also provides definitions for various economic terms like interest rate, exchange rate, inflation rate, labor force, tax incentives, and balance of trade.


This infographic document provides information on what infographics are and why they are effective communication tools. It discusses that infographics tell visual stories using images and graphics to engage audiences better than plain text. Effective infographics are simple, visually pleasing, and help explain complex topics. They improve comprehension and retention of information by leveraging human visual processing abilities.

Ashutosh rubber-pvt-ltd
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Ashutosh rubber-pvt-ltd

Ashutosh Rubber Pvt Ltd is an Indian manufacturer and exporter of rubber products established in 2007. It produces over 9000 rubber products for industries like automotive, generators, and oil. The company exports to countries including Australia, Singapore, and Denmark. It has 26-50 employees and certifications for quality standards. @rittmanmead 37
•Beginners usually store data in HDFS using text file formats (CSV) but these have limitations

•Apache AVRO often used for general-purpose processing

‣Splitability, schema evolution, in-built metadata, support for block compression

•Parquet now commonly used with Impala due to column-orientated storage

‣Mirrors work in RDBMS world around column-store

‣Only return (project) the columns you require across a wide table
Apache Parquet - Column-Orientated Storage for Analytics @rittmanmead 38
•But Parquet (and HDFS) have significant limitation for real-time analytics applications

‣Append-only orientation, focus on column-store 

makes streaming ingestion harder

•Cloudera Kudu aims to combine best of HDFS + HBase

‣Real-time analytics-optimised 

‣Supports updates to data

‣Fast ingestion of data

‣Accessed using SQL-style tables

and get/put/update/delete API
Cloudera Kudu - Combining Best of HBase and Column-Store @rittmanmead 39
•Part of Oracle Big Data 4.0 (BDA-only)

‣Also requires Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Exadata Database Machine

•Extends Oracle Data Dictionary to cover Hive

•Extends Oracle SQL and SmartScan to Hadoop

•Extends Oracle Security Model over Hadoop

‣Fine-grained access control

‣Data redaction, data masking

‣Uses fast c-based readers where possible

(vs. Hive MapReduce generation)

‣Map Hadoop parallelism to Oracle PQ

‣Big Data SQL engine works on top of YARN

‣Like Spark, Tez, MR2
Oracle Big Data SQL

Storage Servers

Exadata Database

Oracle Big

Data SQL
SQL Queries
SmartScan SmartScan
hold on…

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Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai kejuruteraan genetik yang merupakan teknik modifikasi genetika untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanaman dan hewan. Teknologi ini telah banyak digunakan dalam industri pertanian, peternakan, dan kedokteran untuk menghasilkan produk yang lebih baik dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Contoh penerapannya adalah tanaman yang tahan penyakit dan cuaca ekstrem, hewan ternak


Dokumen ini membahas tentang sumberdaya alam, sumberdaya manusia, dan klasifikasi sumberdaya alam. Sumberdaya alam dibedakan menjadi sumberdaya terbarukan dan tidak terbarukan, sedangkan sumberdaya manusia diukur berdasarkan jumlah penduduk yang bekerja di sektor pertanian.

Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :
“where we’re going

we don’t need roads”
“where we’re going

we don’t need roads” @rittmanmead
•Apache Drill is another SQL-on-Hadoop project that focus on schema-free data discovery

•Inspired by Google Dremel, innovation is querying raw data with schema optional

•Automatically infers and detects schema from semi-structured datasets and NoSQL DBs

•Join across different silos of data e.g. JSON records, Hive tables and HBase database

•Aimed at different use-cases than Hive - 

low-latency queries, discovery 

(think Endeca vs OBIEE)
Introducing Apache Drill - “We Don’t Need No Roads”

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Salesforce もくもく会 #10

1 a pengertian-dasar-statistika
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Teks tersebut berisi soalan-soalan latihan semantik dan peribahasa. Teks tersebut memberikan contoh-contoh kata dan ungkapan yang memiliki makna ganda atau kiasan, serta meminta pembaca untuk mengidentifikasi makna sebenarnya atau ungkapan yang tepat. Teks tersebut juga memberikan jawaban untuk soalan-soalan tersebut. @rittmanmead
•Most modern datasource formats embed their schema in the data (“schema-on-read”)

•Apache Drill makes these as easy to join to traditional datasets as “point me at the data”

•Cuts out unnecessary work in defining Hive schemas for data that’s self-describing

•Supports joining across files,

databases, NoSQL etc
Self-Describing Data - Parquet, AVRO, JSON etc @rittmanmead
•Files can exist either on the local filesystem, or on HDFS

•Connection to directory or file defined in storage configuration

•Can work with CSV, TXT, TSV etc

•First row of file can provide schema (column names)
Apache Drill and Text Files
SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/csv_with_header.csv2`;
| name | num1 | num2 | num3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| hello | 1 | 2 | 3 |
7 rows selected (0.12 seconds)
SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/csv_no_header.csv`;
| columns |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
| ["hello","1","2","3"] |
7 rows selected (0.112 seconds) @rittmanmead
•JSON (Javascript Object Notation) documents are
often used for data interchange

•Exports from Twitter and other consumer services

•Web service responses and other B2B interfaces

•A more lightweight form of XML that is “self-

•Handles evolving schemas, and optional attributes

•Drill treats each document as a row, and has features

•Flatten nested data (extract elements from arrays)

•Generate key/value pairs for loosely structured data
Apache Drill and JSON Documents
use dfs.iot;
show files;
select in_reply_to_user_id, text from `all_tweets.json`
limit 5;
| in_reply_to_user_id | text |
| null | BI Forum 2013 in Brighton has now sold-out |
| null | "Football has become a numbers game |
| null | Just bought Lyndsay Wise’s Book |
| null | An Oracle BI "Blast from the Past" |
| 14716125 | Dilbert on Agile Programming |
5 rows selected (0.229 seconds)
select name, flatten(fillings) as f 

from dfs.users.`/donuts.json` 

where < 300; @rittmanmead
•Drill can connect to Hive to make use of metastore (incl. multiple Hive metastores)

•NoSQL databases (HBase etc)

•Parquet files (native storage format - columnar + self describing)
Apache Drill and Hive, HBase, Parquet Sources etc
USE hbase;
SELECT * FROM students;
| row_key | account | address |
| [B@e6d9eb7 | {"name":"QWxpY2U="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MTIzIEJhbGxtZXIgQXY="} |
| [B@2823a2b4 | {"name":"Qm9i"} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MSBJbmZpbml0ZSBMb29w"} |
| [B@3b8eec02 | {"name":"RnJhbms="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NDM1IFdhbGtlciBDdA=="} |
| [B@242895da | {"name":"TWFyeQ=="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NTYgU291dGhlcm4gUGt3eQ=="} |
SELECT firstname,lastname FROM 

hiveremote.`customers` limit 10;`

| firstname | lastname |
| Essie | Vaill |
| Cruz | Roudabush |
| Billie | Tinnes |
| Zackary | Mockus |
| Rosemarie | Fifield |
| Bernard | Laboy |
| Marianne | Earman |
SELECT * FROM dfs.`iot_demo/geodata/region.parquet`;
| 0 | AFRICA | lar deposits. blithe |
| 1 | AMERICA | hs use ironic, even |
| 2 | ASIA | ges. thinly even pin |
| 3 | EUROPE | ly final courts cajo |
| 4 | MIDDLE EAST | uickly special accou |

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Salesforce Developers Life @rittmanmead
•Drill developed for real-time, ad-hoc data exploration with schema discovery on-the-fly
•Individual analysts exploring new datasets, leveraging corporate metadata/data to help

•Hive is more about large-scale, centrally curated set-based big data access

•Drill models conceptually as JSON, vs. Hive’s tabular approach

•Drill introspects schema from whatever it connects to, vs. formal modeling in Hive
Apache Drill vs. Apache Hive
Interactive Queries

(Data Discovery, Tableau/VA)
Reporting Queries

(Canned Reports, OBIEE)

(ODI, Scripting, Informatica)
Apache Drill Apache Hive
Interactive Queries
100ms - 3mins
Reporting Queries
3mins - 20mins
ETL & Batch Queries
20mins - hours
what’s all this about “Spark”?
Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :

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Este documento habla sobre una persona extraordinaria que ayudó a Lorenzo a superar sus miedos y sacar la cabeza de su cazo. Esta persona le mostró sus puntos fuertes y le ayudó a expresar sus temores. Ahora Lorenzo puede jugar con los demás y los demás ven sus cualidades, aunque él sigue siendo el mismo.

IlOUG Tech Days 2016 - Big Data for Oracle Developers - Towards Spark, Real-T...
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Mark Rittman, CTO of Rittman Mead, gave a keynote presentation on big data for Oracle developers and DBAs with a focus on Apache Spark, real-time analytics, and predictive analytics. He discussed how Hadoop can provide flexible, cheap storage for logs, feeds, and social data. He also explained several Hadoop processing frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache Tez, Cloudera Impala, and Apache Drill that provide faster alternatives to traditional MapReduce processing.

apache drillimpalakudu
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Hadoop and NoSQL platforms initially focused on Java developers and slow but massively-scalable MapReduce jobs as an alternative to high-end but limited-scale analytics RDBMS engines. Apache Hive opened-up Hadoop to non-programmers by adding a SQL query engine and relational-style metadata layered over raw HDFS storage, and since then open-source initiatives such as Hive Stinger, Cloudera Impala and Apache Drill along with proprietary solutions from closed-source vendors have extended SQL-on-Hadoop’s capabilities into areas such as low-latency ad-hoc queries, ACID-compliant transactions and schema-less data discovery – at massive scale and with compelling economics. In this session we’ll focus on technical foundations around SQL-on-Hadoop, first reviewing the basic platform Apache Hive provides and then looking in more detail at how ad-hoc querying, ACID-compliant transactions and data discovery engines work along with more specialised underlying storage that each now work best with – and we’ll take a look to the future to see how SQL querying, data integration and analytics are likely to come together in the next five years to make Hadoop the default platform running mixed old-world/new-world analytics workloads.

hivedrillinghadoop @rittmanmead 53
•Another DAG execution engine running on YARN

•More mature than TEZ, with richer API and more vendor support

•Uses concept of an RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)

‣RDDs like tables or Pig relations, but can be cached in-memory

‣Great for in-memory transformations, or iterative/cyclic processes

•Spark jobs comprise of a DAG of tasks operating on RDDs

•Access through Scala, Python or Java APIs

•Related projects include

‣Spark SQL

‣Spark Streaming
Apache Spark @rittmanmead 54
•Native support for multiple languages 

with identical APIs

‣Python - prototyping, data wrangling

‣Scala - functional programming features

‣Java - lower-level, application integration

•Use of closures, iterations, and other 

common language constructs to minimize code

•Integrated support for distributed +

functional programming

•Unified API for batch and streaming
Rich Developer Support + Wide Developer Ecosystem
scala> val logfile = sc.textFile("logs/access_log")
14/05/12 21:18:59 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(77353) 

called with curMem=234759, maxMem=309225062
14/05/12 21:18:59 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_2 

stored as values to memory (estimated size 75.5 KB, free 294.6 MB)
logfile: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = 

MappedRDD[31] at textFile at <console>:15
scala> logfile.count()
14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: count at <console>:1
14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: 

count at <console>:18, took 0.192536694 s
res7: Long = 154563
scala> val logfile = sc.textFile("logs/access_log").cache
scala> val biapps11g = logfile.filter(line => line.contains("/biapps11g/"))
biapps11g: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = FilteredRDD[34] at filter at <console>:17
scala> biapps11g.count()
14/05/12 21:28:28 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: count at <console>:20, took 0.387960876 s
res9: Long = 403 @rittmanmead 55
•Spark SQL, and Data Frames, allow RDDs in Spark to be processed using SQL queries

•Bring in and federate additional data from JDBC sources

•Load, read and save data in Hive, Parquet and other structured tabular formats
Spark SQL - Adding SQL Processing to Apache Spark
val accessLogsFilteredDF = accessLogs
.filter( r => ! r.agent.matches(".*(spider|robot|bot|slurp).*"))
.filter( r => ! r.endpoint.matches(".*(wp-content|wp-admin).*")).toDF()
val topTenPostsLast24Hour = sqlContext.sql("SELECT p.POST_TITLE, p.POST_AUTHOR, COUNT(*) 

as total 

FROM accessLogsFiltered a 

JOIN posts p ON a.endpoint = p.POST_SLUG 


// Persist top ten table for this window to HDFS as parquet file"/user/oracle/rm_logs_batch_output/topTenPostsLast24Hour.parquet"

, "parquet", SaveMode.Overwrite) @rittmanmead 56
Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine
Large-Scale Batch Fast and Ad-hoc?

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A primer on Big Data, Hadoop and Microsoft's implementation of Hadoop for Windows Server and Windows Azure.

isotopemsbimicrosoft @rittmanmead 57
Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine
Centralised &

Ordered Metadata
Crazy, Complex and

Changing Schema?
or… @rittmanmead 58
Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine
Integrating with

Existing Corporate DW
Looking to Escape

Legacy DWs to Hadoop?
Coming soon (*)
Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :

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This document summarizes a meetup about Big Data and SQL on Hadoop. The meetup included discussions on what Hadoop is, why SQL on Hadoop is useful, what Hive is, and introduced IBM's BigInsights software for running SQL on Hadoop with improved performance over other solutions. Key topics included HDFS file storage, MapReduce processing, Hive tables and metadata storage, and how BigInsights provides a massively parallel SQL engine instead of relying on MapReduce.

Advanced Analytics and Big Data (August 2014)
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Advanced Analytics and Big Data (August 2014)

This document discusses big data analytics platforms and techniques. It describes various open-source projects like Hadoop, Spark, and Mahout that can perform analytics on large datasets. It also discusses commercial analytics platforms from vendors like SAS, Alpine, and Revolution Analytics. Spark is highlighted as gaining rapid adoption for its speed and expanding machine learning capabilities. Key questions are raised about which open-source projects and commercial offerings will emerge as leaders in their categories.

apache sparkapache giraphhadoop
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Presentation given at the Danish BI Meetup in September 2016, on the future of BI and how Hadoop, and Big Data, will revolutionise the industry.

hadoopbig databusiness intelligence
(*) possibly
Check-out these Developer VMs:
bigdatalite-2104726.html @rittmanmead
SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :
A look into the future of analytics on Oracle BDA
Mark Rittman, CTO, Rittman Mead
Enkitec E4, Barcelona, April 2016

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Map reducecloudtech

The document discusses cloud computing systems and MapReduce. It provides background on MapReduce, describing how it works and how it was inspired by functional programming concepts like map and reduce. It also discusses some limitations of MapReduce, noting that it is not designed for general-purpose parallel processing and can be inefficient for certain types of workloads. Alternative approaches like MRlite and DCell are proposed to provide more flexible and efficient distributed processing frameworks.

Big Data Processing
Big Data ProcessingBig Data Processing
Big Data Processing

This document provides an overview of big data processing techniques including batch processing using MapReduce and Hive, iterative batch processing using Spark, stream processing using Apache Storm, and OLAP over big data using Dremel and Druid. It discusses techniques such as MapReduce, Hive, Spark RDDs, and Storm tuples for processing large datasets and compares small versus big data approaches. Example usages and technologies for different processing types are also outlined.

big datamachine learningsoftware development
Big Data and NoSQL for Database and BI Pros
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Big Data and NoSQL for Database and BI Pros

This document provides an agenda and overview for a conference session on Big Data and NoSQL for database and BI professionals held from April 10-12 in Chicago, IL. The session will include an overview of big data and NoSQL technologies, then deeper dives into Hadoop, NoSQL databases like HBase, and tools like Hive, Pig, and Sqoop. There will also be demos of technologies like HDInsight, Elastic MapReduce, Impala, and running MapReduce jobs.

#nosql #bi #businessintelligence#bigdata

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Enkitec E4 Barcelona : SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop :

  • 1. @rittmanmead SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop : A look into the future of analytics on Oracle BDA Mark Rittman, CTO, Rittman Mead Enkitec E4, Barcelona, April 2016
  • 2. @rittmanmead 2 •Mark Rittman, Co-Founder of Rittman Mead ‣Oracle ACE Director, specialising in Oracle BI&DW ‣14 Years Experience with Oracle Technology ‣Regular columnist for Oracle Magazine •Author of two Oracle Press Oracle BI books ‣Oracle Business Intelligence Developers Guide ‣Oracle Exalytics Revealed ‣Writer for Rittman Mead Blog : •Email : •Twitter : @markrittman About the Speaker
  • 3. @rittmanmead 3 •Started back in 1997 on a bank Oracle DW project •Our tools were Oracle 7.3.4, SQL*Plus, PL/SQL 
 and shell scripts •Went on to use Oracle Developer/2000 and Designer/2000 •Our initial users queried the DW using SQL*Plus •And later on, we rolled-out Discoverer/2000 to everyone else •And life was fun… 15+ Years in Oracle BI and Data Warehousing
  • 4. @rittmanmead 4 •Over time, this data warehouse architecture developed •Added Oracle Warehouse Builder to 
 automate and model the DW build •Oracle 9i Application Server (yay!) 
 to deliver reports and web portals •Data Mining and OLAP in the database •Oracle 9i for in-database ETL (and RAC) •Data was typically loaded from 
 Oracle RBDMS and EBS •It was turtles Oracle all the way down… The Oracle-Centric DW Architecture
  • 6. @rittmanmead 6 •Many customers and organisations are now running initiatives around “big data” •Some are IT-led and are looking for cost-savings around data warehouse storage + ETL •Others are “skunkworks” projects in the marketing department that are now scaling-up •Projects now emerging from pilot exercises •And design patterns starting to emerge Many Organisations are Running Big Data Initiatives
  • 7. @rittmanmead Highly Scalable (and Affordable) Cluster Computing •Enterprise High-End RDBMSs such as Oracle can scale into the petabytes, using clustering ‣Sharded databases (e.g. Netezza) can scale further but with complexity / single workload trade-offs •Hadoop was designed from outside for massive horizontal scalability - using cheap hardware •Anticipates hardware failure and makes multiple copies of data as protection •More nodes you add, more stable it becomes •And at a fraction of the cost of traditional
 RDBMS platforms
  • 8. @rittmanmead •Store and analyze huge volumes of structured and unstructured data •In the past, we had to throw away the detail •No need to define a data model during ingest •Supports multiple, flexible schemas •Separation of storage from compute engine •Allows multiple query engines and frameworks
 to work on the same raw datasets Store Everything Forever - And Process in Many Ways Hadoop Data Lake Webserver
 Log Files (txt) Social Media
 Logs (JSON) DB Archives
 (CSV) Sensor Data
 (XML) `Spatial & Graph
 (XML, txt) IoT Logs
 (JSON, txt) Chat Transcripts
 (Txt) DB Transactions
 (CSV, XML) Blogs, Articles
 (TXT, HTML) Raw Data Processed Data NoSQL Key-Value
 Store DB Tabular Data
 (Hive Tables) Aggregates
 (Impala Tables) NoSQL Document 
 Store DB
  • 9. @rittmanmead 9 •Typical implementation of Hadoop and big data in an analytic context is the “data lake” •Additional data storage platform with cheap storage, flexible schema support + compute •Data lands in the data lake or reservoir in raw form, then minimally processed •Data then accessed directly by “data scientists”, or processed further into DW In the Context of BI & Analytics : The Data Reservoir Data Transfer Data Access Data Factory Data Reservoir Business Intelligence Tools Hadoop Platform File Based Integration Stream Based Integration Data streams Discovery & Development Labs Safe & secure Discovery and Development environment Data sets and samples Models and programs Marketing / Sales Applications Models Machine Learning Segments Operational Data Transactions Customer Master ata Unstructured Data Voice + Chat Transcripts ETL Based Integration Raw Customer Data Data stored in the original format (usually files) such as SS7, ASN.1, JSON etc. Mapped Customer Data Data sets produced by mapping and transforming raw data
  • 10. @rittmanmead 10 •Oracle Engineered system for big data processing and analysis •Start with Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack - expand up to 18 nodes per rack •Cluster racks together for horizontal scale-out using enterprise-quality infrastructure Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack + Expansion • Cloudera CDH + Oracle software • 18 High-spec Hadoop Nodes with InfiniBand switches for internal Hadoop traffic, optimised for network throughput • 1 Cisco Management Switch • Single place for support for H/W + S/W
 Deployed on Oracle Big Data Appliance Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack + Expansion • Cloudera CDH + Oracle software • 18 High-spec Hadoop Nodes with InfiniBand switches for internal Hadoop traffic, optimised for network throughput • 1 Cisco Management Switch • Single place for support for H/W + S/W
 Customer Profile Modeling Scoring Infiniband
  • 11. @rittmanmead •Programming model for processing large data sets in parallel on a cluster •Not specific to a particular language, but usually written in Java •Inspired by the map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming ‣Map() performs filtering and sorting ‣Reduce() aggregates the output of mappers ‣and a Shuffle() step to redistribute output by keys •Resolved several complications of distributed computing: ‣Allows unlimited computations on unlimited data ‣Map and reduce functions can be easily distributed ‣Originated at Google; Hadoop was Yahoo’s open-source
 implementation of MapReduce, + two are synonymous MapReduce - The Original Big Data Query Framework Mapper Filter, Project Mapper Filter, Project Mapper Filter, Project Reducer Aggregate Reducer Aggregate Output
 One HDFS file per reducer,
 in a directory
  • 12. @rittmanmead 12 •Original developed at Facebook, now foundational within the Hadoop project •Allows users to query Hadoop data using SQL-like language •Tabular metadata layer that overlays files, can interpret semi-structured data (e.g. JSON) •Generates MapReduce code to return required data •Extensible through SerDes and Storage Handlers •JDBC and ODBC drivers for most platforms/tools •Perfect for set-based access + batch ETL work Apache Hive : SQL Metadata + Engine over Hadoop
  • 13. @rittmanmead •Data integration tools such as Oracle Data Integrator can load and process Hadoop data •BI tools such as Oracle Business Intelligence 12c can report on Hadoop data •Generally use MapReduce and Hive to access data ‣ODBC and JDBC access to Hive tabular data ‣Allows Hadoop unstructured/semi-structured
 data on HDFS to be accessed like RDBMS Hive Provides a SQL Interface for BI + ETL Tools Access direct Hive or extract using ODI12c for structured OBIEE dashboard analysis What pages are people visiting? Who is referring to us on Twitter? What content has the most reach?
  • 15. ?
  • 23. But the future is fast
  • 24. And pretty damn exciting
  • 26. @rittmanmead 26 Hadoop 2.0 Processing Frameworks + Tools
  • 27. @rittmanmead 27 •MapReduce’s great innovation was to break processing down into distributed jobs •Jobs that have no functional dependency on each other, only upstream tasks •Provides a framework that is infinitely scalable and very fault tolerant •Hadoop handled job scheduling and resource management ‣All MapReduce code had to do was provide the “map” and “reduce” functions ‣Automatic distributed processing ‣Slow but extremely powerful Hadoop 1.0 and MapReduce
  • 28. @rittmanmead 28 •A typical Hive or Pig script compiles down into multiple MapReduce jobs •Each job stages its intermediate results to disk •Safe, but slow - write to disk, spin-up separate JVMs for each job MapReduce - Scales By Writing Intermediate Results to Disk SELECT LOWER(hashtags.text), COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM ( SELECT * FROM tweets WHERE regexp_extract(created_at,"(2015)*",1) = "2015" ) tweets LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE(entities.hashtags) t1 AS hashtags GROUP BY LOWER(hashtags.text) ORDER BY total_count DESC LIMIT 15 MapReduce Jobs Launched: Stage-Stage-1: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 5.34 sec HDFS Read: 10952994 HDFS Write: 5239 SUCCESS Stage-Stage-2: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 2.1 sec HDFS Read: 9983 HDFS Write: 164 SUCCESS Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 7 seconds 440 msec OK 1 2
  • 29. @rittmanmead 29 •MapReduce 2 (MR2) splits the functionality of the JobTracker
 by separating resource management and job scheduling/monitoring •Introduces YARN (Yet Another Resource Manager) •Permits other processing frameworks to MR ‣For example, Apache Spark •Maintains backwards compatibility with MR1 •Introduced with CDH5+ MapReduce 2 and YARN Node
 Manager Node
 Manager Node
 Manager Resource
 Manager Client Client
  • 30. @rittmanmead 30 •Runs on top of YARN, provides a faster execution engine than MapReduce for Hive, Pig etc •Models processing as an entire data flow graph (DAG), rather than separate job steps ‣DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a new programming style for distributed systems ‣Dataflow steps pass data between them as streams, rather than writing/reading from disk •Supports in-memory computation, enables Hive on Tez (Stinger) and Pig on Tez •Favoured In-memory / Hive v2 
 route by Hortonworks Apache Tez InputData TEZ DAG Map() Map() Map() Reduce() OutputData Reduce() Reduce() Reduce() InputData Map() Map() Reduce() Reduce()
  • 31. @rittmanmead 31 Tez Advantage - Drop-In Replacement for MR with Hive, Pig set hive.execution.engine=mr set hive.execution.engine=tez 4m 17s 2m 25s
  • 33. @rittmanmead 33 •Cloudera’s answer to Hive query response time issues •MPP SQL query engine running on Hadoop, bypasses MapReduce for direct data access •Mostly in-memory, but spills to disk if required •Uses Hive metastore to access Hive table metadata •Similar SQL dialect to Hive - not as rich though and no support for Hive SerDes, storage handlers etc Cloudera Impala - Fast, MPP-style Access to Hadoop Data
  • 34. @rittmanmead 34 •A replacement for Hive, but uses Hive concepts and
 data dictionary (metastore) •MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) query engine
 that runs within Hadoop ‣Uses same file formats, security,
 resource management as Hadoop •Processes queries in-memory •Accesses standard HDFS file data •Option to use Apache AVRO, RCFile,
 LZO or Parquet (column-store) •Designed for interactive, real-time
 SQL-like access to Hadoop How Impala Works Impala Hadoop HDFS etc BI Server Presentation Svr Cloudera Impala
 ODBC Driver Impala Hadoop HDFS etc Impala Hadoop HDFS etc Impala Hadoop HDFS etc Impala Hadoop HDFS etc Multi-Node
 Hadoop Cluster
  • 35. @rittmanmead 35 •Log into Impala Shell, run INVALIDATE METADATA command to refresh Impala table list •Run SHOW TABLES Impala SQL command to view tables available •Run COUNT(*) on main ACCESS_PER_POST table to see typical response time Enabling Hive Tables for Impala [oracle@bigdatalite ~]$ impala-shell Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication [bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > invalidate metadata; Query: invalidate metadata Fetched 0 row(s) in 2.18s [bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > show tables; Query: show tables +-----------------------------------+ | name | +-----------------------------------+ | access_per_post | | access_per_post_cat_author | | … | | posts | |——————————————————————————————————-+ Fetched 45 row(s) in 0.15s [bigdatalite.localdomain:21000] > select count(*) 
 from access_per_post; Query: select count(*) from access_per_post +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 343 | +----------+ Fetched 1 row(s) in 2.76s
  • 36. @rittmanmead 36 •Significant improvement over Hive response time •Now makes Hadoop suitable for ad-hoc querying Significantly-Improved Ad-Hoc Query Response Time vs Hive | Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 2, Response time 1, Compilation time 0 (seconds) Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 50, Response time 49, Compilation time 0 (seconds) Simple Two-Table Join against Hive Data Only Simple Two-Table Join against Impala Data Only vs
  • 37. @rittmanmead 37 •Beginners usually store data in HDFS using text file formats (CSV) but these have limitations •Apache AVRO often used for general-purpose processing ‣Splitability, schema evolution, in-built metadata, support for block compression •Parquet now commonly used with Impala due to column-orientated storage ‣Mirrors work in RDBMS world around column-store ‣Only return (project) the columns you require across a wide table Apache Parquet - Column-Orientated Storage for Analytics
  • 38. @rittmanmead 38 •But Parquet (and HDFS) have significant limitation for real-time analytics applications ‣Append-only orientation, focus on column-store 
 makes streaming ingestion harder •Cloudera Kudu aims to combine best of HDFS + HBase ‣Real-time analytics-optimised ‣Supports updates to data ‣Fast ingestion of data ‣Accessed using SQL-style tables
 and get/put/update/delete API Cloudera Kudu - Combining Best of HBase and Column-Store
  • 39. @rittmanmead 39 •Part of Oracle Big Data 4.0 (BDA-only) ‣Also requires Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Exadata Database Machine •Extends Oracle Data Dictionary to cover Hive •Extends Oracle SQL and SmartScan to Hadoop •Extends Oracle Security Model over Hadoop ‣Fine-grained access control ‣Data redaction, data masking ‣Uses fast c-based readers where possible
 (vs. Hive MapReduce generation) ‣Map Hadoop parallelism to Oracle PQ ‣Big Data SQL engine works on top of YARN ‣Like Spark, Tez, MR2 Oracle Big Data SQL Exadata
 Storage Servers Hadoop
 Cluster Exadata Database
 Server Oracle Big
 Data SQL SQL Queries SmartScan SmartScan
  • 42. “where we’re going
 we don’t need roads”
  • 43. “where we’re going
 we don’t need roads”
  • 44. @rittmanmead •Apache Drill is another SQL-on-Hadoop project that focus on schema-free data discovery •Inspired by Google Dremel, innovation is querying raw data with schema optional •Automatically infers and detects schema from semi-structured datasets and NoSQL DBs •Join across different silos of data e.g. JSON records, Hive tables and HBase database •Aimed at different use-cases than Hive - 
 low-latency queries, discovery 
 (think Endeca vs OBIEE) Introducing Apache Drill - “We Don’t Need No Roads”
  • 45. @rittmanmead •Most modern datasource formats embed their schema in the data (“schema-on-read”) •Apache Drill makes these as easy to join to traditional datasets as “point me at the data” •Cuts out unnecessary work in defining Hive schemas for data that’s self-describing •Supports joining across files,
 databases, NoSQL etc Self-Describing Data - Parquet, AVRO, JSON etc
  • 46. @rittmanmead •Files can exist either on the local filesystem, or on HDFS •Connection to directory or file defined in storage configuration •Can work with CSV, TXT, TSV etc •First row of file can provide schema (column names) Apache Drill and Text Files SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/csv_with_header.csv2`; +-------+------+------+------+ | name | num1 | num2 | num3 | +-------+------+------+------+ | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | | hello | 1 | 2 | 3 | +-------+------+------+------+ 7 rows selected (0.12 seconds) SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/csv_no_header.csv`; +------------------------+ | columns | +------------------------+ | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | | ["hello","1","2","3"] | +------------------------+ 7 rows selected (0.112 seconds)
  • 47. @rittmanmead •JSON (Javascript Object Notation) documents are often used for data interchange •Exports from Twitter and other consumer services •Web service responses and other B2B interfaces •A more lightweight form of XML that is “self- describing” •Handles evolving schemas, and optional attributes •Drill treats each document as a row, and has features to •Flatten nested data (extract elements from arrays) •Generate key/value pairs for loosely structured data Apache Drill and JSON Documents use dfs.iot; show files; select in_reply_to_user_id, text from `all_tweets.json` limit 5; +---------------------+------+ | in_reply_to_user_id | text | +---------------------+------+ | null | BI Forum 2013 in Brighton has now sold-out | | null | "Football has become a numbers game | | null | Just bought Lyndsay Wise’s Book | | null | An Oracle BI "Blast from the Past" | | 14716125 | Dilbert on Agile Programming | +---------------------+------+ 5 rows selected (0.229 seconds) select name, flatten(fillings) as f 
 from dfs.users.`/donuts.json` 
 where < 300;
  • 48. @rittmanmead •Drill can connect to Hive to make use of metastore (incl. multiple Hive metastores) •NoSQL databases (HBase etc) •Parquet files (native storage format - columnar + self describing) Apache Drill and Hive, HBase, Parquet Sources etc USE hbase; SELECT * FROM students; +-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | row_key | account | address | +-------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | [B@e6d9eb7 | {"name":"QWxpY2U="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MTIzIEJhbGxtZXIgQXY="} | | [B@2823a2b4 | {"name":"Qm9i"} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MSBJbmZpbml0ZSBMb29w"} | | [B@3b8eec02 | {"name":"RnJhbms="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NDM1IFdhbGtlciBDdA=="} | | [B@242895da | {"name":"TWFyeQ=="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NTYgU291dGhlcm4gUGt3eQ=="} | +-------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT firstname,lastname FROM 
 hiveremote.`customers` limit 10;`
 +------------+------------+ | firstname | lastname | +------------+------------+ | Essie | Vaill | | Cruz | Roudabush | | Billie | Tinnes | | Zackary | Mockus | | Rosemarie | Fifield | | Bernard | Laboy | | Marianne | Earman | +------------+------------+ SELECT * FROM dfs.`iot_demo/geodata/region.parquet`; +--------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | R_REGIONKEY | R_NAME | R_COMMENT | +--------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 0 | AFRICA | lar deposits. blithe | | 1 | AMERICA | hs use ironic, even | | 2 | ASIA | ges. thinly even pin | | 3 | EUROPE | ly final courts cajo | | 4 | MIDDLE EAST | uickly special accou | +--------------+--------------+-----------------------+
  • 49. @rittmanmead •Drill developed for real-time, ad-hoc data exploration with schema discovery on-the-fly •Individual analysts exploring new datasets, leveraging corporate metadata/data to help •Hive is more about large-scale, centrally curated set-based big data access •Drill models conceptually as JSON, vs. Hive’s tabular approach •Drill introspects schema from whatever it connects to, vs. formal modeling in Hive Apache Drill vs. Apache Hive Interactive Queries
 (Data Discovery, Tableau/VA) Reporting Queries
 (Canned Reports, OBIEE) ETL
 (ODI, Scripting, Informatica) Apache Drill Apache Hive Interactive Queries 100ms - 3mins Reporting Queries 3mins - 20mins ETL & Batch Queries 20mins - hours
  • 51. what’s all this about “Spark”?
  • 53. @rittmanmead 53 •Another DAG execution engine running on YARN •More mature than TEZ, with richer API and more vendor support •Uses concept of an RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) ‣RDDs like tables or Pig relations, but can be cached in-memory ‣Great for in-memory transformations, or iterative/cyclic processes •Spark jobs comprise of a DAG of tasks operating on RDDs •Access through Scala, Python or Java APIs •Related projects include ‣Spark SQL ‣Spark Streaming Apache Spark
  • 54. @rittmanmead 54 •Native support for multiple languages 
 with identical APIs ‣Python - prototyping, data wrangling ‣Scala - functional programming features ‣Java - lower-level, application integration •Use of closures, iterations, and other 
 common language constructs to minimize code •Integrated support for distributed +
 functional programming •Unified API for batch and streaming Rich Developer Support + Wide Developer Ecosystem scala> val logfile = sc.textFile("logs/access_log") 14/05/12 21:18:59 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(77353) 
 called with curMem=234759, maxMem=309225062 14/05/12 21:18:59 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_2 
 stored as values to memory (estimated size 75.5 KB, free 294.6 MB) logfile: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = 
 MappedRDD[31] at textFile at <console>:15 scala> logfile.count() 14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1 14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: count at <console>:1 ... 14/05/12 21:19:06 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: 
 count at <console>:18, took 0.192536694 s res7: Long = 154563 scala> val logfile = sc.textFile("logs/access_log").cache scala> val biapps11g = logfile.filter(line => line.contains("/biapps11g/")) biapps11g: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = FilteredRDD[34] at filter at <console>:17 scala> biapps11g.count() ... 14/05/12 21:28:28 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: count at <console>:20, took 0.387960876 s res9: Long = 403
  • 55. @rittmanmead 55 •Spark SQL, and Data Frames, allow RDDs in Spark to be processed using SQL queries •Bring in and federate additional data from JDBC sources •Load, read and save data in Hive, Parquet and other structured tabular formats Spark SQL - Adding SQL Processing to Apache Spark val accessLogsFilteredDF = accessLogs .filter( r => ! r.agent.matches(".*(spider|robot|bot|slurp).*")) .filter( r => ! r.endpoint.matches(".*(wp-content|wp-admin).*")).toDF() .registerTempTable("accessLogsFiltered") val topTenPostsLast24Hour = sqlContext.sql("SELECT p.POST_TITLE, p.POST_AUTHOR, COUNT(*) 
 as total 
 FROM accessLogsFiltered a 
 JOIN posts p ON a.endpoint = p.POST_SLUG 
 ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10 ") // Persist top ten table for this window to HDFS as parquet file"/user/oracle/rm_logs_batch_output/topTenPostsLast24Hour.parquet"
 , "parquet", SaveMode.Overwrite)
  • 56. @rittmanmead 56 Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine Large-Scale Batch Fast and Ad-hoc? or…
  • 57. @rittmanmead 57 Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine Centralised &
 Ordered Metadata Crazy, Complex and
 Changing Schema? or…
  • 58. @rittmanmead 58 Choosing the Appropriate SQL-on-Hadoop Engine Integrating with
 Existing Corporate DW Looking to Escape
 Legacy DWs to Hadoop? or…
  • 62. Check-out these Developer VMs: cloudera_quickstart_vm.html bigdatalite-2104726.html
  • 64. @rittmanmead SQL and Data Integration Futures on Hadoop : A look into the future of analytics on Oracle BDA Mark Rittman, CTO, Rittman Mead Enkitec E4, Barcelona, April 2016