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Big Data Visualization
Apache Spark and Zeppelin
Prajod Vettiyattil, Software Architect, Wipro @prajods
• Big Data and Ecosystem tools
• Apache Spark
• Apache Zeppelin
• Data Visualization
• Combining Spark and Zeppelin
Big Data
• Data size beyond systems capability
– Terabyte, Petabyte, Exabyte
• Storage
– Commodity servers, RAID, SAN
• Processing
– In reasonable response time
– A challenge here
Tradition processing tools
• Move what ?
– the data to the code or
– the code to the data
move data to code
move code to data
Traditional processing tools
• Traditional tools
– High cost
– Difficult to scale beyond certain data size
• price/performance skew
• data variety not supported
Map-Reduce and NoSQL
• Hadoop toolset
– Free and open source
– Commodity hardware
– Scales to exabytes(1018), maybe even more
• Not only SQL
– Storage and query processing only
– Complements Hadoop toolset
– Volume, velocity and variety
All is well ?
• Hadoop was designed for batch processing
• Disk based processing: slow
• Many tools to enhance Hadoop’s capabilities
– Distributed cache, Haloop, Hive, HBase
• Not for interactive and iterative
What is singularity ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Decade vs AI capacity
Point of
Technological singularity
• When AI capability exceeds Human capacity
• AI or non-AI singularity
• 2045:
– The predicted year
History of Spark
Spark 1.3.1
Spark 1.0.0
100TB sort
achieved in
23 mins
donated to
created by
Zaharia at
Contributors in Spark
• Yahoo
• Intel
• UC Berkeley
• …
• 50+ organizations
Hadoop and Spark
• Spark complements the Hadoop ecosystem
• Replaces: Hadoop MR
• Spark integrates with
– Hive
– HBase
Other big data tools
• Spark also integrates with
– Kafka
– ZeroMQ
– Cassandra
– Mesos
Programming Spark
• Java
• Scala
• Python
• R
Spark toolset
Apache Spark
MLlib GraphX
Spark R
Blink DB
What is Spark for ?
Interactive Streaming
The main difference: speed
• RAM access vs
Disk access
– RAM access is
100,000 times
faster !
Lambda Architecture pattern
• Used for Lambda
– Batch layer
– Speed layer
– Serving layer
Serving Layer
Data Input
Worker Node
Deployment Architecture
Master Node
Task Cache
Worker Node
Spark’s Cluster
Spark Driver
Core features of Spark
• Rich API
• RDD: Resilient Distributed Datasets
• DAG based execution
• Data caching
• Strong ecosystem tool support
Sample code in scala
• Find the top 100,000 Wikipedia pages by page views
• Log file format: code, title, num_hits
• => l.split(" "))
.map(l => (l(1), l(2).toInt))
.reduceByKey(_+_, 200)
.filter(x => x._2 > 100000)
.map(x => (x._2, x._1))
Interactive data analytics
• For Spark and Flink
• Web front end
• At the back end, it connects to
– SQL systems(Eg: Hive)
– Spark
– Flink
Deployment Architecture
Spark / Flink /
Zeppelin daemon
browser 1
browser 2
browser 3
Web Server
• Is where you do your data analysis
• Web UI REPL with pluggable interpreters
• Interpreters
– Scala, Python, Angular, SparkSQL, Markdown and Shell
User Interface features
• Markdown
• Dynamic HTML generation
• Dynamic chart generation
• Screen sharing via websockets
SQL Interpreter
• SQL shell
– Query spark data using SQL queries
– Return normal text, HTML or chart type results
Scala interpreter for Spark
• Similar to the Spark shell
• Upload your data into Spark
• Query the data sets(RDDs) in your Spark server
• Execute map-reduce tasks
• Actions on RDD
• Transformations on RDD
Visualization tools
D3 Visualizations
The need for visualization
Big Data
to data
User gets
Tools for Data Presentation Architecture
A data analysis tool/toolset would support:
Spark and Zeppelin
Zeppelin daemon
browser 1
browser 2
browser 3
Web Server
Zeppelin views: Table from SQL
Zeppelin views: Table from SQL
%sql select age, count(1) from bank where
group by age order by age
Zeppelin views: Pie chart from SQL
Zeppelin views: Bar chart from SQL
Zeppelin views: Angular
Share variables: MVVM
• Between Scala/Python/Spark and Angular
• Observe scala variables from angular
Scala-Spark Angular
x = “foo” x = “bar”
Zeppelin views: Angular-scala binding
Screen sharing using Zeppelin
• Share your graphical reports
– Live sharing
– Get the share URL from zeppelin and share with others
– Uses websockets
• Embed live reports in web pages
Spark and Zeppelin
• Spark
– Berkeley Data Analytics Stack
– More source and sinks; SparkSQL
• Zeppelin
– Notebooks for
• Machine Learning using Spark
• GraphX and Mllib
– Additional interpreters
– Better graphics, steaming views
– Report persistence
– More report templates
– Better angular integration 49
• Spark and tools
• The need for visualization
• The role of Zeppelin
• Zeppelin – Spark integration

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FIDO Alliance
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FIDO Alliance
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FIDO Alliance
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