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Migration Story
About me
Roman Chukh
 11+ years of experience
 Java / PHP / Ruby / etc.
 ~1 year with Apache Spark
 Interested in
 Data Storage / Data Flow
 Monitoring
 Provisioning Tools
 Why Spark?
 Our Migration to Spark
 Issues
 … and solutions
 … or workarounds
 … or at least the lessons learnt
Why Spark?
[Spark is a] Fast and general-purpose
cluster computing platform for large-scale
data processing
Why Spark?
Why Spark?
Active Development
Why Spark?
Community Growth
Why Spark?
Real-World Usage
Largest Cluster 8000 nodes Tencent
Largest single job 1 PB
Top streaming intake 1 TB / hour
Why Spark?
Real-World Usage
Migrating to Spark
Cluster Manager
Worker Node
Worker Node
Migrating To Spark
Before We Start
Migrating To Spark
The Product
 Cloud-based analytics application
 Won the Big Data Startup Challenge
 In-house computation engine
Migrating To Spark
 More data
 More granular data
 Support various data backends
 Support Machine Learning algorithms
Migrating To Spark
Use Cases
❏ supplement Graph database used to
store/query big dimensions
❏ supplement RDBMS for querying of high
volumes of data
❏ represent existing computation graph as
flow of Spark-based operations
Migrating To Spark
Star Schema
Dimension DimensionMetric
Process /
Process /
Issue #1
Low-Level API
Issue #1: Low-Level API
“Resilient Distributed Datasets:
A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-
Memory Cluster Computing”
Issue #1: Low-Level API
RDD: Resilient Distributed Dataset
❏ Immutable
❏ Statically typed: RDD<MyClass>
❏ Fault-Tolerant: Automatically rebuilt on failure
❏ Lazily evaluated
Issue #1: Low-Level API
Example workflow
Read File
Get line length
Sum lengths
Issue #1: Low-Level API
RDD: Example
Issue #1: Low-Level API
RDD: Issues
 Functional transformations (e.g. map/reduce)
are not as intuitive
 Manual memory management
 High (dev) maintenance cost
Issue #1: Low-Level API
DataFrame: Overview
❏ (Semi-) Structured data
❏ Columnar Storage
❏ Graph mutation
❏ Code generation
❏ "on" by default in 1.5+
❏ "always on" in latest master
Issue #1: Low-Level API
DataFrame: Example
Issue #1: Low-Level API
DataFrame vs RDD
Issue #1: Low-Level API
DataFrame: Graph Mutation
Issue #1: Low-Level API
Lessons Learnt
❏ Be aware of the new features
❏ … especially why they were introduced
❏ Low-Level API != Better Performance
Issue #2
“The fastest way to process big
data is to never read it”
Spark Flow
x > 0
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Use Cases
FROM Table
WHERE x > 0
Spark Flow
x > 0
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Use Cases
FROM Table
WHERE x > 0
AND y < 10
y < 10
Spark Flow
x > 0
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Use Cases
FROM Table
WHERE x > 0
OR y < 10
y < 10
Spark Flow
x > 0
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Use Cases
FROM Table
WHERE x > 0
OR y < 10
y < 10
… is at a very early stage
❏ Only simple predicates
<, <=, >, >=, =
❏ Only ‘AND’ predicate groups
(no OR support)
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
… is buggy
❏ Parquet < 1.7
❏ PARQUET-136 - NPE if all column values are
❏ Parquet 1.7
❏ PARQUET-251 - Possible incorrect results
for String/Decimal/Binary columns
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Apache Parquet
Issue #2: DataSource Predicates
Lessons Learnt
❏ Know your data format / data storage features
❏ ... and issues
❏ Its hard to check predicate pushdown behavior
❏ SPARK-11390: Pushdown information
❏ Simple aggregation operations are not supported
❏ Check out the talk “The Pushdown of Everything”
Issue #3
Spark SQL
❏ Window functions (e.g. row_number)
❏ Introduced for HiveContext in 1.4
❏ Introduced for SparkContext in 1.5
❏ Subquery (e.g. not exists) support is still missing
❏ Can sometimes be replaced with left semi join
Issue #3: Spark (sort of) SQL
Missing Functionality
Issue #3: Spark (sort of) SQL
Lessons Learnt
❏ Know your use-case
❏ Spark SQL is still quite young
❏ SQL grammar is incomplete
❏ … but actively extended
Issue #4
Round Trips
Issue #4: Round Trips
Data Processing
Internal API
Process / Filter
Issue #4: Round Trips
Data Processing
Internal API
Process / Filter
Get ID for the ‘Year 2015’
Issue #4: Round Trips
Resolving Dimensions
key = ‘2015’
Get IDs of all passed months of the current year
WHERE parent = 2015
and level = month
Dim. id
of ‘2015’
key = ‘2015’
Issue #4: Round Trips
Resolving Dimensions
Get IDs of all passed months of the current year
AND their siblings from the previous year
parent = 2015
level = month
Dim. id
of ‘2015’
key = ‘2015’
sibling_id =
sibling_id - 1
Issue #4: Round Trips
Resolving Dimensions
❏ Spark is better suited for a single complex request
❏ … though not too complex yet
❏ Invest time in architecture analysis and data flow
❏ It might be better to replace a more high-level API
Issue #4: Round Trips
Lessons Learnt
Issue #5
Out of Memory
“RAM's cheap, but not that cheap”
Issue #5: OOM
❏ Receive request
❏ Select / Filter / Process data (on Spark)
❏ Collect results
❏ … Out Of Memory
❏ Same data as before
❏ Same external API
Issue #5: OOM
Workaround: Requirements
❏ Result holds ~ 1M objects
❏ (Average) Object size 928 bytes
❏ Result size ~880 MB
Issue #5: OOM
Workaround: Before
Issue #5: OOM
Workaround: After
❏ Result holds ~ 1M objects
❏ (Average) Object size 272 bytes
❏ Result size ~261 MB
❏ Invest (more) time in data structures
❏ Some java performance tips:
❏ Know your serializer
❏ E.g. Kryo (v2.2.1) prepares object for
deserialization by using default constructor.
Issue #5: OOM
Lessons Learnt
Instead Of
“The fact that there is a highway to hell
and only a stairway to heaven says a lot
about the traffic trends”
Any questions?

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Spark - Migration Story

  • 2. About me Roman Chukh  11+ years of experience  Java / PHP / Ruby / etc.  ~1 year with Apache Spark  Interested in  Data Storage / Data Flow  Monitoring  Provisioning Tools
  • 3. Agenda  Why Spark?  Our Migration to Spark  Issues  … and solutions  … or workarounds  … or at least the lessons learnt
  • 5. “ [Spark is a] Fast and general-purpose cluster computing platform for large-scale data processing
  • 7. Why Spark? Active Development Source:
  • 8. Why Spark? Community Growth Source:
  • 9. Why Spark? Real-World Usage Source: wendell/6
  • 10. Largest Cluster 8000 nodes Tencent Largest single job 1 PB Databricks Top streaming intake 1 TB / hour Source: Why Spark? Real-World Usage
  • 12. Cluster Manager Application SparkContext Worker Node Executor Task Executor Task Worker Node Executor Task Executor Task Migrating To Spark Before We Start
  • 13. Migrating To Spark The Product  Cloud-based analytics application  Won the Big Data Startup Challenge  In-house computation engine
  • 14. Migrating To Spark Reasons  More data  More granular data  Support various data backends  Support Machine Learning algorithms
  • 15. Migrating To Spark Use Cases ❏ supplement Graph database used to store/query big dimensions ❏ supplement RDBMS for querying of high volumes of data ❏ represent existing computation graph as flow of Spark-based operations
  • 16. Migrating To Spark Star Schema Dimension DimensionMetric Process / Filter Dimension Filter Metric Process / Filter Dimension Result Data Processing ...
  • 19. Issue #1: Low-Level API RDD “Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In- Memory Cluster Computing” Source:
  • 20. Issue #1: Low-Level API RDD: Resilient Distributed Dataset ❏ Immutable ❏ Statically typed: RDD<MyClass> ❏ Fault-Tolerant: Automatically rebuilt on failure ❏ Lazily evaluated
  • 21. Issue #1: Low-Level API Example workflow Read File line-by-line Get line length Sum lengths Result
  • 22. Issue #1: Low-Level API RDD: Example lines.txt some lines for test
  • 23. Issue #1: Low-Level API RDD: Issues  Functional transformations (e.g. map/reduce) are not as intuitive  Manual memory management  High (dev) maintenance cost
  • 24. Issue #1: Low-Level API DataFrame: Overview ❏ (Semi-) Structured data ❏ Columnar Storage ❏ Graph mutation ❏ Code generation ❏ "on" by default in 1.5+ ❏ "always on" in latest master
  • 25. Issue #1: Low-Level API DataFrame: Example lines.json {"line":"some"} {"line":"lines"} {"line":"for"} {"line":"test"}
  • 26. Issue #1: Low-Level API DataFrame vs RDD Source:
  • 27. Issue #1: Low-Level API DataFrame: Graph Mutation Source:
  • 28. Issue #1: Low-Level API Lessons Learnt ❏ Be aware of the new features ❏ … especially why they were introduced ❏ Low-Level API != Better Performance
  • 30. “ “The fastest way to process big data is to never read it” Source:
  • 31. Spark Flow RDBMS WHERE x > 0 Result Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Use Cases SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE x > 0
  • 32. Spark Flow RDBMS WHERE x > 0 Result Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Use Cases SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE x > 0 AND y < 10 WHERE y < 10 AND
  • 33. Spark Flow RDBMS WHERE x > 0 Result Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Use Cases SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE x > 0 OR y < 10 WHERE y < 10 OR
  • 34. Spark Flow RDBMS WHERE x > 0 Result Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Use Cases SQL SELECT * FROM Table WHERE x > 0 OR y < 10 WHERE y < 10 OR
  • 35. … is at a very early stage ❏ Only simple predicates <, <=, >, >=, = ❏ Only ‘AND’ predicate groups (no OR support) Issue #2: DataSource Predicates JDBC
  • 36. … is buggy ❏ Parquet < 1.7 ❏ PARQUET-136 - NPE if all column values are null ❏ Parquet 1.7 ❏ PARQUET-251 - Possible incorrect results for String/Decimal/Binary columns Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Apache Parquet
  • 37. Issue #2: DataSource Predicates Lessons Learnt ❏ Know your data format / data storage features ❏ ... and issues ❏ Its hard to check predicate pushdown behavior ❏ SPARK-11390: Pushdown information ❏ Simple aggregation operations are not supported ❏ Check out the talk “The Pushdown of Everything”
  • 39. ❏ Window functions (e.g. row_number) ❏ Introduced for HiveContext in 1.4 ❏ Introduced for SparkContext in 1.5 ❏ Subquery (e.g. not exists) support is still missing ❏ Can sometimes be replaced with left semi join Issue #3: Spark (sort of) SQL Missing Functionality
  • 40. Issue #3: Spark (sort of) SQL Lessons Learnt ❏ Know your use-case ❏ Spark SQL is still quite young ❏ SQL grammar is incomplete ❏ … but actively extended
  • 42. Issue #4: Round Trips Background Metric Data Processing ... Filter Metric Result Internal API Process / Filter Dimension Dimension ids Dimension
  • 43. Issue #4: Round Trips Background Metric Data Processing ... Filter Metric Result Internal API Process / Filter Dimension Dimension ids Dimension
  • 44. Get ID for the ‘Year 2015’ Issue #4: Round Trips Resolving Dimensions Dimension WHERE key = ‘2015’ Result
  • 45. Get IDs of all passed months of the current year Dimension WHERE parent = 2015 and level = month Dim. id of ‘2015’ WHERE key = ‘2015’ Issue #4: Round Trips Resolving Dimensions Result
  • 46. Get IDs of all passed months of the current year AND their siblings from the previous year Dimension WHERE parent = 2015 and level = month Dim. id of ‘2015’ Jan, Feb, … WHERE key = ‘2015’ WHERE sibling_id = sibling_id - 1 Result Issue #4: Round Trips Resolving Dimensions
  • 47. ❏ Spark is better suited for a single complex request ❏ … though not too complex yet ❏ Invest time in architecture analysis and data flow ❏ It might be better to replace a more high-level API Issue #4: Round Trips Lessons Learnt
  • 48. Issue #5 Out of Memory
  • 49. “ “RAM's cheap, but not that cheap” Source:
  • 50. Issue #5: OOM Background ❏ Receive request ❏ Select / Filter / Process data (on Spark) ❏ Collect results ❏ … Out Of Memory
  • 51. ❏ Same data as before ❏ Same external API Issue #5: OOM Workaround: Requirements
  • 52. ❏ Result holds ~ 1M objects ❏ (Average) Object size 928 bytes ❏ Result size ~880 MB Issue #5: OOM Workaround: Before
  • 53. Issue #5: OOM Workaround: After ❏ Result holds ~ 1M objects ❏ (Average) Object size 272 bytes ❏ Result size ~261 MB
  • 54. ❏ Invest (more) time in data structures ❏ Some java performance tips: ❏ Know your serializer ❏ E.g. Kryo (v2.2.1) prepares object for deserialization by using default constructor. Issue #5: OOM Lessons Learnt
  • 56. “ “The fact that there is a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven says a lot about the traffic trends” Source:
  • 58. Resources      dataframes-52776940  zaharia-keynote  databricks-cofounder-patrick-wendell/6  dataframes-52776940  zaharia-keynote   everything-to-ram-and-run-it-from-there  t_there_is_a_highway_to_hell_and_only