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what are infographics?
The South Africa I know, the home I understand
what are infographics?
Pali lehohla
Statistics South Africa, 2014
What the reader reads?
Source: Poynter institute
Most people tend to have shorter and shorter attention spans, for which (unsurprisingly)
looking at a captivating image beats out reading large amounts of text.
People are constantly exposed to information overload via our computers, tablets, and
smartphones. The key is no longer to get the information out there, but to get attention
for it.
Human beings are highly visual and can absorb visual information faster and more
easily than other kinds of information.
Most people forget a large amount of what they’ve read, but they do remember what
they’ve seen.
Infographics are more fun and engaging than plain text.
Infographics, when done right, do not only make it easier to understand complex
information, but boost both the creator’s profile and website traffic.
Infographics allow the creator to showcase his or her knowledge about a certain topic.
A good infographic can spread quickly on the Internet, giving other bloggers and
writers something to talk about, and the creator backlinks and gets more exposure.
Be sure to include a logo and URL on the image for copyright purposes.
8 Reasons why
infographics Work
Let’s review why data visualisation is so effective:
There is a crossroad on a priority
road ahead - you may have to
stop or yield at the intersection
Source: Poynter institute
We receive
as we did in 1986.
Source: Poynter institute
researchers found that
colour visuals
to read by
increase the willingness
Is the design
aesthetically pleasing?
Is the design appropriate,
given the subject matter?
Is the design helpful
in communicating a
What makes a
good infographic?
People following directions
with text and illustrations
than people following directions
without illustrations.
Source: Poynter institute
What makes a
good infographic?
Is the story clear, useful, engaging, informative and inspiring?
Is the content reliable, complete and presented appropriately?
Maintain a structure
Do not use more than 2 fonts/ typography.
Include sources and references at footer.
A data-rich visualisation of a story or thesis
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information,
data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.[1][2]
They can improve cognition by utilising graphics to enhance the human visual system’s
ability to see patterns and trends.[3][4] The process of creating infographics can be
referred to as data visualisation, information design, or information architecture.[2]
A tool to educate and inform
High quality
x30 times more
likely to be read than text articles
to the brain
is visual.
Tell a story
An infographic tells a story
with illustrations and graphics.
infographic in a
way that it tells a story
simply by looking at it
Tell a story
the story is an inherent
part of an infographic.
Infographics are not
graphs. charts. lists.
Sure, they can employ graphs, charts, and lists
Simplicity is king
As always in the world of presentations, simplicity
is king. Narrow your focus by choosing just one
question to answer with each infographic.
Numerous ideas into one infographic maximises
complexity and minimise simplicity, which is
precisely the opposite of what you want to do.
The flow of an infographic
Do not make
viewers hunt
for information
should be intuitive.
Less is more
Minimal text is ideal
Take out the excessive or unnecessary data
large font size
so text is easy to read.
ComprehensionVisualisations enable us to digest information
more effeciently and facilitate understanding.
RetentionVisualisations aid in ability to
retain information by drawing
upon understood symbols,
scenes and patterns.
In an Infographics…
Visual should be relevant
Visual should be clear
Text should be readable
Improving visual storytelling.
Understanding your audience.
Show an Expert
of a Subject
What do you want to convey ?
How will readers connect with the graphics ?
How fast will readers pick the facts ?
The impact of visual on reader
Define how stuff works. Step by step.
Define building a sectional and floor
cover. Building plan. Science poster.
Mechanical parts of a car.
people love facts, figures and statistics.
satisfy the reader’s
technical curiosty
Use only two sets of fonts
Upper-lower for subheads in bold font
Avoid ornamental font in graphics
Body copy in sans-serif font
Headline shouldn't be bigger than story head
Use sans-serif font for smaller graphic headline
No serif font (in reverse) or over colour background
Fonts should be from main design family
Do not compress the font to fit, no change in kerning
Use of fonts
Text should match the visual
Use minimum possible words
No long running stories
Bullet points or short sentences
Divide info in sub-sections
Highlight figures and facts
Give holding intro once
Amount of
Basic rule is black & white text
Avoid colour in headlines , if possible
Use colour bands for sub-heads
Body copy: Black only, if possible
No four colour combination for small point size
No text colour over dark colour background
Text Colour
One family of colours
Try to use natural combinations
Avoid big dark empty patches
Avoid four-colour background
Minimum colours in small graphics
Strategic maps
Directional maps
‘How’technical or scientific reporting
Platforms (Media)
Print - Poster, News, Advertisments, Magazines, Pamphlets
Television - Technical reporting, Advertising
Internet - Data survey reporting
Presenting survey data
Explaining how something works
produced by Stats SA
A selection of
moved to Gauteng
2,2 million people
were born outside
South Africa (4%)
1 million people
Did you know?
Main intra-
Only 56% of people
in Gauteng were
born there
9,5% of people in
Gautengwere born
outside South Africa
How does my community compare?
Comparing Soweto to Gauteng and National numbers
using Census 2011 data
Source: Census 2011
1 271 628
51% 49%
51 770 560
51% 49%
Access to Electricity
Access to Electricity:Access to Electricity
30 28
Average age
30 29
Average age
30 29
Average age
Access to Cellphones
Access to TV
Access to TV
Access to Cellphones
Access to TV
Access to Cellphones
of the population
aged over 20 years
passed matric
of the population
aged over 20 years
passed matric
of the population
aged over 20 years
passed matric
Type of Housing
Formal: 78%
Informal: 14%
Type of Housing
Formal: 79%
Informal: 19%
Type of Housing
Formal: 84%
Informal: 15%
12 272 263
51% 49%
How does my community compare?
Western Cape
Mitchell’s Plain
Cape Metro
South Africa
Access to Electricity Access to Toilets ** Access to Cellphones
Education: Matric *
*people 20 years and older
**Flush or chemical toilets
Source: Census 2011
Mitchell’s Plain 27%
Western Cape 27%
Cape Metro 30%
South Africa 28,4%Western Cape
5 822 734
South Africa
51 770 560
Mitchell’s Plain 90%
South Africa 89%
Mitchell’s Plain 95%
South Africa 57%
Mitchell’s Plain 99%
South Africa 85%
Western Cape 88%
Cape Metro 91%
Western Cape 89%
Cape Metro 91%
Western Cape 93%
Cape Metro 94%
Cape Town
3 740 026
Mitchell’s Plain
282 042
Comparing Mitchell’s Plain to the Cape Town Metro, Western Cape and National numbers
Stats SA has released Census 2011 data at community level.This enables you to compare your community with provincial and national numbers.
Use Infographics To Boost Your Credibility And Traffic
by Melanie Haselmayr, 2003.
“Eyes on the News”, by Dr. Mario Garcia and Dr. Pegie Stark
Bounford, Trevor and Alastair Campbell. Digital Diagrams:
How to Design and Present Statistical Information Effectively.
New York: Watson-Guptill, 2000.
Why Visual Tools for Literacy Now?
Research and Results
Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence
Harold Pashler, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork, 2008.
PPT for The Institute for the Advancement of Journalism: Infographics training workshop
Jai Kumar Sharma of Asia Media Design ( AMD)

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  • 1. what are infographics? info grap hics The South Africa I know, the home I understand
  • 2. what are infographics? Pali lehohla Statistician-General Statistics South Africa, 2014
  • 3. What the reader reads? Source: Poynter institute 80% 75% 56% 52% 31% 25% 29% infographics photos headlines advertising briefs outlines text 1
  • 4. Most people tend to have shorter and shorter attention spans, for which (unsurprisingly) looking at a captivating image beats out reading large amounts of text. People are constantly exposed to information overload via our computers, tablets, and smartphones. The key is no longer to get the information out there, but to get attention for it. Human beings are highly visual and can absorb visual information faster and more easily than other kinds of information. Most people forget a large amount of what they’ve read, but they do remember what they’ve seen. Infographics are more fun and engaging than plain text. Infographics, when done right, do not only make it easier to understand complex information, but boost both the creator’s profile and website traffic. Infographics allow the creator to showcase his or her knowledge about a certain topic. A good infographic can spread quickly on the Internet, giving other bloggers and writers something to talk about, and the creator backlinks and gets more exposure. Be sure to include a logo and URL on the image for copyright purposes. 8 Reasons why infographics Work 2 Let’s review why data visualisation is so effective:
  • 5. There is a crossroad on a priority road ahead - you may have to stop or yield at the intersection vs 3
  • 6. Source: Poynter institute We receive 5xmore information today as we did in 1986. 4
  • 7. Source: Poynter institute researchers found that colour visuals to read by increase the willingness 80% 5
  • 8. 6 Is the design aesthetically pleasing? Yes Is the design appropriate, given the subject matter? Yes Is the design helpful in communicating a message? Yes What makes a good infographic?
  • 9. People following directions with text and illustrations 323% than people following directions without illustrations. better do Source: Poynter institute 7
  • 10. 8 What makes a good infographic? Utility Is the story clear, useful, engaging, informative and inspiring? Soundness Is the content reliable, complete and presented appropriately? Maintain a structure Do not use more than 2 fonts/ typography. Include sources and references at footer.
  • 11. infographic A data-rich visualisation of a story or thesis Definition Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.[1][2] They can improve cognition by utilising graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.[3][4] The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualisation, information design, or information architecture.[2] 9 A tool to educate and inform
  • 12. High quality are infographics x30 times more likely to be read than text articles 10
  • 13. information transmitted to the brain is visual. 90%of 11
  • 14. 12 Tell a story An infographic tells a story with illustrations and graphics. Design infographic in a way that it tells a story simply by looking at it
  • 15. 13 Tell a story the story is an inherent part of an infographic. Infographics are not graphs. charts. lists. Sure, they can employ graphs, charts, and lists but
  • 16. 14 Simplicity is king As always in the world of presentations, simplicity is king. Narrow your focus by choosing just one question to answer with each infographic. Numerous ideas into one infographic maximises complexity and minimise simplicity, which is precisely the opposite of what you want to do.
  • 17. 15 The flow of an infographic Do not make viewers hunt for information should be intuitive.
  • 18. use 16 Less is more Minimal text is ideal Take out the excessive or unnecessary data large font size so text is easy to read.
  • 19. 17 ComprehensionVisualisations enable us to digest information more effeciently and facilitate understanding. RetentionVisualisations aid in ability to retain information by drawing upon understood symbols, scenes and patterns. In an Infographics… Visual should be relevant Visual should be clear Text should be readable
  • 20. 18 Improving visual storytelling. Understanding your audience. Show an Expert understanding of a Subject What do you want to convey ? How will readers connect with the graphics ? How fast will readers pick the facts ? The impact of visual on reader
  • 21. 19 Define how stuff works. Step by step. Define building a sectional and floor cover. Building plan. Science poster. Mechanical parts of a car. people love facts, figures and statistics. satisfy the reader’s technical curiosty
  • 22. 20 Use only two sets of fonts Upper-lower for subheads in bold font Avoid ornamental font in graphics Body copy in sans-serif font Headline shouldn't be bigger than story head Use sans-serif font for smaller graphic headline No serif font (in reverse) or over colour background Fonts should be from main design family Do not compress the font to fit, no change in kerning Use of fonts
  • 23. 21 Text should match the visual Use minimum possible words No long running stories Bullet points or short sentences Divide info in sub-sections Highlight figures and facts Give holding intro once Amount of information
  • 24. 22 Basic rule is black & white text Avoid colour in headlines , if possible Use colour bands for sub-heads Body copy: Black only, if possible No four colour combination for small point size No text colour over dark colour background Text Colour
  • 25. 23 One family of colours Try to use natural combinations Avoid big dark empty patches Avoid four-colour background Minimum colours in small graphics colour
  • 26. 24 Strategic maps Directional maps Comparison ‘How’technical or scientific reporting Platforms (Media) Print - Poster, News, Advertisments, Magazines, Pamphlets Television - Technical reporting, Advertising Internet - Data survey reporting uses Presenting survey data Explaining how something works
  • 27. infographics produced by Stats SA A selection of
  • 28. Migration moved to Gauteng 2,2 million people were born outside South Africa (4%) 1 million people Did you know? Largest increase Smallest increase Free State Gauteng 1%34% Main intra- provincial migration Only 56% of people in Gauteng were born there 9,5% of people in Gautengwere born outside South Africa
  • 29. How does my community compare? Comparing Soweto to Gauteng and National numbers using Census 2011 data Source: Census 2011 Soweto 1 271 628 51% 49% Gauteng SouthAfrica 51 770 560 51% 49% Access to Electricity 93%87% Access to Electricity:Access to Electricity 30 28 Average age 30 29 Average age 30 29 Average age 92% Access to Cellphones 89% Access to TV 75% Access to TV 81% Access to Cellphones 94% Access to TV 86% Access to Cellphones 93% of the population aged over 20 years passed matric 23% of the population aged over 20 years passed matric 26% of the population aged over 20 years passed matric 28% Type of Housing Formal: 78% Informal: 14% Type of Housing Formal: 79% Informal: 19% Type of Housing Formal: 84% Informal: 15% 12 272 263 51% 49%
  • 30. 28 How does my community compare? 51% 29,8 % 22 % Western Cape Mitchell’s Plain Cape Metro South Africa UnemploymentPopulation Access to Electricity Access to Toilets ** Access to Cellphones Education: Matric * *people 20 years and older **Flush or chemical toilets Source: Census 2011 Mitchell’s Plain 27% Western Cape 27% Cape Metro 30% South Africa 28,4%Western Cape 5 822 734 South Africa 51 770 560 Mitchell’s Plain 90% South Africa 89% Mitchell’s Plain 95% South Africa 57% Mitchell’s Plain 99% South Africa 85% Western Cape 88% Cape Metro 91% Western Cape 89% Cape Metro 91% Western Cape 93% Cape Metro 94% 26 % 49% 51% 49% 24 % Cape Town 3 740 026 Mitchell’s Plain 282 042 Comparing Mitchell’s Plain to the Cape Town Metro, Western Cape and National numbers Stats SA has released Census 2011 data at community level.This enables you to compare your community with provincial and national numbers.
  • 31. Use Infographics To Boost Your Credibility And Traffic by Melanie Haselmayr, 2003. “Eyes on the News”, by Dr. Mario Garcia and Dr. Pegie Stark Bounford, Trevor and Alastair Campbell. Digital Diagrams: How to Design and Present Statistical Information Effectively. New York: Watson-Guptill, 2000. Why Visual Tools for Literacy Now? Research and Results Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence Harold Pashler, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork, 2008. PPT for The Institute for the Advancement of Journalism: Infographics training workshop Jai Kumar Sharma of Asia Media Design ( AMD) references