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Database Performance
Database Performance for
Boris Hristov
Technical Trainers
Software University
Table of Contents
1. Database Performance Factors
2. Query Execution Plans
3. Table Indexes
4. Table Partitioning
5. Performance Troubleshooting
Performance Factors
 DB performance depends on many factors:
 Hardware
 Storage, drives, RAID arrays
 SSD drives boost I/O performance
 Operating system configuration
 Services  turn off unused services
 Drivers  use high-performance devices drivers
 Network configuration  maximize throughput
 Virtual memory  pagefile.sys on separate HDD
DB Performance

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 SQL Server version
 Hardware limits
 Features included
 SQL Server configuration
 Configure database storage and files
 Configure tempdb size and location
 Instance level configurations
 Not using Microsoft’s defaults 
DB Performance (2)
 Database design
 Schema normalization (3rd & 4th normal form?)
 Data types!
 Indexes
 Constraints
 Triggers
 Indexed views
 Stored Procedures / Functions
 Temp tables and table variables
DB Performance (3)
 Query tuning
 Efficient SQL
 Proper index usage
 Optimize physical I/O
 Stored procedures tuning
 Application design
 E.g. ORM framework, query efficiency, N+1 query problem,
transactions, more…
DB Performance (4)
Performance Factors

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The document provides an overview of storage and indexing in database systems. It discusses different file organizations like heap files, sorted files, and indexes. It describes two common index structures - B+ trees and hash indexes. It covers concepts like primary vs secondary indexes, clustered vs unclustered indexes, and dense vs sparse indexes. The document also provides examples of how to choose appropriate indexes for different types of queries and discusses design trade-offs around indexing.

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Database index by Reema Gajjar
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Database index by Reema Gajjar

Hi All.. I am sharing small presentation about database indexes. Hope it will useful for all of you... :)

database indexes
Query Execution Plans
How to Analyze Query Execution Plans?
Query Execution Plans
 The definition of Query Plan:
How the Query Optimizer decides to execute your query.
 Two types of plans:
 Estimated
 Actual
 What plan will be chosen depend on numerous factors!
 Plans are also cached for reuse
 Consider the following SQL query:
 Its execution plan might be as follows:
 Read execution plans from right to left and top to bottom!
Execution Plan: Example
SELECT c.CustomerID, soh.SalesOrderID, soh.OrderDate
FROM Sales.Customer c JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
ON c.CustomerID = soh.CustomerID
WHERE soh.OrderDate > '20040101'
ORDER BY soh.OrderDate DESC
Query Operations
 Clustered Index Scan – O(n) operation
 Walks through the B-Tree clustered index
 The data is sorted by the clustered-index key
 Index Scan – O(n) operation
 Walks through the B-Tree index
 Index Seek – O(log(n)) operation
 Similar performance like Clustered Index Seek
 Key Lookup – O(1) operation
 Finds a table record by its ID (read a record)

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In-Memory features is the most perspective trend in the area of high performance. Columnstore Indexes is one of such features, and even with their restrictions, they can accelerate your queries at times! How to get more from this feature? In which situations should we use them? Which internal mechanisms help to achive that? You can get answers on these questions on this session.

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The document discusses different types of indexes that can be used to organize data files on external storage. It compares file organizations like heap files, sorted files, and various indexing techniques including B-tree and hash indexes. It outlines the basic structure of indexes like B-trees, including leaf pages containing data entries and non-leaf pages containing index entries. The document also discusses concepts like clustered vs unclustered indexes, primary vs secondary indexes, and different alternatives for storing data entries in indexes.

Join Operations
 Nested Loops – O (n*m) operation
 Nested “for each row…” operation
 Merge Join – O (n + m) operation
 Scans both sides of join in parallel
 Ideal for large range scans
 No sort is required when both columns are indexed
 Hash Join – O (n + m) operation
 “Hashes” the join column/s from one side of join
 “Probes” with the other side (the larger)
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer (Free)
Query Execution Plans
Live Demo
Table Indexes
Clustered and Non-Clustered

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Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system that stores data in tabular format of columns and rows. It has four major components: the Database Engine for storing and retrieving data efficiently; Integration Services (SSIS) for extracting, transforming, and loading data from various sources into destinations; Analysis Services (SSAS) for creating multi-dimensional data structures and performing analysis and data mining; and Reporting Services (SSRS) for generating reports from different tables in various formats like PDF and maps. The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data and has clauses like FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY. Proper use of filters and indexes in the WHERE clause is important for query performance.

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 Indexes speed up searching of values in a certain column or
group of columns
 Provide fast data access in log(N) steps
 Usually implemented as B-trees
 SQL Server 2012 introduces Columnstore indexes!
 Insert / update / delete of records in indexed tables is slower!
 Clustered index is actually the data itself
 An index built-in the table as B-tree – very fast!
 Highly recommended for every table!
 Very useful for fast execution of WHERE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY
 Maximum 1 clustered index per table
 If a table has no clustered index, its data rows are stored in an
unordered structure (heap)
Clustered Indexes
Clustered Index: Structure
Columnstore Index: Structure

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SQL Server 2012 introduced columnstore indexes which provide significant performance improvements for data warehouse and analytics queries against large datasets. Columnstore indexes store data by column rather than by row, allowing queries to access only the relevant columns needed. This results in lower I/O and higher data compression compared to row storage. Columnstore indexes also use a new batch processing execution mode which can further improve query performance by processing many rows at once in memory rather than row-by-row. Columnstore indexes require the table to be read-only but provide an easy way to boost query performance for analytics workloads by 10-100x without needing separate data marts or cubes.


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Non-Clustered Indexes
 Useful for fast retrieving a single record or a range of records
 Maintained in a separate structure in the DB
 Tend to be much narrower than the base table
 Can locate the exact record(s) with less I/O
 Has at least one more intermediate level than the clustered
 Much less valuable if table doesn’t have a clustered index
Non-Clustered Index: Structure
Add Index When
 You need fast access by some column or group of columns
 Unless the records are less than 1 000
 Search by certain column/s (WHERE clause)
 Data within the column is used to build joins
 Foreign keys are almost always good candidates for indexes
 You need to scan large table fast – Columnstore!
 Adding non-clustered indexes to a table can greatly speed-up
SELECT statements
 Every index has a certain amount of overhead
 The greater the number of indexes, the more overhead with every INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE statements
 Must balance the needs of the application with the pros and
cons of added indexes
 OLTP  less indexes (more modify, less read)
 Online Transaction Processing (Standard DB)
 OLAP  more indexes (more read, less modify)
 Online Analytical Processing (Data Warehouse)
How Many Indexes?

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Just when the world of “Data 1.0” showed some signs of maturing; the “Outside In” driven demands seem to have already initiated some the disruptive changes to the data landscape. Parallel growth in volume, velocity and variety of data coupled with incessant war on finding newer insights and value from data has posed a Big Question: Is Your Data Warehouse Relevant? In short, the surrounding changes happening real time is the new “Data 2.0”. It is characterized by feeding the ever hungry minds with sharper insights whether it is related to regulation, finance, corporate action, risk management or purely aimed at improving operational efficiencies. The source in this new “Data 2.0” has to be commensurate to the outside in demands from customers, regulators, stakeholders and business users; and hence, you would need a high relformance (relevance + performance) data warehouse which will be relevant to your business eco-system and will have the power to scale exponentially. We starts this webinar by giving the audiences a sneak preview of what happened in the Data 1.0 world & which characteristics are shaping the new Data 2.0 world. It then delves deep on the challenges that growing data volumes have posed to the Data warehouse teams. It also presents the audiences some of the practical and proven methodologies to address these performance challenges. Finally, in the end it will highlight some of the thought provoking ways to turbo charge your data warehouse related initiatives by leveraging some of the newer technologies like Hadoop. Overall, the webinar will educate audiences with building high performance and relevant data warehouses which is capable of meeting the newer demands while significantly driving down the total cost of ownership.

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 When SQL Server creates indexes, every page is nearly 100% full
 No room on the leafs or intermediate pages for INSERTs, UPDATEs, or
 The default (100%) can cause costly page splits on certain tables
 Promotes table fragmentation
 You can specify amount of free space in leaf and intermediate
pages with FILLFACTOR and PADINDEX (prefer 75-80%)
 An option in the CREATE INDEX
 Small FILLFACTOR may cause performance issues – bigger pages =
more data in cache
Fill Factor
Table Indexes
Live Demo
Table Partitioning
 Partitioning is a physical split of a large table into several pieces
by some criteria
Why is partitioning cool?
Partition 1
Partition 1
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3

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Performance Troubleshooting
The Algorithm
 Baselining!
 Collect and Store Performance Data
 Performance Monitor
 SQL Server DMVs
 System information
 Ask the user –Was the performance OK today?
 If yes – save the information!
 Every time there is a performance problem – collect the same data and compare!
Prerequisite before troubleshooting

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866.P4D.INFO | | For More Information email or contact Jaime at 412.733.5011 Uncovering the Reality of SAP's Production Planning & Detailed Scheduling Module Many companies who have invested in SAP ECC/APO are just now starting to deploy at the plant level after heavily focusing on demand and supply network planning. As a part of the SAP journey PP/DS is the next logical solution to deploy or optimize. If you’re considering PP/DS, or already have it implemented but are struggling to harness it’s full potential, you’ll benefit from this webinar. This presentation will help people better understand; - What PP/DS really capable of accomplishing - Where PP/DS interacts with SNP - How PP/DS differs from SNP - Ways to enhance Block planning - Why PP/DS can help manage production resource, specifically related to lead times, setup costs, delays and modes For even more Supply Planning Leadership join our private linkedin group

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The correct approach to performance issues
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Performance Troubleshooting
The Algorithm
 Database Performance Factors
 Query Execution Plans
 Table Indexes
 Table Partitioning
 Performance Troubleshooting

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 AdventureWorks DB
 AdventureWorks Enlarged
 Credit Database
 Parametrization Database
 SQL Sentry Plan Explorer
 This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.)
is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license
 Attribution: this work may contain portions from
 "Databases" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA license
Free Trainings @ Software University
 Software University Foundation –
 Software University – High-Quality Education,
Profession and Job for Software Developers
 Software University @ Facebook
 Software University @ YouTube
 Software University Forums –

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Database Performance

  • 1. Database Performance Database Performance for Developers Boris Hristov Technical Trainers Software University
  • 2. Table of Contents 1. Database Performance Factors 2. Query Execution Plans 3. Table Indexes 4. Table Partitioning 5. Performance Troubleshooting 2
  • 4.  DB performance depends on many factors:  Hardware  CPU & RAM  Storage, drives, RAID arrays  SSD drives boost I/O performance  Operating system configuration  Services  turn off unused services  Drivers  use high-performance devices drivers  Network configuration  maximize throughput  Virtual memory  pagefile.sys on separate HDD DB Performance 4
  • 5.  SQL Server version  Hardware limits  Features included  SQL Server configuration  Configure database storage and files  Configure tempdb size and location  Instance level configurations  Not using Microsoft’s defaults  DB Performance (2) 5
  • 6.  Database design  Schema normalization (3rd & 4th normal form?)  Data types!  Indexes  Constraints  Triggers  Indexed views  Stored Procedures / Functions  Temp tables and table variables DB Performance (3) 6
  • 7.  Query tuning  Efficient SQL  Proper index usage  Optimize physical I/O  Stored procedures tuning  Application design  E.g. ORM framework, query efficiency, N+1 query problem, transactions, more… DB Performance (4) 7
  • 9. Query Execution Plans How to Analyze Query Execution Plans?
  • 10. Query Execution Plans  The definition of Query Plan: How the Query Optimizer decides to execute your query.  Two types of plans:  Estimated  Actual  What plan will be chosen depend on numerous factors!  Plans are also cached for reuse 10
  • 11.  Consider the following SQL query:  Its execution plan might be as follows:  Read execution plans from right to left and top to bottom! Execution Plan: Example SELECT c.CustomerID, soh.SalesOrderID, soh.OrderDate FROM Sales.Customer c JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh ON c.CustomerID = soh.CustomerID WHERE soh.OrderDate > '20040101' ORDER BY soh.OrderDate DESC 11
  • 12. Query Operations  Clustered Index Scan – O(n) operation  Walks through the B-Tree clustered index  The data is sorted by the clustered-index key  Index Scan – O(n) operation  Walks through the B-Tree index  Index Seek – O(log(n)) operation  Similar performance like Clustered Index Seek  Key Lookup – O(1) operation  Finds a table record by its ID (read a record) 12
  • 13. Join Operations  Nested Loops – O (n*m) operation  Nested “for each row…” operation  Merge Join – O (n + m) operation  Scans both sides of join in parallel  Ideal for large range scans  No sort is required when both columns are indexed  Hash Join – O (n + m) operation  “Hashes” the join column/s from one side of join  “Probes” with the other side (the larger) 13
  • 14. 14 SQL Sentry Plan Explorer (Free)
  • 16. Table Indexes Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes
  • 17. Indexes  Indexes speed up searching of values in a certain column or group of columns  Provide fast data access in log(N) steps  Usually implemented as B-trees  SQL Server 2012 introduces Columnstore indexes!  Insert / update / delete of records in indexed tables is slower! 17
  • 18.  Clustered index is actually the data itself  An index built-in the table as B-tree – very fast!  Highly recommended for every table!  Very useful for fast execution of WHERE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses  Maximum 1 clustered index per table  If a table has no clustered index, its data rows are stored in an unordered structure (heap) Clustered Indexes 18
  • 21. Non-Clustered Indexes  Useful for fast retrieving a single record or a range of records  Maintained in a separate structure in the DB  Tend to be much narrower than the base table  Can locate the exact record(s) with less I/O  Has at least one more intermediate level than the clustered index  Much less valuable if table doesn’t have a clustered index 21
  • 23. Add Index When  You need fast access by some column or group of columns  Unless the records are less than 1 000  Search by certain column/s (WHERE clause)  Data within the column is used to build joins  Foreign keys are almost always good candidates for indexes  You need to scan large table fast – Columnstore! 23
  • 24.  Adding non-clustered indexes to a table can greatly speed-up SELECT statements  Every index has a certain amount of overhead  The greater the number of indexes, the more overhead with every INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements  Must balance the needs of the application with the pros and cons of added indexes  OLTP  less indexes (more modify, less read)  Online Transaction Processing (Standard DB)  OLAP  more indexes (more read, less modify)  Online Analytical Processing (Data Warehouse) How Many Indexes? 24
  • 25.  When SQL Server creates indexes, every page is nearly 100% full  No room on the leafs or intermediate pages for INSERTs, UPDATEs, or DELETEs  The default (100%) can cause costly page splits on certain tables  Promotes table fragmentation  You can specify amount of free space in leaf and intermediate pages with FILLFACTOR and PADINDEX (prefer 75-80%)  An option in the CREATE INDEX  Small FILLFACTOR may cause performance issues – bigger pages = more data in cache Fill Factor 25
  • 28. Numbers 0 … 8000  Partitioning is a physical split of a large table into several pieces by some criteria Why is partitioning cool? Partition 1 0 … 2500 Partition 1 0 … 2500 Partition 1 0 … 2500 Partition 2 2501 … 4000 Partition 3 4001 … 8000
  • 29. Numbers 0 … 8000 Why is partitioning cool? (2) Partition 1 0 … 2500 Numbers 2501 … 4000 Numbers 4001 … 8000 FG1 FG2 FG3
  • 30. Partitioning in SQL Server Live Demo
  • 32.  Baselining!  Collect and Store Performance Data  Performance Monitor  SQL Server DMVs  System information  Ask the user –Was the performance OK today?  If yes – save the information!  Every time there is a performance problem – collect the same data and compare! Prerequisite before troubleshooting
  • 33. 33 The correct approach to performance issues Hardware OS SQL Server Query
  • 35. 35  Database Performance Factors  Query Execution Plans  Table Indexes  Table Partitioning  Performance Troubleshooting Summary
  • 37.  AdventureWorks DB  AdventureWorks Enlarged  Credit Database  Parametrization Database  SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Resources
  • 38. License  This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.) is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license 38  Attribution: this work may contain portions from  "Databases" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA license
  • 39. Free Trainings @ Software University  Software University Foundation –  Software University – High-Quality Education, Profession and Job for Software Developers   Software University @ Facebook   Software University @ YouTube   Software University Forums –