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Project Management 2. Portfolio Management
Week 2
Project selection and portfolio management
Project selection and portfolio management
Project selection and portfolio management What are the inputs that cause the project process to begin?
Unit Objectives Implement IT project planning and selection techniques Appreciate the importance of project portfolio management
Strategic Planning Identifying IT Projects Project Proposals Project Selection Methods Applying a Selection Model Project Selection Project Success
Strategic Planning Identifying IT Projects Project Proposals Project Selection Methods Applying a Selection Model Project Selection Project Success
But first
Assignment 1
Assignment 1  “ Write a project plan”
Assignment 1  “ Write a project plan” Topic: Week 3 researchskills /Dalton. htm
Back to the programme…
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning What is strategy? How do projects relate to strategy?
Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability
5 Forces analysis Supplier power Customer power Threat of New Entrants Substitutes Intensity of competition Michael Porter’s ‘5 Forces’ – 1980’s
Process efficiency Scorecard Customer satisfaction Financial Learning and innovation Balanced Scorecard Kaplan & Norton (1994?) HBR
Kaplan & Norton (1998?) HBR   Strategy Map
Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability
Strategic Management Overview Involves determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends, and projecting the need for new products and services Provides the theme and focus of the future direction for the firm respond to change allocating scarce resources  Requires strong links among mission, goals, objectives, strategy, and implementation
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
SWOT Analysis
S T W O Positive Negative
S T W O Internal External
S T W O Internal External Positive Negative
S T W O Internal External Positive Negative
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals Time-bound T Relevant R Achievable A Measurable M Specific S Recorded, Rewarding, Reviewed [8] R [1] Exciting, Evaluated, Ethical E [1] Time framed [2] , Timed, Time-based, Timeboxed, Timely [6] [5] , Timebound, Time-Specific, Timetabled, Trackable Time-bound T Realistic [2] , Results/Results-focused/Results-oriented [6] , Resourced [7] , Rewarding [3] Relevant R Agreed, Attainable [6] , Assignable [2] , Appropriate, Actionable, Action-oriented [3] Achievable A Meaningful [3] , Motivational [3] , Manageable Measurable M Significant [3] , Stretching [3] , Simple Specific S Minor Terms Major Term Letter
Examples of “not smart” goals?
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
What are the goals of the projects?
Figure 2.1  Strategic Management Process  (Gray & Larson, 2006, p25)
projects projects projects projects
projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects
PPPM Project Programme Portfolio Management The ‘O’ is for  Organisational OPM3
Programme OPM3 Portfolio Projects
Projects Programme Portfolio Project Programme Project Project Projects Project Project Projects Project Project Projects
One Portfolio or Several? Categories Approaches to  project  portfolio management
One Portfolio or Several?
Categories Venture: Projects that  transform  the business Growth: Projects that  grow  revenue or market share Core: Projects that help  run  the business
What are the benefits of Project Portfolio Management?
Builds discipline into project selection process Links project selection to strategic metrics Prioritizes project proposals across a common set of criteria, rather than on politics or emotion Allocates resources to projects that align with strategic direction Balances risk across all projects Benefits of Project Portfolio Management
Problems with Project Portfolio Management
Different views from senior management on what  (and how)  should be done
Competition  (& effective utilisation)  for resources
How to Senior Management Input provide guidance in selecting criteria that are aligned with the organization’s goals decide how to balance available resources among current projects The Priority Team Responsibilities publish the priority of every project ensure selection process is transparent  re-assess the organization’s goals / priorities evaluate the progress of current projects
Figure 2.8  Sample project portfolio approach (Schwalbe, 2005, p51)
Figure 1.5  Project management compared to project portfolio management (Schwalbe, 2005, p15)
Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability projects projects projects projects projects programme projects projects projects projects programme projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Programme projects projects programme
Short term Mid term Long term projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission projects projects projects projects
projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission projects projects projects projects
Identifying IT Projects
Identifying IT Projects Many organizations follow a planning process for selecting IT projects which is aligned with business strategy Research shows: Supporting business objectives is the number one reason for investing in IT projects Use of IT standards lowers development  costs by 41 percent per user  (Cosgrove Ware, 2002)
Figure 2.1  Pyramid for the Project Selection Process (Schwalbe, 2005, p35)
Project Proposals
Most business units have a strategic plan
Which SHOULD align with the organisation’s strategic plan Which SHOULD align with the organisation’s strategic plan
Solicitation of Project Proposals Within the organization Request for proposal (RFP) from external sources (contractors and vendors)
When ranking proposals, consider; Discipline Accountability Responsibility Constraints Reduced flexibility Loss of power
Project Initiation forms Figure 2.4B  Risk Analysis (Gray & Larson, 2006, p39) Figure 2.4A  Major Project Proposal  (Gray & Larson, 2006, p38)
Project Initiation forms Figure 2.4B  Risk Analysis (Gray & Larson, 2006, p39) Figure 2.4A  Major Project Proposal  (Gray & Larson, 2006, p38)
Project Selection Methods
Not all project proposals make it to initiation
Every project idea isn’t progressed. Why?
Time Money Focus
Methods for selecting projects include: Focusing on broad organizational needs Categorizing IT projects Financial analysis Using a weighted scoring model balanced scorecard Strategy mapping
Focusing on Broad Organizational Needs   E.g. Non-financial, but important benefits Three important criteria: need for the project funds available for the project will to make the project succeed
Categorizing IT Projects   Does the project provides a response to: a problem an opportunity a directive The time and date of expected completion The overall priority of the project
Financial Analysis $$$ Net Present Value Payback model Return on Investment (there are more)
Financial Analysis $$$ Net Present Value Payback model Return on Investment (there are more)
Net Present Value Net Present Value (NPV) Model Uses management’s minimum desired rate-of-return (discount rate) to compute the present value of all net cash inflows positive  NPV: the project meets the minimum desired rate of return and is eligible for further consideration negative  NPV: project is rejected Net Present Value (NPV) Model cont’d… NPV Calculations determine estimated costs / benefits for the life of the project and products it produces determine discount rate (ask organization) calculate the NPV  some organizations consider the investment year as year 0, others consider it year 1 some organizations enter costs as negative numbers, others do not (ask organization) Example:  CP829_Lecture_Week2_NPV.xls Time to  Stop and turn to a new presentation pack
Payback model Figure 4.1  Charting the Payback Period  (Schwalbe, 2006, p129) Measures the time it will take to recover the project investment Shorter paybacks are more desirable Payback occurs when cumulative discounted benefits and costs are greater than zero Limitations of payback: ignores the time value of money assumes cash inflows for investment period only does not consider profitability
Return on Investment Return on Investment (ROI) Calculated by subtracting project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs Formula: ROI = (total discounted benefits –  total discounted costs) / discounted costs Higher the ROI, the better. Many organizations have a set or minimum rate of return on investment projects Example:  CP829_Lecture_Week2_ROI.xls (total discounted benefits – total discounted costs) discounted costs
Non-financial Analysis $$$ Weighted scoring model Balanced Scorecard
A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic process for selecting projects based on many criteria Steps in identifying a weighted scoring model: identify criteria for project selection assign weights (%) to criteria add up to (100%) assign scores to each criteria for each project multiply scores by weights to get total scores The higher the weighted score, the better Example:  CP829_Lecture_Week2_WeightedScore.xls $$$ Weighted scoring model $$$
Balanced Scorecard  Robert Kaplan and David Norton developed this approach to help select and manage projects that align with business strategy Methodology that converts an organization’s value drivers, such as customer service, innovation, efficiency, and financial performance, to a series of defined metrics See  http://  for more information $$$ Balanced Scorecard $$$
Applying a selection model
Applying a Selection Model Project Classification Deciding how well a strategic or operations project fits the organization’s strategy Selecting a Model Focus on competitive strategy and broad organizational needs Perform net present value analysis or other financial projections Use a weighted scoring model Implement a balanced scorecard Address problems, opportunities, and directives Consider project time frame Consider project priority
Project Selection
The Business Case Impacts Costs & Benefits Clearly compares alternatives   Objective Systematic
The Business Case Elevator pitches?
Table 3.4  Sample business case (Schwalbe, 2005, pp74-76) Example business case
Contents of a Business Case Introduction/Background Business Objective Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement Critical Assumptions and Constraints Analysis of Options and Recommendation Preliminary Project Requirements Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis Schedule Estimate Potential Risks Exhibits
Figure 2.3  The Process for Developing a Business Case (Marchewka, 2003, p34)
Project Success
By the way, Things are getting better
Source: CHAOS Report 1995 by the Standish Group Access it here:  h ttp://   Not even completed Typically 189% over budget OTOBOS 53% Challenged 16% Success 31%   Critical Failures 1994
Source: CHAOS Report 2002 by the Standish Group Access it here:  http:// Not even completed Still way over budget OTOBOS 51% Challenged 34% Success 15%   Critical Failures 2002
53% Challenged 16% Success 31%   Critical Failures 1994 51% Challenged 34% Success 15%   Critical Failures 2002
1994 2005 Wasted money as a share of total project spend Billions of dollars
What happened?
“ The reasons for the increase in successful projects vary. First, the average cost of a project has been more than cut in half. Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress and better skilled project managers with better management processes are being used. The fact that there are processes is significant in itself.”  (Standish Group cited in Schwalbe, 2004, p13)
“ The reasons for the increase in successful projects vary. First, the average cost of a project has been more than cut in half. Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress and better skilled project managers with better management processes are being used. The fact that there are processes is significant in itself.”  (Standish Group cited in Schwalbe, 2004, p13) Smaller projects Better tools Better training
Better Selection Portfolio Mgt Strategic Alignment More recently
Things you should have (if you want to succeed) Executive support User involvement Experienced project manager Clear business objectives Minimized scope Standard software infrastructure Firm basic requirements Formal methodology Reliable estimates Other criteria, such as small milestones, proper planning, competent staff, and ownership
inc rem en tal But, change has been…
There is still plenty of room for improvement.
? What do you think is still going wrong? Title page pic care of jpellqen & CC @ Flickr

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The Project Management Process - Week 2

  • 1. Project Management 2. Portfolio Management
  • 3. Project selection and portfolio management
  • 4. Project selection and portfolio management
  • 5. Project selection and portfolio management What are the inputs that cause the project process to begin?
  • 6. Unit Objectives Implement IT project planning and selection techniques Appreciate the importance of project portfolio management
  • 7. Strategic Planning Identifying IT Projects Project Proposals Project Selection Methods Applying a Selection Model Project Selection Project Success
  • 8. Strategic Planning Identifying IT Projects Project Proposals Project Selection Methods Applying a Selection Model Project Selection Project Success
  • 11. Assignment 1 “ Write a project plan”
  • 12. Assignment 1 “ Write a project plan” Topic: Week 3
  • 14. Back to the programme…
  • 16. Strategic Planning What is strategy? How do projects relate to strategy?
  • 17. Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability
  • 18. 5 Forces analysis Supplier power Customer power Threat of New Entrants Substitutes Intensity of competition Michael Porter’s ‘5 Forces’ – 1980’s
  • 20. Process efficiency Scorecard Customer satisfaction Financial Learning and innovation Balanced Scorecard Kaplan & Norton (1994?) HBR
  • 21. Kaplan & Norton (1998?) HBR Strategy Map
  • 22. Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability
  • 23. Strategic Management Overview Involves determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends, and projecting the need for new products and services Provides the theme and focus of the future direction for the firm respond to change allocating scarce resources Requires strong links among mission, goals, objectives, strategy, and implementation
  • 24. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 25. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 27. SWOT = SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Where are we now?
  • 28. S T W O
  • 29. S T W O Positive Negative
  • 30. S T W O Internal External
  • 31. S T W O Internal External Positive Negative
  • 32. S T W O Internal External Positive Negative
  • 33. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 34. Time-bound T Relevant R Achievable A Measurable M Specific S
  • 35. Recorded, Rewarding, Reviewed [8] R [1] Exciting, Evaluated, Ethical E [1] Time framed [2] , Timed, Time-based, Timeboxed, Timely [6] [5] , Timebound, Time-Specific, Timetabled, Trackable Time-bound T Realistic [2] , Results/Results-focused/Results-oriented [6] , Resourced [7] , Rewarding [3] Relevant R Agreed, Attainable [6] , Assignable [2] , Appropriate, Actionable, Action-oriented [3] Achievable A Meaningful [3] , Motivational [3] , Manageable Measurable M Significant [3] , Stretching [3] , Simple Specific S Minor Terms Major Term Letter
  • 36. Examples of “not smart” goals?
  • 37. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 38.  
  • 39. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 40. Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
  • 41. Set (SMART) Goals Review Mission Develop Strategies Implement Strategies through projects Align Strategies to goals
  • 42. Organisation Mission Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
  • 43. What are the goals of the projects?
  • 44. Figure 2.1 Strategic Management Process (Gray & Larson, 2006, p25)
  • 47. projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects
  • 48. PPPM Project Programme Portfolio Management The ‘O’ is for Organisational OPM3
  • 50. Projects Programme Portfolio Project Programme Project Project Projects Project Project Projects Project Project Projects
  • 51. One Portfolio or Several? Categories Approaches to project portfolio management
  • 52. One Portfolio or Several?
  • 53. Categories Venture: Projects that transform the business Growth: Projects that grow revenue or market share Core: Projects that help run the business
  • 54. What are the benefits of Project Portfolio Management?
  • 55. Builds discipline into project selection process Links project selection to strategic metrics Prioritizes project proposals across a common set of criteria, rather than on politics or emotion Allocates resources to projects that align with strategic direction Balances risk across all projects Benefits of Project Portfolio Management
  • 56. Problems with Project Portfolio Management
  • 57. Different views from senior management on what (and how) should be done
  • 58. Competition (& effective utilisation) for resources
  • 59. How to Senior Management Input provide guidance in selecting criteria that are aligned with the organization’s goals decide how to balance available resources among current projects The Priority Team Responsibilities publish the priority of every project ensure selection process is transparent re-assess the organization’s goals / priorities evaluate the progress of current projects
  • 60. Figure 2.8 Sample project portfolio approach (Schwalbe, 2005, p51)
  • 61. Figure 1.5 Project management compared to project portfolio management (Schwalbe, 2005, p15)
  • 62. Money Customers Efficiency and Effectiveness Adaptability projects projects projects projects projects programme projects projects projects projects programme projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission Programme projects projects programme
  • 63. Short term Mid term Long term projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission projects projects projects projects
  • 65. projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects projects Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Organisation Mission projects projects projects projects
  • 67. Identifying IT Projects Many organizations follow a planning process for selecting IT projects which is aligned with business strategy Research shows: Supporting business objectives is the number one reason for investing in IT projects Use of IT standards lowers development costs by 41 percent per user (Cosgrove Ware, 2002)
  • 68. Figure 2.1 Pyramid for the Project Selection Process (Schwalbe, 2005, p35)
  • 70.  
  • 71. Most business units have a strategic plan
  • 72. Which SHOULD align with the organisation’s strategic plan Which SHOULD align with the organisation’s strategic plan
  • 73. Solicitation of Project Proposals Within the organization Request for proposal (RFP) from external sources (contractors and vendors)
  • 74. When ranking proposals, consider; Discipline Accountability Responsibility Constraints Reduced flexibility Loss of power
  • 75. Project Initiation forms Figure 2.4B Risk Analysis (Gray & Larson, 2006, p39) Figure 2.4A Major Project Proposal (Gray & Larson, 2006, p38)
  • 76. Project Initiation forms Figure 2.4B Risk Analysis (Gray & Larson, 2006, p39) Figure 2.4A Major Project Proposal (Gray & Larson, 2006, p38)
  • 78. Not all project proposals make it to initiation
  • 79. Every project idea isn’t progressed. Why?
  • 81. Methods for selecting projects include: Focusing on broad organizational needs Categorizing IT projects Financial analysis Using a weighted scoring model balanced scorecard Strategy mapping
  • 82. Focusing on Broad Organizational Needs E.g. Non-financial, but important benefits Three important criteria: need for the project funds available for the project will to make the project succeed
  • 83. Categorizing IT Projects Does the project provides a response to: a problem an opportunity a directive The time and date of expected completion The overall priority of the project
  • 84. Financial Analysis $$$ Net Present Value Payback model Return on Investment (there are more)
  • 85. Financial Analysis $$$ Net Present Value Payback model Return on Investment (there are more)
  • 86. Net Present Value Net Present Value (NPV) Model Uses management’s minimum desired rate-of-return (discount rate) to compute the present value of all net cash inflows positive NPV: the project meets the minimum desired rate of return and is eligible for further consideration negative NPV: project is rejected Net Present Value (NPV) Model cont’d… NPV Calculations determine estimated costs / benefits for the life of the project and products it produces determine discount rate (ask organization) calculate the NPV some organizations consider the investment year as year 0, others consider it year 1 some organizations enter costs as negative numbers, others do not (ask organization) Example: CP829_Lecture_Week2_NPV.xls Time to Stop and turn to a new presentation pack
  • 87. Payback model Figure 4.1 Charting the Payback Period (Schwalbe, 2006, p129) Measures the time it will take to recover the project investment Shorter paybacks are more desirable Payback occurs when cumulative discounted benefits and costs are greater than zero Limitations of payback: ignores the time value of money assumes cash inflows for investment period only does not consider profitability
  • 88. Return on Investment Return on Investment (ROI) Calculated by subtracting project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs Formula: ROI = (total discounted benefits – total discounted costs) / discounted costs Higher the ROI, the better. Many organizations have a set or minimum rate of return on investment projects Example: CP829_Lecture_Week2_ROI.xls (total discounted benefits – total discounted costs) discounted costs
  • 89. Non-financial Analysis $$$ Weighted scoring model Balanced Scorecard
  • 90. A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic process for selecting projects based on many criteria Steps in identifying a weighted scoring model: identify criteria for project selection assign weights (%) to criteria add up to (100%) assign scores to each criteria for each project multiply scores by weights to get total scores The higher the weighted score, the better Example: CP829_Lecture_Week2_WeightedScore.xls $$$ Weighted scoring model $$$
  • 91. Balanced Scorecard Robert Kaplan and David Norton developed this approach to help select and manage projects that align with business strategy Methodology that converts an organization’s value drivers, such as customer service, innovation, efficiency, and financial performance, to a series of defined metrics See http:// for more information $$$ Balanced Scorecard $$$
  • 93. Applying a Selection Model Project Classification Deciding how well a strategic or operations project fits the organization’s strategy Selecting a Model Focus on competitive strategy and broad organizational needs Perform net present value analysis or other financial projections Use a weighted scoring model Implement a balanced scorecard Address problems, opportunities, and directives Consider project time frame Consider project priority
  • 95. The Business Case Impacts Costs & Benefits Clearly compares alternatives Objective Systematic
  • 96. The Business Case Elevator pitches?
  • 97. Table 3.4 Sample business case (Schwalbe, 2005, pp74-76) Example business case
  • 98. Contents of a Business Case Introduction/Background Business Objective Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement Critical Assumptions and Constraints Analysis of Options and Recommendation Preliminary Project Requirements Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis Schedule Estimate Potential Risks Exhibits
  • 99. Figure 2.3 The Process for Developing a Business Case (Marchewka, 2003, p34)
  • 101. By the way, Things are getting better
  • 102. Source: CHAOS Report 1995 by the Standish Group Access it here: h ttp:// Not even completed Typically 189% over budget OTOBOS 53% Challenged 16% Success 31% Critical Failures 1994
  • 103. Source: CHAOS Report 2002 by the Standish Group Access it here: http:// Not even completed Still way over budget OTOBOS 51% Challenged 34% Success 15% Critical Failures 2002
  • 104. 53% Challenged 16% Success 31% Critical Failures 1994 51% Challenged 34% Success 15% Critical Failures 2002
  • 105. 1994 2005 Wasted money as a share of total project spend Billions of dollars
  • 107. “ The reasons for the increase in successful projects vary. First, the average cost of a project has been more than cut in half. Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress and better skilled project managers with better management processes are being used. The fact that there are processes is significant in itself.” (Standish Group cited in Schwalbe, 2004, p13)
  • 108. “ The reasons for the increase in successful projects vary. First, the average cost of a project has been more than cut in half. Better tools have been created to monitor and control progress and better skilled project managers with better management processes are being used. The fact that there are processes is significant in itself.” (Standish Group cited in Schwalbe, 2004, p13) Smaller projects Better tools Better training
  • 109. Better Selection Portfolio Mgt Strategic Alignment More recently
  • 110. Things you should have (if you want to succeed) Executive support User involvement Experienced project manager Clear business objectives Minimized scope Standard software infrastructure Firm basic requirements Formal methodology Reliable estimates Other criteria, such as small milestones, proper planning, competent staff, and ownership
  • 111. inc rem en tal But, change has been…
  • 112. There is still plenty of room for improvement.
  • 113. ? What do you think is still going wrong?
  • 114. Title page pic care of jpellqen & CC @ Flickr