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Apache Spark 2.4 and Beyond
Xiao Li, Wenchen Fan
Mar 2019 @ Strata Data Conf
About US
• Software Engineers at
• Apache Spark Committers and PMC Members
Xiao Li (Github: gatorsmile) Wenchen Fan (Github: cloud-fan)
Databricks Customers Across Industries
Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Technology
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Apache spark 2.4 and beyond
20000+ Stars in Github
Top Skill in 2018: Apache Spark
Apache spark 2.4 and beyond
Release: Nov 8, 2018
Above 1100 tickets.
Major Features on Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Beta support
Scala 2.12
Various SQL
Survey Key Findings: The AI Dilemma
Investment in AI is Growing Quickly
However, very few are succeeding
Major contributing factors to this AI dilemma
Different machine learning
frameworks and tools
CIO Survey Key Findings: Unified Analytics Enables AI Success
Unifying data science & engineering
Benefits Expected from a Unified Approach to Data & AI
Increased operational efficiency
More effective decision making
Accelerated time to market
Improved security
Increased innovation
Improved customer experience
Increased competitive advantage
Increased employee satisfaction
Increased customer engagement
Product/service transformation
Topline growth
Other (specify)
Big data v.s. AI Technologies
Project Hydrogen: Spark + AI
A gang scheduling to Apache Spark that embeds a
distributed DL job as a Spark stage to simplify the
distributed training workflow. [SPARK-24374]
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Major Features on Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Various SQL
Flexible Streaming Sink
[SPARK-24565] Exposing output rows of each microbatch as a
foreachBatch(f: Dataset[T] => Unit)
• Scala/Java/Python APIs in DataStreamWriter.
• Reuse existing batch data sources
• Write to multiple locations
• Apply additional DataFrame operations
Reuse existing batch data sources
Write to multiple location
Major Features on Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Various SQL
Update from 1.8.2 to 1.10.0 [SPARK-23972].
• PARQUET-1025 - Support new min-max statistics in parquet-mr
• PARQUET-225 - INT64 support for delta encoding
• PARQUET-1142 Enable parquet.filter.dictionary.enabled by default.
Predicate pushdown
• STRING [SPARK-23972] [20x faster]
• Decimal [SPARK-24549]
• Timestamp [SPARK-24718]
• Date [SPARK-23727]
• Byte/Short [SPARK-24706]
• StringStartsWith [SPARK-24638]
• IN [SPARK-17091]
Native vectorized ORC reader is GAed!
• Native ORC reader is on by default [SPARK-23456]
• Update ORC from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2 [SPARK-24576]
• Turn on ORC filter push-down by default [SPARK-21783]
• Use native ORC reader to read Hive serde tables by default
• Avoid creating reader for all ORC files [SPARK-25126]
Major Features on Upcoming Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Various SQL
Higher-order Functions
Transformation on complex objects like arrays, maps and structures
inside of columns.
|-- key: long (nullable = false)
|-- values: array (nullable = false)
| |-- element: long (containsNull = false)
UDF ? Expensive data serialization
1) Check for element existence
SELECT EXISTS(values, e -> e > 30) AS v
FROM tbl_nested;
2) Transform an array
SELECT TRANSFORM(values, e -> e * e) AS v
FROM tbl_nested;
|-- key: long (nullable = false)
|-- values: array (nullable = false)
| |-- element: long (containsNull = false)
Higher-order Functions
4) Aggregate an array
SELECT REDUCE(values, 0, (value, acc) -> value + acc) AS sum
FROM tbl_nested;
Ref Databricks Blog:
3) Filter an array
SELECT FILTER(values, e -> e > 30) AS v
FROM tbl_nested;
|-- key: long (nullable = false)
|-- values: array (nullable = false)
| |-- element: long (containsNull = false)
Higher-order Functions
Built-in Functions
[SPARK-23899] New or extended built-in functions for ArrayTypes and
• 26 functions for ArrayTypes
transform, filter, reduce, array_distinct, array_intersect, array_union,
array_except, array_join, array_max, array_min, ...
• 3 functions for MapTypes
map_from_arrays, map_from_entries, map_concat
Blog: Introducing New Built-in and Higher-Order Functions for
Complex Data Types in Apache Spark 2.4.
Major Features on Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Various SQL
Native Spark App in K8S
New Spark scheduler backend
• PySpark support [SPARK-23984]
• SparkR support [SPARK-24433]
• Client-mode support [SPARK-23146]
• Support for mounting K8S volumes
Blog: What’s New for Apache Spark on Kubernetes in
the Upcoming Apache Spark 2.4 Release
Major Features on Spark 2.4
Built-in source
Spark on
Native Avro
Beta support
Scala 2.12
Various SQL
What’s Next?
This presentation may contain projections or other forward-
looking statements regarding the upcoming release (Apache
Spark 3.0). The statements are intended to outline our general
direction. They are intended for information purposes only.
They are not a commitment to deliver code or functionality.
The development, release and timing of any feature or
functionality described for Apache Spark remains at the sole
discretion of ASF and the Apache Spark PMC.
Safe Harbor Statement
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Project Hydrogen: Spark + AI
GPU Aware Scheduling
• widely used for accelerating special workloads, e.g., deep
learning and signal processing
It’s Hard to Productionize ML
ML Lifecycle is Manual, Inconsistent
and Disconnected
● Ad hoc approach to track
● Very hard to reproduce
Data Prep
● Multiple tightly coupled
deployment options
● Different monitoring approach
for each framework
Build Model Deploy Model
● Low level integrations for
Data and ML
● Difficult to track data used
for a model
What is ?
Open source platform to manage ML development
• Lightweight APIs & abstractions that work with any ML library
• Designed to be useful for 1 user or 1000+ person orgs
• Runs the same way anywhere (e.g. any cloud)
Key principle: “open interface” APIs that work with any existing
ML library, app, deployment tool, etc
MLflow Components
Record and query
experiments: code,
params, results, etc
Code packaging for
reproducible runs
on any platform
Model packaging and
deployment to diverse
MLflow Projects
• Docker-based project environment
specification (0.9)
• X-coordinate logging for metrics &
batched logging (1.0)
• Packaging projects with build steps (1.0+)
MLflow Models
• Custom model logging in Python, R
and Java (0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
• Better environment isolation when
loading models (1.0)
• Logging schema of models (1.0+)
MLflow Tracking
• SQL database backend for scaling the tracking server (0.9)
• UI scalability improvements (0.8, 0.9, etc.)
• X-coordinate logging for metrics & batched logging (1.0)
• Fluent API for Java and Scala (1.0)
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Challenges in Existing Graph Library
• Not DataFrame based
• Not actively maintained
• Limited graph
pattern matching
• Semantically weak
graph data model
(:Cypher)-[: FOR] -> (Apache:SparkTM)
Spark Graph
Given a single Property Graph data model and a
Cypher query, Spark returns a tabular result
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Data Source API V2
• Unified API for batch and streaming
• Flexible API for high performance
• Flexible API for metadata management
JDBC source with data source v1
.option("url", ...)
.option("dbtable", ...)
.option("driver", ...)
1. Specify the info of remote catalog for each op
JDBC source with data source v1
CREATE TABLE tab1(...) USING jdbc OPTIONS("url" ..., "dbtable" ..., ...)
CREATE TABLE tab2(...) USING jdbc OPTIONS("url" ..., "dbtable" ..., ...)
SELECT * FROM tab1 join tab2
2. Register each table before usage
JDBC source with data source v2
New: Register the catalog before usage
spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName my.jdbc.v2.impl
spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName.url …
Spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName.driver …
JDBC source with data source v2
• No need to register the tables.
• Access the tables using n-part name.
• DDL/DML support.
CREATE TABLE jdbcCatalogName.db1.t1(...)
ALTER TABLE jdbcCatalogName.db1.t2 CHANGE COLUMN ...
SELECT * FROM jdbcCatalogName.db2.t3
INSERT INTO jdbcCatalogName.db3.t4 SELECT ...
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Adaptive Query Processing
Intel Blog:
Based on statistics of the materialized plan nodes, re-
optimize the execution plan of the remaining queries
• Self tuning the number of reducers
• Adaptive join strategy
• Automatic skew join handling
Adaptive Query Processing
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Native Spark App in K8S
• Support for using a pod template to
customize the driver and executor pods.
• Dynamic resource allocation and
external shuffle service.
• Better support for local application
dependencies on client machines
• Driver resilience for Spark Streaming
• Better scheduling support.
The other targets in Apache Spark 3.0
• Hadoop 3.x support
• Hive execution from
1.2.1 to 2.3.4
• Scala 2.12 GA
• Better ANSI SQL
• PySpark usability
Please follow the announcements
in Spark + AI Summit @ SF
What’s Next?
Data Source
Spark on
Scala 2.12 Various SQL
Hadoop 3.x
Spark Graph
Apache Spark 3.x
Catalyst Optimization & Tungsten Execution
SparkSession / DataFrame / DataSet APIs
Spark ML
Spark CoreData Source Connectors
Apache Spark™
• Use Cases
• Research
• Technical Deep Dives
• Productionizing ML
• Deep Learning
• Cloud Hardware
• Data Science
• Data Engineering
• Enterprise
Data Scientists, Data Engineers,
Analysts, Architects
Engineering Management, VPs,
Heads of Analytics & Data, CxOs
Nike: Enabling Data Scientists to bring their Models to Market
Facebook: Vectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at Facebook
Tencent: Large-scale Malicious Domain Detection with Spark AI
IBM: In-memory storage Evolution in Apache Spark
Capital One: Apache Spark and Sights at Speed: Streaming, Feature
management and Execution
Apple: Making Nested Columns as First Citizen in Apache Spark SQL
EBay: Managing Apache Spark workload and automatic optimizing.
Google: Validating Spark ML Jobs
HP: Apache Spark for Cyber Security in big company
Microsoft: Apache Spark Serving: Unifying Batch, Streaming and
RESTful Serving
ABSA Group: A Mainframe Data Source for Spark SQL and Streaming
Facebook: an efficient Facebook-scale shuffle service
IBM: Make your PySpark Data Fly with Arrow!
Facebook : Distributed Scheduling Framework for Apache Spark
Zynga: Automating Predictive Modeling at Zynga with PySpark
World Bank: Using Crowdsourced Images to Create Image
Recognition Models and NLP to Augment Global Trade indicator Optimizing Performance and Computing Resource.
Microsoft: Azure Databricks with R: Deep Dive
Airbnb: Apache Spark at Airbnb
Netflix: Migrating to Apache Spark at Netflix
Microsoft: Infrastructure for Deep Learning in Apache
Intel: Game playing using AI on Apache Spark
Facebook: Scaling Apache Spark @ Facebook
Lyft: Scaling Apache Spark on K8S at Lyft
Uber: Using Spark Mllib Models in a Production
Training and Serving Platform
Apple: Bridging the gap between Datasets and
Salesforce: The Rule of 10,000 Spark Jobs
Target: Lessons in Linear Algebra at Scale with
Apache Spark
Nationwide: Deploying Enterprise Scale Deep
Learning in Actuarial Modeling at Nationwide
Workday: Lesson Learned Using Apache Spark
Thank you
Xiao Li (
Wenchen Fan (

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Apache spark 2.4 and beyond

  • 1. Apache Spark 2.4 and Beyond Xiao Li, Wenchen Fan Mar 2019 @ Strata Data Conf
  • 2. About US • Software Engineers at • Apache Spark Committers and PMC Members Xiao Li (Github: gatorsmile) Wenchen Fan (Github: cloud-fan)
  • 3. Databricks Customers Across Industries Financial Services Healthcare & Pharma Media & Entertainment Technology Public Sector Retail & CPG Consumer Services Energy & Industrial IoTMarketing & AdTech Data & Analytics Services
  • 4. DATABRICKS WORKSPACE Databricks Delta ML Frameworks DATABRICKS CLOUD SERVICE DATABRICKS RUNTIME Reliable & Scalable Simple & Integrated Databricks Unified Analytics Platform APIs Jobs Models Notebooks Dashboards End to end ML lifecycle
  • 8. Top Skill in 2018: Apache Spark
  • 10. 10 Release: Nov 8, 2018 Blog: Above 1100 tickets.
  • 11. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Spark 2.4 11 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Beta support Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 12. Survey Key Findings: The AI Dilemma Investment in AI is Growing Quickly However, very few are succeeding Major contributing factors to this AI dilemma 7 Different machine learning frameworks and tools
  • 13. CIO Survey Key Findings: Unified Analytics Enables AI Success Unifying data science & engineering Benefits Expected from a Unified Approach to Data & AI Increased operational efficiency More effective decision making Accelerated time to market Improved security Increased innovation Improved customer experience Increased competitive advantage Increased employee satisfaction Increased customer engagement Product/service transformation Topline growth Other (specify)
  • 14. Big data v.s. AI Technologies 14 X
  • 15. Project Hydrogen: Spark + AI A gang scheduling to Apache Spark that embeds a distributed DL job as a Spark stage to simplify the distributed training workflow. [SPARK-24374] 15 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
  • 16. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Spark 2.4 16 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 17. Flexible Streaming Sink [SPARK-24565] Exposing output rows of each microbatch as a DataFrame foreachBatch(f: Dataset[T] => Unit) • Scala/Java/Python APIs in DataStreamWriter. • Reuse existing batch data sources • Write to multiple locations • Apply additional DataFrame operations 17
  • 18. Reuse existing batch data sources 18
  • 19. Write to multiple location 19
  • 20. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Spark 2.4 20 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 21. Parquet 21 Update from 1.8.2 to 1.10.0 [SPARK-23972]. • PARQUET-1025 - Support new min-max statistics in parquet-mr • PARQUET-225 - INT64 support for delta encoding • PARQUET-1142 Enable parquet.filter.dictionary.enabled by default. Predicate pushdown • STRING [SPARK-23972] [20x faster] • Decimal [SPARK-24549] • Timestamp [SPARK-24718] • Date [SPARK-23727] • Byte/Short [SPARK-24706] • StringStartsWith [SPARK-24638] • IN [SPARK-17091]
  • 22. ORC Native vectorized ORC reader is GAed! • Native ORC reader is on by default [SPARK-23456] • Update ORC from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2 [SPARK-24576] • Turn on ORC filter push-down by default [SPARK-21783] • Use native ORC reader to read Hive serde tables by default [SPARK-22279] • Avoid creating reader for all ORC files [SPARK-25126] 22
  • 23. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Upcoming Spark 2.4 23 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 24. Higher-order Functions Transformation on complex objects like arrays, maps and structures inside of columns. 24 tbl_nested |-- key: long (nullable = false) |-- values: array (nullable = false) | |-- element: long (containsNull = false) UDF ? Expensive data serialization
  • 25. 1) Check for element existence SELECT EXISTS(values, e -> e > 30) AS v FROM tbl_nested; 2) Transform an array SELECT TRANSFORM(values, e -> e * e) AS v FROM tbl_nested; tbl_nested |-- key: long (nullable = false) |-- values: array (nullable = false) | |-- element: long (containsNull = false) Higher-order Functions
  • 26. 4) Aggregate an array SELECT REDUCE(values, 0, (value, acc) -> value + acc) AS sum FROM tbl_nested; Ref Databricks Blog: 3) Filter an array SELECT FILTER(values, e -> e > 30) AS v FROM tbl_nested; tbl_nested |-- key: long (nullable = false) |-- values: array (nullable = false) | |-- element: long (containsNull = false) Higher-order Functions
  • 27. Built-in Functions [SPARK-23899] New or extended built-in functions for ArrayTypes and MapTypes • 26 functions for ArrayTypes transform, filter, reduce, array_distinct, array_intersect, array_union, array_except, array_join, array_max, array_min, ... • 3 functions for MapTypes map_from_arrays, map_from_entries, map_concat 27 Blog: Introducing New Built-in and Higher-Order Functions for Complex Data Types in Apache Spark 2.4.
  • 28. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Spark 2.4 28 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 29. Native Spark App in K8S New Spark scheduler backend • PySpark support [SPARK-23984] • SparkR support [SPARK-24433] • Client-mode support [SPARK-23146] • Support for mounting K8S volumes [SPARK-23529] Blog: What’s New for Apache Spark on Kubernetes in the Upcoming Apache Spark 2.4 Release 29 on
  • 30. Higher-order Functions Major Features on Spark 2.4 30 Structured Streaming Built-in source Improvement Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Improvement Native Avro Support Image Source Barrier Execution Beta support Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features
  • 32. This presentation may contain projections or other forward- looking statements regarding the upcoming release (Apache Spark 3.0). The statements are intended to outline our general direction. They are intended for information purposes only. They are not a commitment to deliver code or functionality. The development, release and timing of any feature or functionality described for Apache Spark remains at the sole discretion of ASF and the Apache Spark PMC. Safe Harbor Statement
  • 33. What’s Next? 33 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 34. What’s Next? 34 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 35. Project Hydrogen: Spark + AI GPU Aware Scheduling • widely used for accelerating special workloads, e.g., deep learning and signal processing 35
  • 36. It’s Hard to Productionize ML
  • 37. ML Lifecycle is Manual, Inconsistent and Disconnected ● Ad hoc approach to track experiments ● Very hard to reproduce experiments Data Prep ● Multiple tightly coupled deployment options ● Different monitoring approach for each framework Build Model Deploy Model ● Low level integrations for Data and ML ● Difficult to track data used for a model
  • 38. What is ? Open source platform to manage ML development • Lightweight APIs & abstractions that work with any ML library • Designed to be useful for 1 user or 1000+ person orgs • Runs the same way anywhere (e.g. any cloud) Key principle: “open interface” APIs that work with any existing ML library, app, deployment tool, etc
  • 39. MLflow Components 39 Tracking Record and query experiments: code, params, results, etc Projects Code packaging for reproducible runs on any platform Models Model packaging and deployment to diverse environments
  • 40. MLflow Projects • Docker-based project environment specification (0.9) • X-coordinate logging for metrics & batched logging (1.0) • Packaging projects with build steps (1.0+) MLflow Models • Custom model logging in Python, R and Java (0.8, 0.9, 1.0) • Better environment isolation when loading models (1.0) • Logging schema of models (1.0+) MLflow Tracking • SQL database backend for scaling the tracking server (0.9) • UI scalability improvements (0.8, 0.9, etc.) • X-coordinate logging for metrics & batched logging (1.0) • Fluent API for Java and Scala (1.0) What’s Next?
  • 41. 41
  • 42. What’s Next? 42 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 43. Challenges in Existing Graph Library GraphX • Not DataFrame based • Not actively maintained GraphFrame • Limited graph pattern matching • Semantically weak graph data model
  • 44. (:Cypher)-[: FOR] -> (Apache:SparkTM)
  • 45. Spark Graph Given a single Property Graph data model and a Cypher query, Spark returns a tabular result [DataFrame]
  • 46. What’s Next? 46 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 47. Data Source API V2 • Unified API for batch and streaming • Flexible API for high performance implementation • Flexible API for metadata management
  • 48. JDBC source with data source v1 df.write.format("jdbc") .option("url", ...) .option("dbtable", ...) .option("driver", ...) .save() 1. Specify the info of remote catalog for each op
  • 49. JDBC source with data source v1 CREATE TABLE tab1(...) USING jdbc OPTIONS("url" ..., "dbtable" ..., ...) CREATE TABLE tab2(...) USING jdbc OPTIONS("url" ..., "dbtable" ..., ...) SELECT * FROM tab1 join tab2 INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT ... 2. Register each table before usage
  • 50. JDBC source with data source v2 New: Register the catalog before usage spark-defaults.conf spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName my.jdbc.v2.impl spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName.url … Spark.sql.catalog.jdbcCatalogName.driver …
  • 51. JDBC source with data source v2 • No need to register the tables. • Access the tables using n-part name. • DDL/DML support. CREATE TABLE jdbcCatalogName.db1.t1(...) ALTER TABLE jdbcCatalogName.db1.t2 CHANGE COLUMN ... SELECT * FROM jdbcCatalogName.db2.t3 INSERT INTO jdbcCatalogName.db3.t4 SELECT ...
  • 52. What’s Next? 52 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 53. 53
  • 54. Adaptive Query Processing Intel Blog: Based on statistics of the materialized plan nodes, re- optimize the execution plan of the remaining queries • Self tuning the number of reducers • Adaptive join strategy • Automatic skew join handling
  • 56. What’s Next? 56 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 57. Native Spark App in K8S • Support for using a pod template to customize the driver and executor pods. • Dynamic resource allocation and external shuffle service. • Better support for local application dependencies on client machines • Driver resilience for Spark Streaming • Better scheduling support. 57 on
  • 58. 58
  • 59. The other targets in Apache Spark 3.0 • Hadoop 3.x support • Hive execution from 1.2.1 to 2.3.4 • Scala 2.12 GA • Better ANSI SQL compliance • PySpark usability 59 Please follow the announcements in Spark + AI Summit @ SF
  • 60. What’s Next? 60 Data Source APIs Spark on Kubernetes PySpark Usability Scala 2.12 Various SQL Features GPU-aware Scheduling Adaptive Execution Hadoop 3.x Spark Graph mlflow
  • 61. Apache Spark 3.x 61 Catalyst Optimization & Tungsten Execution SparkSession / DataFrame / DataSet APIs SQL Spark ML Spark Streaming Spark Graph 3rd-party Libraries Spark CoreData Source Connectors
  • 62. Apache Spark™ • Use Cases • Research • Technical Deep Dives AI • Productionizing ML • Deep Learning • Cloud Hardware Fields • Data Science • Data Engineering • Enterprise 5000+ ATTENDEES Practitioners: Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Analysts, Architects Leaders: Engineering Management, VPs, Heads of Analytics & Data, CxOs TRACKS
  • 63. 63 Nike: Enabling Data Scientists to bring their Models to Market Facebook: Vectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at Facebook Tencent: Large-scale Malicious Domain Detection with Spark AI IBM: In-memory storage Evolution in Apache Spark Capital One: Apache Spark and Sights at Speed: Streaming, Feature management and Execution Apple: Making Nested Columns as First Citizen in Apache Spark SQL EBay: Managing Apache Spark workload and automatic optimizing. Google: Validating Spark ML Jobs HP: Apache Spark for Cyber Security in big company Microsoft: Apache Spark Serving: Unifying Batch, Streaming and RESTful Serving ABSA Group: A Mainframe Data Source for Spark SQL and Streaming Facebook: an efficient Facebook-scale shuffle service IBM: Make your PySpark Data Fly with Arrow! Facebook : Distributed Scheduling Framework for Apache Spark Zynga: Automating Predictive Modeling at Zynga with PySpark World Bank: Using Crowdsourced Images to Create Image Recognition Models and NLP to Augment Global Trade indicator Optimizing Performance and Computing Resource. Microsoft: Azure Databricks with R: Deep Dive Airbnb: Apache Spark at Airbnb Netflix: Migrating to Apache Spark at Netflix Microsoft: Infrastructure for Deep Learning in Apache Spark Intel: Game playing using AI on Apache Spark Facebook: Scaling Apache Spark @ Facebook Lyft: Scaling Apache Spark on K8S at Lyft Uber: Using Spark Mllib Models in a Production Training and Serving Platform Apple: Bridging the gap between Datasets and DataFrames Salesforce: The Rule of 10,000 Spark Jobs Target: Lessons in Linear Algebra at Scale with Apache Spark Nationwide: Deploying Enterprise Scale Deep Learning in Actuarial Modeling at Nationwide Workday: Lesson Learned Using Apache Spark
  • 64. Thank you Xiao Li ( Wenchen Fan ( 64