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Jump Start on Apache®
Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Jules S. Damji
Apache Spark Community Evangelist
Spark Saturday Meetup Workshop
I have used Apache Spark Before…
I know the difference between
DataFrame and RDDs…
Spark CommunityEvangelist& Developer
Advocate @ Databricks
DeveloperAdvocate@ Hortonworks
Software engineering @: Sun Microsystems,
Netscape, @Home, VeriSign, Scalix, Centrify,
LoudCloud/Opsware, ProQuest
Morning Afternoon
Agenda for the day
• Introduction to DataFrames, Datasets
and Spark SQL
• Workshop Notebook 2
• Break
• Introduction to StructuredStreaming
• Workshop Notebook 3
• Go Home…
• Get to know Databricks
• Overview of Spark
Fundamentals & Architecture
• What’s New in Spark 2.x
• Break
• Unified APIs:SparkSessions,
SQL, DataFrames, Datasets…
• Workshop Notebook 1
• Lunch
Get to know Databricks
1. Get
3. [OR] ImportNotebook:
Why Apache Spark?
Big Data Systems of Yesterday…
Pregel Giraph
Dremel Mahout
Storm Impala
Drill . . .
Specialized systems
for newworkloads
Hard to combine in pipelines
An Analogy ….
New applications
Apache Spark Philosophy
Unified engine for complete
data applications
High-level user-friendly APIs
SQLStreaming ML Graph
Unified engineacross diverse workloads &
About Databricks
Started Spark project (now Apache Spark) at UC Berkeleyin 2009
Unified Analytics Platform
Making Big Data Simple
Accelerate innovation by
unifying data science,
engineering and business.
Unified Analytics
The Unified Analytics Platform
Apache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark Architecture
• Local
• Standalone
• Mesos
EC2 Machine
Student-1 Notebook
Student-2 Notebook
Local Mode in Databricks
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
... ...
Standalone Mode
Spark Deployment Modes
Apache Spark Architecture
An Anatomy ofan Application
Spark	Application
• Jobs
• Stages
• Tasks
A Spark Executor
Resilient Distributed Dataset
What are RDDs?
• … Distributed data abstraction
• … Resilient & Immutable
• … Lazy
• … Compile Type-safe
• … Semi-structuredor unstructured
A Resilient Distributed Dataset
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
2	kinds	of	Actions
collect, count, reduce, take, show..saveAsTextFile, (HDFS, S3, SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
How did we get here…?
Where we going...?
A Brief History
UC Berkeley
2010 2013
& donated
to ASF
Spark 1.0 & libraries
(SQL, ML,GraphX)
Catalyst Optimizer
ML Pipelines
Apache Spark 2.0,2.1,2.2
Structured Streaming
Cost Based Optimizer
Deep Learning Pipelines Easier
Apache Spark 2.X
• Steps to Bigger & Better Things….
Builds on all we learned in past 2 years
06/2016 12/2016 06/2017
Spark Version Usage in Databricks
2.1 2.0
1.6 1.5
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Major Themes in Apache Spark 2.x
TungstenPhase 2
speedupsof 5-10x
& Catalyst Optimizer
real-time engine
on SQL / DataFrames
Unifying Datasets
and DataFrames &
Unified API Foundation for
the Future: SparkSessions,
DataFrame, Dataset, MLlib,
Structured Streaming
SparkSession – A Unified entry point to
• Conduit to Spark
– Creates Datasets/DataFrames
– Reads/writes data
– Works with metadata
– Sets/gets Spark
– Driver uses for Cluster
resource management
SparkSession vs SparkContext
SparkSessions	 Subsumes
• SparkContext
• SQLContext
• HiveContext
• StreamingContext
• SparkConf
SparkSession – A Unified entry point to
DataFrame & Dataset Structure
Long Term
• RDD as the low-level API in Spark
• For control and certain type-safety in Java/Scala
• Datasets & DataFrames give richer semantics &
• For semi-structured data and DSL like operations
• New libraries will increasingly use these as interchange
• Examples: Structured Streaming, MLlib, GraphFrames,
and Deep Learning Pipelines
Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
Towards SQL 2003
• Today, Spark can run all 99 TPC-DS queries!
- New standard compliant parser (with good error messages!)
- Subqueries (correlated & uncorrelated)
- Approximate aggregate stats
Runtime(seconds) Preliminary TPC-DS Spark2.0 vs 1.6 – Lower is Better
Time (1.6)
Time (2.0)
Other notable API improvements
• DataFrame-based ML pipeline API becoming the main MLlib API
• ML model & pipeline persistence with almost complete coverage
• In all programminglanguages: Scala, Java, Python, R
• Improved R support
• (Parallelizable) User-defined functions in R
• Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), Naïve Bayes, Survival Regression, K-
• Structured Streaming Features & Production Readiness
Workshop: Notebook on SparkSession
• Import Notebook into your Spark 2.2 Cluster
• Familiarize your self with Databricks Notebook environment
• Work through each cell
• CNTR + <return> / Shift + Return
• Try challenges
• Break…
DataFrames/Dataset, Spark
SQL & Catalyst Optimizer
The not so secret truth…
is not about SQL
is about more thanSQL
Is About Creating and Running Spark Programs
•  Write less code
•  Read less data
•  Do less work
• optimizerdoes the hard work
Spark	SQL:	The	wholestory
Spark SQL Architecture
SQL DataFrames
Using Catalyst in Spark SQL
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Physical Plan
Analysis: analyzinga logicalplan to resolve references
Logical Optimization: logicalplan optimization
Physical Planning: Physical planning
Code Generation:Compileparts of the query to Java bytecode
Catalyst Optimizations
• Catalyst compiles operations into
physical plan for execution and
generates JVM byte code
• Intelligently choose between
broadcast joins and shuffle joins to
reduce network traffic
• Lower level optimizations:
eliminate expensive object
allocations and reduce virtual
functions calls
• Push filter predicate down to data
source, so irrelevant data can be
• Parquet: skip entire blocks, turn
comparisons into cheaper integer
comparisons via dictionary coding
• RDMS: reduce amount of data traffic
by pushing down predicates
with Predicate Pushdown
and Column Pruning
(users)events file userstable
users.join(events,	 users("id")	===	events("uid"))	 .
filter(events("date")	 >	"2015-01-01")
DataFrame Optimization
Columns: Predicate pushdown
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver")
.option("dbtable", "people")
.where($"name" === "michael")
You Write
Spark Translates
For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'
Spark Core (RDD)
{ JSON }
FoundationalSpark2.x Components
Spark SQL
Datasets Spark 2.x APIs
Background: What is in an RDD?
• Partitions (with optional localityinfo)
• Compute function: Partition =>Iterator[T]
Opaque Computation
& Opaque Data
Structured APIs In Spark
SQL DataFrames Datasets
Runtime Compile
Analysis errors are reported before a distributed job starts
Unification of APIs in Spark 2.0
on domain objects
with compiled
lambda functions
Dataset API in Spark 2.x
v a l d f = s p a r k .r e ad.j s on( "pe opl e.js on ")
/ / Convert data to domain o b j e c ts .
case c l a s s Person(name: S tr i n g , age: I n t )
v a l d s : Dataset[Person] = d f.a s [P e r s on ]
v a l fi l te r D S = d s . f i l t e r ( p = > p . a g e > 30)
Datasets: Lightning-fast Serialization with Encoders
DataFrames are Faster than RDDs
Datasets < Memory RDDs
Why When
DataFrames & Datasets
• StructuredData schema
• Code optimization & performance
• Space efficiency with Tungsten
• High-level APIs and DSL
• StrongType-safety
• Ease-of-use & Readability
• What-to-do
Source: michaelmalak
Project Tungsten II
Project Tungsten
• Substantially speed up execution by optimizing CPU efficiency,
via: SPARK-12795
(1) Runtime code generation
(2) Exploiting cache locality
(3) Off-heap memory management
6 “bricks”
Tungsten’sCompact RowFormat
0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data”
(123, “data”, “bricks”)
Offset to data
Offset to data Fieldlengths
6 “bricks”0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data”
JVM Object
Internal Representation
MyClass(123, “data”, “ br i c ks”)
Encoders translate between domain
objects and Spark's internal format
Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks
Workshop: Notebook on
DataFrames/Datasets & Spark SQL
• Import Notebookinto your Spark2.x Cluster
– (optional)
– (python) (optional)
– (python)
• Workthrough each Notebookcell
• Try challenges
• Break..
Introduction to Structured
Streaming Concepts
building robust
stream processing
apps is hard
Complexities in stream processing
Diverse data formats
(json, avro, binary, …)
Data can be dirty,
late, out-of-order
Diverse storage systems
(Kafka, S3, Kinesis, RDBMS, …)
System failures
Combining streaming with
interactive queries
Machine learning
Structured Streaming
stream processing on Spark SQL engine
fast, scalable, fault-tolerant
rich, unified, high level APIs
deal with complex data and complex workloads
rich ecosystem of data sources
integrate with many storage systems
should not have to
reason about streaming
Treat Streams as Unbounded Tables
data stream unbounded inputtable
newdata in the
data stream
newrows appended
to a unboundedtable
should write simple queries
should continuously update the answer
Datasets, SQL
input = spark.readStream
.option("subscribe", "topic")
result = input
.select("device", "signal")
.where("signal > 15")
Read from
device, signal
signal > 15
Spark automatically streamifies!
Spark SQL converts batch-like query to a series of incremental
execution plans operating on new batches of data
Series of Incremental
Execution Plans
codegen, off-
heap, etc.
Physical Plan
t = 1 t = 2 t = 3
Streaming word count
Anatomy of a Streaming Query
Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 1
.option("subscribe", "input")
• Specify one or more locations
to read data from
• Built in support for
Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 2
.option("subscribe", "input")
.groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key)
.agg(count("*") as 'value)
• Using DataFrames,Datasets and/or
• Internal processingalways exactly-
Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 3
.option("subscribe", "input")
.groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key)
.agg(count("*") as 'value)
.option("topic", "output")
.trigger("1 minute")
.option("checkpointLocation", "…")
• Accepts the output of each
• When supported sinks are
transactional and exactly
once (Files).
• Use foreach to execute
arbitrary code.
Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Output Modes
.option("subscribe", "input")
.groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key)
.agg(count("*") as 'value)
.option("topic", "output")
.trigger("1 minute")
.option("checkpointLocation", "…")
Output mode – What's output
• Complete – Output the whole answer
every time
• Update – Output changed rows
• Append– Output new rowsonly
Trigger – When to output
• Specifiedas a time, eventually
supportsdata size
• No trigger means as fast as possible
Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Checkpoint
.option("subscribe", "input")
.groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key)
.agg(count("*") as 'value)
.option("topic", "output")
.trigger("1 minute")
.option("checkpointLocation", "…")
• Tracks the progress of a
query in persistent storage
• Can be used to restart the
query if there is a failure.
Fault-tolerance with Checkpointing
Checkpointing – tracks progress
(offsets) of consuming data from
the source and intermediate state.
Offsets and metadata saved as JSON
Can resume after changing your
streaming transformations
t = 1 t = 2 t = 3
Complex Streaming ETL
Traditional ETL
Raw, dirty, un/semi-structured is data dumped as files
Periodic jobs run every few hours to convert raw data
to structured data ready for further analytics
seconds hours
Traditional ETL
Hours of delay before taking decisions on latest data
Unacceptable when time is of essence
[intrusion detection, anomaly detection, etc.]
seconds hours
Streaming ETL w/ Structured Streaming
Structured Streaming enables raw data to be available
as structured data as soon as possible
Streaming ETL w/ Structured Streaming
Json data being received in Kafka
Parse nested json and flatten it
Store in structured Parquet table
Get end-to-end failure guarantees
val rawData = spark.readStream
.option("subscribe", "topic")
val parsedData = rawData
.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json"))
.select(from_json("json", schema).as("data"))
val query = parsedData.writeStream
.option("checkpointLocation", "/checkpoint")
Reading from Kafka
Specify options to configure
kafka.boostrap.servers => broker1,broker2
subscribe => topic1,topic2,topic3 // fixed list of topics
subscribePattern => topic* // dynamic list of topics
assign => {"topicA":[0,1] } // specific partitions
startingOffsets => latest(default) / earliest / {"topicA":{"0":23,"1":345} }
val rawData = spark.readStream
.option("subscribe", "topic")
Reading from Kafka
val rawDataDF = spark.readStream
.option("subscribe", "topic")
rawData dataframe has
the following columns
key value topic partition offset timestamp
[binary] [binary] "topicA" 0 345 1486087873
[binary] [binary] "topicB" 3 2890 1486086721
Transforming Data
Cast binary value to string
Name it column json
val parsedDataDF = rawData
.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")
.select(from_json("json", schema).as("data"))
Transforming Data
Cast binary value to string
Name it column json
Parse json string and expand into
nested columns, name it data
val parsedData = rawData
.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")
.select(from_json("json", schema).as("data"))
{ "timestamp": 1486087873, "device": "devA", …}
{ "timestamp": 1486082418, "device": "devX", …}
data (nested)
timestamp device …
1486087873 devA …
1486086721 devX …
as "data"
Transforming Data
Cast binary value to string
Name it column json
Parse json string and expand into
nested columns, name it data
Flatten the nested columns
val parsedDataDF = rawData
.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")
.select(from_json("json", schema).as("data"))
data (nested)
timestamp device …
1486087873 devA …
1486086721 devX …
timestamp device …
1486087873 devA …
1486086721 devX …
(not nested)
Transforming Data
Cast binary value to string
Name it column json
Parse json string and expand into
nested columns, name it data
Flatten the nested columns
val parsedData = rawData
.selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")
.select(from_json("json", schema).as("data"))
powerful built-in APIs to
performcomplex data
from_json, to_json, explode,...
100s offunctions
(see our blogpost & tutorial)
Writing to
Save parsed data as Parquet
table in the given path
Partition files by date so that
future queries on time slices of
data is fast
e.g. query on last 48 hours of data
val query = parsedData.writeStream
.option("checkpointLocation", ...)
.start("/parquetTable") //pathname
Enable checkpointing by
setting the checkpoint
location to save offset logs
start actually starts a
continuous running
StreamingQuery in the
Spark cluster
val query = parsedData.writeStream
.option("checkpointLocation", ...)
Streaming Query
query is a handle to the continuously
running StreamingQuery
Used to monitor and manage the
val query = parsedData.writeStream
.option("checkpointLocation", ...)
t = 1 t = 2 t = 3
Data Consistency on Ad-hoc Queries
Data available for complex, ad-hoc analytics within seconds
Parquet table is updated atomically, ensures prefix integrity
Even if distributed, ad-hoc queries will see either all updates from
streaming query or none, read more in our blog
complex, ad-hoc
queries on
More Kafka Support [Spark 2.2]
Write out to Kafka
DataFrame must have binary fields
named key and value
Direct, interactive and batch
queries on Kafka
Makes Kafka even more powerful
as a storage platform!
.option("topic", "output")
val df = spark
.read // not readStream
.option("subscribe", "topic")
spark.sql("select value from topicData")
Amazon Kinesis [Databricks Runtime 3.0]
Configure with options (similar to Kafka)
region => us-west-2 / us-east-1 / ...
awsAccessKey (optional) => AKIA...
awsSecretKey (optional) => ...
streamName => name-of-the-stream
initialPosition => latest(default) / earliest / trim_horizon
.option("region", "us-west-2")
.option("awsAccessKey", ...)
.option("awsSecretKey", ...)
Working With Time
Event Time
Many use cases require aggregate statistics by event time
E.g. what's the #errors in each system in the 1 hour windows?
Many challenges
Extractingevent time from data, handling late, out-of-order data
DStream APIs were insufficient for event-time stuff
Event time Aggregations
Windowing is just another type of grouping in Struct.
number of records every hour
Support UDAFs!
.groupBy(window("timestamp","1 hour"))
window("timestamp","10 mins"))
avg signal strength of each
device every 10 mins
Stateful Processing for Aggregations
Aggregates has to be saved as
distributed state between triggers
Each trigger reads previous state and
writes updated state
State stored in memory,
backed by write ahead log in HDFS/S3
Fault-tolerant, exactly-once guarantee!
t = 1
t = 2
t = 3
state state
state updates
are written to
log for checkpointing
Automatically handles Late Data
12:00 - 13:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 1
12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 5
12:00 - 13:00 5
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 5
15:00 - 16:00 4
12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 6
15:00 - 16:00 4
16:00 - 17:00 3
13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00Keeping state allows
late data to update
counts of old windows
red = state updated
with late data
But size of the state increasesindefinitely
if old windows are notdropped
max eventtime
event time
of 10 mins
.withWatermark("timestamp", "10 minutes")
.groupBy(window("timestamp","5 minutes"))
late data
data too
Useful only in stateful operations
(streaming aggs, dropDuplicates,mapGroupsWithState,...)
Ignored in non-stateful streaming
queries and batch queries
What else…
Arbitrary Stateful Operations [Spark 2.2]
allows any user-defined
stateful function to a
user-defined state
Direct support for per-key
timeouts in event-time or
Supports Scala and Java
def mappingWithStateFunc(
key: K,
values: Iterator[V],
state: GroupState[S]): U = {
// update or remove state
// set timeouts
// return mapped value
Arbitrary Stateful Operations [Spark 2.2]
allows any user-defined
stateful function to a
user-defined state
Direct support for per-key
timeouts in event-time or
Supports Scala and Java
def mappingWithStateFunc(
key: K,
values: Iterator[V],
state: GroupState[S]): U = {
// update or remove state
// set timeouts
// return mapped value
Other interestingoperations
Streaming Deduplication
Watermarks to limit state
Stream-batch Joins
Stream-stream Joins
Can use mapGroupsWithState
Direct support coming soon!
val batchDataDF =
//join with stream DataFrame
parsedDataDF.join(batchData, "device")
More Info
Structured Streaming Programming Guide
Databricks blog posts for more focused discussions
and more to come, stay tuned!!
• Getting Started Guide with Apache Spark on Databricks
• Spark Programming Guide
• Structured Streaming Programming Guide
• Databricks Engineering Blogs
Do you have any questions for my preparedanswers?
Demo & Workshop: Structured Streaming
• Import Notebook into your Spark 2.2 Cluster
• Done!
Title goes here.
It can be one or two lines.
Author goes here
Dategoes here
Here is a basic slide
Suspendisseullamcorpervel odio a varius
• Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiqu
• enectus et netuset malesuada fames ac turpis egestas
• ut erat dapibus lobortis purus sed gravida augu
• efficitur a risus placerat porta nullam molestie malesuada velit et auctor
Here are some logos
Here is a comparison slide
• Quisque tortor quam, posuere sed
sagittis et, iaculis a urna. In
malesuada in orci ut lacinia
• Sed bibendum sed mauris egestas
• Vestibulum bibendum sagittis odio
quis tincidunt augue consequat e
• Aliquam purus leo, interdum eu
urna vitae
• Etiam in arcu gravida, tincidunt
magna ve faucibus
• Donec laoreet vel quam eu
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Use this chart to start
Here are some icons to use - scalable
DB Benefits
DB Features
General /Data Science
Icons can be recoloredwithinPowerpoint — see: format picture/ picture color / recolor
Orange, Green, and Black versions (no recolorationnecessary) can be found in go/icons
More icons
Spark Benefits Spark Features
Even more
Slide for Large Question
or Section Headers
Thank You
Parting words or contact information go here.
The Unified Analytics Platform
Data Engineering
Line of Business
Data Science
Deep Learning / ML
and manyothers…
Cloud Storage Data Warehouses Hadoop Storage
Data Warehousing

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Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks

  • 1. Jump Start on Apache® Spark™ 2.x with Databricks Jules S. Damji Apache Spark Community Evangelist Spark Saturday Meetup Workshop
  • 2. I have used Apache Spark Before…
  • 3. I know the difference between DataFrame and RDDs…
  • 4. Spark CommunityEvangelist& Developer Advocate @ Databricks DeveloperAdvocate@ Hortonworks Software engineering @: Sun Microsystems, Netscape, @Home, VeriSign, Scalix, Centrify, LoudCloud/Opsware, ProQuest @2twitme
  • 5. Morning Afternoon Agenda for the day • Introduction to DataFrames, Datasets and Spark SQL • Workshop Notebook 2 • Break • Introduction to StructuredStreaming Concepts • Workshop Notebook 3 • Go Home… • Get to know Databricks • Overview of Spark Fundamentals & Architecture • What’s New in Spark 2.x • Break • Unified APIs:SparkSessions, SQL, DataFrames, Datasets… • Workshop Notebook 1 • Lunch
  • 6. Get to know Databricks 1. Get 2. 3. [OR] ImportNotebook:
  • 8. Big Data Systems of Yesterday… MapReduce/Hadoop Generalbatch processing Drill Storm Pregel Giraph Dremel Mahout Storm Impala Drill . . . Specialized systems for newworkloads Hard to combine in pipelines
  • 9. An Analogy …. New applications
  • 10. Apache Spark Philosophy Unified engine for complete data applications High-level user-friendly APIs SQLStreaming ML Graph …
  • 11. Unified engineacross diverse workloads & environments
  • 12. TEAM About Databricks Started Spark project (now Apache Spark) at UC Berkeleyin 2009 PRODUCT Unified Analytics Platform MISSION Making Big Data Simple
  • 13. Accelerate innovation by unifying data science, engineering and business. Unified Analytics Platform UNIFIED INFRASTRUCTURE UNIFIED EXPERIENCE ACROSS TEAMS UNIFIED ANALYTIC WORKFLOWS
  • 16. Apache Spark Architecture Deployments Modes • Local • Standalone • YARN • Mesos
  • 20. Apache Spark Architecture An Anatomy ofan Application Spark Application • Jobs • Stages • Tasks
  • 23. What are RDDs? • … Distributed data abstraction • … Resilient & Immutable • … Lazy • … Compile Type-safe • … Semi-structuredor unstructured
  • 24. A Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
  • 27. 2 kinds of Actions collect, count, reduce, take, show..saveAsTextFile, (HDFS, S3, SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
  • 32. How did we get here…? Where we going...?
  • 33. A Brief History 33 2012 Started @ UC Berkeley 2010 2013 Databricks started & donated to ASF 2014 Spark 1.0 & libraries (SQL, ML,GraphX) 2015 DataFrames/Datasets Tungsten Catalyst Optimizer ML Pipelines 2016-17 Apache Spark 2.0,2.1,2.2 Structured Streaming Cost Based Optimizer Deep Learning Pipelines Easier Smarter Faster
  • 34. Apache Spark 2.X • Steps to Bigger & Better Things…. Builds on all we learned in past 2 years
  • 37. Major Themes in Apache Spark 2.x TungstenPhase 2 speedupsof 5-10x & Catalyst Optimizer Faster StructuredStreaming real-time engine on SQL / DataFrames Smarter Unifying Datasets and DataFrames & SparkSessions Easier
  • 38. Unified API Foundation for the Future: SparkSessions, DataFrame, Dataset, MLlib, Structured Streaming
  • 39. SparkSession – A Unified entry point to Spark • Conduit to Spark – Creates Datasets/DataFrames – Reads/writes data – Works with metadata – Sets/gets Spark Configuration – Driver uses for Cluster resource management
  • 40. SparkSession vs SparkContext SparkSessions Subsumes • SparkContext • SQLContext • HiveContext • StreamingContext • SparkConf
  • 41. SparkSession – A Unified entry point to Spark
  • 42. DataFrame & Dataset Structure
  • 43. Long Term • RDD as the low-level API in Spark • For control and certain type-safety in Java/Scala • Datasets & DataFrames give richer semantics & optimizations • For semi-structured data and DSL like operations • New libraries will increasingly use these as interchange format • Examples: Structured Streaming, MLlib, GraphFrames, and Deep Learning Pipelines
  • 44. Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
  • 45. Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
  • 46. Towards SQL 2003 • Today, Spark can run all 99 TPC-DS queries! - New standard compliant parser (with good error messages!) - Subqueries (correlated & uncorrelated) - Approximate aggregate stats - 2-0.html
  • 47. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Runtime(seconds) Preliminary TPC-DS Spark2.0 vs 1.6 – Lower is Better Time (1.6) Time (2.0)
  • 48. Other notable API improvements • DataFrame-based ML pipeline API becoming the main MLlib API • ML model & pipeline persistence with almost complete coverage • In all programminglanguages: Scala, Java, Python, R • Improved R support • (Parallelizable) User-defined functions in R • Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), Naïve Bayes, Survival Regression, K- Means • Structured Streaming Features & Production Readiness •
  • 49. Workshop: Notebook on SparkSession • Import Notebook into your Spark 2.2 Cluster – – – #org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession • Familiarize your self with Databricks Notebook environment • Work through each cell • CNTR + <return> / Shift + Return • Try challenges • Break…
  • 50. DataFrames/Dataset, Spark SQL & Catalyst Optimizer
  • 51. The not so secret truth… SQL is not about SQL is about more thanSQL
  • 52. 10 Is About Creating and Running Spark Programs Faster: •  Write less code •  Read less data •  Do less work • optimizerdoes the hard work Spark SQL: The wholestory
  • 54. 54 Using Catalyst in Spark SQL Unresolved Logical Plan Logical Plan Optimized Logical Plan RDDs Selected Physical Plan Analysis Logical Optimization Physical Planning CostModel Physical Plans Code Generation Catalog Analysis: analyzinga logicalplan to resolve references Logical Optimization: logicalplan optimization Physical Planning: Physical planning Code Generation:Compileparts of the query to Java bytecode SQL AST DataFrame Datasets
  • 55. LOGICAL OPTIMIZATIONS PHYSICAL OPTIMIZATIONS Catalyst Optimizations • Catalyst compiles operations into physical plan for execution and generates JVM byte code • Intelligently choose between broadcast joins and shuffle joins to reduce network traffic • Lower level optimizations: eliminate expensive object allocations and reduce virtual functions calls • Push filter predicate down to data source, so irrelevant data can be skipped • Parquet: skip entire blocks, turn comparisons into cheaper integer comparisons via dictionary coding • RDMS: reduce amount of data traffic by pushing down predicates
  • 56. PhysicalPlan with Predicate Pushdown and Column Pruning join optimized scan (events) optimized scan (users) LogicalPlan filter join PhysicalPlan join scan (users)events file userstable 56 scan (events) filter users.join(events, users("id") === events("uid")) . filter(events("date") > "2015-01-01") DataFrame Optimization
  • 57. Columns: Predicate pushdown .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver") .option("dbtable", "people") .load() .where($"name" === "michael") 57 You Write Spark Translates For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'
  • 58. 43 Spark Core (RDD) Catalyst DataFrame/DatasetSQL MLPipelines Structured Streaming { JSON } JDBC andmore… FoundationalSpark2.x Components Spark SQL GraphFrames
  • 61. Background: What is in an RDD? •Dependencies • Partitions (with optional localityinfo) • Compute function: Partition =>Iterator[T] Opaque Computation & Opaque Data
  • 62. Structured APIs In Spark 62 SQL DataFrames Datasets Syntax Errors Analysis Errors Runtime Compile Time Runtime Compile Time Compile Time Runtime Analysis errors are reported before a distributed job starts
  • 63. Unification of APIs in Spark 2.0
  • 64. Type-safe:operate on domain objects with compiled lambda functions 8 Dataset API in Spark 2.x v a l d f = s p a r k .r e ad.j s on( "pe opl e.js on ") / / Convert data to domain o b j e c ts . case c l a s s Person(name: S tr i n g , age: I n t ) v a l d s : Dataset[Person] = d f.a s [P e r s on ] v a l fi l te r D S = d s . f i l t e r ( p = > p . a g e > 30)
  • 68. Why When DataFrames & Datasets • StructuredData schema • Code optimization & performance • Space efficiency with Tungsten • High-level APIs and DSL • StrongType-safety • Ease-of-use & Readability • What-to-do
  • 72. Project Tungsten • Substantially speed up execution by optimizing CPU efficiency, via: SPARK-12795 (1) Runtime code generation (2) Exploiting cache locality (3) Off-heap memory management
  • 73. 6 “bricks” Tungsten’sCompact RowFormat 0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data” (123, “data”, “bricks”) Nullbitmap Offset to data Offset to data Fieldlengths 20
  • 74. Encoders 6 “bricks”0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data” JVM Object Internal Representation MyClass(123, “data”, “ br i c ks”) Encoders translate between domain objects and Spark's internal format
  • 76. Workshop: Notebook on DataFrames/Datasets & Spark SQL • Import Notebookinto your Spark2.x Cluster – (optional) – (python) (optional) – (python) – – pache.spark.sql.Dataset • Workthrough each Notebookcell • Try challenges • Break..
  • 79. Complexities in stream processing COMPLEX DATA Diverse data formats (json, avro, binary, …) Data can be dirty, late, out-of-order COMPLEX SYSTEMS Diverse storage systems (Kafka, S3, Kinesis, RDBMS, …) System failures COMPLEX WORKLOADS Combining streaming with interactive queries Machine learning
  • 80. Structured Streaming stream processing on Spark SQL engine fast, scalable, fault-tolerant rich, unified, high level APIs deal with complex data and complex workloads rich ecosystem of data sources integrate with many storage systems
  • 81. you should not have to reason about streaming
  • 82. Treat Streams as Unbounded Tables 82 data stream unbounded inputtable newdata in the data stream = newrows appended to a unboundedtable
  • 83. you should write simple queries & Spark should continuously update the answer
  • 84. DataFrames, Datasets, SQL input = spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "topic") .load() result = input .select("device", "signal") .where("signal > 15") result.writeStream .format("parquet") .start("dest-path") Logical Plan Read from Kafka Project device, signal Filter signal > 15 Writeto Parquet Spark automatically streamifies! Spark SQL converts batch-like query to a series of incremental execution plans operating on new batches of data Series of Incremental Execution Plans Kafka Source Optimized Operator codegen, off- heap, etc. Parquet Sink Optimized Physical Plan process newdata t = 1 t = 2 t = 3 process newdata process newdata
  • 85. Streaming word count Anatomy of a Streaming Query
  • 86. Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 1 spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "input") .load() . Source • Specify one or more locations to read data from • Built in support for Files/Kafka/Socket, pluggable.
  • 87. Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 2 spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "input") .load() .groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key) .agg(count("*") as 'value) Transformation • Using DataFrames,Datasets and/or SQL. • Internal processingalways exactly- once.
  • 88. Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Step 3 spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "input") .load() .groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key) .agg(count("*") as 'value) .writeStream .format("kafka") .option("topic", "output") .trigger("1 minute") .outputMode(OutputMode.Complete()) .option("checkpointLocation", "…") .start() Sink • Accepts the output of each batch. • When supported sinks are transactional and exactly once (Files). • Use foreach to execute arbitrary code.
  • 89. Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Output Modes spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "input") .load() .groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key) .agg(count("*") as 'value) .writeStream .format("kafka") .option("topic", "output") .trigger("1 minute") .outputMode("update") .option("checkpointLocation", "…") .start() Output mode – What's output • Complete – Output the whole answer every time • Update – Output changed rows • Append– Output new rowsonly Trigger – When to output • Specifiedas a time, eventually supportsdata size • No trigger means as fast as possible
  • 90. Anatomy of a Streaming Query: Checkpoint spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "input") .load() .groupBy('value.cast("string") as 'key) .agg(count("*") as 'value) .writeStream .format("kafka") .option("topic", "output") .trigger("1 minute") .outputMode("update") .option("checkpointLocation", "…") .start() Checkpoint • Tracks the progress of a query in persistent storage • Can be used to restart the query if there is a failure.
  • 91. Fault-tolerance with Checkpointing Checkpointing – tracks progress (offsets) of consuming data from the source and intermediate state. Offsets and metadata saved as JSON Can resume after changing your streaming transformations end-to-end exactly-once guarantees process newdata t = 1 t = 2 t = 3 process newdata process newdata write ahead log
  • 93. Traditional ETL Raw, dirty, un/semi-structured is data dumped as files Periodic jobs run every few hours to convert raw data to structured data ready for further analytics 93 file dump seconds hours table 10101010
  • 94. Traditional ETL Hours of delay before taking decisions on latest data Unacceptable when time is of essence [intrusion detection, anomaly detection, etc.] file dump seconds hours table 10101010
  • 95. Streaming ETL w/ Structured Streaming Structured Streaming enables raw data to be available as structured data as soon as possible 95 seconds table 10101010
  • 96. Streaming ETL w/ Structured Streaming Example Json data being received in Kafka Parse nested json and flatten it Store in structured Parquet table Get end-to-end failure guarantees val rawData = spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("kafka.boostrap.servers",...) .option("subscribe", "topic") .load() val parsedData = rawData .selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json")) .select(from_json("json", schema).as("data")) .select("data.*") val query = parsedData.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", "/checkpoint") .partitionBy("date") .format("parquet") .start("/parquetTable")
  • 97. Reading from Kafka Specify options to configure How? kafka.boostrap.servers => broker1,broker2 What? subscribe => topic1,topic2,topic3 // fixed list of topics subscribePattern => topic* // dynamic list of topics assign => {"topicA":[0,1] } // specific partitions Where? startingOffsets => latest(default) / earliest / {"topicA":{"0":23,"1":345} } val rawData = spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("kafka.boostrap.servers",...) .option("subscribe", "topic") .load()
  • 98. Reading from Kafka val rawDataDF = spark.readStream .format("kafka") .option("kafka.boostrap.servers",...) .option("subscribe", "topic") .load() rawData dataframe has the following columns key value topic partition offset timestamp [binary] [binary] "topicA" 0 345 1486087873 [binary] [binary] "topicB" 3 2890 1486086721
  • 99. Transforming Data Cast binary value to string Name it column json val parsedDataDF = rawData .selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json") .select(from_json("json", schema).as("data")) .select("data.*")
  • 100. Transforming Data Cast binary value to string Name it column json Parse json string and expand into nested columns, name it data val parsedData = rawData .selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json") .select(from_json("json", schema).as("data")) .select("data.*") json { "timestamp": 1486087873, "device": "devA", …} { "timestamp": 1486082418, "device": "devX", …} data (nested) timestamp device … 1486087873 devA … 1486086721 devX … from_json("json") as "data"
  • 101. Transforming Data Cast binary value to string Name it column json Parse json string and expand into nested columns, name it data Flatten the nested columns val parsedDataDF = rawData .selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json") .select(from_json("json", schema).as("data")) .select("data.*") data (nested) timestamp device … 1486087873 devA … 1486086721 devX … timestamp device … 1486087873 devA … 1486086721 devX … select("data.*") (not nested)
  • 102. Transforming Data Cast binary value to string Name it column json Parse json string and expand into nested columns, name it data Flatten the nested columns val parsedData = rawData .selectExpr("cast (value as string) as json") .select(from_json("json", schema).as("data")) .select("data.*") powerful built-in APIs to performcomplex data transformations from_json, to_json, explode,... 100s offunctions (see our blogpost & tutorial)
  • 103. Writing to Save parsed data as Parquet table in the given path Partition files by date so that future queries on time slices of data is fast e.g. query on last 48 hours of data val query = parsedData.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", ...) .partitionBy("date") .format("parquet") .start("/parquetTable") //pathname
  • 104. Checkpointing Enable checkpointing by setting the checkpoint location to save offset logs start actually starts a continuous running StreamingQuery in the Spark cluster val query = parsedData.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", ...) .format("parquet") .partitionBy("date") .start("/parquetTable/")
  • 105. Streaming Query query is a handle to the continuously running StreamingQuery Used to monitor and manage the execution val query = parsedData.writeStream .option("checkpointLocation", ...) .format("parquet") .partitionBy("date") .start("/parquetTable")/") process newdata t = 1 t = 2 t = 3 process newdata process newdata StreamingQuery
  • 106. Data Consistency on Ad-hoc Queries Data available for complex, ad-hoc analytics within seconds Parquet table is updated atomically, ensures prefix integrity Even if distributed, ad-hoc queries will see either all updates from streaming query or none, read more in our blog complex, ad-hoc queries on latest data seconds!
  • 107. More Kafka Support [Spark 2.2] Write out to Kafka DataFrame must have binary fields named key and value Direct, interactive and batch queries on Kafka Makes Kafka even more powerful as a storage platform! result.writeStream .format("kafka") .option("topic", "output") .start() val df = spark .read // not readStream .format("kafka") .option("subscribe", "topic") .load() df.createOrReplaceTempView("topicData") spark.sql("select value from topicData")
  • 108. Amazon Kinesis [Databricks Runtime 3.0] Configure with options (similar to Kafka) How? region => us-west-2 / us-east-1 / ... awsAccessKey (optional) => AKIA... awsSecretKey (optional) => ... What? streamName => name-of-the-stream Where? initialPosition => latest(default) / earliest / trim_horizon spark.readStream .format("kinesis") .option("streamName”,"myStream") .option("region", "us-west-2") .option("awsAccessKey", ...) .option("awsSecretKey", ...) .load()
  • 110. Event Time Many use cases require aggregate statistics by event time E.g. what's the #errors in each system in the 1 hour windows? Many challenges Extractingevent time from data, handling late, out-of-order data DStream APIs were insufficient for event-time stuff
  • 111. Event time Aggregations Windowing is just another type of grouping in Struct. Streaming number of records every hour Support UDAFs! parsedData .groupBy(window("timestamp","1 hour")) .count() parsedData .groupBy( "device", window("timestamp","10 mins")) .avg("signal") avg signal strength of each device every 10 mins
  • 112. Stateful Processing for Aggregations Aggregates has to be saved as distributed state between triggers Each trigger reads previous state and writes updated state State stored in memory, backed by write ahead log in HDFS/S3 Fault-tolerant, exactly-once guarantee! process newdata t = 1 sink src t = 2 process newdata sink src t = 3 process newdata sink src state state write ahead log state updates are written to log for checkpointing state
  • 113. Automatically handles Late Data 12:00 - 13:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 5 12:00 - 13:00 5 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 5 15:00 - 16:00 4 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 6 15:00 - 16:00 4 16:00 - 17:00 3 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00Keeping state allows late data to update counts of old windows red = state updated with late data But size of the state increasesindefinitely if old windows are notdropped
  • 114. Watermarking max eventtime event time watermark allowed lateness of 10 mins parsedDataDF .withWatermark("timestamp", "10 minutes") .groupBy(window("timestamp","5 minutes")) .count() late data allowedto aggregate data too late, dropped Useful only in stateful operations (streaming aggs, dropDuplicates,mapGroupsWithState,...) Ignored in non-stateful streaming queries and batch queries
  • 116. Arbitrary Stateful Operations [Spark 2.2] mapGroupsWithState allows any user-defined stateful function to a user-defined state Direct support for per-key timeouts in event-time or processing-time Supports Scala and Java 116 ds.groupByKey( .mapGroupsWithState (timeoutConf) (mappingWithStateFunc) def mappingWithStateFunc( key: K, values: Iterator[V], state: GroupState[S]): U = { // update or remove state // set timeouts // return mapped value }
  • 117. Arbitrary Stateful Operations [Spark 2.2] mapGroupsWithState allows any user-defined stateful function to a user-defined state Direct support for per-key timeouts in event-time or processing-time Supports Scala and Java 117 ds.groupByKey( .mapGroupsWithState (timeoutConf) (mappingWithStateFunc) def mappingWithStateFunc( key: K, values: Iterator[V], state: GroupState[S]): U = { // update or remove state // set timeouts // return mapped value }
  • 118. Other interestingoperations Streaming Deduplication Watermarks to limit state Stream-batch Joins Stream-stream Joins Can use mapGroupsWithState Direct support coming soon! val batchDataDF = .format("parquet") .load("/additional-data") //join with stream DataFrame parsedDataDF.join(batchData, "device") parsedDataDF.dropDuplicates("eventId")
  • 119. More Info Structured Streaming Programming Guide Databricks blog posts for more focused discussions and more to come, stay tuned!!
  • 120. Resources • Getting Started Guide with Apache Spark on Databricks • • Spark Programming Guide • Structured Streaming Programming Guide • Databricks Engineering Blogs • •
  • 123. Do you have any questions for my preparedanswers?
  • 124. Demo & Workshop: Structured Streaming • Import Notebook into your Spark 2.2 Cluster • • Done!
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  • 130. Here are some icons to use - scalable DB Benefits DB Features General /Data Science Icons can be recoloredwithinPowerpoint — see: format picture/ picture color / recolor Orange, Green, and Black versions (no recolorationnecessary) can be found in go/icons
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  • 135. The Unified Analytics Platform Data Engineering Line of Business DATABRICKS ENTERPRISE SECURITY (DBES) DATABRICKS WORKSPACE DATABRICKS WORKFLOWS DATABRICKS RUNTIME DATABRICKS SERVERLESS DATABRICKS I/O (DBIO) PEOPLE Data Science Streaming Deep Learning / ML and manyothers… APPLICATIONS Cloud Storage Data Warehouses Hadoop Storage Data Warehousing