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Matei Zaharia
Simplifying Big Data in
Apache Spark 2.0
A Great Year for Apache Spark
2015 2016
2015 2016
New Major
Version #
About Spark 2.0
Remains highly compatible with 1.x
Builds on key lessonsand simplifies API
2000 patches from 280 contributors
What’s Hard About Big Data?
Complex combination of processing tasks, storage systems & modes
• ETL, aggregation,machine learning,streaming,etc
Hard to get both productivity and performance
Apache Spark’s Approach
Unified engine
• Express entire workflow in one API
• Connectexisting libraries& storage
High-level APIs with space to optimize
• RDDs, DataFrames, ML pipelines
SQLStreaming ML Graph
New in 2.0
Structured API improvements
(DataFrame, Dataset, SQL)
Whole-stage code generation
Structured Streaming
Simpler setup (SparkSession)
SQL 2003 support
MLlib model persistence
MLlib R bindings
SparkR user-defined functions
Original Spark API
Arbitrary Java functions on Java objects
+ Can organize your app using functions, classesand types
– Difficult for the engine to optimize
• Inefficientin-memory format
• Hard to do cross-operatoroptimizations
val lines = sc.textFile(“s3://...”)
val points = => new Point(line))
Structured APIs
New APIs for data with a fixed schema (table-like)
• Efficientstorage taking advantage ofschema (e.g.columnar)
• Operators take expressionsin a special DSL thatSpark can optimize
DataFrames (untyped), Datasets (typed), and SQL
Structured API Example
events =“/logs”)
stats =
errors = stats.where(
stats.status == “ERR”)
DataFrame API Optimized Plan Specialized Code
SCAN logs SCAN users
while(logs.hasNext) {
e =
if(e.status == “ERR”) {
u = users.get(e.uid)
key = (u.loc, e.status)
sum(key) += e.duration
count(key) += 1
Structured API Example
events =“/logs”)
stats =
errors = stats.where(
stats.status == “ERR”)
DataFrame API Optimized Plan Specialized Code
SCAN users
while(logs.hasNext) {
e =
if(e.status == “ERR”) {
u = users.get(e.uid)
key = (u.loc, e.status)
sum(key) += e.duration
count(key) += 1
New in 2.0
Whole-stage code generation
• Fuse across multiple operators
• Optimized Parquet I/O
Spark 1.6 14M
Spark 2.0 125M
in 1.6
in 2.0
Merging DataFrame & Dataset
• DataFrame = Dataset[Row]
Spark Summit EU 2016 Keynote - Simplifying Big Data in Apache Spark 2.0
Beyond Batch & Interactive:
Higher-Level API for Streaming
What’s Hard In Using Streaming?
Complex semantics
• What possible resultscan the programgive?
• What happensif a node runs slowly? If one fails?
Integration into a complete application
• Serve real-time querieson resultof stream
• Give consistentresultswith batch jobs
Structured Streaming
High-levelstreaming APIbasedon DataFrames / Datasets
• Same semantics& results as batch APIs
• Eventtime, windowing,sessions,transactionalI/O
Rich integration with complete Apache Spark apps
• Memory sink forad-hoc queries
• Joinswith static data
• Change queriesat runtime
Not just streaming, but
“continuous applications”
Structured Streaming API
Incrementalizean existing DataFrame/Dataset/SQL query
logs =“json”).open(“hdfs://logs”)
logs.groupBy(“userid”, “hour”).avg(“latency”)
batch job:
Structured Streaming API
Incrementalizean existing DataFrame/Dataset/SQL query
logs = ctx.readStream.format(“json”).load(“hdfs://logs”)
logs.groupBy(“userid”, “hour”).avg(“latency”)
Example as
Results always same as a batch job on a prefixof the data
Under the Hood
Scan Files
Write to S3
Scan New Files
Update S3
Batch Plan Continuous Plan
Static Data
Pure Streaming System ContinuousApplication
End Goal: Full Continuous Apps
Development Status
2.0.1: supports ETL workloads from file systems and S3
2.0.2: Kafka input source,monitoring metrics
2.1.0: eventtime aggregation workloads & watermarks
Greg Owen

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Spark Summit EU 2016 Keynote - Simplifying Big Data in Apache Spark 2.0

  • 2. A Great Year for Apache Spark 2015 2016 Meetup Members 2015 2016 Developers Contributing 225K 66K 600 1100 2.0 New Major Version #
  • 3. About Spark 2.0 Remains highly compatible with 1.x Builds on key lessonsand simplifies API 2000 patches from 280 contributors
  • 4. What’s Hard About Big Data? Complex combination of processing tasks, storage systems & modes • ETL, aggregation,machine learning,streaming,etc Hard to get both productivity and performance
  • 5. Apache Spark’s Approach Unified engine • Express entire workflow in one API • Connectexisting libraries& storage High-level APIs with space to optimize • RDDs, DataFrames, ML pipelines SQLStreaming ML Graph …
  • 6. New in 2.0 Structured API improvements (DataFrame, Dataset, SQL) Whole-stage code generation Structured Streaming Simpler setup (SparkSession) SQL 2003 support MLlib model persistence MLlib R bindings SparkR user-defined functions …
  • 7. Original Spark API Arbitrary Java functions on Java objects + Can organize your app using functions, classesand types – Difficult for the engine to optimize • Inefficientin-memory format • Hard to do cross-operatoroptimizations val lines = sc.textFile(“s3://...”) val points = => new Point(line))
  • 8. Structured APIs New APIs for data with a fixed schema (table-like) • Efficientstorage taking advantage ofschema (e.g.columnar) • Operators take expressionsin a special DSL thatSpark can optimize DataFrames (untyped), Datasets (typed), and SQL
  • 9. Structured API Example events =“/logs”) stats = events.join(users) .groupBy(“loc”,“status”) .avg(“duration”) errors = stats.where( stats.status == “ERR”) DataFrame API Optimized Plan Specialized Code SCAN logs SCAN users JOIN AGG FILTER while(logs.hasNext) { e = if(e.status == “ERR”) { u = users.get(e.uid) key = (u.loc, e.status) sum(key) += e.duration count(key) += 1 } } ...
  • 10. Structured API Example events =“/logs”) stats = events.join(users) .groupBy(“loc”,“status”) .avg(“duration”) errors = stats.where( stats.status == “ERR”) DataFrame API Optimized Plan Specialized Code FILTERED SCAN SCAN users JOIN AGG while(logs.hasNext) { e = if(e.status == “ERR”) { u = users.get(e.uid) key = (u.loc, e.status) sum(key) += e.duration count(key) += 1 } } ...
  • 11. New in 2.0 Whole-stage code generation • Fuse across multiple operators • Optimized Parquet I/O Spark 1.6 14M rows/s Spark 2.0 125M rows/s Parquet in 1.6 11M rows/s Parquet in 2.0 90M rows/s Merging DataFrame & Dataset • DataFrame = Dataset[Row]
  • 13. Beyond Batch & Interactive: Higher-Level API for Streaming
  • 14. What’s Hard In Using Streaming? Complex semantics • What possible resultscan the programgive? • What happensif a node runs slowly? If one fails? Integration into a complete application • Serve real-time querieson resultof stream • Give consistentresultswith batch jobs
  • 15. Structured Streaming High-levelstreaming APIbasedon DataFrames / Datasets • Same semantics& results as batch APIs • Eventtime, windowing,sessions,transactionalI/O Rich integration with complete Apache Spark apps • Memory sink forad-hoc queries • Joinswith static data • Change queriesat runtime Not just streaming, but “continuous applications”
  • 16. Structured Streaming API Incrementalizean existing DataFrame/Dataset/SQL query logs =“json”).open(“hdfs://logs”) logs.groupBy(“userid”, “hour”).avg(“latency”) .write.format(”parquet”) .save(“s3://...”) Example batch job:
  • 17. Structured Streaming API Incrementalizean existing DataFrame/Dataset/SQL query logs = ctx.readStream.format(“json”).load(“hdfs://logs”) logs.groupBy(“userid”, “hour”).avg(“latency”) .writeStream.format(”parquet") .start(“s3://...”) Example as streaming: Results always same as a batch job on a prefixof the data
  • 18. Under the Hood Scan Files Aggregate Write to S3 Scan New Files Stateful Aggregate Update S3 Batch Plan Continuous Plan Automatically transformed
  • 20. Development Status 2.0.1: supports ETL workloads from file systems and S3 2.0.2: Kafka input source,monitoring metrics 2.1.0: eventtime aggregation workloads & watermarks