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Apache Iceberg
Ryan Blue
2019 Big Data Orchestration Summit
Netflix’s Data Warehouse
● Smarter processing engines
○ CBO, better join implementations
○ Result set caching, materialized views
● Reduce manual data maintenance
○ Data librarian services
○ Declarative instead of imperative
5-year Challenges
● Unsafe operations are everywhere
○ Writing to multiple partitions
○ Renaming a column
● Interaction with object stores causes major headaches
○ Eventual consistency to performance problems
○ Output committers can’t fix it
● Endless scale challenges
Problem Whack-a-mole
What is Iceberg?
Iceberg is a scalable format for
tables with a lot of best
practices built in.
A format?
We already have Parquet, Avro
and ORC . . .
A table format.
● File formats help you modify or skip data in a single file
● Table formats do the same thing for a collection of files
● To demonstrate this, consider Hive tables . . .
A table format
● Key idea: organize data in a directory tree
|- hour=18/
| |- ...
|- hour=19/
| |- part-000.parquet
| |- ...
| |- part-031.parquet
|- hour=20/
| |- ...
Hive Tables
● Filter: WHERE date = '20180513' AND hour = 19
|- hour=18/
| |- ...
|- hour=19/
| |- part-000.parquet
| |- ...
| |- part-031.parquet
|- hour=20/
| |- ...
Hive Tables
● Problem: too much directory listing for large tables
● Solution: use HMS to track partitions
date=20180513/hour=19 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=19
date=20180513/hour=20 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=20
● The file system still tracks the files in each partition . . .
Hive Metastore
● State is kept in both the metastore and in a file system
● Changes are not atomic without locking
● Requires directory listing
○ O(n) listing calls, n = # matching partitions
○ Eventual consistency breaks correctness
Hive Tables: Problems
● Everything supports Hive tables*
○ Engines: Hive, Spark, Presto, Flink, Pig
○ Tools: Hudi, NiFi, Flume, Sqoop
● Simplicity and ubiquity have made Hive tables indispensable
● The whole ecosystem uses the same at-rest data!
Hive Tables: Benefits
● An open spec and community for at-rest data interchange
○ Maintain a clear spec for the format
○ Design for multiple implementations across languages
○ Support needs across projects to avoid fragmentation
Iceberg’s Goals
● Improve scale and reliability
○ Work on a single node, scale to a cluster
○ All changes are atomic, with serializable isolation
○ Native support for cloud object stores
○ Support many concurrent writers
Iceberg’s Goals
● Fix persistent usability problems
○ In-place evolution for schema and layout (no side-effects)
○ Hide partitioning: insulate queries from physical layout
○ Support time-travel, rollback, and metadata inspection
○ Configure tables, not jobs
● Tables should have no unpleasant surprises
Iceberg’s Goals
● Key idea: track all files in a table over time
○ A snapshot is a complete list of files in a table
○ Each write produces and commits a new snapshot
Iceberg’s Design
S1 S2 S3 ...
S1 S2 S3 ...
● Readers use the current snapshot
● Writers optimistically create new snapshots, then commit
Iceberg’s Design
In reality, it’s a bit more
● All changes are atomic
● No expensive (or inconsistent) file system operations
● Snapshots are indexed for scan planning on a single node
● CBO metrics are reliable
● Versions for incremental updates and materialized views
Iceberg Design Benefits
Iceberg at Netflix
● Production tables: tens of petabytes, millions of partitions
○ Scan planning fits on a single node
○ Advanced filtering enables more use cases
○ Overall performance is better
● Low latency queries are faster for large tables
● Production Flink pipeline writing in 3 AWS regions
● Lift service moving data into a single region
● Merge service compacting small files
● Rollback is popular
● Metadata tables
○ Track down the version a job read
○ Find the process that wrote a bad version
● Spark vectorization for faster bulk reads
○ Presto vectorization already done
● Row-level delete encodings
○ ID equality predicates
Future Work
Thank you!
Ryan Blue

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Apache Iceberg - A Table Format for Hige Analytic Datasets

  • 1. Apache Iceberg Ryan Blue 2019 Big Data Orchestration Summit
  • 3. ● Smarter processing engines ○ CBO, better join implementations ○ Result set caching, materialized views ● Reduce manual data maintenance ○ Data librarian services ○ Declarative instead of imperative 5-year Challenges
  • 4. ● Unsafe operations are everywhere ○ Writing to multiple partitions ○ Renaming a column ● Interaction with object stores causes major headaches ○ Eventual consistency to performance problems ○ Output committers can’t fix it ● Endless scale challenges Problem Whack-a-mole
  • 6. Iceberg is a scalable format for tables with a lot of best practices built in.
  • 7. A format? We already have Parquet, Avro and ORC . . .
  • 9. ● File formats help you modify or skip data in a single file ● Table formats do the same thing for a collection of files ● To demonstrate this, consider Hive tables . . . A table format
  • 10. ● Key idea: organize data in a directory tree date=20180513/ |- hour=18/ | |- ... |- hour=19/ | |- part-000.parquet | |- ... | |- part-031.parquet |- hour=20/ | |- ... Hive Tables
  • 11. ● Filter: WHERE date = '20180513' AND hour = 19 date=20180513/ |- hour=18/ | |- ... |- hour=19/ | |- part-000.parquet | |- ... | |- part-031.parquet |- hour=20/ | |- ... Hive Tables
  • 12. ● Problem: too much directory listing for large tables ● Solution: use HMS to track partitions date=20180513/hour=19 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=19 date=20180513/hour=20 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=20 ● The file system still tracks the files in each partition . . . Hive Metastore
  • 13. ● State is kept in both the metastore and in a file system ● Changes are not atomic without locking ● Requires directory listing ○ O(n) listing calls, n = # matching partitions ○ Eventual consistency breaks correctness Hive Tables: Problems
  • 14. ● Everything supports Hive tables* ○ Engines: Hive, Spark, Presto, Flink, Pig ○ Tools: Hudi, NiFi, Flume, Sqoop ● Simplicity and ubiquity have made Hive tables indispensable ● The whole ecosystem uses the same at-rest data! Hive Tables: Benefits
  • 16. ● An open spec and community for at-rest data interchange ○ Maintain a clear spec for the format ○ Design for multiple implementations across languages ○ Support needs across projects to avoid fragmentation Iceberg’s Goals
  • 17. ● Improve scale and reliability ○ Work on a single node, scale to a cluster ○ All changes are atomic, with serializable isolation ○ Native support for cloud object stores ○ Support many concurrent writers Iceberg’s Goals
  • 18. ● Fix persistent usability problems ○ In-place evolution for schema and layout (no side-effects) ○ Hide partitioning: insulate queries from physical layout ○ Support time-travel, rollback, and metadata inspection ○ Configure tables, not jobs ● Tables should have no unpleasant surprises Iceberg’s Goals
  • 19. ● Key idea: track all files in a table over time ○ A snapshot is a complete list of files in a table ○ Each write produces and commits a new snapshot Iceberg’s Design S1 S2 S3 ...
  • 20. S1 S2 S3 ... R W ● Readers use the current snapshot ● Writers optimistically create new snapshots, then commit Iceberg’s Design
  • 21. In reality, it’s a bit more complicated.
  • 22. ● All changes are atomic ● No expensive (or inconsistent) file system operations ● Snapshots are indexed for scan planning on a single node ● CBO metrics are reliable ● Versions for incremental updates and materialized views Iceberg Design Benefits
  • 24. ● Production tables: tens of petabytes, millions of partitions ○ Scan planning fits on a single node ○ Advanced filtering enables more use cases ○ Overall performance is better ● Low latency queries are faster for large tables Scale
  • 25. ● Production Flink pipeline writing in 3 AWS regions ● Lift service moving data into a single region ● Merge service compacting small files Concurrency
  • 26. ● Rollback is popular ● Metadata tables ○ Track down the version a job read ○ Find the process that wrote a bad version Usability
  • 27. ● Spark vectorization for faster bulk reads ○ Presto vectorization already done ● Row-level delete encodings ○ MERGE INTO ○ ID equality predicates Future Work