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A modern table format for big data
Ryan Blue & Parth Brahmbhatt
July 2018 - Presto Summit
● A Netflix use case and performance results
● What is Iceberg?
○ How large Hive tables (fail to) work
○ How Iceberg works and its benefits
● Iceberg at Netflix
○ Future of Netflix’s data platform
● Iceberg & Raptor comparison
Iceberg Performance
July 2018 - Presto Summit
● Historical Atlas data:
○ Time-series metrics from Netflix runtime systems
○ 1 month: 2.7 million files in 2,688 partitions
○ Problem: cannot process more than a few days of data
● Sample query:
select distinct tags['type'] as type
from iceberg.atlas
name = 'metric-name' and
date > 20180222 and date <= 20180228
order by type;
Case Study: Atlas
● Hive table – with Parquet filters:
○ 400k+ splits per day, not combined
○ EXPLAIN query: 9.6 min (planning wall time)
● Iceberg table – partition data filtering:
○ 15,218 splits, combined
○ 13 min (wall time) / 61.5 hr (task time) / 10 sec (planning)
● Iceberg table – partition and min/max filtering:
○ 412 splits
○ 42 sec (wall time) / 22 min (task time) / 25 sec (planning)
Case Study: Atlas Performance
Iceberg’s Design
July 2018 - Presto Summit
First, what is a table format?
● Key idea: organize data in a directory tree
|- hour=18/
| |- ...
|- hour=19/
| |- part-000.parquet
| |- ...
| |- part-031.parquet
|- hour=20/
| |- ...
|- ...
Hive Table Design
● Filter by directories as columns
SELECT ... WHERE date = '20180513' AND hour = 19
|- hour=18/
| |- ...
|- hour=19/
| |- part-000.parquet
| |- ...
| |- part-031.parquet
|- hour=20/
| |- ...
|- ...
Hive Table Design
● Problem: too much directory listing for large tables
● Solution: use HMS to track partitions
○ Partition key to FS location
date=20180513/hour=19 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=19
date=20180513/hour=20 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=20
○ Enables predicate push-down in HMS for (some) scans
● The file system still tracks the files in each partition...
Hive Metastore
● Table state is stored in two places
○ Partitions in the Hive Metastore
○ Files in a FS with no transaction support
● Requires elaborate locking for correctness
○ Nothing respects the locking scheme
● Still requires directory listing to plan jobs
○ O(n) listing calls, n = # matching partitions
○ Eventual consistency breaks correctness
Design Problems
● Key idea: track all files in a table over time
○ A snapshot is a complete list of files in a table
○ Each write produces and commits a new snapshot
Iceberg’s Design
S1 S2 S3 ...
● Snapshot isolation without locking
○ Readers use a current snapshot
○ Writers produce new snapshots in isolation, then commit
● Any change to the file list is an atomic operation
○ Append data across partitions
○ Merge or rewrite files
Snapshot Design Benefits
S1 S2 S3 ...
In reality, it’s a bit more
Design Benefits
● Reads and writes are isolated and all changes are atomic
● No expensive or eventually-consistent FS operations:
○ No directory or prefix listing
○ No rename: data files written in place
● Faster scan planning, distributed across the cluster
○ O(1) manifest reads, not O(n) partition list calls
○ Upper and lower bounds used to eliminate files
● Reliable CBO metrics
Iceberg at Netflix
July 2018 - Presto Summit
● Hidden partitioning
○ Partition filters derived from data filters
○ No more accidental full table scans
● Full schema evolution
○ Supports add, drop, and rename columns
● Reliable support for types
○ date, time, timestamp, and decimal
○ struct, list, map, and mixed nesting
Works as Users Expect
● Queries are not broken by layout changes
● Physical layout can evolve without painful migration
○ Mistakes can be fixed
○ Prototypes can move to production faster
○ Tables can change as volume grows over time
● Data Platform can transparently fix table layout
Table Layout is Hidden
● Any write is atomic – either complete or invisible
○ Rewrite files instead of partitions
○ Tables never have partially committed data
● Simple, built-in change detection
○ Cache and materialized view maintenance
○ Incremental processing
● Data Platform can monitor and fix data files
○ Compact small files
○ Repartition to a new layout
Snapshot-based Tables
● Common implementation for table operations
○ Tune write options per table (Parquet row group size)
○ Tune read defaults once (split combination)
● Simple data gathering
○ Log scan predicates and projection to Kafka
○ Analyze table settings from the Iceberg table
● Data Platform can automate tuning configuration
○ Test file format tuning settings per table
○ Update table to affect all writes
Table Format Library
● Current: merge service
○ Dedicated cluster to convert data to Parquet
○ Makes data available to tables after merge completes
● Iceberg: Data is available after commit, in row-oriented format
● Autotune (planned)
○ Recommend tuning parameters
○ Rewrite files based on priority
○ Opportunistic Parquet conversion
Autotune: Data Librarian
Iceberg & Raptor Comparison
July 2018 - Presto Summit
● Fine-grained tracking of data
○ Iceberg: file-level, Raptor: shard-level
● Use min/max values for efficient job planning
● Safe atomic writes
● Same metadata, different purpose and design
Raptor Similarities
● Raptor targets low-latency query execution
○ Data stored in flash
○ Shard tracking in MySQL
○ Built for Presto
● Iceberg manages table metadata targeting scale
○ Open specification for Spark, Presto, and others
○ Distributed metadata workload
○ Atomic changes across clusters and engines
● Iceberg & Raptor are complementary projects
Raptor Differences
Getting Started with Iceberg
July 2018 - Presto Summit
○ Apache Licensed, ALv2
○ Spark 2.3.x data source plug-in
○ Pig (read-only) support in development
○ Planned python support
● Presto Iceberg PR: coming soon!
Using Iceberg
Current blocker: HMS support
July 2018 - Presto Summit
Additional Slides
July 2018 - Presto Summit
● Implementation of snapshot-based tracking
○ Adds table schema, partition layout, string properties
○ Tracks old snapshots for eventual garbage collection
● Table metadata is immutable and always moves forward
● The current snapshot (pointer) can be rolled back
Iceberg Metadata
S1 S2
S1 S2 S3
S2 S3
● Snapshots are split across one or more manifest files
○ Manifests store partition data for each data file
○ Reused to avoid high write volume
Manifest Files
S1 S2
S1 S2 S3
S2 S3
m0.avro m1.avro m2.avro
● Basic data file info:
○ File location and format
○ Iceberg tracking data
● Values to filter files for a scan:
○ Partition data values
○ Per-column lower and upper bounds
● Metrics for cost-based optimization:
○ File-level: row count, size
○ Column-level: value count, null count, size
Manifest File Contents
● To commit, a writer must:
○ Note the current metadata version – the base version
○ Create new metadata and manifest files
○ Atomically swap the base version for the new version
● This atomic swap ensures a linear history
● Atomic swap is implemented by:
○ A custom metastore implementation
○ Atomic rename for HDFS or local tables
● Writers optimistically write new versions:
○ Assume that no other writer is operating
○ On conflict, retry based on the latest metadata
● To support retry, operations are structured as:
○ Assumptions about the current table state
○ Pending changes to the current table state
● Changes are safe if the assumptions are all true
Commits: Conflict Resolution
● Use case: safely merge small files
○ Merge input: file1.avro, file2.avro
○ Merge output: merge1.parquet
● Rewrite operation:
○ Assumption: file1.avro and file2.avro are still present
○ Pending changes:
Remove file1.avro and file2.avro
Add merge1.parquet
● Deleting file1.avro or file2.avro will cause a commit failure
Commits: Resolution Example
Presto iceberg connector
● Why a new connector ?
● What it can do
○ Read Support is done
○ Split planning, predicate pushdown
○ All iceberg datatypes supported
○ DDL and DML in the works
● Transparent querying between hive and icerberg catalogs.
● Hive table with no partition information
● Use iceberg api for split planning
● Iceberg APIs prunes manifest and datafiles based on stats.
● Stats pruning results into 3X performance improvements.
● Parquet version upgrade needed.
How it works

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Presto Summit 2018 - 09 - Netflix Iceberg

  • 1. Iceberg A modern table format for big data Ryan Blue & Parth Brahmbhatt July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 2. ● A Netflix use case and performance results ● What is Iceberg? ○ How large Hive tables (fail to) work ○ How Iceberg works and its benefits ● Iceberg at Netflix ○ Future of Netflix’s data platform ● Iceberg & Raptor comparison Contents
  • 4. ● Historical Atlas data: ○ Time-series metrics from Netflix runtime systems ○ 1 month: 2.7 million files in 2,688 partitions ○ Problem: cannot process more than a few days of data ● Sample query: select distinct tags['type'] as type from iceberg.atlas where name = 'metric-name' and date > 20180222 and date <= 20180228 order by type; Case Study: Atlas
  • 5. ● Hive table – with Parquet filters: ○ 400k+ splits per day, not combined ○ EXPLAIN query: 9.6 min (planning wall time) ● Iceberg table – partition data filtering: ○ 15,218 splits, combined ○ 13 min (wall time) / 61.5 hr (task time) / 10 sec (planning) ● Iceberg table – partition and min/max filtering: ○ 412 splits ○ 42 sec (wall time) / 22 min (task time) / 25 sec (planning) Case Study: Atlas Performance
  • 7. First, what is a table format?
  • 8. ● Key idea: organize data in a directory tree date=20180513/ |- hour=18/ | |- ... |- hour=19/ | |- part-000.parquet | |- ... | |- part-031.parquet |- hour=20/ | |- ... |- ... Hive Table Design
  • 9. ● Filter by directories as columns SELECT ... WHERE date = '20180513' AND hour = 19 date=20180513/ |- hour=18/ | |- ... |- hour=19/ | |- part-000.parquet | |- ... | |- part-031.parquet |- hour=20/ | |- ... |- ... Hive Table Design
  • 10. ● Problem: too much directory listing for large tables ● Solution: use HMS to track partitions ○ Partition key to FS location date=20180513/hour=19 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=19 date=20180513/hour=20 -> hdfs:/.../date=20180513/hour=20 ○ Enables predicate push-down in HMS for (some) scans ● The file system still tracks the files in each partition... Hive Metastore
  • 11. ● Table state is stored in two places ○ Partitions in the Hive Metastore ○ Files in a FS with no transaction support ● Requires elaborate locking for correctness ○ Nothing respects the locking scheme ● Still requires directory listing to plan jobs ○ O(n) listing calls, n = # matching partitions ○ Eventual consistency breaks correctness Design Problems
  • 12. ● Key idea: track all files in a table over time ○ A snapshot is a complete list of files in a table ○ Each write produces and commits a new snapshot Iceberg’s Design S1 S2 S3 ...
  • 13. ● Snapshot isolation without locking ○ Readers use a current snapshot ○ Writers produce new snapshots in isolation, then commit ● Any change to the file list is an atomic operation ○ Append data across partitions ○ Merge or rewrite files Snapshot Design Benefits S1 S2 S3 ... R W
  • 14. In reality, it’s a bit more complicated.
  • 15. Design Benefits ● Reads and writes are isolated and all changes are atomic ● No expensive or eventually-consistent FS operations: ○ No directory or prefix listing ○ No rename: data files written in place ● Faster scan planning, distributed across the cluster ○ O(1) manifest reads, not O(n) partition list calls ○ Upper and lower bounds used to eliminate files ● Reliable CBO metrics
  • 16. Iceberg at Netflix July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 17. ● Hidden partitioning ○ Partition filters derived from data filters ○ No more accidental full table scans ● Full schema evolution ○ Supports add, drop, and rename columns ● Reliable support for types ○ date, time, timestamp, and decimal ○ struct, list, map, and mixed nesting Works as Users Expect
  • 18. ● Queries are not broken by layout changes ● Physical layout can evolve without painful migration ○ Mistakes can be fixed ○ Prototypes can move to production faster ○ Tables can change as volume grows over time ● Data Platform can transparently fix table layout Table Layout is Hidden
  • 19. ● Any write is atomic – either complete or invisible ○ Rewrite files instead of partitions ○ Tables never have partially committed data ● Simple, built-in change detection ○ Cache and materialized view maintenance ○ Incremental processing ● Data Platform can monitor and fix data files ○ Compact small files ○ Repartition to a new layout Snapshot-based Tables
  • 20. ● Common implementation for table operations ○ Tune write options per table (Parquet row group size) ○ Tune read defaults once (split combination) ● Simple data gathering ○ Log scan predicates and projection to Kafka ○ Analyze table settings from the Iceberg table ● Data Platform can automate tuning configuration ○ Test file format tuning settings per table ○ Update table to affect all writes Table Format Library
  • 21. ● Current: merge service ○ Dedicated cluster to convert data to Parquet ○ Makes data available to tables after merge completes ● Iceberg: Data is available after commit, in row-oriented format ● Autotune (planned) ○ Recommend tuning parameters ○ Rewrite files based on priority ○ Opportunistic Parquet conversion Autotune: Data Librarian
  • 22. Iceberg & Raptor Comparison July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 23. ● Fine-grained tracking of data ○ Iceberg: file-level, Raptor: shard-level ● Use min/max values for efficient job planning ● Safe atomic writes ● Same metadata, different purpose and design Raptor Similarities
  • 24. ● Raptor targets low-latency query execution ○ Data stored in flash ○ Shard tracking in MySQL ○ Built for Presto ● Iceberg manages table metadata targeting scale ○ Open specification for Spark, Presto, and others ○ Distributed metadata workload ○ Atomic changes across clusters and engines ● Iceberg & Raptor are complementary projects Raptor Differences
  • 25. Getting Started with Iceberg July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 26. ● ○ Apache Licensed, ALv2 ○ Spark 2.3.x data source plug-in ○ Pig (read-only) support in development ○ Planned python support ● Presto Iceberg PR: coming soon! Using Iceberg
  • 28. Questions? July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 29. Additional Slides July 2018 - Presto Summit
  • 30. ● Implementation of snapshot-based tracking ○ Adds table schema, partition layout, string properties ○ Tracks old snapshots for eventual garbage collection ● Table metadata is immutable and always moves forward ● The current snapshot (pointer) can be rolled back Iceberg Metadata v1.json S1 S2 v2.json S1 S2 S3 v3.json S2 S3
  • 31. ● Snapshots are split across one or more manifest files ○ Manifests store partition data for each data file ○ Reused to avoid high write volume Manifest Files v1.json S1 S2 v2.json S1 S2 S3 v3.json S2 S3 m0.avro m1.avro m2.avro
  • 32. ● Basic data file info: ○ File location and format ○ Iceberg tracking data ● Values to filter files for a scan: ○ Partition data values ○ Per-column lower and upper bounds ● Metrics for cost-based optimization: ○ File-level: row count, size ○ Column-level: value count, null count, size Manifest File Contents
  • 33. ● To commit, a writer must: ○ Note the current metadata version – the base version ○ Create new metadata and manifest files ○ Atomically swap the base version for the new version ● This atomic swap ensures a linear history ● Atomic swap is implemented by: ○ A custom metastore implementation ○ Atomic rename for HDFS or local tables Commits
  • 34. ● Writers optimistically write new versions: ○ Assume that no other writer is operating ○ On conflict, retry based on the latest metadata ● To support retry, operations are structured as: ○ Assumptions about the current table state ○ Pending changes to the current table state ● Changes are safe if the assumptions are all true Commits: Conflict Resolution
  • 35. ● Use case: safely merge small files ○ Merge input: file1.avro, file2.avro ○ Merge output: merge1.parquet ● Rewrite operation: ○ Assumption: file1.avro and file2.avro are still present ○ Pending changes: Remove file1.avro and file2.avro Add merge1.parquet ● Deleting file1.avro or file2.avro will cause a commit failure Commits: Resolution Example
  • 36. Presto iceberg connector ● Why a new connector ? ● What it can do ○ Read Support is done ○ Split planning, predicate pushdown ○ All iceberg datatypes supported ○ DDL and DML in the works ● Transparent querying between hive and icerberg catalogs.
  • 37. ● Hive table with no partition information ● Use iceberg api for split planning ● Iceberg APIs prunes manifest and datafiles based on stats. ● Stats pruning results into 3X performance improvements. ● Parquet version upgrade needed. How it works