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11Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only
Apache HAWQ and
Apache MADlib
Journey to Apache
Pivotal San Francisco
Dec 3, 2015
• Journey to Apache
• HAWQ overview
• MADlib overview
33Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only
Journey to Apache
1986 … 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
Journey to Apache
Michael Stonebraker develops Postgres at UCB
Postgres adds support for SQL
Open Source PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 7.0 released
PostgreSQL 8.0 released
Greenplum forks
Hadoop 1.0 Released
go Apache
Hadoop 2.0 Released
open sourced
Pivotal is Committed to
Open Source
Pivotal GemFire Apache Geode (April 2015)
Pivotal HDB Apache HAWQ (Sept 2015)
Pivotal Query OptimizerComing
(BSD License)
Apache MADlib (Sept 2015)
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(Apache 2 License)
 Collaborate on software in open and productive ways
 Need strong community for innovation
 MADlib and HAWQ are complementary technologies
Why Apache?
77Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only
Apache HAWQ Overview
What is Apache HAWQ?
Key Features
5 • Up to 30x SQL-on-Hadoop performance
• Faster time to insight
• Massive MPP scalability to petabytes
Benefits: Near real-time latency, complex
queries and advanced analytics
at scale
1. Advanced Analytics Performance
Key Features
5 • ANSI SQL-92, -99, -2003
• All 99 TPC-DS queries tested, no
• Plus, OLAP extensions
• Complete ACID integrity and reliability
Benefits: 100% SQL compliant
No risk to SQL applications
All native on HDP via HAWQ
2. 100% ANSI SQL Compliant
Key Features
HAWQ Performance vs Impala
2 28 46 66 73 76 79 80 88 90
• Faster on 46 of 62
TPC-DS queries
• 4.55x mean avg.
• 12 hrs faster total
* Impala supported 74 of 99
queries, 12 crashed mid-run
HAWQ vs Apache Hive w/Tez
3 7 15 25 27 34 46 48 76 79 89 90
• Faster on 45 of 60
TPC-DS queries
• 3.44x mean avg.
• 9 hrs faster total
* Hive supported 65 of 99 queries,
5 crashed mid-run
5 • Advanced machine learning for big data
• Local, in-database operation
• Exceptional MPP/parallel performance
• Open source, Postgres-based
Benefits: Advanced, highly scalable,
machine learning, directly on
data in Hadoop
3. Integrated Machine Learning
Key Features
5 • HDP, PHD, other ODPi-derived distros
• Easily managed via Ambari
• On premises, in cloud, or PaaS
• HBase, Avro, Parquet and more
• Connectors to make HAWQ data
available to other SQL query tools
Benefits: Flexibility
4. Flexible Deployment
Key Features
Open Data Platform
A shared industry effort to advance the state of Apache Hadoop® and Big Data
technologies for the enterprise
The open ecosystem of big data
September 25, 2015
5 • Cost-based query optimization
• Robust query plan optimization
• Complex big data management
Benefits: Optimize performance and costs
Maximize Hadoop cluster resources
Offload EDW w/o compromise
5. Query Optimization Options
Key Features
Apache HAWQ
● Discover New Relationships
● Enable Data Science
● Analyze External Sources
● Query All Data Types!
Fault Tolerance
Resource Mgmt
(+ YARN)
high multi-tenancy
Petabyte Scale
Cost Based Optimizer
UDF Support
Built-in Data
Science Library
Query External
Hardened, 10+ Years Investment, Production
Accessibility + Usability
HDFS Native
File Formats
● Manage Multiple Workloads
● Petabyte Scale Analytics
● Security controls
● Leverage Existing
SQL Skills & BI Tools
● Easily Integrate with
Other Tools
● Sub-second
Performance Compression
+ Partitioning
● Hadoop-Native
● Supports Pivotal HD
and Hortonworks
Data Platform
● Ambari-Integrated
Apache HAWQ 2.0 (in beta)
Areas of Enhancement New Features
Elastic & Scalable Architecture
Hadoop-Native Integrations
Simplified External Data Access/Queries
Performance & Optimizations
On-Demand Virtual Segments
Flexible Query Dispatch on subset nodes
3 Tier RM: YARN level>User>Query-Operator
Dynamic Cluster Expansion (no redistribute)
New Fault Tolerance Service
HCatalog integration - Read Access
HDFS Catalog Cache
Per Table Directory storage (user friendly)
Single physical segment per node
Easier Administration/Usage
Simpler Management Commands
Physical Segment
External Data Stores via Xtension Framework (Hive/HBase/etc)
Fault Tolerance
Physical Segment
Physical Segment
HDFS Catalog Cache
Interconnect Interconnect
Apache HAWQ 2.0
Example Use Cases
Smart/connected car
• Ability to have numerous data
in Hadoop
• Generate new business models
• Predictive analytics
Network & Call Center Analysis
• Store and maintain 2B records/day
• Analyze drop and completed calls
• Analyze networks, care-center
• 5X capacity of EDW at half the cost
Revenue Prediction
• Predict ad revenue
to within 1%
• Transform into data-driven
company that builds
close relationships with
Archive Analytics, Customer
Behavior Analytics
• Mainframe alternative
• Archive analytics
• Customer behavior
profiling and analytics
2323Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only
Apache MADlib Overview
Scalable, In-Database
Machine Learning
• Open Source
• Supports Greenplum DB, Apache HAWQ/HDB and PostgreSQL
• Downloads and Docs:
Apache (incubating)
MADlib project was initiated in 2011 by EMC/Greenplum architects and
Joe Hellerstein from Univ. of California, Berkeley.
• MAD stands for:
• lib stands for SQL library of:
• advanced (mathematical, statistical, machine learning)
• parallel & scalable in-database functions
mad (adj.): an adjective used to enhance a noun.
1- dude, you got skills.
2- dude, you got mad skills.
Predictive Modeling Library
Linear Systems
• Sparse and Dense Solvers
• Linear Algebra
Matrix Factorization
• Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
• Low Rank
Generalized Linear Models
• Linear Regression
• Logistic Regression
• Multinomial Logistic Regression
• Cox Proportional Hazards Regression
• Elastic Net Regularization
• Robust Variance (Huber-White), Clustered
Variance, Marginal Effects
Other Machine Learning Algorithms
• Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
• Association Rules (Apriori)
• Topic Modeling (Parallel LDA)
• Decision Trees
• Random Forest
• Support Vector Machines
• Conditional Random Field (CRF)
• Clustering (K-means)
• Cross Validation
• Naïve Bayes
• Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Descriptive Statistics
Sketch-Based Estimators
• CountMin (Cormode-Muth.)
• FM (Flajolet-Martin)
• MFV (Most Frequent Values)
Support Modules
Array Operations
Sparse Vectors
Random Sampling
Probability Functions
Data Preparation
PMML Export
Conjugate Gradient
Inferential Statistics
Hypothesis Tests
Time Series
Oct 2014
MADlib Advantages
 Better parallelism
– Algorithms designed to leverage MPP and
Hadoop architecture
 Better scalability
– Algorithms scale as your data set scales
 Better predictive accuracy
– Can use all data, not a sample
 ASF open source (incubating)
– Available for customization and optimization
Supported Platforms
Other ODPi distros
Scale-out machine learning
now available on open
source, MPP execution
Example Usage
Train a model
Predict for new data
Linear Regression on 10 Million Rows in Seconds
Hellerstein, Joseph M., et al. "The MADlib analytics library: or MAD skills, the SQL." Proceedings of
the VLDB Endowment 5.12 (2012): 1700-1711.
Pivotal is very proud to deepen
our relationship with the ASF to
advance SQL-on-Hadoop and
machine learning technologies.
Please join us!
Contributors Welcome!
• Web sites
• Github

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Apache HAWQ and Apache MADlib: Journey to Apache

  • 1. 11Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only Apache HAWQ and Apache MADlib Journey to Apache Pivotal San Francisco Dec 3, 2015
  • 2. 2 Topics • Journey to Apache • HAWQ overview • MADlib overview
  • 3. 33Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only Journey to Apache
  • 4. 1986 … 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Journey to Apache Michael Stonebraker develops Postgres at UCB Postgres adds support for SQL Open Source PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 7.0 released PostgreSQL 8.0 released Greenplum forks PostgreSQL Hadoop 1.0 Released HAWQ & MADlib go Apache HAWQ launched Hadoop 2.0 Released MADlib launched Greenplum open sourced
  • 5. 5 Pivotal is Committed to Open Source Pivotal GemFire Apache Geode (April 2015) Pivotal HDB Apache HAWQ (Sept 2015) Pivotal Query OptimizerComing Soon MADlib OSS (BSD License) Apache MADlib (Sept 2015) Pivotal Greenplum Greenplum Database (Oct 2015) (Apache 2 License)
  • 6. 6  Collaborate on software in open and productive ways  Need strong community for innovation  MADlib and HAWQ are complementary technologies Why Apache?
  • 7. 77Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only Apache HAWQ Overview
  • 10. 10 5 • Up to 30x SQL-on-Hadoop performance advantage • Faster time to insight • Massive MPP scalability to petabytes Benefits: Near real-time latency, complex queries and advanced analytics at scale 1. Advanced Analytics Performance Key Features of HAWQ
  • 11. 11 5 • ANSI SQL-92, -99, -2003 • All 99 TPC-DS queries tested, no modifications • Plus, OLAP extensions • Complete ACID integrity and reliability Benefits: 100% SQL compliant No risk to SQL applications All native on HDP via HAWQ 2. 100% ANSI SQL Compliant Key Features of HAWQ
  • 12. 12 HAWQ Performance vs Impala HAWQ Faster Impala Faster 2 28 46 66 73 76 79 80 88 90 96 HAWQ • Faster on 46 of 62 TPC-DS queries completed* • 4.55x mean avg. • 12 hrs faster total * Impala supported 74 of 99 queries, 12 crashed mid-run
  • 13. 13 HAWQ vs Apache Hive w/Tez HAWQ Faster Hive Faster 3 7 15 25 27 34 46 48 76 79 89 90 96 HAWQ • Faster on 45 of 60 TPC-DS queries completed* • 3.44x mean avg. • 9 hrs faster total * Hive supported 65 of 99 queries, 5 crashed mid-run
  • 14. 14 5 • Advanced machine learning for big data • Local, in-database operation • Exceptional MPP/parallel performance • Open source, Postgres-based Benefits: Advanced, highly scalable, machine learning, directly on data in Hadoop 3. Integrated Machine Learning Key Features of HAWQ
  • 15. 15 5 • HDP, PHD, other ODPi-derived distros • Easily managed via Ambari • On premises, in cloud, or PaaS • HBase, Avro, Parquet and more • Connectors to make HAWQ data available to other SQL query tools Benefits: Flexibility Accessibility Portability 4. Flexible Deployment Key Features of HAWQ
  • 16. 16 Open Data Platform A shared industry effort to advance the state of Apache Hadoop® and Big Data technologies for the enterprise
  • 17. 17 The open ecosystem of big data September 25, 2015
  • 18. 18 5 • Cost-based query optimization • Robust query plan optimization • Complex big data management Benefits: Optimize performance and costs Maximize Hadoop cluster resources Offload EDW w/o compromise 5. Query Optimization Options Key Features of HAWQ
  • 19. 19 Apache HAWQ ● Discover New Relationships ● Enable Data Science ● Analyze External Sources ● Query All Data Types! Multi-level Fault Tolerance Granular Authorization Resource Mgmt (+ YARN) high multi-tenancy ANSI SQL Standard OLAP Extensions JDBC ODBC Connectivity Parallel Processing Online Expansion HDFS Petabyte Scale Cost Based Optimizer Dynamic Pipelining ACID + Transactional Multi-Language UDF Support Built-in Data Science Library Extensible (PXF) Query External Sources Hardened, 10+ Years Investment, Production Proven Accessibility + Usability HDFS Native File Formats ● Manage Multiple Workloads ● Petabyte Scale Analytics ● Security controls ● Leverage Existing SQL Skills & BI Tools ● Easily Integrate with Other Tools ● Sub-second Performance Compression + Partitioning core compliance ● Hadoop-Native ● Supports Pivotal HD and Hortonworks Data Platform ● Ambari-Integrated
  • 20. 20 Apache HAWQ 2.0 (in beta) Areas of Enhancement New Features Elastic & Scalable Architecture Hadoop-Native Integrations Simplified External Data Access/Queries Performance & Optimizations On-Demand Virtual Segments Flexible Query Dispatch on subset nodes 3 Tier RM: YARN level>User>Query-Operator Dynamic Cluster Expansion (no redistribute) New Fault Tolerance Service HCatalog integration - Read Access HDFS Catalog Cache Per Table Directory storage (user friendly) Single physical segment per node Easier Administration/Usage Cloud-Ready Simpler Management Commands
  • 21. 21 HAWQ Segments HAWQ Masters Yarn Physical Segment Client Parser/ Analyzer Optimizer Dispatcher DataNode NodeManager NameNodeNameNode External Data Stores via Xtension Framework (Hive/HBase/etc) Resource Manager Fault Tolerance Service Catalog Service Virtual Segment Virtual Segment Physical Segment DataNode NodeManager Virtual Segment Virtual Segment Physical Segment DataNode NodeManager Virtual Segment Virtual Segment Resource Broker libYARN HDFS Catalog Cache Interconnect Interconnect Apache HAWQ 2.0 Architecture
  • 22. 22 Example Use Cases Smart/connected car • PHD, HAWQ • Ability to have numerous data in Hadoop • Generate new business models • Predictive analytics Network & Call Center Analysis • PHD, HAWQ • Store and maintain 2B records/day • Analyze drop and completed calls • Analyze networks, care-center responsiveness • 5X capacity of EDW at half the cost Revenue Prediction • PHD, HAWQ, GPDB • Predict ad revenue to within 1% • Transform into data-driven company that builds close relationships with customers Archive Analytics, Customer Behavior Analytics • PHD, HAWQ • Mainframe alternative • Archive analytics • Customer behavior profiling and analytics
  • 23. 2323Pivotal Confidential–Internal Use Only Apache MADlib Overview
  • 24. 24 Scalable, In-Database Machine Learning • Open Source • Supports Greenplum DB, Apache HAWQ/HDB and PostgreSQL • Downloads and Docs: Apache (incubating)
  • 25. 25 History MADlib project was initiated in 2011 by EMC/Greenplum architects and Joe Hellerstein from Univ. of California, Berkeley. • MAD stands for: • lib stands for SQL library of: • advanced (mathematical, statistical, machine learning) • parallel & scalable in-database functions mad (adj.): an adjective used to enhance a noun. 1- dude, you got skills. 2- dude, you got mad skills.
  • 26. 26 Functions Predictive Modeling Library Linear Systems • Sparse and Dense Solvers • Linear Algebra Matrix Factorization • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) • Low Rank Generalized Linear Models • Linear Regression • Logistic Regression • Multinomial Logistic Regression • Cox Proportional Hazards Regression • Elastic Net Regularization • Robust Variance (Huber-White), Clustered Variance, Marginal Effects Other Machine Learning Algorithms • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) • Association Rules (Apriori) • Topic Modeling (Parallel LDA) • Decision Trees • Random Forest • Support Vector Machines • Conditional Random Field (CRF) • Clustering (K-means) • Cross Validation • Naïve Bayes • Support Vector Machines (SVM) Descriptive Statistics Sketch-Based Estimators • CountMin (Cormode-Muth.) • FM (Flajolet-Martin) • MFV (Most Frequent Values) Correlation Summary Support Modules Array Operations Sparse Vectors Random Sampling Probability Functions Data Preparation PMML Export Conjugate Gradient Inferential Statistics Hypothesis Tests Time Series • ARIMA Oct 2014
  • 27. 27 MADlib Advantages  Better parallelism – Algorithms designed to leverage MPP and Hadoop architecture  Better scalability – Algorithms scale as your data set scales  Better predictive accuracy – Can use all data, not a sample  ASF open source (incubating) – Available for customization and optimization
  • 28. 28 Supported Platforms GPDB PostgreSQL PHD HDP Other ODPi distros Scale-out machine learning now available on open source, MPP execution engines.
  • 29. 29 Example Usage Train a model Predict for new data
  • 30. 30 Linear Regression on 10 Million Rows in Seconds Hellerstein, Joseph M., et al. "The MADlib analytics library: or MAD skills, the SQL." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5.12 (2012): 1700-1711.
  • 31. 31 Pivotal is very proud to deepen our relationship with the ASF to advance SQL-on-Hadoop and machine learning technologies. Please join us!
  • 32. 32 Contributors Welcome! • Web sites – – – • Github – – –