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Cloudera Impala 
LV Big Data Monthly Meetup #1 
November 5th 2014 
Maxime Dumas 
Systems Engineer
Thirty Seconds About Max 
• Systems Engineer 
• aka Sales Engineer 
• SoCal, AZ, NV 
• former coder of PHP 
• teaches meditation + yoga 
• from Montreal, Canada 
What Does Cloudera Do? 
• product 
• distribution of Hadoop components, Apache licensed 
• enterprise tooling 
• support 
• training 
• services (aka consulting) 
• community 
What This Talk Isn’t About 
• deploying 
• Puppet, Chef, Ansible, homegrown scripts, intern labor 
• sizing & tuning 
• depends heavily on data and workload 
• coding 
• unless you count XML or CSV or SQL 
• algorithms 
What is Cloudera Impala? 
Public Domain IFCAR
cloud·e·ra im·pal·a 
/kloudˈi(ə)rə imˈpalə/ 
a modern, open source, MPP SQL query engine 
for Apache Hadoop. 
“Cloudera Impala provides fast, ad hoc SQL query 
capability for Apache Hadoop, complementing 
traditional MapReduce batch processing.”
Impala adoption 
Component (and Founder) Vendor Support 
Cloudera MapR Amazon IBM Pivotal Hortonworks 
Impala (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ ✔ X X X 
Hue (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X X X ✔ 
Sentry (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ X 
Flume (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ ✔ 
Parquet (Cloudera/Twitter) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ X 
Sqoop (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 
Ambari (Hortonworks) X X X X ✔ ✔ 
Knox (Hortonworks) X X X X X ✔ 
Tez (Hortonworks) X X X X X ✔ 
Drill (MapR) X ✔ X X X X
The Apache Hadoop Ecosystem 
Quick and dirty, for context.
©2014 Cloudera, Inc. All rights 
Why Hadoop? 
• Scalability 
• Simply scales just by adding nodes 
• Local processing to avoid network bottlenecks 
• Efficiency 
• Cost efficiency (<$1k/TB) on commodity hardware 
• Unified storage, metadata, security (no duplication or synchronization) 
• Flexibility 
• All kinds of data (blobs, documents, records, etc) 
• In all forms (structured, semi-structured, unstructured) 
• Store anything then later analyze what you need
Why “Ecosystem?” 
• In the beginning, just Hadoop 
• MapReduce 
• Today, dozens of interrelated components 
• I/O 
• Processing 
• Specialty Applications 
• Configuration 
• Workflow 
• Distributed, highly fault-tolerant filesystem 
• Optimized for large streaming access to data 
• Based on Google File System 
Lots of Commodity Machines 
Image:Yahoo! Hadoop cluster [ OSCON ’07 ]
MapReduce (MR) 
• Programming paradigm 
• Batch oriented, not realtime 
• Works well with distributed computing 
• Lots of Java, but other languages supported 
• Based on Google’s paper 
Apache Hive 
• Abstraction of Hadoop’s Java API 
• HiveQL “compiles” down to MR 
• a “SQL-like” language 
• Eases analysis using MapReduce 
Apache Hive Metastore 
• Maps HDFS files to DB-like resources 
• Databases 
• Tables 
• Column/field names, data types 
• Roles/users 
• InputFormat/OutputFormat 
©2014 Cloudera, Inc. All rights 
But wait… 
Cloudera Impala 
Familiar interface, but more powerful.
Cloudera Impala 
• Interactive query on Hadoop 
• think seconds, not minutes 
• ANSI-92 standard SQL 
• compatible with HiveQL 
• Native MPP query engine 
• built for low-latency queries 
• HDFS and HBase storage 
Cloudera Impala – Design Choices 
• Native daemons, written in C/C++ 
• No JVM, no MapReduce 
• Saturate disks on reads 
• Uses in-memory HDFS caching 
• Re-uses Hive metastore 
• Not as fault-tolerant as MapReduce 
Benefits of Impala 
Unlocks BI/analytics on Hadoop 
• Interactive SQL in seconds 
• Highly concurrent to handle 100s of users 
Native Hadoop flexibility 
• No data migration, conversion, or duplication required 
• Query existing Hadoop data 
• Run multiple frameworks on the same data at the same time 
• Supports Parquet for best-of-breed columnar performance 
Native MPP query engine designed into Hadoop: 
• Unified Hadoop storage 
• Unified Hadoop metadata (uses Hive and HCatalog) 
• Unified Hadoop security 
• Fine-grained role-based access controls with Sentry 
Apache-licensed open source 
Proven in 
Cloudera Impala – Architecture 
• Impala Daemon 
• runs on every node 
• handles client requests 
• handles query planning & execution 
• State Store Daemon 
• provides name service 
• metadata distribution 
• used for finding data 
Impala Query Execution 
1) Request arrives via ODBC/JDBC/HUE/Shell 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
SQL App 
HDFS NN Statestore 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
SQL request
Impala Query Execution 
2) Planner turns request into collections of plan fragments 
3) Coordinator initiates execution on impalad(s) local to data 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
SQL App 
HDFS NN Statestore 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
Impala Query Execution 
4) Intermediate results are streamed between impalad(s) 
5) Query results are streamed back to client 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
SQL App 
HDFS NN Statestore 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
Query Planner 
Query Coordinator 
Query Executor 
Query results
Cloudera Impala – Results 
• Allows for fast iteration/discovery 
• How much faster? 
• 3-4x faster on I/O bound workloads 
• up to 45x faster on multi-MR queries 
• up to 90x faster on in-memory cache 
Latest SQL Performance 
Impala Spark SQL Presto Hive-on-Tez 
Time (in seconds) 
Single User vs 10 User Response Time/Impala 
Times Faster 
(Lower bars = better) 
Single User, 5 
10 Users, 11 
Single User, 25 
10 Users, 120 
10 Users, 302 
10 Users, 202 
Single User, 37 
Single User, 77 
Independent validation by IBM Research SQL-on-Hadoop VLDB paper: 
“Impala’s database architecture provides significant performance gains” 
Previous Milestones 
Impala 1.0 
Impala 1.1 
Impala 1.2 
Impala 1.3 
Impala 1.4 
Impala 2.0 
Analytic Database 
Cloudera Impala 2.0 
Window Functions 
“Aggregate function applied to a partition of the result set” (SQL 2003) 
sum(population) OVER (PARTITION BY city) 
rank() OVER (PARTITION BY state, ORDER BY population) 
We’ve implemented most of the spec 
• Any number of analytic functions in one query 
Cloudera Impala 2.0 
A query that is part of another query. Ex: 
select col from t1 
where col in 
(select c2 from t2) 
• Correlated and uncorrelated subqueries. 
Cloudera Impala 2.0 
Spill to disk joins & aggregations 
• Previously, if a query ran out of memory, Impala would abort it 
• This means some big joins (fact table – fact table) joins could never run. 
• All operators that accumulate memory can now spill to disk if 
• Order by (Impala 1.4) 
• Join/Agg (Impala 2.0) 
• Analytic Functions (Impala 2.0) 
• Transparent to existing workloads 
Cloudera Impala 2.1 + 
• Nested data – enables queries on complex nested structures including maps, structs, 
and arrays (early 2015) 
• MERGE statement – enables merging in updates into existing tables 
• Additional analytic SQL functionality – ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SET 
• Apache HBase CRUD – allows use of Impala for inserts and updates into HBase 
• UDTFs (user-defined table functions) – for more advanced user functions and 
• Intra-node parallelized aggregations and joins – to provide even faster joins and 
aggregations on on top of the performance gains of Impala 
• Parquet enhancements – continued performance gains including index pages 
• Amazon S3 integration
Quick Demo 
Hold onto something, folks.
Apache-licensed open source 
• Download: 
• Email: 
• Join: 
Cloudera Live 
Free, Interactive Tutorials at 
©2014 Cloudera, Inc. All rights 
Try It Out
Special thanks: 
Preferably related to the talk… or not.
Thank You! 
Maxime Dumas 
We’re hiring.

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Cloudera Impala - Las Vegas Big Data Meetup Nov 5th 2014

  • 1. 1 Cloudera Impala LV Big Data Monthly Meetup #1 November 5th 2014 Maxime Dumas Systems Engineer
  • 2. Thirty Seconds About Max • Systems Engineer • aka Sales Engineer • SoCal, AZ, NV • former coder of PHP • teaches meditation + yoga • from Montreal, Canada 2
  • 3. What Does Cloudera Do? • product • distribution of Hadoop components, Apache licensed • enterprise tooling • support • training • services (aka consulting) • community 3
  • 4. What This Talk Isn’t About • deploying • Puppet, Chef, Ansible, homegrown scripts, intern labor • sizing & tuning • depends heavily on data and workload • coding • unless you count XML or CSV or SQL • algorithms 4
  • 5. What is Cloudera Impala? 5
  • 7. cloud·e·ra im·pal·a 7 /kloudˈi(ə)rə imˈpalə/ noun a modern, open source, MPP SQL query engine for Apache Hadoop. “Cloudera Impala provides fast, ad hoc SQL query capability for Apache Hadoop, complementing traditional MapReduce batch processing.”
  • 8. Impala adoption 8 Component (and Founder) Vendor Support Cloudera MapR Amazon IBM Pivotal Hortonworks Impala (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ ✔ X X X Hue (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X X X ✔ Sentry (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ X Flume (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ ✔ Parquet (Cloudera/Twitter) ✔ ✔ X ✔ ✔ X Sqoop (Cloudera) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Ambari (Hortonworks) X X X X ✔ ✔ Knox (Hortonworks) X X X X X ✔ Tez (Hortonworks) X X X X X ✔ Drill (MapR) X ✔ X X X X
  • 9. 9 The Apache Hadoop Ecosystem Quick and dirty, for context.
  • 10. ©2014 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Why Hadoop? • Scalability • Simply scales just by adding nodes • Local processing to avoid network bottlenecks • Efficiency • Cost efficiency (<$1k/TB) on commodity hardware • Unified storage, metadata, security (no duplication or synchronization) • Flexibility • All kinds of data (blobs, documents, records, etc) • In all forms (structured, semi-structured, unstructured) • Store anything then later analyze what you need
  • 11. Why “Ecosystem?” • In the beginning, just Hadoop • HDFS • MapReduce • Today, dozens of interrelated components • I/O • Processing • Specialty Applications • Configuration • Workflow 11
  • 12. HDFS • Distributed, highly fault-tolerant filesystem • Optimized for large streaming access to data • Based on Google File System • 12
  • 13. Lots of Commodity Machines 13 Image:Yahoo! Hadoop cluster [ OSCON ’07 ]
  • 14. MapReduce (MR) • Programming paradigm • Batch oriented, not realtime • Works well with distributed computing • Lots of Java, but other languages supported • Based on Google’s paper • 14
  • 15. Apache Hive • Abstraction of Hadoop’s Java API • HiveQL “compiles” down to MR • a “SQL-like” language • Eases analysis using MapReduce 15
  • 16. Apache Hive Metastore • Maps HDFS files to DB-like resources • Databases • Tables • Column/field names, data types • Roles/users • InputFormat/OutputFormat 16
  • 18. But wait… WHY DO WE NEED THIS? 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20 Cloudera Impala Familiar interface, but more powerful.
  • 21. Cloudera Impala • Interactive query on Hadoop • think seconds, not minutes • ANSI-92 standard SQL • compatible with HiveQL • Native MPP query engine • built for low-latency queries • HDFS and HBase storage 21
  • 22. Cloudera Impala – Design Choices • Native daemons, written in C/C++ • No JVM, no MapReduce • Saturate disks on reads • Uses in-memory HDFS caching • Re-uses Hive metastore • Not as fault-tolerant as MapReduce 22
  • 23. Benefits of Impala Unlocks BI/analytics on Hadoop • Interactive SQL in seconds • Highly concurrent to handle 100s of users Native Hadoop flexibility • No data migration, conversion, or duplication required • Query existing Hadoop data • Run multiple frameworks on the same data at the same time • Supports Parquet for best-of-breed columnar performance Native MPP query engine designed into Hadoop: • Unified Hadoop storage • Unified Hadoop metadata (uses Hive and HCatalog) • Unified Hadoop security • Fine-grained role-based access controls with Sentry Apache-licensed open source Proven in Production 23
  • 24. Cloudera Impala – Architecture • Impala Daemon • runs on every node • handles client requests • handles query planning & execution • State Store Daemon • provides name service • metadata distribution • used for finding data 24
  • 25. Impala Query Execution 25 1) Request arrives via ODBC/JDBC/HUE/Shell Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase SQL App ODBC Hive Metastore HDFS NN Statestore Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase SQL request
  • 26. Impala Query Execution 26 2) Planner turns request into collections of plan fragments 3) Coordinator initiates execution on impalad(s) local to data Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase SQL App ODBC Hive Metastore HDFS NN Statestore Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase
  • 27. Impala Query Execution 27 4) Intermediate results are streamed between impalad(s) 5) Query results are streamed back to client Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase SQL App ODBC Hive Metastore HDFS NN Statestore Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase Query Planner Query Coordinator Query Executor HDFS DN HBase Query results
  • 28. Cloudera Impala – Results • Allows for fast iteration/discovery • How much faster? • 3-4x faster on I/O bound workloads • up to 45x faster on multi-MR queries • up to 90x faster on in-memory cache 28
  • 29. Latest SQL Performance 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Impala Spark SQL Presto Hive-on-Tez Time (in seconds) Single User vs 10 User Response Time/Impala Times Faster (Lower bars = better) Single User, 5 10 Users, 11 Single User, 25 10 Users, 120 10 Users, 302 10 Users, 202 Single User, 37 Single User, 77 5.0x 10.6x 7.4x 27.4x 15.4x 18.3x Independent validation by IBM Research SQL-on-Hadoop VLDB paper: “Impala’s database architecture provides significant performance gains” 29
  • 30. Previous Milestones Impala 1.0 (GA) Impala 1.1 (Security) Impala 1.2 (Usability) Impala 1.3 (Resource Management) Impala 1.4 (Extensibility) Impala 2.0 (SQL) Analytic Database Capabilities Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Fall 2014 30
  • 31. Cloudera Impala 2.0 Window Functions “Aggregate function applied to a partition of the result set” (SQL 2003) Ex: sum(population) OVER (PARTITION BY city) rank() OVER (PARTITION BY state, ORDER BY population) We’ve implemented most of the spec • PARTITION BY, ORDER BY • WINDOW • PRECEEDING, FOLLOWING • ROWS • Any number of analytic functions in one query 31
  • 32. Cloudera Impala 2.0 Subqueries A query that is part of another query. Ex: select col from t1 where col in (select c2 from t2) Support: • Correlated and uncorrelated subqueries. • IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS 32
  • 33. Cloudera Impala 2.0 Spill to disk joins & aggregations • Previously, if a query ran out of memory, Impala would abort it • This means some big joins (fact table – fact table) joins could never run. • All operators that accumulate memory can now spill to disk if necessary. • Order by (Impala 1.4) • Join/Agg (Impala 2.0) • Analytic Functions (Impala 2.0) • Transparent to existing workloads 33
  • 34. Cloudera Impala 2.1 + 34 • Nested data – enables queries on complex nested structures including maps, structs, and arrays (early 2015) • MERGE statement – enables merging in updates into existing tables • Additional analytic SQL functionality – ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SET • SQL SET operators – MINUS, INTERSECT • Apache HBase CRUD – allows use of Impala for inserts and updates into HBase • UDTFs (user-defined table functions) – for more advanced user functions and extensibility • Intra-node parallelized aggregations and joins – to provide even faster joins and aggregations on on top of the performance gains of Impala • Parquet enhancements – continued performance gains including index pages • Amazon S3 integration
  • 35. 35 Quick Demo Hold onto something, folks.
  • 36. Apache-licensed open source • Download: • Email: • Join: Cloudera Live Free, Interactive Tutorials at ©2014 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Try It Out
  • 37. Special thanks: LAS VEGAS BIG DATA 37
  • 38. 38 Questions? Preferably related to the talk… or not.
  • 39. 39 Thank You! Maxime Dumas We’re hiring.

Editor's Notes

  1. Similar to the Red Hat model. Hadoop elephant logo licensed for public use via Apache license: Apache Software Foundation,
  2. Similar to the Red Hat model. Hadoop elephant logo licensed for public use via Apache license: Apache Software Foundation,
  3. Furthermore, for projects that carry the Apache License, open-ness does not always guarantee freedom from lock-in to a single support provider. For example, Drill, Knox, Tez, and Falcon are all open source, and all shipped by a single vendor – what’s a better example of “lock-in” than that?
  4. We’re going to breeze through these really quick, just to show how Search plugs in later…
  5. Lose a server, no problem. Lose a rack, no problem.
  6. We’re going to breeze through these really quick, just to show how Search plugs in later…
  7. More & Faster Value from Big Data Provides an interactive BI/Analytics experience on Hadoop Previously BI/Analytics was impractical due to the batch orientation of MapReduce Enables more users to gain value from organizational data assets (SQL/BI users) Makes more data available for analysis (raw data, multi-structured data, historical data) Removes delays from data migration Into specialized analytical DBMSs Into proprietary file formats that happen to be stored in HDFS Into transient in-memory stores Flexibility Query across existing data in Hadoop HDFS and HBase Access data immediately and directly in its native format Select best-fit file formats Use raw data formats when unsure of access patterns (text files, RCFiles, LZO) Increase performance with optimized file formats when access patterns are known (Parquet, Avro) Run multiple frameworks on the same data at the same time All file formats are compatible across the entire Hadoop ecosystem – i.e. MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Impala, etc. on the same data at the same time Run multiple frameworks on the same data at the same time All file formats are compatible across the entire Hadoop ecosystem – i.e. MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Impala, etc. Cost Efficiency Reduce movement, duplicate storage & compute Data movement: no time or resource penalty for migrating data into specialized systems or formats Duplicate storage: no need to duplicate data across systems or within the same system in different file formats Compute: use the same compute resources as the rest of the Hadoop system – You don’t need a separate set of nodes to run interactive query vs. batch processing (MapReduce) You don’t need to overprovision your hardware to enable memory-intensive, on-the-fly format conversions 10% to 1% the cost of analytic DMBS Less than $1,000/TB Full Fidelity Analysis No loss of fidelity from aggregations or conforming to fixed schemas If the attribute exists in the raw data, you can query against it
  8. These run continuously, always ready. In C/C++ for the most-part.
  9. Impala 1.0 ~SQL-92 (minus correlated sub-queries) Native Hadoop file formats (Parquet, Avro, text, Sequence, …) Enterprise-readiness (authentication, ODBC/JDBC drivers, etc) Service-level resource isolation with other Hadoop frameworks Impala 1.1 Fine-grained, role-based authorization via Apache Sentry Auditing (Impala 1.1.1 and CM 4.7+) Impala 1.2 Custom language extensibility (UDFs, UDAFs) Cost-based join-order optimization On-par performance compared to traditional MPP query engines while maintaining native Hadoop data flexibility Impala 1.3 / CDH 5.0 (also has version for CDH 4.x) Resource management
  10. Do not support RANGE windows. Range windows let you specify a range based on the current row’s value (as opposed to ROWS, which is the ordinal). Example: sum(c) OVER(ORDER BY year BETWEEN RANGE 1 PRECEEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) Error: “RANGE is only supported with both the lower and upper bounds UNBOUNDED or one UNBOUNDED and the other CURRENT ROW." No UDA support Not all aggregate functions are supported (ndv, etc) Looking at both for 2.1.
  11. All subqueries are rewritten as joins. No “Independent evaluation” We’ve added additional join types to support this: LEFT/RIGHT ANTI-JOIN RIGHT SEMI-JOIN NULL AWARE LEFT ANTI JOIN Subqueries are only supported in the WHERE clause. Impala can’t reason if a subquery returns one row in all cases: select col limit 1  works select min(col)  works select min(col) group by x where x = 1  doesn’t Can manually add a limit 1 to the subquery. See docs for more details These should all have error messages explaining why We implemented the common use cases.
  12. Impala hash partitions the input to the operator, spilling partitions as necessary When all the input is partitioned, Impala processes the partitions that are still in memory (did not spill) Impala then processed the spilled partitions 1 by 1, repartitioning if necessary. Impala tries to minimize the number of spilled bytes. Peak memory usage when the first spill happened Stays high until we handled all the non-spilled partitions Lower as we handle the spilled partitions 1 by 1.
  13. We’re going to breeze through these really quick, just to show how Search plugs in later…