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EMC Corporation All rights reserved
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Introduction
• Hive
• Impala
• SparkSQL
• HBase + Phoenix
• Drill
• Networking & Pizza
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• How many developers?
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• How many BI/SQL Developer?
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• How many Business analyst/Sales?
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• How many have used Hadoop?
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• How many have used SQL on Hadoop?
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Hadoop is an open source framework for large-
scale data storing & processing.
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• Application Workgroup in EMC
– Focused on
•Big data development/infrastructure
•Application modernization
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• Fahim Kundi
– 10+ years experience in EDW and big data
• Haden Pareira
– Data engineer with 5+ years of Hadoop experience
• Muhammad Ali
– Data engineer 2+ years with Hadoop
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EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• HDFS is a file system – it’s all files
• MapReduce requires strong programming skills
• It’s so difficult
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• SQL is well known in analytics community
• Faster and easier data insights
• Allows SQL/BI developer to retain their expertise
and create value out of big data
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• Cloudera – Impala
• Hortonworks – Hive/Tez
• Pivotal – HAWQ … now HDB
• MapR – Drill
• IBM – Big SQL
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EMC Corporation All rights reserved
Hive and HAWQ
By Fahim Kundi
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Hive Introduction
• How Hive Works
• Apache Tez
• Hive with Tez Vs Mapreduce
• ORC and Parquet Format
• HAWQ Introduction
• Query Optimizer
• PxF
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Apache Hive is high level query language
and data warehouse features built on top of
• It is initially developed by yahoo and made
open source in 2008.
• SQL Like Query Language called HQL.
• Partitioning and Bucketing for faster Query
• Integration with Visualization tool like
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Hive supports all the common primitive data
formats such as INT, BINARY, BOOLEAN,
• In addition, analysts can combine primitive
data types to form complex data types, such
as structs, maps and arrays.
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• The tables in Hive are similar to tables in a relational
• Databases are comprised of tables, which are made up
of partitions.
• Data can be accessed via a simple query language and
Hive supports overwriting or appending data.
• Hive queries internally will be converted to map reduce
programs or Tez.
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• Within a particular database, data in the tables is
serialized and each table has a corresponding Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS) directory.
• Each table can be sub-divided into partitions that
determine how data is distributed within sub-
directories of the table directory.
• Data within partitions can be further broken down into
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Apache Tez, a new distributed execution framework
that is targeted towards data-processing applications
on Hadoop.
• Tez is developed by Hortonwork and built on top of
YARN (Resource Management Framework for Hadoop)
• Tez generalizes Mapreduce to more powerful
framework as it creates Dataflow Graph for job
executed by User. (Example)
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• The Tez API has the following components –
– DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) – defines the overall job.
One DAG object corresponds to one job
– Vertex – defines the user logic along with the resources
and the environment needed to execute the user logic.
One Vertex corresponds to one step in the job
– Edge – defines the connection between producer and
consumer vertices.
• Tez is not meant directly for end-users – in fact it
enables developers to build end-user applications with
much better performance and flexibility.
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EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• ORC(Optimal Row Columnar) is columnar file format designed
for Hadoop workloads.
• ORC files developed to massively speed up Apache Hive and
improve the storage efficiency of data stored in Apache Hadoop.
It is optimized for large streaming reads.
• ORC Features:
– Columnar format for complex data types
– Built into Hive from 0.11
– Support for Pig and Mapreduce via Hcat.
– Two level of compression
• Light weight type specific
• General
– Built in Indexes
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EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available
to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of
the choice of data processing framework, data model
or programming language.
• Parquet Feature:
– Columnar File Format
– Support Nested Data Structures
– Accessible by Hive, Spark, Pig, Drill, MR
– R/W in HDFS or local file system
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• Two major consideration for considering ORC over Parquet
– Many of the performance improvements provided in the Stinger
initiative are dependent on features of the ORC format including
block level index for each column. This leads to potentially more
efficient I/O allowing Hive to skip reading entire blocks of data if it
determines predicate values are not present there.
– Also the Cost Based Optimizer has the ability to consider column
level metadata present in ORC files in order to generate the most
efficient graph.
– ACID transactions are only possible when using ORC as the file
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• HAWQ is MPP(Parallel) SQL-query engine that uses HDFS for
its storage layer.
• HAWQ evolves from the Greenplum Database query planner
to handle query processing and does not rely on MapReduce
under the hood to do processing.
• HAWQ reads data from and writes data to HDFS natively.
• It also has extensions(PxF) to allow it to interact with data
contained in other services (HBase, Hive, Avro, etc) that also
reside in HDFS.
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
• HAWQ provides all major features found in Greenplum
– SQL Completeness: 2003 Extensions
– JDBC Compliant
– Robust Query Optimizer
– Row or Column-Oriented Table Storage
– Parallel Loading and Unloading
– Distributions
– Multi-level Partitioning
– High speed data redistribution
– Views
– External Tables
– Compression
– Resource Management
– Security
– Authentication
– Management and Monitoring
EMC Corporation All rights reserved
Local Storage
HAWQ Master
Parser Query Optimizer
Local Temp Storage
Segment Host
Query Executor
[Segment …]
Local Temp Storage
Segment Host
Query Executor
[Segment …]
HAWQ Standby
Secondary NameNode
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Gather Motion
Redistribute Motion
Seq Scan on
Seq Scan on
Seq Scan on
Broadcast Motion
Seq Scan on
• Turn SQL Query into execution Plan
• Cost based Optimizer
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• PXF is a fast, extensible framework connecting HAWQ to a
HDFS data store of choice that exposes a parallel API
 An advanced version of external
 Enables combining HAWQ data
and Hadoop data in a single query
 Supports connectors for HDFS,
HBase and Hive
 Provides extensible framework API
to enable custom connector
development for any data sources
HDFS HBase Hive
Xtension Framework
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Muhammad Ali
Image courtesy cloudera
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Interactive Query on top of Hadoop
• ANSI-92 SQL Standard
• Native MPP query engine
• Written in C++
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Native to Hadoop
– Blends with the eco system
– Security
– Hive MetaStore / HCatalog
– Query existing HDFS data
• Not as fault-tolerant as MapReduce
– (or Hive or SparkSQL or …)
– Single node fails during query the whole query fails
– But if it’s 20x faster, you can rerun and still finish faster ;)
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Image courtesy cloudera
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Query execution times (small to medium size)
• Parquet Format
– Compression
• High Concurrency – kills the competitors
• Partitioning
• Query Optimizer (Compute Statistics!)
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Distributed columnar storage manager
• Performance of Parquet
– Great for analytical queries
• Mutability of HBase
– Supports UPDATE/DELETE unlike Parquet
• One common storage to rule them all!
– (not exactly!)
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• IoT use cases
– High velocity data
– Same data read for analytical queries near real time
• Predictive Modeling
– Large datasets updated frequently
– Retraining models
• Time-series applications
– Kudu offers compound keys/hash based partitioning
– Avoids hot spotting
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• General Purpose Distributed Computing System
– Multiple language support (Java, Scala, Python, and R)
– Fault tolerant, data distribution, in-memory caching etc.
– Resilient distributed datasets
• Operations
– Transformations (define new RDDs)
– Actions (return value)
• No nonsense
– 100x faster than MapReduce
– Disk used only when can’t be avoided
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Image Courtesy: Sachin Parmar
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Structured Data Processing
– Commonly known to us as tables
• Integrated into Spark programming model
• Unified Data Access
• Scalability
• Support for HiveQL
• Cache it!
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Two APIs
– DataFrames
• Data organized into named columns
• Similar to Tables
• Can be constructed from structured data files, Hive, external DBs
– DataSets
• Experimental interface
• Strongly typed & SQL execution engine
• Can be constructed from regular JVM objects
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
SQL On Hadoop

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SQL On Hadoop

  • 1. EMC Corporation All rights reserved SQL ON HADOOP
  • 2. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • Introduction • Hive • HAWQ • Impala • SparkSQL • HBase + Phoenix • Drill • Networking & Pizza AGENDA
  • 3. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • How many developers? INTRODUCTION A SURVEY
  • 4. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • How many BI/SQL Developer? INTRODUCTION A SURVEY
  • 5. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • How many Business analyst/Sales? INTRODUCTION A SURVEY
  • 6. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • How many have used Hadoop? INTRODUCTION A SURVEY
  • 7. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • How many have used SQL on Hadoop? INTRODUCTION A SURVEY
  • 8. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • Hadoop is an open source framework for large- scale data storing & processing. WHAT IS HADOOP
  • 9. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • Application Workgroup in EMC – Focused on •Big data development/infrastructure •Application modernization •DevOps ABOUT THE HOSTS
  • 10. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • Fahim Kundi – 10+ years experience in EDW and big data • Haden Pareira – Data engineer with 5+ years of Hadoop experience • Muhammad Ali – Data engineer 2+ years with Hadoop ABOUT THE HOSTS APPLICATION WORKGROUP IN EMC
  • 11. EMC Corporation All rights reserved WHAT IS HADOOP
  • 12. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • HDFS is a file system – it’s all files • MapReduce requires strong programming skills • It’s so difficult WHAT IS HADOOP
  • 13. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • SQL is well known in analytics community • Faster and easier data insights • Allows SQL/BI developer to retain their expertise and create value out of big data SQL ON HADOOP
  • 14. EMC Corporation All rights reserved • Cloudera – Impala • Hortonworks – Hive/Tez • Pivotal – HAWQ … now HDB • MapR – Drill • IBM – Big SQL SQL ON HADOOP
  • 15. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HIVE
  • 16. EMC Corporation All rights reserved Hive and HAWQ By Fahim Kundi
  • 17. EMC Corporation All rights reserved CONTENTS • Hive Introduction • How Hive Works • Apache Tez • Hive with Tez Vs Mapreduce • ORC and Parquet Format • HAWQ Introduction • Query Optimizer • PxF
  • 18. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HIVE INTRODUCTION (1) • Apache Hive is high level query language and data warehouse features built on top of Hadoop. • It is initially developed by yahoo and made open source in 2008. • SQL Like Query Language called HQL. • Partitioning and Bucketing for faster Query processing. • Integration with Visualization tool like Tableau.
  • 19. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HIVE INTRODUCTION (2) • Hive supports all the common primitive data formats such as INT, BINARY, BOOLEAN, CHAR, DECIMAL, FLOAT, STRING, TIMESTAMP etc. • In addition, analysts can combine primitive data types to form complex data types, such as structs, maps and arrays.
  • 20. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HOW HIVE WORKS (1) • The tables in Hive are similar to tables in a relational database. • Databases are comprised of tables, which are made up of partitions. • Data can be accessed via a simple query language and Hive supports overwriting or appending data. • Hive queries internally will be converted to map reduce programs or Tez.
  • 21. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HOW HIVE WORKS (2) • Within a particular database, data in the tables is serialized and each table has a corresponding Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) directory. • Each table can be sub-divided into partitions that determine how data is distributed within sub- directories of the table directory. • Data within partitions can be further broken down into buckets.
  • 22. EMC Corporation All rights reserved APACHE TEZ (1) • Apache Tez, a new distributed execution framework that is targeted towards data-processing applications on Hadoop. • Tez is developed by Hortonwork and built on top of YARN (Resource Management Framework for Hadoop) • Tez generalizes Mapreduce to more powerful framework as it creates Dataflow Graph for job executed by User. (Example)
  • 23. EMC Corporation All rights reserved APACHE TEZ (2) • The Tez API has the following components – – DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) – defines the overall job. One DAG object corresponds to one job – Vertex – defines the user logic along with the resources and the environment needed to execute the user logic. One Vertex corresponds to one step in the job – Edge – defines the connection between producer and consumer vertices. • Tez is not meant directly for end-users – in fact it enables developers to build end-user applications with much better performance and flexibility.
  • 24. EMC Corporation All rights reserved EXAMPLE OF HIVE WITH TEZ VS MAPREDUCE
  • 25. EMC Corporation All rights reserved ORC FILE • ORC(Optimal Row Columnar) is columnar file format designed for Hadoop workloads. • ORC files developed to massively speed up Apache Hive and improve the storage efficiency of data stored in Apache Hadoop. It is optimized for large streaming reads. • ORC Features: – Columnar format for complex data types – Built into Hive from 0.11 – Support for Pig and Mapreduce via Hcat. – Two level of compression • Light weight type specific • General – Built in Indexes
  • 26. EMC Corporation All rights reserved ORC FILE LAYOUT
  • 27. EMC Corporation All rights reserved PARQUET • Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language. • Parquet Feature: – Columnar File Format – Support Nested Data Structures – Accessible by Hive, Spark, Pig, Drill, MR – R/W in HDFS or local file system
  • 28. EMC Corporation All rights reserved PARQUET FILE LAYOUT
  • 29. EMC Corporation All rights reserved ORC VS PARQUET • Two major consideration for considering ORC over Parquet – Many of the performance improvements provided in the Stinger initiative are dependent on features of the ORC format including block level index for each column. This leads to potentially more efficient I/O allowing Hive to skip reading entire blocks of data if it determines predicate values are not present there. – Also the Cost Based Optimizer has the ability to consider column level metadata present in ORC files in order to generate the most efficient graph. – ACID transactions are only possible when using ORC as the file format.
  • 30. EMC Corporation All rights reserved FILE SIZE COMPARISION
  • 31. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HAWQ INTRODUCTION • HAWQ is MPP(Parallel) SQL-query engine that uses HDFS for its storage layer. • HAWQ evolves from the Greenplum Database query planner to handle query processing and does not rely on MapReduce under the hood to do processing. • HAWQ reads data from and writes data to HDFS natively. • It also has extensions(PxF) to allow it to interact with data contained in other services (HBase, Hive, Avro, etc) that also reside in HDFS.
  • 32. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HAWQ FEATURES • HAWQ provides all major features found in Greenplum database – SQL Completeness: 2003 Extensions – JDBC Compliant – Robust Query Optimizer – Row or Column-Oriented Table Storage – Parallel Loading and Unloading – Distributions – Multi-level Partitioning – High speed data redistribution – Views – External Tables – Compression – Resource Management – Security – Authentication – Management and Monitoring
  • 33. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HAWQ ARCHITECTURE Interconnect Local Storage HAWQ Master Parser Query Optimizer PXF Local Temp Storage Segment Host Query Executor HDFS PXF Segment [Segment …] DataNode Local Temp Storage Segment Host Query Executor HDFS PXF Segment [Segment …] HAWQ Standby Master NameNode HDFS Secondary NameNode HDFS
  • 34. EMC Corporation All rights reserved HAWQ PARALLEL QUERY OPTIMIZER Gather Motion Sort HashAggregate HashJoin Redistribute Motion HashJoin Seq Scan on lineitem Hash Seq Scan on orders Hash HashJoin Seq Scan on customer Hash Broadcast Motion Seq Scan on nation • Turn SQL Query into execution Plan • Cost based Optimizer
  • 35. EMC Corporation All rights reserved PIVOTAL EXTENSION FRAMEWORK (PXF) • PXF is a fast, extensible framework connecting HAWQ to a HDFS data store of choice that exposes a parallel API  An advanced version of external tables  Enables combining HAWQ data and Hadoop data in a single query  Supports connectors for HDFS, HBase and Hive  Provides extensible framework API to enable custom connector development for any data sources HDFS HBase Hive Xtension Framework
  • 36. EMC Corporation All rights reserved Muhammad Ali Image courtesy cloudera
  • 37. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • Interactive Query on top of Hadoop • ANSI-92 SQL Standard • Native MPP query engine • Written in C++ IMPALA OVERVIEW
  • 38. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • Native to Hadoop – Blends with the eco system – Security – Hive MetaStore / HCatalog – Query existing HDFS data • Not as fault-tolerant as MapReduce – (or Hive or SparkSQL or …) – Single node fails during query the whole query fails – But if it’s 20x faster, you can rerun and still finish faster ;) IMPALA OVERVIEW
  • 39. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. IMPALAARCHITECTURE Image courtesy cloudera
  • 40. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • Query execution times (small to medium size) • Parquet Format – Compression • High Concurrency – kills the competitors • Partitioning • Query Optimizer (Compute Statistics!) IMPALA WHERE IT SHINES
  • 41. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. IMPALA DEMO
  • 42. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • Distributed columnar storage manager • Performance of Parquet – Great for analytical queries • Mutability of HBase – Supports UPDATE/DELETE unlike Parquet • One common storage to rule them all! – (not exactly!) WHAT THE HELL IS KUDU!
  • 43. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. WHERE DO YOU POSITION KUDU?
  • 44. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • IoT use cases – High velocity data – Same data read for analytical queries near real time • Predictive Modeling – Large datasets updated frequently – Retraining models • Time-series applications – Kudu offers compound keys/hash based partitioning – Avoids hot spotting KUDU USE CASES
  • 45. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. IMPALA DEMO
  • 46. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. SPARK
  • 47. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 MIN INTRO TO SPARK • General Purpose Distributed Computing System – Multiple language support (Java, Scala, Python, and R) – Fault tolerant, data distribution, in-memory caching etc. • RDD – Resilient distributed datasets • Operations – Transformations (define new RDDs) – Actions (return value) • No nonsense – 100x faster than MapReduce – Disk used only when can’t be avoided
  • 48. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 MIN INTRO TO SPARK Image Courtesy: Sachin Parmar
  • 49. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. SPARKSQL
  • 50. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. SPARKSQL • Structured Data Processing – Commonly known to us as tables • Integrated into Spark programming model • Unified Data Access • Scalability • Support for HiveQL • Cache it!
  • 51. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. SPARKSQL • Two APIs – DataFrames • Data organized into named columns • Similar to Tables • Can be constructed from structured data files, Hive, external DBs – DataSets • Experimental interface • Strongly typed & SQL execution engine • Can be constructed from regular JVM objects
  • 52. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. SPARKSQL ARCHITECTURE
  • 53. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. DEMO SPARKSQL ON HADOOP
  • 54. EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Editor's Notes

  1. Hadoop has traditionally been a batch-processing platform for large amounts of data. However, there are a lot of use cases for near-real-time performance of query processing. There are also several workloads, such as Machine Learning, which do not fit will into the MapReduce paradigm. Tez helps Hadoop address these use cases.
  2. Compared with RCFile format, for example, ORC file format has many advantages such as: a single file as the output of each task, which reduces the NameNode's load Hive type support including datetime, decimal, and the complex types (struct, list, map, and union) light-weight indexes stored within the file that skip row groups that don't pass predicate filtering block-mode compression based on data type run-length encoding for integer columns and dictionary encoding for string columns concurrent reads of the same file using separate RecordReaders Storing data in a columnar format lets the reader read, decompress, and process only the values that are required for the current query.
  3. Advantages of Columnar Storage: Limits IO by loading the columns that is needed. Save space as columnar layout compress better
  4. Converts SQL into a physical execution plan Cost-based optimization looks for the most efficient plan Physical plan contains scans, joins, sorts, aggregations, etc. Global planning avoids sub-optimal ‘SQL pushing’ to segments Directly inserts motion nodes for inter-segment communication Directly inserts motion nodes for efficient non-local join processing
  5. Thank you