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Apache Tez : Accelerating
Hadoop Query Processing
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Arun C. Murthy Bikas Saha
Founder & Architect Hortonworks
@acmurthy @bikassaha
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
• Founder/Architect at Hortonworks Inc.
–Lead - Map-Reduce/YARN/Tez
–Formerly, Architect Hadoop MapReduce, Yahoo
–Responsible for running Hadoop MapReduce as a service for all
of Yahoo (~50k nodes footprint)
• Apache Hadoop, ASF
–Frmr. VP, Apache Hadoop, ASF (Chair of Apache Hadoop PMC)
–Long-term Committer/PMC member (full time for 7 years)
–Release Manager for hadoop-2.x
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Once upon a time …
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… long, long ago, there was a kingdom we shall call
Apache Hadoop
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Hadoop begat …
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… a two-headed monster on every node in the kingdom;
each belonged to a different clan and answered to a
different master,+2009_0.jpg
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Knights of Bytes - HDFS
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… stored data uncompromisingly in directories/files, nary a
care about contents
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Prince of Processing - MapReduce
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He ruled with an iron fist by mapping,
and then by mercilessly reducing data
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Peace Reigned
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… for a while with the odd change in the direction of the wind
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Slowly, but surely …
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Human beings define reality through misery and suffering.
- Agent Smith*oWmhl7LBlXuodD2itWUUtOautEVfD*pbBn57L8ThCyYIykiTuzkO4lJY1bwaNbJF7GecTDwsVj3EFHpDM-F1y-UW4b3Xsvh/matrix_revolutions_agent_smith_04.bmp
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Slowly, but surely …
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Human beings define reality through misery and suffering.
- Agent Smith*oWmhl7LBlXuodD2itWUUtOautEVfD*pbBn57L8ThCyYIykiTuzkO4lJY1bwaNbJF7GecTDwsVj3EFHpDM-F1y-UW4b3Xsvh/matrix_revolutions_agent_smith_04.bmp
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Slowly, but surely …
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… people of the kingdom clamored for more.
A palpable sense of greed & expectation.
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Signs of Distress
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SQL said some, others said Machine Learning,
still others said Real-Time Event Processing
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
A Meeting at the Summit
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MapReduce is dead!
Err… not quite.
We need more options! We need more!
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
A Meeting at the Summit
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A common thread YARN running through all applications…
Long live the King!
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
The Edict
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Henceforth, in the Kingdom of King YARN…
MapReduce has been relegated to the status
of, merely, one of the applications!
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Reign of King YARN
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King YARN came to throne
with promises to return power
to all applications
equally, lower performance
taxes and resource
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Oh the Shame!
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Well, at least, Prince
MapReduce still had
powerful allies like
Hive, Powerful
Pig, Cheery
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Things get worse before better
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Unfortunately, things got a lot worse for the Prince MapReduce…
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Knight Tez
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He did MapReduce, and so much more…
Smartly aligned himself to Kingdom YARN.
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Knight Tez
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… they decided to throw their
lot with Knight Tez!
Long term alliances of MapReduce with
Hive, Pig, Cascading etc. broke up…
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Happily ever after…
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(nothing cute to say)
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
On a more serious note…
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Every season has a flavor…
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SQL-on-Hadoop is the new black!
SQL-on-Hadoop will be solved within
the existing ecosystem
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Looking ahead
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What will it be next year?
Real-time event processing?
Machine Learning?
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Play to our strengths
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Invest in the Apache Hadoop platform
and the ecosystem (Hive et al).
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Technical Details
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Introduction
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• Distributed execution
framework targeted towards
data-processing applications.
• Based on expressing a
computation as a dataflow
• Built on top of YARN – the
resource management
framework for Hadoop.
• Open source Apache incubator
project and Apache licensed.
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Design Themes
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• Empowering End Users
• Execution Performance
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Expressive dataflow definition API’s
• Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model
• Data type agnostic
• Simplifying deployment
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Expressive dataflow definition API’s
–Enable definition of complex data flow pipelines using simple
graph connection API’s. Tez expands the logical plan at runtime.
–Targeted towards data processing applications like Hive/Pig but
not limited to it. Hive/Pig query plans naturally map to Tez dataflow
graphs with no translation impedance.
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TaskA-1 TaskA-2 TaskB-1 TaskB-2 TaskC-1 TaskC-2
TaskD-1 TaskD-2 TaskE-1 TaskE-2
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Aggregate Stage
Partition Stage
Preprocessor Stage
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Expressive dataflow definition API’s
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Task-1 Task-2
Task-1 Task-2
Task-1 Task-2
Distributed Sort
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model
–Construct physical runtime executors dynamically by connecting
different inputs, processors and outputs.
–End goal is to have a library of inputs, outputs and processors that
can be programmatically composed to generate useful operators.
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Data type agnostic
–Tez is only concerned with the movement of data. Files and
streams of bytes.
–Does not impose any data format on the user application. MR
application can use Key-Value pairs on top of Tez. Hive and Pig
can use tuple oriented formats that are natural and native to them.
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Key Value
Tez Task
User Code
Bytes Bytes
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Simplifying deployment
–Tez is a completely client side application.
–No deployments to do. Simply upload to any accessible
FileSystem and change local Tez configuration to point to that.
–Enables running different versions concurrently. Easy to test new
functionality while keeping stable versions for production.
–Leverages YARN local resources and distributed cache.
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Tez Lib 1 Tez Lib 2
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Empowering End Users
• Expressive dataflow definition API’s
• Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model
• Data type agnostic
• Simplifying usage
With great power API’s come great responsibilities 
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Execution Performance
• Performance gains over Map Reduce
• Plan reconfiguration at runtime
• Optimal resource management
• Dynamic physical data flow decisions
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Execution Performance
• Performance gains over Map Reduce
–Eliminate replicated write barrier between successive
–Eliminate job launch overhead of workflow jobs.
–Eliminate extra stage of map reads in every workflow job.
–Eliminate queue and resource contention suffered by workflow
jobs that are started after a predecessor job completes.
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Pig/Hive - MR
Pig/Hive - Tez
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Execution Performance
• Plan reconfiguration at runtime
–Dynamic runtime concurrent control based on data size, user
operator resources, available cluster resources and locality.
–Advanced changes in dataflow graph structure.
–Progressive graph construction in concert with user optimizer.
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Stage 1
50 maps
Stage 2
Stage 1
50 maps
Stage 2
100 10
Only 10GB’s
of data
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Execution Performance
• Optimal resource management
–Reuse YARN containers to launch new tasks.
–Reuse YARN containers to enable shared objects across tasks.
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YARN Container
TezTask Host
YARN Container
Application Master
Start Task
Task Done
Start Task
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Execution Performance
• Dynamic physical data flow decisions
–Decide the type of physical byte movement and storage on the fly.
–Store intermediate data on distributed store, local store or in-
–Transfer bytes via blocking files or streaming and the spectrum in
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(small size)
Local File
At Runtime
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Current status
• Apache Incubator Project
–Rapid development. Over 270 jiras opened. Over 170 resolved.
–Growing community.
• Focus on stability
–Testing and quality are highest priority.
–Code ready and deployed on multi-node clusters.
• DAG of MR processing is working
– Already functionally equivalent to Map Reduce. Existing Map
Reduce jobs can be executed on Tez with few or no changes.
– Working Hive prototype that can target Tez for execution of
–Work started on prototype of Pig that can target Tez.
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Current status
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Fact Table
Table 1
Table 1
Table 2
Table 2
Table 3
Table 3
Typical pattern in a
TPC-DS query
Fact Table
Table 1
Table 1
Table 1
Optimization for
small data sets
Both can now run
as a single Tez job
© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Looking ahead
• Early adopters and contributors welcome
–Adopters to drive more scenarios. Contributors to make them
• Stay tuned for Tez meetups with deep dives on Tez
architecture and using Tez
• Useful links
–Work tracking:
–High level design document and API specification:
– Developer list:
User list:
Issues list:
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Tez – Takeaways
• Distributed execution framework that works on
computations represented as dataflow graphs
• Naturally maps to execution plans produced by query
• Execution architecture designed to enable dynamic
performance optimizations at runtime
• Open source Apache project – your use-cases and
code are welcome
• It works and is already being used by Hive
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2013
Thanks for your time and attention!
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Apache Tez: Accelerating Hadoop Query Processing

  • 1. Apache Tez : Accelerating Hadoop Query Processing Page 1 Arun C. Murthy Bikas Saha Founder & Architect Hortonworks @acmurthy @bikassaha (@hortonworks)
  • 2. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Hello! • Founder/Architect at Hortonworks Inc. –Lead - Map-Reduce/YARN/Tez –Formerly, Architect Hadoop MapReduce, Yahoo –Responsible for running Hadoop MapReduce as a service for all of Yahoo (~50k nodes footprint) • Apache Hadoop, ASF –Frmr. VP, Apache Hadoop, ASF (Chair of Apache Hadoop PMC) –Long-term Committer/PMC member (full time for 7 years) –Release Manager for hadoop-2.x Page 2
  • 3. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Once upon a time … Page 3 … long, long ago, there was a kingdom we shall call Apache Hadoop
  • 4. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Hadoop begat … Page 4 … a two-headed monster on every node in the kingdom; each belonged to a different clan and answered to a different master,+2009_0.jpg
  • 5. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Knights of Bytes - HDFS Page 5 … stored data uncompromisingly in directories/files, nary a care about contents
  • 6. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Prince of Processing - MapReduce Page 6 He ruled with an iron fist by mapping, and then by mercilessly reducing data
  • 7. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Peace Reigned Page 7 … for a while with the odd change in the direction of the wind
  • 8. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Slowly, but surely … Page 8 Human beings define reality through misery and suffering. - Agent Smith*oWmhl7LBlXuodD2itWUUtOautEVfD*pbBn57L8ThCyYIykiTuzkO4lJY1bwaNbJF7GecTDwsVj3EFHpDM-F1y-UW4b3Xsvh/matrix_revolutions_agent_smith_04.bmp
  • 9. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Slowly, but surely … Page 9 Human beings define reality through misery and suffering. - Agent Smith*oWmhl7LBlXuodD2itWUUtOautEVfD*pbBn57L8ThCyYIykiTuzkO4lJY1bwaNbJF7GecTDwsVj3EFHpDM-F1y-UW4b3Xsvh/matrix_revolutions_agent_smith_04.bmp
  • 10. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Slowly, but surely … Page 10 … people of the kingdom clamored for more. A palpable sense of greed & expectation.
  • 11. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Signs of Distress Page 11 SQL said some, others said Machine Learning, still others said Real-Time Event Processing
  • 12. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 A Meeting at the Summit Page 12 MapReduce is dead! Err… not quite. We need more options! We need more! True… oqr1t6avx6g/TW55kUnmQvI/AAAAAAAAMMk/q9Jc87MSG4g/s400/arab%2Bleague%2Bround%2Btable%2B%2Bbig%2Bgood%2B2011.bmp
  • 13. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 A Meeting at the Summit Page 13 A common thread YARN running through all applications… Long live the King!
  • 14. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 The Edict Page 14 Henceforth, in the Kingdom of King YARN… MapReduce has been relegated to the status of, merely, one of the applications!
  • 15. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Reign of King YARN Page 15 King YARN came to throne with promises to return power to all applications equally, lower performance taxes and resource management…
  • 16. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Oh the Shame! Page 16 Well, at least, Prince MapReduce still had powerful allies like Highness Hive, Powerful Pig, Cheery Cascading…
  • 17. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Things get worse before better Page 17 Unfortunately, things got a lot worse for the Prince MapReduce…
  • 18. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Knight Tez Page 18 He did MapReduce, and so much more… Smartly aligned himself to Kingdom YARN.
  • 19. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Knight Tez Page 19 … they decided to throw their lot with Knight Tez! Long term alliances of MapReduce with Hive, Pig, Cascading etc. broke up…
  • 20. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Happily ever after… Page 20 (nothing cute to say)
  • 21. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 On a more serious note… Page 21
  • 22. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Every season has a flavor… Page 22 SQL-on-Hadoop is the new black! SQL-on-Hadoop will be solved within the existing ecosystem
  • 23. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Looking ahead Page 23 What will it be next year? Real-time event processing? Machine Learning?
  • 24. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Play to our strengths Page 24 Invest in the Apache Hadoop platform and the ecosystem (Hive et al).
  • 25. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Seriously… Technical Details Page 25
  • 26. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Introduction Page 26 • Distributed execution framework targeted towards data-processing applications. • Based on expressing a computation as a dataflow graph. • Built on top of YARN – the resource management framework for Hadoop. • Open source Apache incubator project and Apache licensed.
  • 27. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Design Themes Page 27 • Empowering End Users • Execution Performance
  • 28. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Expressive dataflow definition API’s • Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model • Data type agnostic • Simplifying deployment Page 28
  • 29. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Expressive dataflow definition API’s –Enable definition of complex data flow pipelines using simple graph connection API’s. Tez expands the logical plan at runtime. –Targeted towards data processing applications like Hive/Pig but not limited to it. Hive/Pig query plans naturally map to Tez dataflow graphs with no translation impedance. Page 29 TaskA-1 TaskA-2 TaskB-1 TaskB-2 TaskC-1 TaskC-2 TaskD-1 TaskD-2 TaskE-1 TaskE-2
  • 30. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Aggregate Stage Partition Stage Preprocessor Stage Tez – Empowering End Users • Expressive dataflow definition API’s Page 30 Sampler Task-1 Task-2 Task-1 Task-2 Task-1 Task-2 Samples Ranges Distributed Sort
  • 31. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model –Construct physical runtime executors dynamically by connecting different inputs, processors and outputs. –End goal is to have a library of inputs, outputs and processors that can be programmatically composed to generate useful operators. Page 31 IntermediateReduce ShuffleInput ReduceProcessor FileSortedOutput FinalReduce ShuffleInput ReduceProcessor HDFSOutput PairwiseJoin Input1 JoinProcessor FileSortedOutput Input2
  • 32. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Data type agnostic –Tez is only concerned with the movement of data. Files and streams of bytes. –Does not impose any data format on the user application. MR application can use Key-Value pairs on top of Tez. Hive and Pig can use tuple oriented formats that are natural and native to them. Page 32 File Stream Key Value Tez Task Tuples User Code Bytes Bytes
  • 33. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Simplifying deployment –Tez is a completely client side application. –No deployments to do. Simply upload to any accessible FileSystem and change local Tez configuration to point to that. –Enables running different versions concurrently. Easy to test new functionality while keeping stable versions for production. –Leverages YARN local resources and distributed cache. Page 33 Client Machine Node Manager TezTask Node Manager TezTaskTezClient HDFS Tez Lib 1 Tez Lib 2 Client Machine TezClient
  • 34. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Empowering End Users • Expressive dataflow definition API’s • Flexible Input-Processor-Output runtime model • Data type agnostic • Simplifying usage With great power API’s come great responsibilities  Page 34
  • 35. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Execution Performance • Performance gains over Map Reduce • Plan reconfiguration at runtime • Optimal resource management • Dynamic physical data flow decisions Page 35
  • 36. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Execution Performance • Performance gains over Map Reduce –Eliminate replicated write barrier between successive computations. –Eliminate job launch overhead of workflow jobs. –Eliminate extra stage of map reads in every workflow job. –Eliminate queue and resource contention suffered by workflow jobs that are started after a predecessor job completes. Page 36 Pig/Hive - MR Pig/Hive - Tez
  • 37. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Execution Performance • Plan reconfiguration at runtime –Dynamic runtime concurrent control based on data size, user operator resources, available cluster resources and locality. –Advanced changes in dataflow graph structure. –Progressive graph construction in concert with user optimizer. Page 37 HDFS Blocks YARN Resources Stage 1 50 maps 100 partitions Stage 2 100 reducers Stage 1 50 maps 100 partitions Stage 2 100 10 reducers Only 10GB’s of data
  • 38. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Execution Performance • Optimal resource management –Reuse YARN containers to launch new tasks. –Reuse YARN containers to enable shared objects across tasks. Page 38 YARN Container TezTask Host TezTask1 TezTask2 SharedObjects YARN Container Tez Application Master Start Task Task Done Start Task
  • 39. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Execution Performance • Dynamic physical data flow decisions –Decide the type of physical byte movement and storage on the fly. –Store intermediate data on distributed store, local store or in- memory. –Transfer bytes via blocking files or streaming and the spectrum in between. Page 39 Producer (small size) In-Memory Consumer Producer Local File Consumer At Runtime
  • 40. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Current status • Apache Incubator Project –Rapid development. Over 270 jiras opened. Over 170 resolved. –Growing community. • Focus on stability –Testing and quality are highest priority. –Code ready and deployed on multi-node clusters. • DAG of MR processing is working – Already functionally equivalent to Map Reduce. Existing Map Reduce jobs can be executed on Tez with few or no changes. – Working Hive prototype that can target Tez for execution of queries. –Work started on prototype of Pig that can target Tez. Page 40
  • 41. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Current status Page 41 Fact Table Dimension Table 1 Result Table 1 Dimension Table 2 Result Table 2 Dimension Table 3 Result Table 3 Join Join Join Typical pattern in a TPC-DS query Fact Table Dimension Table 1 Dimension Table 1 Dimension Table 1 Optimization for small data sets Both can now run as a single Tez job
  • 42. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Looking ahead • Early adopters and contributors welcome –Adopters to drive more scenarios. Contributors to make them happen. • Stay tuned for Tez meetups with deep dives on Tez architecture and using Tez • Useful links –Work tracking: –Code: –High level design document and API specification: – Developer list: User list: Issues list: Page 42
  • 43. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez – Takeaways • Distributed execution framework that works on computations represented as dataflow graphs • Naturally maps to execution plans produced by query optimizers • Execution architecture designed to enable dynamic performance optimizations at runtime • Open source Apache project – your use-cases and code are welcome • It works and is already being used by Hive Page 43
  • 44. © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tez Thanks for your time and attention! Questions? Page 44