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Facebook Messages & HBase
                Nicolas Spiegelberg
                Software Engineer, Facebook

April 8, 2011
Talk Outline

▪   About Facebook Messages
▪   Intro to HBase
▪   Why HBase
▪   HBase Contributions
▪   MySQL -> HBase Migration
▪   Future Plans
▪   Q&A
Facebook Messages
The New Facebook Messages

 Messages   Chats    Emails   SMS
Facebook Messages & HBase
Monthly data volume prior to launch

           15B x 1,024 bytes = 14TB

           120B x 100 bytes = 11TB
Messaging Data
▪   Small/medium sized data              HBase
    ▪   Message metadata & indices
    ▪   Search index
    ▪   Small message bodies

▪   Attachments and large messages                Haystack
    ▪   Used for our existing photo/video store
Open Source Stack
▪   Memcached   -->   App Server Cache
▪   ZooKeeper   -->   Small Data Coordination Service
▪   HBase             -->   Database Storage Engine
▪   HDFS        -->   Distributed FileSystem
▪   Hadoop      -->   Asynchronous Map-Reduce Jobs
Our architecture
                                                           User Directory Service
   (Front End, MTA, etc.)
                            What’s the cell for
                               this user?
                                                  Cell 2
        Cell 1                                                   Cell 3

                                  Cell 1   Application Server
 Application Server                                  Application Server

  HBase/HDFS/Z                               KMessage, Metadata,
  K                                             Search Index

About HBase
HBase in a nutshell

• distributed, large-scale data store

• efficient at random reads/writes

• initially modeled after Google’s BigTable

• open source project (Apache)
When to use HBase?

▪ storing large amounts of data

▪ need high write throughput

▪ need efficient random access within large data sets

▪ need to scale gracefully with data

▪ for structured and semi-structured data

▪ don’t need full RDMS capabilities (cross table transactions, joins, etc.)
HBase Data Model
• An HBase table is:
 •   a sparse , three-dimensional array of cells, indexed by:
      RowKey, ColumnKey, Timestamp/Version
 •   sharded into regions along an ordered RowKey space

• Within each region:
 •   Data is grouped into column families
 ▪   Sort order within each column family:

      Row Key (asc), Column Key (asc), Timestamp (desc)
Example: Inbox Search
• Schema
 •   Key: RowKey: userid, Column: word, Version: MessageID
 •   Value: Auxillary info (like offset of word in message)

• Data is stored sorted by <userid, word, messageID>:

                                 Can efficiently handle queries like:
      User1:hello:16->offset3    - Get top N messageIDs for a
      User1:hello:2->offset4       specific user & word
      User2:....                 - Typeahead query: for a given user,
      User2:...                    get words that match a prefix
HBase System Overview
                             Database Layer

       Master      Backup
   Region           Region                    Region    ...
   Server           Server                    Server
                                                              Coordination Service
            Storage Layer

HDFS                                                   Zookeeper Quorum
   Namenode          Secondary Namenode                ZK      ZK           ...
                                                       Peer    Peer
Datanode Datanode           Datanode          ...
HBase Overview
HBASE Region Server
            Region #2
       Region #1
                  ColumnFamily #2

            ColumnFamily #1                Memstore
                                    (in memory data structure)

                HFiles (in HDFS)                             flush

  Write Ahead Log ( in HDFS)
HBase Overview
•       Very good at random reads/writes

•       Write path
    •    Sequential write/sync to commit log
    •    update memstore

•       Read path
    •    Lookup memstore & persistent HFiles
    •    HFile data is sorted and has a block index for efficient retrieval

•       Background chores
    •    Flushes (memstore -> HFile)
    •    Compactions (group of HFiles merged into one)
Why HBase?
Performance is great, but what else…
Horizontal scalability
▪   HBase & HDFS are elastic by design
▪   Multiple table shards (regions) per physical server
▪   On node additions
    ▪   Load balancer automatically reassigns shards from overloaded
        nodes to new nodes
    ▪   Because filesystem underneath is itself distributed, data for
        reassigned regions is instantly servable from the new nodes.
▪   Regions can be dynamically split into smaller regions.
    ▪   Pre-sharding is not necessary
    ▪   Splits are near instantaneous!
Automatic Failover
▪   Node failures automatically detected by HBase Master
▪   Regions on failed node are distributed evenly among surviving nodes.
        ▪   Multiple regions/server model avoids need for substantial
▪   HBase Master failover
    ▪   1 active, rest standby
    ▪   When active master fails, a standby automatically takes over
HBase uses HDFS
We get the benefits of HDFS as a storage system for free
▪   Fault tolerance (block level replication for redundancy)
▪   Scalability
▪   End-to-end checksums to detect and recover from corruptions
▪   Map Reduce for large scale data processing
▪   HDFS already battle tested inside Facebook
    ▪   running petabyte scale clusters
    ▪   lot of in-house development and operational experience
Simpler Consistency Model
▪   HBase’s strong consistency model
     ▪   simpler for a wide variety of applications to deal with
     ▪   client gets same answer no matter which replica data is read from

▪   Eventual consistency: tricky for applications fronted by a cache
     ▪   replicas may heal eventually during failures
     ▪   but stale data could remain stuck in cache
Typical Cluster Layout
 ▪   Multiple clusters/cells for messaging
     ▪   20 servers/rack; 5 or more racks per cluster
 ▪   Controllers (master/Zookeeper) spread across racks
 ZooKeeper Peer       ZooKeeper Peer     ZooKeeper Peer    ZooKeeper Peer    ZooKeeper Peer
 HDFS Namenode        Backup Namenode    Job Tracker       Hbase Master      Backup Master

Region Server        Region Server      Region Server     Region Server     Region Server
Data Node            Data Node          Data Node         Data Node         Data Node
Task Tracker         Task Tracker       Task Tracker      Task Tracker      Task Tracker

19x...                19x...            19x...            19x...            19x...

Region Server        Region Server      Region Server     Region Server     Region Server
Data Node            Data Node          Data Node         Data Node         Data Node
Task Tracker         Task Tracker       Task Tracker      Task Tracker      Task Tracker

         Rack #1          Rack #2            Rack #3           Rack #4           Rack #5
HBase Enhancements
Goal: Zero Data Loss
Goal of Zero Data Loss/Correctness
▪   sync support added to hadoop-20 branch
    ▪   for keeping transaction log (WAL) in HDFS
    ▪   to guarantee durability of transactions
▪   Row-level ACID compliance
▪   Enhanced HDFS’s Block Placement Policy:
    ▪   Original: rack aware, but minimally constrained
    ▪   Now: Placement of replicas constrained to configurable node groups
    ▪   Result: Data loss probability reduced by orders of magnitude
Availability/Stability improvements
▪   HBase master rewrite- region assignments using ZK
▪   Rolling Restarts – doing software upgrades without a downtime
▪   Interrupt Compactions – prioritize availability over minor perf gains
▪   Timeouts on client-server RPCs
▪   Staggered major compaction to avoid compaction storms
Performance Improvements
▪   Compactions
    ▪   critical for read performance
    ▪   Improved compaction algo
    ▪   delete/TTL/overwrite processing in minor compactions
▪   Read optimizations:
    ▪   Seek optimizations for rows with large number of cells
    ▪   Bloom filters to minimize HFile lookups
    ▪   Timerange hints on HFiles (great for temporal data)
    ▪   Improved handling of compressed HFiles
Operational Experiences
▪   Darklaunch:
    ▪   shadow traffic on test clusters for continuous, at scale testing
    ▪   experiment/tweak knobs
    ▪   simulate failures, test rolling upgrades
▪   Constant (pre-sharding) region count & controlled rolling splits
▪   Administrative tools and monitoring
    ▪   Alerts (HBCK, memory alerts, perf alerts, health alerts)
    ▪   auto detecting/decommissioning misbehaving machines
    ▪   Dashboards
▪   Application level backup/recovery pipeline
Working within the Apache community
▪   Growing with the community
    ▪   Started with a stable, healthy project
    ▪   In house expertise in both HDFS and HBase
    ▪   Increasing community involvement
▪   Undertook massive feature improvements with community help
    ▪   HDFS 0.20-append branch
    ▪   HBase Master rewrite
▪   Continually interacting with the community to identify and fix issues
    ▪   e.g., large responses (2GB RPC)
Data migration
Another place we used HBase heavily…
Move messaging data from MySQL to
Move messaging data from MySQL to HBase
▪   In MySQL, inbox data was kept normalized
    ▪   user’s messages are stored across many different machines
▪   Migrating a user is basically one big join across tables spread over
    many different machines
▪   Multiple terabytes of data (for over 500M users)
▪   Cannot pound 1000s of production UDBs to migrate users
How we migrated
▪   Periodically, get a full export of all the users’ inbox data in MySQL
▪   And, use bulk loader to import the above into a migration HBase
▪   To migrate users:
    ▪   Since users may continue to receive messages during migration:
        ▪   double-write (to old and new system) during the migration period
    ▪   Get a list of all recent messages (since last MySQL export) for the
        ▪   Load new messages into the migration HBase cluster
        ▪   Perform the join operations to generate the new data
        ▪   Export it and upload into the final cluster
Future Plans
HBase Expands
Facebook Insights Goes Real-Time
▪   Recently launched real-time analytics for social plugins on top of
▪   Publishers get real-time distribution/engagement metrics:
        ▪   # of impressions, likes
        ▪   analytics by
            ▪   Domain, URL, demographics
            ▪   Over various time periods (the last hour, day, all-time)
▪   Makes use of HBase capabilities like:
    ▪   Efficient counters (read-modify-write increment operations)
    ▪   TTL for purging old data
Future Work
It is still early days…!
▪   Namenode HA (AvatarNode)
▪   Fast hot-backups (Export/Import)
▪   Online schema & config changes
▪   Running HBase as a service (multi-tenancy)
▪   Features (like secondary indices, batching hybrid mutations)
▪   Cross-DC replication
▪   Lot more performance/availability improvements
Thanks! Questions?
杭州站 · 2011年10月20日~22日月启动)


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Facebook Messages & HBase

  • 1. Facebook Messages & HBase Nicolas Spiegelberg Software Engineer, Facebook April 8, 2011
  • 2. Talk Outline ▪ About Facebook Messages ▪ Intro to HBase ▪ Why HBase ▪ HBase Contributions ▪ MySQL -> HBase Migration ▪ Future Plans ▪ Q&A
  • 4. The New Facebook Messages Messages Chats Emails SMS
  • 6. Monthly data volume prior to launch 15B x 1,024 bytes = 14TB 120B x 100 bytes = 11TB
  • 7. Messaging Data ▪ Small/medium sized data HBase ▪ Message metadata & indices ▪ Search index ▪ Small message bodies ▪ Attachments and large messages Haystack ▪ Used for our existing photo/video store
  • 8. Open Source Stack ▪ Memcached --> App Server Cache ▪ ZooKeeper --> Small Data Coordination Service ▪ HBase --> Database Storage Engine ▪ HDFS --> Distributed FileSystem ▪ Hadoop --> Asynchronous Map-Reduce Jobs
  • 9. Our architecture User Directory Service Clients (Front End, MTA, etc.) What’s the cell for this user? Cell 2 Cell 1 Cell 3 Cell 1 Application Server Application Server Application Server Attachments HBase/HDFS/Z HBase/HDFS/Z KMessage, Metadata, HBase/HDFS/Z K Search Index K Haystack
  • 11. HBase in a nutshell • distributed, large-scale data store • efficient at random reads/writes • initially modeled after Google’s BigTable • open source project (Apache)
  • 12. When to use HBase? ▪ storing large amounts of data ▪ need high write throughput ▪ need efficient random access within large data sets ▪ need to scale gracefully with data ▪ for structured and semi-structured data ▪ don’t need full RDMS capabilities (cross table transactions, joins, etc.)
  • 13. HBase Data Model • An HBase table is: • a sparse , three-dimensional array of cells, indexed by: RowKey, ColumnKey, Timestamp/Version • sharded into regions along an ordered RowKey space • Within each region: • Data is grouped into column families ▪ Sort order within each column family: Row Key (asc), Column Key (asc), Timestamp (desc)
  • 14. Example: Inbox Search • Schema • Key: RowKey: userid, Column: word, Version: MessageID • Value: Auxillary info (like offset of word in message) • Data is stored sorted by <userid, word, messageID>: User1:hi:17->offset1 Can efficiently handle queries like: User1:hi:16->offset2 User1:hello:16->offset3 - Get top N messageIDs for a User1:hello:2->offset4 specific user & word ... User2:.... - Typeahead query: for a given user, User2:... get words that match a prefix ...
  • 15. HBase System Overview Database Layer HBASE Master Backup Master Region Region Region ... Server Server Server Coordination Service Storage Layer HDFS Zookeeper Quorum Namenode Secondary Namenode ZK ZK ... Peer Peer Datanode Datanode Datanode ...
  • 16. HBase Overview HBASE Region Server .... Region #2 Region #1 .... ColumnFamily #2 ColumnFamily #1 Memstore (in memory data structure) HFiles (in HDFS) flush Write Ahead Log ( in HDFS)
  • 17. HBase Overview • Very good at random reads/writes • Write path • Sequential write/sync to commit log • update memstore • Read path • Lookup memstore & persistent HFiles • HFile data is sorted and has a block index for efficient retrieval • Background chores • Flushes (memstore -> HFile) • Compactions (group of HFiles merged into one)
  • 18. Why HBase? Performance is great, but what else…
  • 19. Horizontal scalability ▪ HBase & HDFS are elastic by design ▪ Multiple table shards (regions) per physical server ▪ On node additions ▪ Load balancer automatically reassigns shards from overloaded nodes to new nodes ▪ Because filesystem underneath is itself distributed, data for reassigned regions is instantly servable from the new nodes. ▪ Regions can be dynamically split into smaller regions. ▪ Pre-sharding is not necessary ▪ Splits are near instantaneous!
  • 20. Automatic Failover ▪ Node failures automatically detected by HBase Master ▪ Regions on failed node are distributed evenly among surviving nodes. ▪ Multiple regions/server model avoids need for substantial overprovisioning ▪ HBase Master failover ▪ 1 active, rest standby ▪ When active master fails, a standby automatically takes over
  • 21. HBase uses HDFS We get the benefits of HDFS as a storage system for free ▪ Fault tolerance (block level replication for redundancy) ▪ Scalability ▪ End-to-end checksums to detect and recover from corruptions ▪ Map Reduce for large scale data processing ▪ HDFS already battle tested inside Facebook ▪ running petabyte scale clusters ▪ lot of in-house development and operational experience
  • 22. Simpler Consistency Model ▪ HBase’s strong consistency model ▪ simpler for a wide variety of applications to deal with ▪ client gets same answer no matter which replica data is read from ▪ Eventual consistency: tricky for applications fronted by a cache ▪ replicas may heal eventually during failures ▪ but stale data could remain stuck in cache
  • 23. Typical Cluster Layout ▪ Multiple clusters/cells for messaging ▪ 20 servers/rack; 5 or more racks per cluster ▪ Controllers (master/Zookeeper) spread across racks ZooKeeper Peer ZooKeeper Peer ZooKeeper Peer ZooKeeper Peer ZooKeeper Peer HDFS Namenode Backup Namenode Job Tracker Hbase Master Backup Master Region Server Region Server Region Server Region Server Region Server Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker 19x... 19x... 19x... 19x... 19x... Region Server Region Server Region Server Region Server Region Server Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Rack #1 Rack #2 Rack #3 Rack #4 Rack #5
  • 26. Goal of Zero Data Loss/Correctness ▪ sync support added to hadoop-20 branch ▪ for keeping transaction log (WAL) in HDFS ▪ to guarantee durability of transactions ▪ Row-level ACID compliance ▪ Enhanced HDFS’s Block Placement Policy: ▪ Original: rack aware, but minimally constrained ▪ Now: Placement of replicas constrained to configurable node groups ▪ Result: Data loss probability reduced by orders of magnitude
  • 27. Availability/Stability improvements ▪ HBase master rewrite- region assignments using ZK ▪ Rolling Restarts – doing software upgrades without a downtime ▪ Interrupt Compactions – prioritize availability over minor perf gains ▪ Timeouts on client-server RPCs ▪ Staggered major compaction to avoid compaction storms
  • 28. Performance Improvements ▪ Compactions ▪ critical for read performance ▪ Improved compaction algo ▪ delete/TTL/overwrite processing in minor compactions ▪ Read optimizations: ▪ Seek optimizations for rows with large number of cells ▪ Bloom filters to minimize HFile lookups ▪ Timerange hints on HFiles (great for temporal data) ▪ Improved handling of compressed HFiles
  • 29. Operational Experiences ▪ Darklaunch: ▪ shadow traffic on test clusters for continuous, at scale testing ▪ experiment/tweak knobs ▪ simulate failures, test rolling upgrades ▪ Constant (pre-sharding) region count & controlled rolling splits ▪ Administrative tools and monitoring ▪ Alerts (HBCK, memory alerts, perf alerts, health alerts) ▪ auto detecting/decommissioning misbehaving machines ▪ Dashboards ▪ Application level backup/recovery pipeline
  • 30. Working within the Apache community ▪ Growing with the community ▪ Started with a stable, healthy project ▪ In house expertise in both HDFS and HBase ▪ Increasing community involvement ▪ Undertook massive feature improvements with community help ▪ HDFS 0.20-append branch ▪ HBase Master rewrite ▪ Continually interacting with the community to identify and fix issues ▪ e.g., large responses (2GB RPC)
  • 31. Data migration Another place we used HBase heavily…
  • 32. Move messaging data from MySQL to HBase
  • 33. Move messaging data from MySQL to HBase ▪ In MySQL, inbox data was kept normalized ▪ user’s messages are stored across many different machines ▪ Migrating a user is basically one big join across tables spread over many different machines ▪ Multiple terabytes of data (for over 500M users) ▪ Cannot pound 1000s of production UDBs to migrate users
  • 34. How we migrated ▪ Periodically, get a full export of all the users’ inbox data in MySQL ▪ And, use bulk loader to import the above into a migration HBase cluster ▪ To migrate users: ▪ Since users may continue to receive messages during migration: ▪ double-write (to old and new system) during the migration period ▪ Get a list of all recent messages (since last MySQL export) for the user ▪ Load new messages into the migration HBase cluster ▪ Perform the join operations to generate the new data ▪ Export it and upload into the final cluster
  • 36. Facebook Insights Goes Real-Time ▪ Recently launched real-time analytics for social plugins on top of HBase ▪ Publishers get real-time distribution/engagement metrics: ▪ # of impressions, likes ▪ analytics by ▪ Domain, URL, demographics ▪ Over various time periods (the last hour, day, all-time) ▪ Makes use of HBase capabilities like: ▪ Efficient counters (read-modify-write increment operations) ▪ TTL for purging old data
  • 37. Future Work It is still early days…! ▪ Namenode HA (AvatarNode) ▪ Fast hot-backups (Export/Import) ▪ Online schema & config changes ▪ Running HBase as a service (multi-tenancy) ▪ Features (like secondary indices, batching hybrid mutations) ▪ Cross-DC replication ▪ Lot more performance/availability improvements
  • 39. 杭州站 · 2011年10月20日~22日月启动) QCon北京站官方网站和资料下载